General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2011-04-27 10:58 AM
in reply to: #3468547

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

leopard8996 - 2011-04-27 6:35 AM I'm battling a head cold - any sage advice aside from rest? I skipped my long run yesterday and moved it to tomorrow. It's just in my head at this point and I got a massage last night plus napped and got a full night sleep. I'm taking Sudafed and lots of Vitamin C but I don't want it to linger. Any suggestions welcome!

Noooooo!!!  Rest!  Seriously, REST!!!!

The neti pot is a wise suggestion as well.  I was laid out by a head cold a few weeks ago, and didn't rest as much as I should at first.  Ultimately, I ended up with a sinus infection and bronchitis and had to take a handfull of days off anyway AND I'm still coughing and hacking up crud, several weeks after the fact.

I hope you feel better quickly.  This is a recovery week for me, so if you want to do something easy peasy this weekend, let's do it!  Re: OWS at Klineline this week?

2011-04-27 12:37 PM
in reply to: #3468645

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Salt Lake City, UT
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

JoshKaptur - 2011-04-27 8:09 AM Excuse my dead horse beating, as I know we've discussed gearing... but I just wanted to link to a ST thread on gearing for IMCdA.  The takeaway is that lots of very fast riders are riding compact cranks and/or granny gear cassettes on this course, and that lots of people who thought they were strong enough bikers not to in the past would do it differently if they got a do-over.

Read it and believe it folks.  I have a DNF at IMCDA on the books and one of the contributors was improper gearing (my big butt was the main contributor. dropped those 25 pounds and never going back. still have more to lose, but at least I'm at the top end of the "healthy" range.)  I rode a regular crank (53/39) and a 11/23 cassette the DNF year.  I came off the bike completely demoralized. I made the bike cutoff but couldn't make myself do the run knowing I would be walking most of it.  And I had a real fear of being the last finisher.  I really should have gotten some therapy to deal with this DNF, and probably would have if I hadn't finished an IM before.  I didn't feel better until I finished last year.  If you were behind me on the run I was the girl on the second half of the second loop telling everyone to look at the sunset and screaming I'm gonna finish I'm gonna get this F-in monkey off my back!  My family was highly amused and very happy not to take a DNF'er home again (apparently my post race mood impacts their vacation a wee bit).

Last year my bike fairy godmother helped me out via race day wheels.  I showed up with the same gearing (because I just didn't know better and never got involved reading anything here) but the race day guys must have looked at me and my gearing and didn't transfer my cassette.  They had a 12/27 that they put on my rental wheels and I have them to thank for a very happy day on the bike.  This year I have my own 11/28.  I rode it at my lake mead HIM with 6000 ft of climbing and never felt like I had to mash and still had a gear for all but the steepest descents.

2011-04-27 5:53 PM
in reply to: #3468987

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
sarahk - 2011-04-27 8:58 AM

leopard8996 - 2011-04-27 6:35 AM I'm battling a head cold - any sage advice aside from rest? I skipped my long run yesterday and moved it to tomorrow. It's just in my head at this point and I got a massage last night plus napped and got a full night sleep. I'm taking Sudafed and lots of Vitamin C but I don't want it to linger. Any suggestions welcome!

Noooooo!!!  Rest!  Seriously, REST!!!!

The neti pot is a wise suggestion as well.  I was laid out by a head cold a few weeks ago, and didn't rest as much as I should at first.  Ultimately, I ended up with a sinus infection and bronchitis and had to take a handfull of days off anyway AND I'm still coughing and hacking up crud, several weeks after the fact.

I hope you feel better quickly.  This is a recovery week for me, so if you want to do something easy peasy this weekend, let's do it!  Re: OWS at Klineline this week?

We're heading up there tonight! 6pm for the first Polar Plunge of the season Next week I might be able to do Tuesday night but Wed night I have a concert and then TH-SUN I'll be in CDA for IM Camp!
2011-04-27 7:42 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Ok I have to make a comment about all this gearing. This is not for those of you trying to win your age group, but for those of you who want to finish the race.

Bottom line, when you see the hills go to your easiest gear and don't hammer it out like your Lance Armstrong. Don't attack the hills take them easy as if you were not even trying. Stay ahead of the hills meaning go to an easier gear (if needed) prior to realizing you should have shifted down. For example if your half way up a hill and the thought "Oh boy!! This hill’s Hard!” and you haven't already shifted to your easiest gear you are not shifting a head of the hill and will pay for it later. You can get all the fanciest of gear and still DNF if you don’t pace yourself correctly on the hills.  

2011-04-27 9:56 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

I will admit that I have had a little fatigue and more lack of motivation the last several days.  However, after a short and to the point talk with a buddy who did IM Loui  last year, I am feeling better (along with a lovely recovery week).  He was telling me he abused you tube for short 3 minute motivations his last month.  I not much for the feel good videos.  However, I also admit that a few I found had a huge "go get um" effect on me.  This and a ear blasting run with the hardest hits by Staind tonight have me cleansed.

I am linking the main one.  See the course and quitting as the enemy to kill or the opponent to beat.  Hope it gives you the same boost!!
2011-04-27 10:50 PM
in reply to: #3470160

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Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
tribean - 2011-04-27 8:42 PM

Ok I have to make a comment about all this gearing. This is not for those of you trying to win your age group, but for those of you who want to finish the race.

Bottom line, when you see the hills go to your easiest gear and don't hammer it out like your Lance Armstrong. Don't attack the hills take them easy as if you were not even trying. Stay ahead of the hills meaning go to an easier gear (if needed) prior to realizing you should have shifted down. For example if your half way up a hill and the thought "Oh boy!! This hill’s Hard!” and you haven't already shifted to your easiest gear you are not shifting a head of the hill and will pay for it later. You can get all the fanciest of gear and still DNF if you don’t pace yourself correctly on the hills.  


Pssst - that's the exact same tactic most of the people that are competitive in their age group use.

2011-04-28 1:07 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Coeur D'alene, ID
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Haven't posted on here for quite some time but have been lurking and following along for awhile.  I will second what Josh said about gearing for IMCDA.  I live a block from the bike course and ride it frequently.  Used to do it with an 11/23 cassette and hated life while I was riding the hills.  Switched to a 12/27 before my second IMCDA and have been riding with it since then as I ride the hills around here frequently.  You will definitely feel MUCH better when you get off the bike with a bigger gear ratio.
Since I live here in CDA I'd be happy to answer any questions about the town, the course, etc.  Also, I usually drive the course with out-of-towners on Thursday or Friday before the race.  If any of you are interested PM me and let me know.  Good luck to all in the last couple months of training!

2011-04-28 6:51 AM
in reply to: #3470491

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

I survived the early week onslaught from Shanks! Hope you guys are staying with it and strong. Way to use whatever resources to keep yourself motivated.

Flyboy: Can you post where is good for a possible lunch time and night time BT hookup so we can put a reservation down based on interest?

Thanks for the offers.

2011-04-28 7:40 AM
in reply to: #3470597

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Coeur D'alene, ID
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
phatknot - 2011-04-28 3:51 AM

Flyboy: Can you post where is good for a possible lunch time and night time BT hookup so we can put a reservation down based on interest?

Thanks for the offers.

There are a lot of different restaurants right downtown that are really good, depending on what kind of food everyone wants.
Another really good option is Bardenay which is about a 7 minute drive from downtown.  This is a better option for a larger group.  The usual Olive Garden is about 15 minutes from downtown as well for anyone interested in more of a carb load.  There are a few other good Italian restaurants that I can direct to if anyone's interested.
2011-04-28 7:57 AM
in reply to: #3470491

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

  Also, I usually drive the course with out-of-towners on Thursday or Friday before the race.  If any of you are interested PM me and let me know.  Good luck to all in the last couple months of training!


I might have to take you up on the offer!

2011-04-28 9:24 AM
in reply to: #3470715

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Lea.kirdatt - 2011-04-28 8:57 AM

  Also, I usually drive the course with out-of-towners on Thursday or Friday before the race.  If any of you are interested PM me and let me know.  Good luck to all in the last couple months of training!


I might have to take you up on the offer!

I plan to rent a car and do this on Friday. Want to know what I am getting myself into

2011-04-28 9:37 AM
in reply to: #3470670

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Cool! FLyboy can hook us up a reservation. 2 questions:

1. Anybody interested in a BT hook up Bardenay?

2. When? State Lunch or Dinner and what day.

2011-04-28 9:41 AM
in reply to: #3470429

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
JoshKaptur - 2011-04-27 9:50 PM
tribean - 2011-04-27 8:42 PM

Ok I have to make a comment about all this gearing. This is not for those of you trying to win your age group, but for those of you who want to finish the race. 

Bottom line, when you see the hills go to your easiest gear and don't hammer it out like your Lance Armstrong. Don't attack the hills take them easy as if you were not even trying. Stay ahead of the hills meaning go to an easier gear (if needed) prior to realizing you should have shifted down. For example if your half way up a hill and the thought "Oh boy!! This hill’s Hard!” and you haven't already shifted to your easiest gear you are not shifting a head of the hill and will pay for it later. You can get all the fanciest of gear and still DNF if you don’t pace yourself correctly on the hills.  


Pssst - that's the exact same tactic most of the people that are competitive in their age group use.

Josh you missed the point.  Although you are correct. 

 Bottom line if you have a 10 speed you don't need to get different gearing to finish the race if you want to be competitive then maybe gearing is something you should look at.

Edited by tribean 2011-04-28 9:47 AM
2011-04-28 10:16 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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NOVA - Ironic for an Endurance Athlete
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Has anyone else tried the lemon/lime Powerbar Mix?

I can stomach almost anything, but that stuff  tastes like grass and frog slime.

I was planning to mostly live off the course, but...

Edited by pga_mike 2011-04-28 10:17 AM
2011-04-28 10:34 AM
in reply to: #3470974

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
phatknot - 2011-04-28 7:37 AM

Cool! FLyboy can hook us up a reservation. 2 questions:

1. Anybody interested in a BT hook up Bardenay?

2. When? State Lunch or Dinner and what day.

1. YES!

2. If you're there Slayer, I'm up for anything Wink

Good news in my world: I moved to San Diego yesterday, my advisor has approved my dissertation and it's going to my committee next week and I can get back to serious training now.  No more 18 hour days in the lab.

Also, racing the Wildflower long course this Saturday and the swim and bike portions of the Oly while my honey does the bike. It's going to be completely insane but good for me and super fun!

2011-04-28 10:34 AM
in reply to: #3470974

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
phatknot - 2011-04-28 7:37 AM

Cool! FLyboy can hook us up a reservation. 2 questions:

1. Anybody interested in a BT hook up Bardenay?

2. When? State Lunch or Dinner and what day.

I'd recommend either dinner Thursday or lunch Friday. Friday night is the Athlete Dinner which is a fun event especially for 1st timers and it's great to meet up there and get a big BT table going. And Saturday everyone is getting prepped so not the best time to do a meet-up.

I'm in for either. I arrive Wednesday night.

2011-04-28 10:55 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

How does the athlete dinner work?   You reserve at check in, on line, or just show up?

2011-04-28 10:55 AM
in reply to: #3471177

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

  Friday night is the Athlete Dinner which is a fun event especially for 1st timers and it's great to meet up there and get a big BT table going. And Saturday everyone is getting prepped so not the best time to do a meet-up. I'm in for either. I arrive Wednesday night.


I would be up for this.  I didn't plan on buying tickets to the dinner for my family.  Should I consider it?   

2011-04-28 11:00 AM
in reply to: #3471176

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
nerdjock - 2011-04-28 8:34 AM

Also, racing the Wildflower long course this Saturday and the swim and bike portions of the Oly while my honey does the bike. It's going to be completely insane but good for me and super fun!

Best of luck @ Wildflower. Most of my training partners are headed up north today and tomorrow and it is looking like a perfect day to race.

Edited by WaterDog66 2011-04-28 11:00 AM
2011-04-28 11:14 AM
in reply to: #3471243

, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
gojogo - 2011-04-28 8:55 AM

Friday night is the Athlete Dinner which is a fun event especially for 1st timers and it's great to meet up there and get a big BT table going. And Saturday everyone is getting prepped so not the best time to do a meet-up. I'm in for either. I arrive Wednesday night.


I would be up for this.  I didn't plan on buying tickets to the dinner for my family.  Should I consider it?   

If you're just talking about a moderate sized group, I'd say go out to a restaurant somewhere.  The athlete's dinner was a huge tent crammed (as in, you could barely move) full of thousands of people and was very hot in there last year, and the food was nothing special.  Not worth the money IMO.

Edit: clarifying that - you only pay for people who aren't racing.

Edited by spudone 2011-04-28 11:15 AM
2011-04-28 11:14 AM
in reply to: #3006331

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

So all of this cassette talk is causing me some concern.  I looked up to see what my bike is set up with and it  has an 11/26 cassette and a 53/39 crank.  Should I be looking into a different set up and if so how do I know what to change to?


2011-04-28 12:28 PM
in reply to: #3471243

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
gojogo - 2011-04-28 8:55 AM

  Friday night is the Athlete Dinner which is a fun event especially for 1st timers and it's great to meet up there and get a big BT table going. And Saturday everyone is getting prepped so not the best time to do a meet-up. I'm in for either. I arrive Wednesday night.


I would be up for this.  I didn't plan on buying tickets to the dinner for my family.  Should I consider it?   

Yeah I wouldn't bring guests to the Athlete Dinner but it's fun if this is your first IM from a ceremony standpoint and it's free food
2011-04-28 12:29 PM
in reply to: #3471310

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NOVA - Ironic for an Endurance Athlete
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
2011-04-28 1:34 PM
in reply to: #3471515

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
leopard8996 - 2011-04-28 1:28 PM

gojogo - 2011-04-28 8:55 AM

  Friday night is the Athlete Dinner which is a fun event especially for 1st timers and it's great to meet up there and get a big BT table going. And Saturday everyone is getting prepped so not the best time to do a meet-up. I'm in for either. I arrive Wednesday night.


I would be up for this.  I didn't plan on buying tickets to the dinner for my family.  Should I consider it?   

Yeah I wouldn't bring guests to the Athlete Dinner but it's fun if this is your first IM from a ceremony standpoint and it's free food

Im great for meeting up this way. I hear that the Athlete Dinner is a bit bland (from IMKY) but how else do you feed 2000+ people? Either way, we all have to go to the pre-race meeting which is after the dinner, so why not kill two birds with one stone?

In the end, does not matter too much to me. I just want to get to meet the folks behind the avatars and training logs
2011-04-28 7:08 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

I don't really know specs, gearing ratios, and so on.  Is a 50/34 front 11/26 rear going to get the job done.  Is this setup considered big, small, normal etc? ( I'm about average on the bike. 3hr oceanside 3.5hr silverman, felt fine on the run for both) Thanks for the help

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