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2008-05-25 11:47 PM
in reply to: #1424049

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!

Congrats to you both -- Leticia and Lesley. Margot, did you run in a race this weekend, too? Anyone else?

Lesley:I have to say you and I have a lot in common with the whole former b-ball experience and all. This training for tris has re--ignited the passion I have for challenging my body and using the mental aspect to do what you may think you cannot do. I've also been athletic and played high school and college basketball as well. My b-ball coach tried to get me to run track but I hated running then. When I ran in my first 5K last year, the old competitive spirit rose it's head when a woman I'd been running and chatting with decided to kick at the last minute and try and leave me in the dust. I realized later she'd been using me for a pacer and then sprinted once we got close to the finish. Needless to say, that didn't play well with me and I think I barely edged her out. :-)

Then when I decided to take on triathlons (sprint for now and maybe on oly in the fall) I realized how much of a competitive spirit I have -- mostly with myself. I always think I can do better than I did. Now I hope I can bring to my athleltic pursuits some more maturity and mental focus I perhaps did not have at 19 or 20.

One other thing your post brought to mind, Lesley, was when I was in high school as a freshman I wanted to be on the swim team, but it was the same season as basketball and the b-ball practice times worked better for me, so it was basketball I chose. Now with this swimming I'm doing, I just feel like I'm making up for lost time in the pool and absolutely, LOVING every minute. In my next life I'll be a swimmer. :-)

 Thanks for the spark of memory. And congrats again to you Triathletes. BTW, what age group are you in Lesley?

Lesley, Leticia, will you be posting any pics ?

2008-05-26 10:15 AM
in reply to: #1356403

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Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!

Nice job! That was an overwhelming event for a Newbie, at least I thought. I got so nervous waiting for my wave. I was in the 8 th wave, age group 30-34. Funny, I had the same thought as you during the swim....why am I doing this??? LOL!

You were in the same age group as my friend that I train with and you were only a few minutes behind her and this was her 8th tri, second time for gretna and she does a Lot of marathons. You should be pretty proud.

Results are on click on results.


Just got back from going the black bear sprint bike course... Quite miserable but doable! Certainly much more difficult then the last 2 bike course I did. Up, down, up, down....the whole course. Its quite scenic at least! I am just going to relax and have fun it this one. If you are a strong biker, this course is for you

2008-05-26 6:10 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Glendale, California
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Rock on women! Thanks for the tip on Black Bear. Sounds like I have to round the family up on Friday after work and head out there to scout it out.

Lesley & Leticia, sounds like you're getting addicted. So much in life we can't control, during training we can't control, during the triathlon we can't control, but when I read your stories, it reminds me how much we do control our attitudes. Seems like such a platitude, but when you finish with a smile, it's such a terrific feeling.

Question, I've been a bit of the long-weekend warrior and I'm looking for training suggestions this week -- 6 days until Black Bear Sprint, 4 weeks until Philly Insurance Oly, and 8 weeks until NJ State Sprint. After reading Leticia's transition stories, thinking about some short bricks.

Tuesday: Yoga before work
Wednesday: hour: swim/bike + shoulder PT, usng wetsuit
Thursday: hour: bike/run + shoulder PT
Friday: travel to Beltsville
Saturday: register, scope the course, short bike, try out the water . . .
Sunday: race day
2008-05-27 5:20 AM
in reply to: #1356403

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Congratulations to Lesley & Leticia! Way to go, ladies!

Teash, I know exactly what you mean about that feeling of "what the heck am I doing this for??" I had that feeling many times during my first season of triathlon training & racing. But now I'm totally hooked... Sounds like you're on your way to being hooked, too!

Lesley - are you doing the Black Bear sprint, too? I guess I didn't realize that! I'll be there doing the half - maybe you, Margot & I can hook up sometime before the race. There was some talk over on the Pennsylvania forum that maybe there might be some kind of BT gathering spot. Ron, the founder of BT will be there doing the sprint as well.

They have the race list with bib numbers posted on the BB web-site now. My bib # is 1420. I'm in the second to last wave - ugh... And it looks like they've got mixed gender waves, which I'm not so crazy about. Looks like my wave, for example, is Women 40 & older, Men 50 & older, Clydes & Athenas. It looks like most of the waves are mixed gender.

My goals this week... taper, taper, taper. Resist the temptation to do MORE. Get plenty of rest, lots of fluids, healthy eating, prepare mentally for my race.
2008-05-27 9:35 AM
in reply to: #1356403

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Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!

Yes, i am doing the black bear sprint. my bid # is 272. Hopefully we can meet up. I am not crazy about the waves either. I am in the 3rd wave and probably will get mowed down by all the animals behind me I can't believe how many people are in this race!!!! I will be nervous as heck! Not really looking forward to it for some reason I am probably burnt after the last two weekends plus i don't have anyone going with me.

2008-05-28 8:50 AM
in reply to: #1356403

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Yeh - racing three weekends in a row - that's pretty ambitious! Maybe you should think about just taking it easy on this one? How long do you have between Black Bear and your next race? Some rest and recovery may be in order after 3 hard weeks!

2008-05-28 9:03 AM
in reply to: #1424851

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
kofian - 2008-05-26 6:10 PM

Question, I've been a bit of the long-weekend warrior and I'm looking for training suggestions this week -- 6 days until Black Bear Sprint, 4 weeks until Philly Insurance Oly, and 8 weeks until NJ State Sprint. After reading Leticia's transition stories, thinking about some short bricks.

Tuesday: Yoga before work
Wednesday: hour: swim/bike + shoulder PT, usng wetsuit
Thursday: hour: bike/run + shoulder PT
Friday: travel to Beltsville
Saturday: register, scope the course, short bike, try out the water . . .
Sunday: race day

A little late here, but I would say your plan for the week looks pretty good.

Looking back over your logs, it looks like you have a pretty good base built up for the Philly Olympic race in a month. It might be good to plan a few bricks, even if just short ones. I've sort of become a believer in the philosophy that long bricks are not really necessary if you have a good bike and run base. You can train for the transition from bike to run by doing a short run after you bike, but doing a long run after a long bike, IMO, is not really necessary, and may impact on your future training by requiring more recovery time. Have you thought about/practiced your nutrition strategy for the Olympic race? It won't be that much different from a sprint, but it will be longer, so it's good to think about how many calories you think you might need, and what form you want to take them in (sports drink, gels, sports beans, bars, whatever works best for you). It's also good to practice with whatever you plan to use during some higher intensity workouts. I found out last year during a race that what I used in training at lower intensities caused me some stomach upset when I was working at race pace - woops -- luckily it wasn't too bad, but better to figure that out BEFORE the race!

Keep up the good work! Hopefully I'll see you guys at BB this weekend!
2008-05-28 10:59 AM
in reply to: #1356403

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Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!

yes, I am just chillin on this one. I really only have one speed anyway! I don't have any until august and i go on vacation next thursday but I am a little drained. Beginner mistake, but i think i will gain something positive for each one.


still trying to get some pix together. Funny story about the 5k. Its fun to be "back in the game." Wish i was out in cali with you. I don't do cold weather!

Edited by lesleyann 2008-05-30 7:30 AM
2008-05-28 6:06 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Glendale, California
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
How did you find out your wave, bib number for Black Bear? I was just on the cgi website and had no luck.
2008-05-28 6:56 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Here ya go:

(FYI, you get there by going to the Registration page and clicking on the link there...)
2008-05-28 7:17 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Glendale, California
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Thanks. I'm in wave 4, bib #358.

2008-05-29 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1356403

Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Good luck to all the Black Bearrys this weekend! I'm inspired by you!
2008-05-29 11:23 AM
in reply to: #1356403

New user
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
I borrowed an indoor bike trainer from a friend and am going to try it out tonight. I was wondering though -- will it be bad for my back tire? I have Bontrager Invert 700x35c tires, not flat road tires. I'm excited to bike while watching a movie!
2008-05-29 2:24 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
So you have knobby mountain bike tires? I'm not sure about using those on a trainer... You'll probably want to get some slicks to race on, anyway, but if you're going to use the trainer a lot, you might want to stop by your local bike shop and get either a cheap tire to use on the trainer, or a dedicated trainer tire. Trainers tend to eat up tires pretty quickly.... trainer tires stand up to the friction of the trainer better/longer. I have a couple of old tires that are too worn to use on the road anymore that will become trainer tires next winter.
2008-05-29 2:27 PM
in reply to: #1356403

New user
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
The tires are slightly knobby (not completely flat) but they are a lot more flat than mountain bike tires.
2008-05-29 9:18 PM
in reply to: #1431563

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!

Just wanted to wish everyone racing this weekend the best of lulck .Seems like so many of you are in the PA area. I looked up the Black Bear race. It's a beautiful venue. So many activities for the kids, too. I'll be thinking of you all. And, I'll really be interested to hear how that HIM goes for you, Jenny. The hills look a bit fierce, but I know you've all been training for them. GO JNOWASH team! I'll look forward to those race reports.

Good idea about the trainer snackpack, esp. with all that LV heat. good luck with it.


2008-05-30 7:20 AM
in reply to: #1356403

Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Good luck this weekend ladies!
2008-05-30 5:07 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Thanks guys! I'm getting pretty excited! I'll post Sunday or Monday how things went - if I'm still coherent, that is....

Lesley & Margot - there was a post over on the PA forum - Ron (BT founder) will be at registration Saturday, and will be sticking around after the race on Sunday. There will be a BT banner somewhere. Might be nice to say hello to a few fellow BT'ers! What time do you all expect to be there for packet pick-up? Unfortunately, I'll probably have to miss the pre-race metting. We won't be able to get up there until pretty late in the afternoon, like maybe 4:30 or 5:00. The weather looks pretty good for Sunday - no rain in the forecast, but we may have a little wind to contend with. Good luck!
2008-05-30 5:29 PM
in reply to: #1434416

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Glendale, California
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!

We've just changed our plans. Instead of driving out Friday night, I'm shooting for a Saturday morning departure. I think it would be terrific to meet each other plus be a BT groupie and meet the founder. Just call my cell at 609 240 1058 when you roll in. I'll be staying with family in the area. Plus I want to "slip the course" in old ski racer talk . . . drive through the bike, sight some landmarks, and also check out the run course . . . of course depending on the rain.


Unfortunately, my tri remedy for insomnia didn't work last night so I need to catch up on some zzz's tonight. 

2008-05-30 5:53 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
I hope everyone has a great race this weekend.  I sure wish I could be there too.
2008-05-31 6:35 AM
in reply to: #1434454

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
kofian - 2008-05-30 5:29 PM

We've just changed our plans. Instead of driving out Friday night, I'm shooting for a Saturday morning departure. I think it would be terrific to meet each other plus be a BT groupie and meet the founder. Just call my cell at 609 240 1058 when you roll in. I'll be staying with family in the area. Plus I want to "slip the course" in old ski racer talk . . . drive through the bike, sight some landmarks, and also check out the run course . . . of course depending on the rain.


Unfortunately, my tri remedy for insomnia didn't work last night so I need to catch up on some zzz's tonight. 

I'll probably be pretty much in and out at packet pick-up today... We're going to try to meet up with my in-laws for dinner, and timing will be tight. Will you have your phone with you on Sunday?

2008-05-31 7:13 AM
in reply to: #1435054

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Glendale, California
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Click Here

Sure will.

You've been so busy encouraging us -- I saw this quote on someone's tri signature and I thought you deserve some encourage for your Half IM:

" If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves." from Thomas Edison.

2008-06-01 5:02 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Hey gang! Just posting quickly to say I SURVIVED my first HIM! Finished 4/6 in my AG, 49/102 women - pretty MOP... A little disappointed in my run - I got lazy there. I'll post more later when I have a little more energy....
2008-06-01 6:16 PM
in reply to: #1436712

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!

jsnowash - 2008-06-01 3:02 PM Hey gang! Just posting quickly to say I SURVIVED my first HIM! Finished 4/6 in my AG, 49/102 women - pretty MOP... A little disappointed in my run - I got lazy there. I'll post more later when I have a little more energy....


WoW!! CONGRATULATIONS!! What an amazing accomplishment. Treat yourself well. You deserve it. Can't wait to hear from the other Black Bear BTers.


2008-06-02 3:03 PM
in reply to: #1356403

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Subject: RE: Jnowash's Group - CLOSED!
Congrats Jenny!!!!

You did great and should be proud. That has got to be one of the more difficult HIMs I would imagine due to the bike course. It must have got pretty hot for you out there.

Sorry we didn't get to meet. I was running a little late on sunday morning and didn't have time to look around. I did find Margot though because she was just one row over in transition.

Margot: nice to meet you. You have a nice supportive family

The race was great. Well organized, tons of helpful volunteers, beautiful venue! Would definitely do it again.

Edited by lesleyann 2008-06-02 8:48 PM
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