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2008-12-28 11:34 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
i just ate my breakfast and had my coffee, they plowed the slush yesterday!! (i SO didn't think they would!! LOL) so i am HEADING OUT!!! don't wait up! i'll be running until i pass out! LOL actually, i just read in my runners world this crazy mountain running guy, he does what he calls the "dumb dog" training run. running as fast and long as he can until he's laying on the ground panting like a dog. that's my plan for today.

2008-12-28 1:04 PM
in reply to: #1874445

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

lyssa-gator - 2008-12-28 10:34 AM i just ate my breakfast and had my coffee, they plowed the slush yesterday!! (i SO didn't think they would!! LOL) so i am HEADING OUT!!! don't wait up! i'll be running until i pass out! LOL actually, i just read in my runners world this crazy mountain running guy, he does what he calls the "dumb dog" training run. running as fast and long as he can until he's laying on the ground panting like a dog. that's my plan for today.

Hey lyssa-gator! Hope you had a fantastic run without the pass-out. Snow is falling again in Cow-town (aka Calgary)- temps are about -5C which makes for a pretty ideal winter wonderland for running. I woke up and stared at the flakes falling and was psyched to get out there. It was a slow one but one of those awesome days where I felt that I could go on forever. Always have to savour those!

2008-12-28 1:05 PM
in reply to: #1874394

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
chipit muffin - 2008-12-28 10:41 AM

ok, got to do the homework...procrastination, one of, if not THE mother of all my weeknesses

strenghts: swim endurance (i'm not fast but i can hold a 2min/100m till the cows come home). I have bike legs and like to use em. I like training...most of the time

weeknesses: running, time management and too much bad food 

Inspiration: BT!!! : just being part of the group of special people makes me want to stay in it by training . The feeling of getting it done...crossing the line tastes good!!! and looking like this now (for me it is a big thing)

I wholeheartedly agree with lyssa, Isabelle you look great, you have one firm bod...go girl!!!!
I hope you weather clears a bit for you.
2008-12-28 1:07 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
As for me today is Zicam, Kleenex, Fluids and Chicken Noodle soup...yep I have a full blown cold and I'm sitting in my lazy boy on my "new" laptop...blogging away. I won't do any workout today, but have running and tai chi lined up for tomorrow.

Amy IN
2008-12-28 1:13 PM
in reply to: #1874502

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

amy mutz - 2008-12-28 12:07 PM As for me today is Zicam, Kleenex, Fluids and Chicken Noodle soup...yep I have a full blown cold and I'm sitting in my lazy boy on my "new" laptop...blogging away. I won't do any workout today, but have running and tai chi lined up for tomorrow. Amy IN

Oh no...well, take it easy, Amy- drink those fluids and relax. Tai chi is a great idea for tomorrow- get the positive energy flowing!- Not that you need any more positive E- it just seems to ooze from you! Hope you're feeling better!

2008-12-28 1:19 PM
in reply to: #1872993

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
MDHillSlug - 2008-12-26 6:30 PM
run_yc_run - 2008-12-26 5:13 PM

Now for the homework...

Weakness- if you've read any of my previous posts, no surprise that it is my swimming. While I am starting to cover more distance I am still having a tough time going continuously- any one have ideas on how to build that aspect?

I was a terrible swimmer when I started. I took private lessons but also needed to take charge of the pace of my swimming training to make sure I'd be ready on my schedule. What worked for me was the 0-1650 plan.

Thanks for the link! I checked it out and it looks like there are some pretty solid ideas of how to get my swim training on track. I am definitely willing to put in the time and have had a bit more success with my technique. Biggest thrill yesterday, was when swimming my lengths in the 'slow' lane, the other two folks let me pass saying that I was faster. Surprised 

2008-12-28 4:03 PM
in reply to: #1874445

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Extreme Veteran
quebec's belly button
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

lyssa-gator - 2008-12-28 12:34 PM i just ate my breakfast and had my coffee, they plowed the slush yesterday!! (i SO didn't think they would!! LOL) so i am HEADING OUT!!! don't wait up! i'll be running until i pass out! LOL actually, i just read in my runners world this crazy mountain running guy, he does what he calls the "dumb dog" training run. running as fast and long as he can until he's laying on the ground panting like a dog. that's my plan for today.

so, is your tongue longer  

i must try that workout with my flying ears winter hat as soon as weather permits.

2008-12-28 4:14 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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New user
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Hi group!  I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend!

I actually jogged my neighborhood on Friday.  Let me start out by telling you that my step children and in-laws were here for Christmas so I didn't have much time to myself this past week, but felt the need to do SOMETHING for myself, so I went out and ran in my neighborhood.  It was the first time I ever ran outside!  I don't know how far I went, but I was out there for 30 minutes.  I was so proud of myself! 

I'm back to the gym tomorrow - spin class then weight training.  I might head over to another gym and check out the pool situation.

Oh!!!  I got the most wonderful cookbook from my step-daughter (she's 19 and lives with us).  It's called "Fitness Food, The essential guide to eating well".  I can't wait to start trying some recipes. 

oooo, I ate too many sugar cookies this past week... but they were sooooo good!


2008-12-28 5:43 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
I'M BACK!!!!!
ohmygosh!! i feel so great!!! dh did the pace car thing for me, and i cranked out 4 AWESOME miles! how many times did i catch myself grinning like a fool? oooooh too many to count LOL. then i came home, started my bread for the stew that's been cooking in the crock pot all day, and took a BATH!!! i don't think i've done that since i was pregnant (with my "baby" that just turned two)
2008-12-29 11:20 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

ok...I know that we are busy working out...but I hope that I NEVER find our thread at the bottom of this mentor page again...with that said.....WAKE UP! time to get up run, bike and swim! I did arrive in San Diego..and it is definitely sunny and going to be a beautiful day. I have my dds friend coming up in a few minutes and we are going to do a 5 mile run and then head to the gym where she is going to give me some swim tips...she has been a lifeguard for many years and has offered to help me this week! yay! what is really nice is the gym we will be working out at is directly across the street from where my dd lives....and the beach is crawling distance.

What are the rest of your plans for the day and week? do you have any New Years Resolutions? me...I have never done very good with them...but I do seem to make them! this year is to keep my weight off, to do an OLY and to give back to the volunteering more! what about you???

hope to hear from everyone....hoping that everyone that joined the team will chime I do want you all to know that it took me some time to make that nice little red chart with all the teammates names...still need to add Nicole and another gal that is a friend of Amy's in San when that is done...I hope that you will all make sure to copy and to USE it! I would really like to see some individual inspires...especially to our new teammates that are new to BT....TIME TO INSPIRE...and even more so TIME TO GET GOING WITH THOSE GOALS! why wait for the new is the time!

with that said...I am going to send you each an inspire and then head to the beach for a run.....and swim.

2008-12-29 11:34 AM
in reply to: #1873812

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Kurls26 - 2008-12-27 4:23 PM

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!  As much as I love vacationing in Florida, there is always part of me that is dying to get back home and put my life back together.  It's amazing how much can go on in just a week of being away!!  Workouts especially!  The past couple of nights I have laid in bed creating a 'master' training plan, started a budget on the gear I will need, and began to list my strengths and weaknesses. 

Strengths: my legs are often compared to the trunks of a Sequoia!  I use to hate it throughout school!  But then I woke one morning, looked in the mirror, and finally saw the beauty in my muscular legs.  I am hoping this will come in handy during the biking portion of the tri.  I also find myself to be very driven. When I get something in my head, there isn't much that can deter me from completing it.  I have quite an athletic background, and fortunately I am able to pick things up easily.  I also have an amazing support system from friends and family to bosses and co-workers.

Weakness:  running.  I loathe running on a treadmill.  I get 10 minutes into it and am completely bored.  I last a little longer outside, but not much.  I can walk forever though-which I would hate to break down and do during a tri!!  I ran track in school and mostly competed in sprint events.  So anything over 400m was 'long distance' in my eyes! I think if I begin to train my body to run farther I will have no problem.  Diet can also be a downfall of mine.  But I have been working on it.  I have gotten a lot better within the last year.  I am determined to keep on it.

Motivation: I can honestly say that this is the first time I have actually looked forward to 'extreme' training!  I am actually excited about getting into a Masters class and jumping into a pool at 5:30am!  (ask me again in a month and I might have a different response!) I am not doing this for anyone but myself.  This is the one thing that I have and no one else I know has.  I will be setting the bar for all of my peers-and that motivates me.  The thought that I will have a great conversation piece doesnt hurt either!

let me first start with...I live in the middle of the Sequoias...and they are gorgeous beautiful tall trees! and I love that you found positive in your legs! strong legs are great for triathletes...especially in the bike and run portions!

glad you are excited about the swim classes....but want you to feel that way soon about running! so, to do so I say DO NOT OVERDO! start out slow and with small combination run/walks! say start with a quick ten minute paced walk then go into a 10 minute run then back to a ten minute walk...make sure to stretch at the end...  and each week you want to up it by 5-10 minutes. I hope you have an ipod or mp3 - cuz this will help you to get going and keep going...put your favorite motivational songs into a mix and GO Monica GO!

make sure to get fitted on a bike....then we can help you with what bikes may be a good fit for you and your budget...or any questions you may have about components or parts....

good to see all your blogs...I love your spirit! you are soooo gonna rock this tri stuff!

2008-12-29 11:34 AM
in reply to: #1873812

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Kurls26 - 2008-12-27 4:23 PM

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!  As much as I love vacationing in Florida, there is always part of me that is dying to get back home and put my life back together.  It's amazing how much can go on in just a week of being away!!  Workouts especially!  The past couple of nights I have laid in bed creating a 'master' training plan, started a budget on the gear I will need, and began to list my strengths and weaknesses. 

Strengths: my legs are often compared to the trunks of a Sequoia!  I use to hate it throughout school!  But then I woke one morning, looked in the mirror, and finally saw the beauty in my muscular legs.  I am hoping this will come in handy during the biking portion of the tri.  I also find myself to be very driven. When I get something in my head, there isn't much that can deter me from completing it.  I have quite an athletic background, and fortunately I am able to pick things up easily.  I also have an amazing support system from friends and family to bosses and co-workers.

Weakness:  running.  I loathe running on a treadmill.  I get 10 minutes into it and am completely bored.  I last a little longer outside, but not much.  I can walk forever though-which I would hate to break down and do during a tri!!  I ran track in school and mostly competed in sprint events.  So anything over 400m was 'long distance' in my eyes! I think if I begin to train my body to run farther I will have no problem.  Diet can also be a downfall of mine.  But I have been working on it.  I have gotten a lot better within the last year.  I am determined to keep on it.

Motivation: I can honestly say that this is the first time I have actually looked forward to 'extreme' training!  I am actually excited about getting into a Masters class and jumping into a pool at 5:30am!  (ask me again in a month and I might have a different response!) I am not doing this for anyone but myself.  This is the one thing that I have and no one else I know has.  I will be setting the bar for all of my peers-and that motivates me.  The thought that I will have a great conversation piece doesnt hurt either!

let me first start with...I live in the middle of the Sequoias...and they are gorgeous beautiful tall trees! and I love that you found positive in your legs! strong legs are great for triathletes...especially in the bike and run portions!

glad you are excited about the swim classes....but want you to feel that way soon about running! so, to do so I say DO NOT OVERDO! start out slow and with small combination run/walks! say start with a quick ten minute paced walk then go into a 10 minute run then back to a ten minute walk...make sure to stretch at the end...  and each week you want to up it by 5-10 minutes. I hope you have an ipod or mp3 - cuz this will help you to get going and keep going...put your favorite motivational songs into a mix and GO Monica GO!

make sure to get fitted on a bike....then we can help you with what bikes may be a good fit for you and your budget...or any questions you may have about components or parts....

good to see all your blogs...I love your spirit! you are soooo gonna rock this tri stuff!

2008-12-29 11:42 AM
in reply to: #1874067

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

abud7373 - 2008-12-27 7:22 PM
lyssa-gator - 2008-12-27 8:03 AM such a good idea with the avitars amy! most of you guys know my story already, but if you don't, i was creeping up on 200 lbs-and had just had my third child when i started training for my first race, in only 3 months i'd gone from a size 14 to a size 10 and i've continued to drop pounds slowly over the last 18 months, i'm now in a size 6 and in the low to mid 140's. i think ideally i'd like to drop another 5-10 pounds then it's just to maintain. i HAVE had people question my, and it's all true, i AM in the low to mid 140's i wear a 6, and sometimes i can squeeze in to a 4. (but i get muffin top-usually-not so attractive) anyway, i hope that your weight loss goes quick and easy amy, if you stick with your plan, it should just melt off. and whatever i can do to help you or inspire you, just ask. since losing over 50 pounds, i've tried to become a cheerleader for those who are tackling the big numbers. it's hard work, but every time you buy a pair of pants in a smaller size, you're going to feel so great, and all the sacrifices you've made are so going to pay off!!!
muffin top! that is awesome

Hi Amy....I am here.. I will call you so that we can have lunch or go see a movie....probably be better for me if we go tomorrow (tuesday) or Wednesday....I can get my dds car...if need be....hope you are getting in lots of naptime jogs! if not, come jog with me on the beach or boardwalk...I will treat to coffee. can you pm me with your number again...I will do the same to you...and as for your friend joining our group....ABSOLUTELY! please have her introduce herself and I will add her to the team chart. hope to cya soon!

2008-12-29 11:54 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

I did a run this morning; still need one more on Wednesday to finish out my challenges.

I started working on a training schedule for January that has me running just about every third day. However, if I also add in 2x swimming and 2x biking it leaves me with basically no rest days. I have a lot of trouble getting in 2 workouts in a day. What to do?


  • to ride at least once a month with my friend's shop ride. It's a huge struggle for me to hang with the C-ride pack but I know that it wll help me become a stronger biker.
  • increase running to 10k distance and do an Oly
2008-12-29 11:59 AM
in reply to: #1874308

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
maxmansmom - 2008-12-28 6:55 AM

I'm trying to get from 157 to 145....... problem is I keep loosing and gaining the same pounds over and over.  I get back to 160 and then bounce down to 157....... I have not seen 150 since high school (and I am 40)!!!

I am not a small framed gal either, so lower than 145ish and I look sickly.  So I do need to drop poundage ! lol

Julie I am not sure if that not being your target weight since high school is a JULIE thing! I too feel your pain! but we will get you there! looks as though you will be joining us in the weight challenge....if you need help adding a ticker tape let me know...this will keep you on target and will let us keep up with you on a daily best tip to you would be to make sure to get up and have a nice nutritious breakfast and really soon after you wake not wait over 30 minutes. My favorite bowl is a nice multigrain (newest fav is Kellogs crispy raisin bran) with some grapenuts mixed in and I have to have a handful of almonds in all my cereals...then I use an organic soy milk...sometimes i add honey but fiind that most cereals do not need it...i will add fresh fruits too....ever since i have been eating a nice breakfast, i have to say that my weight does not seem to be the issue it always, i do not find myself snacking as much before lunch...although snacks are just have to find healthy ones...i must say i eat three small snacks between my meals and this helps me to keep my size of meal or portions smaller! and do not...I repeat...DO NOT eat after 8pm your time...unless you REALLY have to...and even if you eat before 8 try and take a small walk not go straight from the dinner table to the couch...not good for digestion...I have lost almost 50 lbs and quite honestly did not have much of an issue even with all the christmas parties and treats I ate and were tempted with...just keep your portion sizes smaller....chew your food slowly and soon you will find your stomach has shrunk and you will not crave some of those foods you did in the past....hope this helps...and sorry to ramble...but I know this really helped me to lose weight...but hoping others will also leave thier tips and let us know what they think helped them with weight loss and keeping weight off...anyone???

2008-12-29 12:07 PM
in reply to: #1874394

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
chipit muffin - 2008-12-28 8:41 AM

ok, got to do the homework...procrastination, one of, if not THE mother of all my weeknesses

strenghts: swim endurance (i'm not fast but i can hold a 2min/100m till the cows come home). I have bike legs and like to use em. I like training...most of the time

weeknesses: running, time management and too much bad food 

Inspiration: BT!!! : just being part of the group of special people makes me want to stay in it by training . The feeling of getting it done...crossing the line tastes good!!! and looking like this now (for me it is a big thing) that you? I love that  I finally get to see you in PERSON! you are such a cutey patooty! and look at you run girl! we will do our best as a team to get that procrastinatlion to be no longer...and have you running like a bunny in no time! well running with a smile.... how far do you usually run? and what are you looking as a running goal? thanks for the picture! you look fabulous....and just you will soon be one running diva! just you wait!

2008-12-29 12:34 PM
in reply to: #1875859

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Girl Passing on Left - 2008-12-29 11:20 AM

ok...I know that we are busy working out...but I hope that I NEVER find our thread at the bottom of this mentor page again...with that said.....WAKE UP! time to get up run, bike and swim!

Wake up???  I've been up for hours, slaving away at my desk at work!  But I am going to play hookey in a little while and go for a nice bike ride, even though the airline still has my Garmin and iPod -- do they think they need them more than me?  I sure would appreciate it if they would return my suitcase.

This weekend I made my December goal of equalling my run miles from last year!!  And I only need another 2.15 miles to have a 100 mile month -- woo hoo!

2008-12-29 1:11 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Hi all. Hope that everyone had a good Christmas with their loved ones. I’ve been thinking about my homework, and this is what I’ve come up with:

Strengths: my mostly positive attitude about this sport and swimming (even though I could stand to get better on both of those).

Weaknesses: I want to improve, but seem afraid of the work to get there. Also, cycling and running. I love them, but am always watching people soar by me through those sections of the race.

Inspiration: My parents and my fiancé who seem to think I’m capable of doing anything.

My plans for the rest of the year are relatively small. I want to get in two more swims, two more jogs, and two trainer rides before the end of the year. Also, I need to get ready for the New Year’s party that we’re having this year. My (triathlon-related) New Year’s resolutions are small. I want to lose 8 pounds, and push hard when I’m supposed to push hard in training.

Someone else’s turn now…

2008-12-29 1:18 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Hello everyone,

I'm at work today, too

Amy--I have tried about a dozen times to send an inspire and for some reason BT shuts down on me when I try to post.  I sent a couple other inspires today that worked, so I don't know what's up with that.  But....I love your avatar of the baby hippo, sorry to hear you are sick and I hope you feel better soon!

Plans for today for me:  1 hr. spin, 1 hr. 15 minutes of strength...although I have never spent that much time on strength in my LIFE!  (See blog for explanation)  Exchange the pants my hubby bought me for Christmas for something that fits and has no stripes.

Plans for the week:  Follow training plan despite having to work all but the one day the gym is also closed.  Do not allow mentor thread to fall to bottom of page

New Years Resolution:  Lose 20 lbs.  Finish this silly HIM race I stupidly decided to sign up for.  Be as healthy as possible...which means limiting stress and all those things that help cause Lupus flares.

I hope everyone is having a good day so far!

2008-12-29 1:30 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Part II:

Strengths:  The bike.  My helps me train when conditions are less than ideal and helps me meet goals.

Weaknesses:  Swimming of all things...I really thought I would be better at it since it doesn't hurt!  But I am determined to get better at this as I know one day it may be all I can do for exercise.  I had a swim coach for awhile, but can't afford him anymore.  We made progress, but I'm still slow.  Running is also a weakness because it hurts my joints, but I feel so good afterwards...I consider it less of a weakness than the swimming.  Maybe also because I know it is something I physically cannot be good at, so it doesn't frustrate me as much.

Inspiration:  BT, losing my mother to pancreatic cancer and my own health issues (I so want to live a healthy lifestyle), and people like "Iron Shad"....any triathlete who has had to deal with weight, health, smoking issues and overcome them! 

Edited by AndriaLL 2008-12-29 1:30 PM
2008-12-29 1:39 PM
in reply to: #1876112

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
AndriaLL - 2008-12-29 1:18 PM

Plans for today for me:  1 hr. spin, 1 hr. 15 minutes of strength...although I have never spent that much time on strength in my LIFE!  (See blog for explanation)  

If you get a good answer to your question, let me know.  I've been eyeing these strength training times in the plans for awhile now, and definitely can't get my mind around it!

And I definitely commiserate about the work thing, although you see what I'm doing in addition to work.

2008-12-29 1:42 PM
in reply to: #1876112

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
AndriaLL - 2008-12-29 2:18 PM

Hello everyone,

I'm at work today, too

Amy--I have tried about a dozen times to send an inspire and for some reason BT shuts down on me when I try to post.  I sent a couple other inspires today that worked, so I don't know what's up with that.  But....I love your avatar of the baby hippo, sorry to hear you are sick and I hope you feel better soon!

Plans for today for me:  1 hr. spin, 1 hr. 15 minutes of strength...although I have never spent that much time on strength in my LIFE!  (See blog for explanation)  Exchange the pants my hubby bought me for Christmas for something that fits and has no stripes.

Plans for the week:  Follow training plan despite having to work all but the one day the gym is also closed.  Do not allow mentor thread to fall to bottom of page

New Years Resolution:  Lose 20 lbs.  Finish this silly HIM race I stupidly decided to sign up for.  Be as healthy as possible...which means limiting stress and all those things that help cause Lupus flares.

I hope everyone is having a good day so far!

I was looking at your album pics. How old are your daughters? Which one plays hockey? My son is 17, a senior in HS, and has been playing hockey since he was about 10 (late starter). I've also got a 12yo daughter who figure skates and dances and sometimes runs with me.

BTW, you've got impressive back muscles!

Edited by MDHillSlug 2008-12-29 1:42 PM
2008-12-29 2:28 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Hey there everyone!

Sorry I haven't been hanging around. Mostly, I BT at work, so you might not hear much from me over weekends, but I'll be here in spirit. I spent the Christmas holiday with family, then went back for more with those who do 2-fers or 3-fers. I spent Sunday on the couch watching football until I couldn't put my long run off any more. Then, back to the couch to watch the Chargers slam the Broncs! All my favorite teams won yesterday, woohoo! That hasn't happened all season.

We are truly an international group by location, at least! How about IHOPs for a name (International Hotties on Parade)? Goofy, but fitting, doncha think?

I think I already listed strengths & weaknesses, but I'll repeat so no one has to go all the way back to page 2 or whatever!

Strengths: Swimming & consistency in training. If I have a plan, nothing can drag me off it! I was an age-group swimmer back in my day and still have the technique, if not the strength, so I swim like a fish.

Weaknesses: Cycling, nutrition, and mental focus. (I added mental focus since my first post.) I'm focusing on nutrition for the next couple of months as I begin to ramp up my training, so I'll probably have lots of questions for people on that. Mental focus, I've realized, is a big limiter for me. During every event I struggle through that "why am I doing this?" patch and I feel it really limits my performance, so I'd like to figure out ways to motivate myself. I'm planning to read Tiger Woods' book - I heard over the weekend that he's a huge mental-preparer and I hope that will give me some ideas.

Motivations/inspirations: the Kona video is a huge inspiration to me because I get to watch all the regular jo's cross that line and see the look of triumph and pride in their eyes (even as some of them collapse in a heap). I can't wait to finish an Ironman, but I want my first time out to be successful, so I'm going to prepare carefully.

That said, I hope everyone has a great week and keeps training!

2008-12-29 2:36 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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2008-12-29 2:46 PM
in reply to: #1876250

Subject: Swimmer's ear
Totally in sympathy! Ouch. If it's really swimmer's ear, it's just irritation from the moisture & chemicals. Those bottle remedies are mostly isopropyl alchol, so just take a cotton ball and soak it in rubbing alcohol, then put a few drops in the ear and let it drain back out to help dry out after swimming. It'll hurt like crazy because the tissue is tender, but it'll feel better after the pain subsides. Ear plugs will almost eliminate the need for any treatment, but they annoy me, so I do the alcohol thing as needed.

If it's not feeling much better in a day or so, it could be a real infection, so have it looked at. Burst ear drums from infection are much more painful and you won't be able to swim until it heals.

Good luck!
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