BT Development Mentor Program Archives » BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2014-01-17 10:54 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by cdban66

Another trail run in the books, this one was much better than last week. I think things are starting to come together, so I will celebrate with a trip to Disney World tomorrow. I may wear the GPS and see what a day of theme parking comes in as?

I hope the weekend is great for everyone!

Do it!  

That would actually be quite interesting.   Maybe a true beginner's fitness plan?  (or an experienced athletes recovery day?)  

2014-01-17 11:29 AM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Originally posted by cdban66

Another trail run in the books, this one was much better than last week. I think things are starting to come together, so I will celebrate with a trip to Disney World tomorrow. I may wear the GPS and see what a day of theme parking comes in as?

I hope the weekend is great for everyone!

Do it!  

That would actually be quite interesting.   Maybe a true beginner's fitness plan?  (or an experienced athletes recovery day?)  

Yes, tomorrow is recovery day. I may have an adult beverage as well. Or 2. or 3.

2014-01-19 12:37 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Yes, I like tahe idea of an adult beverage or

Chris, congrats on the Oly tri! GREAT job and glad you had fun, that is the important part.

Joel, as far as cramping on your bike, may I ask if you are using the pedals you clip in? When I first started 2 years ago, I used the cages and my calves cramped so bad.

Well i'm bad and i missed ya'll. I did have a good week, had a pool to swim in but it was HOT..the water was 85 - 88. The bad part was my diet, it is hard to eat healthy on the road.

Just got back from running to and from the gym. Going for a swim soon.
2014-01-19 3:58 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Traveling is always such a challenge - and no fun if you throw in a bathwater-warm pool...

Chris - reports on Disney (spoiler - it's really interesting… at least to me)?

Hope everyone is able to get after it this weekend.  I was relegated back to the basement for my "ride" today after a beautiful blanket of snow.  Nice view out the window, but I'd rather be out in it!  At least I got some time on the bike in (building T.I.T.S. or time in the saddle).


2014-01-19 4:05 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Matt, I ran the GPS for all of the 8 hours. We started in Animal Kingdom, then drove to Magic Kingdom and met my sister, then over to Epcot at the end of the day. We left early, due to (sorry to the northern folks) COLD. By the time the sun started going down, it started cooling off big time. So, we missed Illuminations. 

All told 30 miles, but only about 9 of them on foot, walking. Oh yeah, then stretching in the van on the way home while TW drove.

2014-01-19 6:20 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun


Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
I have been using the clip in pedals when the calf cramps have occurred. Just recently moved the cleats almost as far back as they can go to see if that helps. I've also been work really hard on a smooth pedal stroke. I'm open to any suggestions.

2014-01-20 9:08 AM
in reply to: jwthomas

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by jwthomas

I have been using the clip in pedals when the calf cramps have occurred. Just recently moved the cleats almost as far back as they can go to see if that helps. I've also been work really hard on a smooth pedal stroke. I'm open to any suggestions.

Did you ever get fitted? Was or did your cleats get properly aligned at the time? I don't have any references on how far back you moved your cleats. Any adjustments should only be a few millimeters at a time. Even that can change angles significantly. Moving your cleats back moves your foot forward over the peddle axle. This is a bit safer as it tends to unload the knee. Any sign of knee pain get refitted focusing on your cleats adjustments, knee amd hip angles.

Your calf issues could be caused by other things like; bike fitness, saddle height or position. If you went from a flat peddle to a clipless peddle system depending on what shoes, peddles and cleats you got your ride angles have all changed. A Speedplay system is one of the lowest profiles. While a Shimano style system has a higher profile.
2014-01-20 11:31 AM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

I was thinking about this the other day. One of the harder things I had to learn on the bike was that small adjustments matter and you can't make too many at once. 1 at a time and make it small.  I learned that during a series of saddle tests that I went through. I tried about 6 different saddles and the process took a while.

2014-01-21 6:07 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Chris, it is funny how people think FL is warm and usually it is but when it gets cold, it is COLD, with the humidity and all. I don't know but i've had northern friends say that our 30 is like 0 to them, not sure about that though.

Wife set her GPS up when we went to New Orleans just to see how much we walk during the day, it was amazing how much we walked, on average 12 - 14 miles.

Went to master's swim last night..I'm sore today and when I got up to run this am, I think my legs has weights on
2014-01-22 5:29 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Got up today to run and it was COLD, I ran 2 miles and decided to to to the gym and workout. My face and fingers were numb, I did have on some gloves, nothing on my face though.

Master's swim, will I ever learn to swim??? I'm the slowest one there and I have problems going long distance. You see the extra breath at the wall really helps. How do ya'll practice swiming w/o stopping at the wall for extra breath and ya'll know I can't do flip turns. My shoulders are sore today because we swam 1 hr and 15 minutes last night, calf started cramping using the swim fins things you put on your feet but they sure make you go fast.

The swim coach was basically one on one w/ me...she was giving me great instruction and pushing me to my limit. She swam for FSU, very encouraging but pushes very hard...When I thought I was finished could not swim another lap, she told me I had to do a 100 meter cool

Are ya'll just starving after a long swim, I was so hungry I could have sucked an elephant's trunk until his head caved in...
2014-01-22 6:46 AM
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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Karl, my swimming is an atrocity right now, so I won't comment on yours, except for this. 1) How cool to be getting 1 on 1 time?!? That has got to be great. 2) I resemble a Hoover vacuum after swimming. If it is in the pantry, it is at risk.

Good job on getting out in the cold.

Edited by cdban66 2014-01-22 6:47 AM

2014-01-22 8:13 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by KWDreamun

Got up today to run and it was COLD, I ran 2 miles and decided to to to the gym and workout. My face and fingers were numb, I did have on some gloves, nothing on my face though.

It’s all perspective.  I ran 5 miles this AM in 4 degree -14 degree windchill temps on very slippery roads.  I dress in layers, run slower and try not to run into head winds in these temps.  2 miles and I am just getting warmed up. 


Master's swim, will I ever learn to swim??? I'm the slowest one there and I have problems going long distance. You see the extra breath at the wall really helps. How do ya'll practice swiming w/o stopping at the wall for extra breath and ya'll know I can't do flip turns. My shoulders are sore today because we swam 1 hr and 15 minutes last night, calf started cramping using the swim fins things you put on your feet but they sure make you go fast.

Don’t worry about being the slowest.  Everyone else was the slowest at some point.  Those guy/gals have probable been swimming for years.  You seam to be swimming 2x a week per your logs.  It will take longer to get swim fitness together at that rate.  Just keep at it.  See below….


The swim coach was basically one on one w/ me...she was giving me great instruction and pushing me to my limit. She swam for FSU, very encouraging but pushes very hard...When I thought I was finished could not swim another lap, she told me I had to do a 100 meter cool

Great opportunity and takes advantage of it.  Also let her know you are a Triathlete.  She will push you like a swimmer (which is good) but you are also running and cycling.  If you swim focus for a few months 4-5x a week you will make bigger headway in your swim.


Are ya'll just starving after a long swim, I was so hungry I could have sucked an elephant's trunk until his head caved in...

I am trying to get that thought out of my head…….



2014-01-22 6:02 PM
in reply to: 0


Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
I can relate to y'alls swimming pain. There is a Masters swim group at the Y I go to but I don't feel confident enough in my swim to join them yet; I really don't want to get in the way of any ones training. I think when I can swim 300 yards straight without dying I might join the the Masters swim group. Right now I get 2 x 30-40 minutes in the pool and maybe a third session on the weekends. Weekday work time constraints is the limiting factor for the 30-40 minute sessions so I try to focus more on technique drills. But still the 30-40 minute sessions are taxing and they do get the appetite going.

We got are 1st real snow last night (about 4 inches) and I headed for the Y today also (19 degrees). I know

Edited by jwthomas 2014-01-22 6:03 PM
2014-01-22 9:23 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by KWDreamun

Are ya'll just starving after a long swim, I was so hungry I could have sucked an elephant's trunk until his head caved in...

Ha! That is some good imagery!

Not having a swimming background, I have a lot of the same frustration with swimming. Right now, I can only get a couple of mornings a week, but I'm resolved to at least do that much. I try to concentrate on swim technique as much as possible during workouts and I've started doing more drills this winter to work on improved skills. I usually make that the focus one day each week, and use the other day I work on endurance while maintaining good technique.

Tonight I saw that a club up in Denver is doing a 4.8 mile swim race in July. I must say I'm intrigued. Does anyone have experience with long distance swim races? I did the 2.4 OWS race last year, and it was fine, but haven't swam further than that.
2014-01-23 6:20 AM
in reply to: tedjohn

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
4.8 miles swimming, I hope it is down a very fast flowing river...

I was riding to a video today and the trainer/speaker said to maximize power and minimize effort to get maximum speed. Please explain, when i maximize power, I maximize effort????
2014-01-23 2:41 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by KWDreamun 4.8 miles swimming, I hope it is down a very fast flowing river... I was riding to a video today and the trainer/speaker said to maximize power and minimize effort to get maximum speed. Please explain, when i maximize power, I maximize effort????


Karl I am not sure what that exactly that means.  Is it or are you training with power? 

I can tell you this; I can pedal in low RPM’s and produce a steady power rate with a lower HR.  That sure does not maximize speed at that monument. 

Btw I don’t train with power except on my Computrainer.  So my knowledge is very limited in power training. 

2014-01-23 3:12 PM
in reply to: jwthomas

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by jwthomas I can relate to y'alls swimming pain. There is a Masters swim group at the Y I go to but I don't feel confident enough in my swim to join them yet; I really don't want to get in the way of any ones training. I think when I can swim 300 yards straight without dying I might join the the Masters swim group. Right now I get 2 x 30-40 minutes in the pool and maybe a third session on the weekends. Weekday work time constraints is the limiting factor for the 30-40 minute sessions so I try to focus more on technique drills. But still the 30-40 minute sessions are taxing and they do get the appetite going. We got are 1st real snow last night (about 4 inches) and I headed for the Y today also (19 degrees). I know

Joel just keep at it and push yourself.  At 2x a week I would not spend 30-40 minutes of one of those sessions on drills.  Do a warm up maybe 200-300 yards with some drills then some 10x 25 yard sets then a rest of ez maybe a thumb touch drill or something that involves the catch and kick timing.  Then do some 50 or 100 yards sets like 4x 50 or 3x 100.

When just starting out in swimming you will see greater improvements with more swimming fitness  There will come a time when technique will get you even faster.  Drill are still very important provide those drills are done correctly.


2014-01-23 3:31 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by KWDreamun

I was riding to a video today and the trainer/speaker said to maximize power and minimize effort to get maximum speed. Please explain, when i maximize power, I maximize effort????

I might be way off, but I can give my 2 cents here. From an engineering perspective power is linked to effort through efficiency. So that video might be recommending to find the point were you are the most efficient (i.e. converting most of your effort into useable power). This is different from the maximum power that you could produce.

You can think of the torque and power diagrams of a car engine. The maximum torque is the point where that engine is the most efficient (i.e. converting most of the gasoline into power delivered to the gearbox).
2014-01-24 6:56 AM
in reply to: ghyoc

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
JW, go ahead and join the master's swim group, it will help! No one will laugh at you and just do what you can. You may think you look like Michael Phelps swimming but then the coach can tell you what you actually look like. Prior toi me joining our group there was Group 1 and Group 2...after I joined, there is now a group 3.
2014-01-24 9:40 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by KWDreamun JW, go ahead and join the master's swim group, it will help! No one will laugh at you and just do what you can. You may think you look like Michael Phelps swimming but then the coach can tell you what you actually look like. Prior toi me joining our group there was Group 1 and Group 2...after I joined, there is now a group 3.

Ha!  I really need to try masters, too…  My only concern is that they'll need to start a group 4 and just skip group 3 all together.  

It must be really helpful, as I can't think of a single person who has ever regretted joining Masters!  Now I just need to find a bit more time… ugh.


2014-01-24 2:36 PM
in reply to: 0


Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Thanks for the motivation/inspiration to join the masters group. I'll have to talk to the coach next time I'm in there when the group is practicing. I did notice this week that they had two lanes dedicated for, what looked to me as, the really strong swimmers and a third lane for two other swimmers that where not as strong (still stronger then me).

I promise you, I don't think I look like Micheal Phelps, so the coaches observation may be way worse then we can imagine. They might have to skip 3 and 4 to start the JW Special Group 5

Edited by jwthomas 2014-01-27 7:53 PM

2014-01-27 7:00 AM
in reply to: jwthomas

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New user
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Last week started out ok and then quickly went downhill. Tried to do a brick run only to find out after the trainer ride that my treadmill didn't want to play. Missed my long run on Saturday and was hoping to get out for a shortened version of a long run yesterday, but my back decided to throw itself out. Resting up and hoping by midweek its ready to try something "easy".

2014-01-27 8:01 AM
in reply to: scottjjmtri99

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Hang in there and hope you feel better. There's a lot of season left so don't get discouraged!
2014-01-27 11:56 AM
in reply to: tedjohn

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

I've started fiddling around with the GPS smoothing on my watch. Does anyone have any advice on it? It is a Timex Global Trainer, if it matters.

2014-01-27 4:35 PM
in reply to: scottjjmtri99

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by scottjjmtri99 Last week started out ok and then quickly went downhill. Tried to do a brick run only to find out after the trainer ride that my treadmill didn't want to play. Missed my long run on Saturday and was hoping to get out for a shortened version of a long run yesterday, but my back decided to throw itself out. Resting up and hoping by midweek its ready to try something "easy". Scott

I think one of the most important - and hardest! - skills in triathlon is managing training setbacks.  They happen - even to the pros (and most of us aren't putting bread on the table with tri!) - and a big part of how much fun you can have in the sport is how you approach these, IMO.  

If they derail your training and get toooooo much in your head (they always do a little - such is the nature of the process), that's unfortunate (but it can happen pretty easily).  Being able to take them in stride, reevaluate, recalibrate and just move on as best you can will hold you in good stead across one or many seasons.  That way you can get back to training with a "glad heart" and enjoy the process!

Race day is awesome - I'm one of those folks who would just train by constantly racing if I could - but if you don't at least enjoy the process of getting to the line, it's a long-azzed season.    Stuff happens.

Don't worry too much.  Take advantage of the time and catch up on Triathlete Magazine or Lava.  Watch the 20 stages of the Tour that you DVR'd but never got to.  Stretch.  Watch The Voice.  Whatever!  You'll come back more jazzed (I threw my back out in December, so I feel your pain!).  


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