BT Development Mentor Program Archives » More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition - Closed Rss Feed  
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2017-01-04 8:41 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition
Raise your hand if you are a slob . I wear a tech shirt and either compression pants or shorts under my sweats, I wash those after every use, but I've got a good selection of both. As for the rest, well... I air them out after I run, but they are washed at eventually or if they stink, whichever comes first.

2017-01-04 8:54 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Criminey, one short week out and I'm waaaaay behind!  Will post bio in a bit...

Just back on my feet.  We were in LA as a family last week to watch my oldest march in the Rose Bowl Parade (WAY COOL) and take some family SoCal vaca time. 

It was awesome (except for the 36 hours I spent in bed with the flu - fever broke at 0230 on day of parade and got up at 0420 to go spectate!). Band rocks!

Missed a week of running, which is a bummer as I was actually on a plan for the first time in like 2 years and enjoying it.  Back at it today, but still a bit wobbly on me feet.

Anywho, happy new year one and all!  May 2017 be an awesome (and injury/niggle free) superfuntime all around.


What a great experience for your oldest. I've been to the Rose Parade twice, including the traditional spending the night on the street. TV does not give the event justice.
2017-01-04 9:08 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition
Originally posted by jmkizer

Welcome back, Jim! I'm glad that you found us :-D

How is Michelle doing these days?  Continuing to recover well?

Regarding races, when is the Sunrise Side Tri this year?  Are you doing Alcatraz or taking a pass on it due to an abundance of gradating Bacarellas?

Michelle is doing better and getting stronger. The first four weeks after surgery were tough. She was hospitalized twice the second time they admitted her for a week. Things are under control now. We go to Cleveland later this month for follow up with the surgeon and to schedule the second surgery. She will be a lot stronger for the second surgery, so recovery will not be as bad.
Sunrise Side HIM is on September 9.
I've decided to give up my spot for Alcatraz. It's too much and in a tight window. Plus we have to put on a graduation party for roughly 300 people a week later. Plus later in the Summer we will have to move our oldest somewhere for law school.

Edited by JBacarella 2017-01-04 9:08 PM
2017-01-05 3:07 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by tomsimper NAME: Tom OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA: @Tom26601025 STORY: I'm going to be 40 this year so want to improve my fitness and also show my kids that sport is fun and can be enjoyed all through life even if you aren't the greatest at it. Did my first sprint triathlon last year as had always wanted to do one, then had a few injuries and a little car crash which curtailed the year for me. Very motivated this year to push on a see what I can do. Love the three disciplines and the friendly nature of the sport. I need to have a traget to aim for FAMILY STATUS: Married, two kids 4 & 6 CURRENT TRAINING: Master swimming twice a week, run and ride a couple of times a week. Need more structure though as can get a bit lazy when the weather isn't great outside! THIS YEAR'S RACES/EVENTS: Wilsmlow Sprint Triathlon, Ulitmate Half Triathlon, Manchester Half Marathon and The Salford Quays Triathlon GOALS/OBJECTIVES/DESIRES: Continue to improve on my fitness and just challenge myself to see how I far and fast I can push myself. WHAT MAKES YOU A GOOD MANATEE: The group was great for me last year as they offered my loads of support and advice when I needed it and want to be part of this great little community again. If I have any pearls of wisdoms I am willing to offer them also!

Again, welcome back!

Regarding the needing more structure, do you have a plan written out - even if it's just that for the off season I'll do this and when the season starts on this date, I'll start the next plan?

Also, do you have the dates of the races/events listed in your blog?

Races are in my log now.

I spent last night looking through training plans, so hopefully now will be able to get the required run and ride times in. Now just have to make sure I follow it. I know the half is six months away but slight panic when realised it was that close.
2017-01-05 5:32 AM
in reply to: Jet Black

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by Jet Black
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Jet Black
Originally posted by IronOx

Thank you for birthday wishes!

I missed that, happy birthday!

Colors must not have been bright enough. 

I'm the guy that can't find something in the pantry when it's staring you in the face right up front at eye level.

I'm the guy who forgets why he went to the pantry in the first place. 

2017-01-05 6:38 AM
in reply to: 0

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by JBacarella
Originally posted by jmkizer

Welcome back, Jim! I'm glad that you found us :-D

How is Michelle doing these days?  Continuing to recover well?

Regarding races, when is the Sunrise Side Tri this year?  Are you doing Alcatraz or taking a pass on it due to an abundance of gradating Bacarellas?

Michelle is doing better and getting stronger. The first four weeks after surgery were tough. She was hospitalized twice the second time they admitted her for a week. Things are under control now. We go to Cleveland later this month for follow up with the surgeon and to schedule the second surgery. She will be a lot stronger for the second surgery, so recovery will not be as bad. Sunrise Side HIM is on September 9. I've decided to give up my spot for Alcatraz. It's too much and in a tight window. Plus we have to put on a graduation party for roughly 300 people a week later. Plus later in the Summer we will have to move our oldest somewhere for law school.

Jim, it's great to hear that Michelle is doing better.

I've heard that Alcatraz is great and crazy and scary and quite spendy for an event of that distance.

What law schools is eldest looking at?  Anything in my area? ;-)

Edited to correct formatting

Edited by jmkizer 2017-01-05 6:40 AM

2017-01-05 7:02 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition
First run last night since 11/28 after being sick for about 4 weeks. Actually went a lot better than expected. Was able to hold my fast slow for 30 minutes. Still lots of catching up to do. I'm supposed to run a half early February.....
2017-01-05 7:16 AM
in reply to: johnthecat

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition


If you haven't figured it out, we talk a lot. :-)  Fasten your seatbelts!  Also, we tend to be an inspiring bunch (as in, we use the "inspire" feature of the site a lot).  If you are not familiar with inspires, note that you can reply to them by clicking Reply.  This pops out a new window for you to type your response so that the original poster can see it. Please try acknowledge inspires, at least occasionally!  They can really help us to get to know each other.

Most of us use the training log on the site (It's required: "Keeping up your training log here on BT and opening it to other group members is mandatory.").  This makes it a lot easier for us to help each other when training questions come up.   Here's a few shorts article on training logs: If you're not going to log or blog or whatever here on BT, please put a link to your training log in your BT Dashboard.

If you list your upcoming races and events on your training log  -- by adding to My Races or listing them in Dashboard.

We have a Bike Gallery as well.  Post a picture of your racing steed and draw Chris' attention to it.  He'll get you added.

We have a Strava group.  Let Chris or Janyne know and we can add you.

We also have a TrainerRoad group that Darren manages for us.  (Darren has said that he will be joining us but I have not seen him around this thread yet.)

Oh, we're on Twitter too.  Janyne manages a Twitter list -- Order of the Racing Manatee

Please be active!  Inactive Manatees make us sad!

2017-01-05 7:33 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

@Janyne - looks like you're in for a mell of a hess tonight and tomorrow.  Might be one of those years where VA and NC get the most snow.  We're just supposed to get 1-2 inches...enough to create a commute disaster but nothing to worry about. 

2017-01-05 8:02 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

@Janyne - looks like you're in for a mell of a hess tonight and tomorrow.  Might be one of those years where VA and NC get the most snow.  We're just supposed to get 1-2 inches...enough to create a commute disaster but nothing to worry about. 

That's what they say.  They do not have a good history of being able to predict snow accumulation with any kind of accuracy.  Right now they are saying 3-6 inches and "maybe more" starting on Friday night and ending sometime on Saturday.  That should make Saturday's run somewhat interesting. 

We do have a winter storm watch in effect for that time.

2017-01-05 8:04 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Oh noooooooo! I just realized I double-booked myself over top of my favorite early season sprint!  I signed up for the Flying Pig HIM in Cincinnati before they posted the day, and when I check yesterday I realized there was a conflict.

Oh well, I might have picked the HIM anyway, but it stinks there is a conflict.  I love that little race.  It's great to see all the locals again after winter hibernation.

2017-01-05 8:10 AM
in reply to: Jet Black

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Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by Jet Black
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by ponderingfox

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

I had a ton of success using Daniels Running Formula a couple of years ago.  PR'd a 5K in Oct @ 22:41 and then again in April the next year @ 21:55, so like 45 seconds.  I think I maxed at 25 mpw but the vast majority were in the 12-18 range.  I was only doing speed work 1x/week because I was tri training.  Increasing frequency to 5x/week really helped me, too, especially resisting injury.

I have that book.  The mileage for his 5k stuff starts at 40 mpw, so I'd need to figure out how to adapt it.

I'm also training for a HIM in May, so I'll be balancing the distance with the intensity.

I've worked with his stuff a fair amount too and do like it. I don't always follow exact, but try to pull things from it. I think the race specific plans (while good) can be a bit much for people who aren't really run focused. 3 hard runs a week is very common and that's going to be too much in multiple ways. I had trouble executing it. Somewhere in there he did say that the more priority run is earlier in the week, so with fewer miles it would seem to just do the first one.

I think a better option though would be to work with the more general red & blue plans than trying to look so race specific all the time, even if you really only care about the one distance. It's a trap that many can fall into. These are better designed for running year round and have a good amount of mileage plus hard work is only twice a week instead. I think one could swap some of the blue hard work over into the red plan at times too as the red can be very t-pace heavy while the blue will have a blend with more i-pace & some r-pace. I think the race specific plans will go better after executing these color plans first. Possibly several times in a row if you're having more of a run emphasized year (or longer). The race specific seem to be more for converting a decent general base instead of building up like more people may be used to seeing.

yeah, not much running and most of it hard seems like a good way to get injured. Tom, I'd just figure out how to get your mileage up first without any intensity. Last winter/spring for ironman build, I got my running up to 40 mpw and all of it at endurance paces. I went out and did a sprint tri for fun before the ironman and ran 6:17/mile. I was floored. I ran 7/mile the previous fall in sprint tris. This would especially be a good plan for you since you're going to do a HIM too, you'll need a rather large base to run well in a HIM. this is following the barryp plan start with this one: one is all of his posts/articles:

Sounds good.  I've also run a 7:00 pace before in sprints.  Would love to crack into the next level.

2017-01-05 8:52 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Katy, Texas
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition
Originally posted by jmkizer


If you haven't figured it out, we talk a lot. :-)  Fasten your seatbelts!  Also, we tend to be an inspiring bunch (as in, we use the "inspire" feature of the site a lot).  If you are not familiar with inspires, note that you can reply to them by clicking Reply.  This pops out a new window for you to type your response so that the original poster can see it. Please try acknowledge inspires, at least occasionally!  They can really help us to get to know each other.

Most of us use the training log on the site (It's required: "Keeping up your training log here on BT and opening it to other group members is mandatory.").  This makes it a lot easier for us to help each other when training questions come up.   Here's a few shorts article on training logs: If you're not going to log or blog or whatever here on BT, please put a link to your training log in your BT Dashboard.

If you list your upcoming races and events on your training log  -- by adding to My Races or listing them in Dashboard.

We have a Bike Gallery as well.  Post a picture of your racing steed and draw Chris' attention to it.  He'll get you added.

We have a Strava group.  Let Chris or Janyne know and we can add you.

We also have a TrainerRoad group that Darren manages for us.  (Darren has said that he will be joining us but I have not seen him around this thread yet.)

Oh, we're on Twitter too.  Janyne manages a Twitter list -- Order of the Racing Manatee

Please be active!  Inactive Manatees make us sad!

anybody else able to get the trainer road group to work? link goes to my account page and when i search for manatee i get nothing.
2017-01-05 9:04 AM
in reply to: ponderingfox

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by ponderingfox

Oh noooooooo! I just realized I double-booked myself over top of my favorite early season sprint!  I signed up for the Flying Pig HIM in Cincinnati before they posted the day, and when I check yesterday I realized there was a conflict.

Oh well, I might have picked the HIM anyway, but it stinks there is a conflict.  I love that little race.  It's great to see all the locals again after winter hibernation.

ACK!  So many races, so little time!

Is Flyihng Pig a half ironman or a half marathon?

2017-01-05 9:36 AM
in reply to: Jet Black

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by Jet Black
Originally posted by jmkizer


If you haven't figured it out, we talk a lot. :-)  Fasten your seatbelts!  Also, we tend to be an inspiring bunch (as in, we use the "inspire" feature of the site a lot).  If you are not familiar with inspires, note that you can reply to them by clicking Reply.  This pops out a new window for you to type your response so that the original poster can see it. Please try acknowledge inspires, at least occasionally!  They can really help us to get to know each other.

Most of us use the training log on the site (It's required: "Keeping up your training log here on BT and opening it to other group members is mandatory.").  This makes it a lot easier for us to help each other when training questions come up.   Here's a few shorts article on training logs: If you're not going to log or blog or whatever here on BT, please put a link to your training log in your BT Dashboard.

If you list your upcoming races and events on your training log  -- by adding to My Races or listing them in Dashboard.

We have a Bike Gallery as well.  Post a picture of your racing steed and draw Chris' attention to it.  He'll get you added.

We have a Strava group.  Let Chris or Janyne know and we can add you.

We also have a TrainerRoad group that Darren manages for us.  (Darren has said that he will be joining us but I have not seen him around this thread yet.)

Oh, we're on Twitter too.  Janyne manages a Twitter list -- Order of the Racing Manatee

Please be active!  Inactive Manatees make us sad!

anybody else able to get the trainer road group to work? link goes to my account page and when i search for manatee i get nothing.

Ditto for me.

2017-01-05 9:37 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Smithtown, New York
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition
I love the freezing cold of winter, I think I should get ready for my first OWS of the year

Really it's nice training after dealing with being sick way too much and boy I gotta whip myself back in shape!

2017-01-05 9:37 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

I contacted Darren about the TrainerRoad situation.  I'm not much help since I don't have a subscription :-/

2017-01-05 9:38 AM
in reply to: Rileyvb91

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by Rileyvb91 I love the freezing cold of winter, I think I should get ready for my first OWS of the year Really it's nice training after dealing with being sick way too much and boy I gotta whip myself back in shape!

I'm glad that you're back to training!

2017-01-05 9:49 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Smithtown, New York
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Rileyvb91 I love the freezing cold of winter, I think I should get ready for my first OWS of the year Really it's nice training after dealing with being sick way too much and boy I gotta whip myself back in shape!

I'm glad that you're back to training!

Some nasty flu has been going around, got thoroughly knocked down for awhile o.0
2017-01-05 9:49 AM
in reply to: Jet Black

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by Jet Black
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by ponderingfox

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

I had a ton of success using Daniels Running Formula a couple of years ago.  PR'd a 5K in Oct @ 22:41 and then again in April the next year @ 21:55, so like 45 seconds.  I think I maxed at 25 mpw but the vast majority were in the 12-18 range.  I was only doing speed work 1x/week because I was tri training.  Increasing frequency to 5x/week really helped me, too, especially resisting injury.

I have that book.  The mileage for his 5k stuff starts at 40 mpw, so I'd need to figure out how to adapt it.

I'm also training for a HIM in May, so I'll be balancing the distance with the intensity.

I've worked with his stuff a fair amount too and do like it. I don't always follow exact, but try to pull things from it. I think the race specific plans (while good) can be a bit much for people who aren't really run focused. 3 hard runs a week is very common and that's going to be too much in multiple ways. I had trouble executing it. Somewhere in there he did say that the more priority run is earlier in the week, so with fewer miles it would seem to just do the first one.

I think a better option though would be to work with the more general red & blue plans than trying to look so race specific all the time, even if you really only care about the one distance. It's a trap that many can fall into. These are better designed for running year round and have a good amount of mileage plus hard work is only twice a week instead. I think one could swap some of the blue hard work over into the red plan at times too as the red can be very t-pace heavy while the blue will have a blend with more i-pace & some r-pace. I think the race specific plans will go better after executing these color plans first. Possibly several times in a row if you're having more of a run emphasized year (or longer). The race specific seem to be more for converting a decent general base instead of building up like more people may be used to seeing.

yeah, not much running and most of it hard seems like a good way to get injured. Tom, I'd just figure out how to get your mileage up first without any intensity. Last winter/spring for ironman build, I got my running up to 40 mpw and all of it at endurance paces. I went out and did a sprint tri for fun before the ironman and ran 6:17/mile. I was floored. I ran 7/mile the previous fall in sprint tris. This would especially be a good plan for you since you're going to do a HIM too, you'll need a rather large base to run well in a HIM. this is following the barryp plan start with this one: one is all of his posts/articles:

The Daniels plan doesn't advocate lots of hard running - it has very strict limits on how much to do at faster paces, like 10% of mileage at tempo, 8% at VO2 max and 5% "speed" in a given week - the rest is all slow running.  And like Sean mentioned, the first six weeks are just about all slow miles minus some strides.

Agree with Ben above, maybe the more general year-long plans would be better.  You could also just scale down the other ones and keep to the limits I just listed.

2017-01-05 9:51 AM
in reply to: Rileyvb91

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by Rileyvb91
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Rileyvb91 I love the freezing cold of winter, I think I should get ready for my first OWS of the year Really it's nice training after dealing with being sick way too much and boy I gotta whip myself back in shape!

I'm glad that you're back to training!

Some nasty flu has been going around, got thoroughly knocked down for awhile o.0

I am so glad I work out of the house - it keeps me away from like 80% of those nasty illnesses that people drag into the workplace.  I just get the kid stuff from my daughter.

2017-01-05 10:19 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition
Hey there!! Happy New Year!
Can I still join/come back?

I'm sorry for a hiatus - we were moving during holiday break and things got crazy. I want to thank for all inspires and messages during my absence - really appreciate the support. I hope it's not as cold at your place as it is in Chicago today... Crazy!
2017-01-05 10:35 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

Northern IL
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by Jet Black
Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by ponderingfox

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

I had a ton of success using Daniels Running Formula a couple of years ago.  PR'd a 5K in Oct @ 22:41 and then again in April the next year @ 21:55, so like 45 seconds.  I think I maxed at 25 mpw but the vast majority were in the 12-18 range.  I was only doing speed work 1x/week because I was tri training.  Increasing frequency to 5x/week really helped me, too, especially resisting injury.

I have that book.  The mileage for his 5k stuff starts at 40 mpw, so I'd need to figure out how to adapt it.

I'm also training for a HIM in May, so I'll be balancing the distance with the intensity.

I've worked with his stuff a fair amount too and do like it. I don't always follow exact, but try to pull things from it. I think the race specific plans (while good) can be a bit much for people who aren't really run focused. 3 hard runs a week is very common and that's going to be too much in multiple ways. I had trouble executing it. Somewhere in there he did say that the more priority run is earlier in the week, so with fewer miles it would seem to just do the first one.

I think a better option though would be to work with the more general red & blue plans than trying to look so race specific all the time, even if you really only care about the one distance. It's a trap that many can fall into. These are better designed for running year round and have a good amount of mileage plus hard work is only twice a week instead. I think one could swap some of the blue hard work over into the red plan at times too as the red can be very t-pace heavy while the blue will have a blend with more i-pace & some r-pace. I think the race specific plans will go better after executing these color plans first. Possibly several times in a row if you're having more of a run emphasized year (or longer). The race specific seem to be more for converting a decent general base instead of building up like more people may be used to seeing.

yeah, not much running and most of it hard seems like a good way to get injured. Tom, I'd just figure out how to get your mileage up first without any intensity. Last winter/spring for ironman build, I got my running up to 40 mpw and all of it at endurance paces. I went out and did a sprint tri for fun before the ironman and ran 6:17/mile. I was floored. I ran 7/mile the previous fall in sprint tris. This would especially be a good plan for you since you're going to do a HIM too, you'll need a rather large base to run well in a HIM. this is following the barryp plan start with this one: one is all of his posts/articles:

The Daniels plan doesn't advocate lots of hard running - it has very strict limits on how much to do at faster paces, like 10% of mileage at tempo, 8% at VO2 max and 5% "speed" in a given week - the rest is all slow running.  And like Sean mentioned, the first six weeks are just about all slow miles minus some strides.

Agree with Ben above, maybe the more general year-long plans would be better.  You could also just scale down the other ones and keep to the limits I just listed.

Yeah, those percentages are important, and shows where this does take some more reading comprehension to work with these. Don't think it's a lot though. Just more than simply plugging something in or having every single day spelled out for you. Some parts are detailed, but others are more guidelines you have to put together. So it's really great for flexibility. For one I was following before, I calculated around to a minimum of ~50 mpw in order to do all 3 hard workouts as written. And what this means is more for 50 to be fairly normal. Think I saw Sean had done 50 in 3 of the last 4 weeks. This is where the initial 6 weeks of easy would come in. Near the end of this month is when he might start to get going on Phase 2, where the harder work starts in. You're not really building to 50+ in those 6 weeks, you're making sure that 50 is normal. Someone like Adrienne may be able to build back up in that time frame, but she also runs like 3,000 miles a year which averages over 50 per week for the entire year. That's peak miles for the rest of us.

And do keep in mind that not making that mileage doesn't mean to scrap the plan entirely. Just to adjust things to make it work within the guidelines. So here would be dropping off entire hard workouts and/or shortening them up to more appropriate amounts. Do note that doesn't say to slow the pace down on them.

2017-01-05 10:36 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

User image

Smithtown, New York
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by Rileyvb91
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Rileyvb91 I love the freezing cold of winter, I think I should get ready for my first OWS of the year Really it's nice training after dealing with being sick way too much and boy I gotta whip myself back in shape!

I'm glad that you're back to training!

Some nasty flu has been going around, got thoroughly knocked down for awhile o.0

I am so glad I work out of the house - it keeps me away from like 80% of those nasty illnesses that people drag into the workplace.  I just get the kid stuff from my daughter.

My girlfriend caught it from one of her daycare kids, parents really love bringing their sick kids in for some reason o.0

I always say get outside in the cold, your body will thank you by not getting terribly sick haha!
2017-01-05 10:41 AM
in reply to: Rileyvb91

Northern IL
Subject: RE: More Manatee Mayhem - 2017 Edition

Originally posted by Rileyvb91
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by Rileyvb91
Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by Rileyvb91 I love the freezing cold of winter, I think I should get ready for my first OWS of the year Really it's nice training after dealing with being sick way too much and boy I gotta whip myself back in shape!

I'm glad that you're back to training!

Some nasty flu has been going around, got thoroughly knocked down for awhile o.0

I am so glad I work out of the house - it keeps me away from like 80% of those nasty illnesses that people drag into the workplace.  I just get the kid stuff from my daughter.

My girlfriend caught it from one of her daycare kids, parents really love bringing their sick kids in for some reason o.0 I always say get outside in the cold, your body will thank you by not getting terribly sick haha!

It's not the cold you get sick from, but that others are staying indoors and therefore closer in proximity to each other thereby increasing the transfer potential.

I also didn't used to get sick until my sister had kids.

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