BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-03-04 10:02 AM
in reply to: #4645095

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
JJ- - 2013-03-04 7:19 AM

Run didn't go well Tightened up at 2 miles.

I've gained 12 pounds since my injury and I felt every one of them this morning. That's just plain stupid. I am making a change now and dropping that weight. There is no reason I should let me emotions get to me like that.


Manatee Group: From my heart: Honestly guys I've been so frustrated that I haven't posted much since my injury. I apologize for that. This group is awesome and I get so much encouragement from y'all that I should be here every day. I am making a vow to check in every day from here on and remain positive. There is no reason for me to get so emotionally involved over a stupid injury.

I've missed so much that I don't know if I can get all caught up so for those of you that have race a big congratulations to you. I WILL be going back and at least reading race reports.



OK just talked to my coach. Since rest has obviously not worked and I still have a good base her suggestion is to do daily short runs of 1-2 miles. The thinking is that hopefully this will actually help loosen up my IT Band. She said hopefully this will help loosen up my IT Band and I can get my volume in this way. I know several of you do daily runs so what do you think?

I completely understand your emotional upheaval! I am at about the same time out from 70.3 that you are. I would be devastated if something threatened that race now. You continue to be in my prayers.

2013-03-04 10:02 AM
in reply to: #4644964

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Gig Harbor
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
cdban66 - 2013-03-04 4:17 AM
KansasMom - 2013-03-03 11:52 PM
Muskrat37 - 2013-03-03 10:32 PM

Hey Podmates... 

Went for an awesome run in the rain the other day, I really wanted to capture how great I feel when I run in the rain, so I took a few videos, pieced them all together, added some text and music and here is the result:

(sorry for the bouncy video, recorded it on my phone and it doesn't have any image stabilization)


I love that bridge. Very nice, Chad. Thanks for sharing.

X2, that bridge pic was pretty cool, man. Was that just a cell phone camera?

Yep, and not even my good phone.. it's an old EVO 4G.. about 2 years old.  I was pleasantly surprised at how that pic turned out.

2013-03-04 10:05 AM
in reply to: #4645256

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
melbo55 - 2013-03-04 8:24 AM
rrrunner - 2013-03-03 7:48 PM

Yanti, so glad you are (mostly) OK. We were all getting pretty worked up trying to figure out where you'd gone! (spoken in my best mother voice)

I've had quite a weekend. My run yesterday was beautiful (the weather, not my running prowess Laughing) Then last evening we learned of the death of a sweet young lady, Jackie, to cancer. Jackie is actually first cousins with our niece Ashley, on her mother's side. We've known Jackie since she was born. I HATE CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So when it was time to head out on my 3.75 hour ride today I dreaded riding in the wind but couldn't take that much drainer time and needed time to clear my head. So as I rode in to 25-29 mph winds I stayed surprisingly positive as I thought about/prayed for Ash, Jackie and the family. My mind also wandered to others I know who've been stricken with cancer. Still it was a fairly positive ride, in spite of the crazy winds. Then I got the text. (I don't normally check calls or texts when I'm riding but my cue from my DH that I need to stop and check is several texts in a row. Interestingly, this one did that on my phone but was only a single text. It's a God thing) The text was from my SIL. Her parents are splitting up. So I told her that I would pray for her and her family for the remainder of the ride. Hard to ride and cry. Anyway, because the winds were to my back I made it home in an hour 21 minutes, the trip out had been an hour 50. The wind at your back is a wonderful thing!

So overall, good training weekend. Now i'm off to look at swim vids from Skrat.

Huge hugs and prayers, and yes, CANCER SUCKS.

I'm hoping my Team Fight kit gets here in time to test it out before Oceanside. Sam is working on getting me something soon. Laughing

2013-03-04 10:08 AM
in reply to: #4644797

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
jobaxas - 2013-03-03 8:41 PM
ArielLIlB - 2013-03-04 2:03 PM
jobaxas - 2013-03-03 9:30 PM
ArielLIlB - 2013-03-04 1:21 PM

ArielLIlB - 2013-03-01 10:48 AM Cool

Btw, this was my attempt to write some support to Ms. Yanti from the Dominican Republic, where my only internet access was by spotty wi-fi on my kindle! It came up as HTML mumbo jumbo, lol.

How was that!!!!

Weather was awesome, resort was really nice, especially the 1 bedroom, private pool suite. Food - terrible! I had McDOnald's as soon as I got home, and it was such a relief to devour something that would not send me in a panicked run to the bathroom 1-1.5 hours after consuming it (and McDonald's is neither a treat to me nor something I purposefully seek out, ever). That's the digestive distress the food caused. No such thing as TMI here, right?

I was particualrly proud of myself for running 3 miles on MOn & Tues, and doing some serious weights after.  A scale back from my usual routines, but I'm not usually a vaca exerciser (I travel with couch-potato DH).

A related story....

My parents about 12 years ago went to the Dominican Republic on hols.  Same issue for them - but for my dad the problem never went away and a few months later he decided he should get it checked out.  He had bowel cancer and if it wasn't for that holiday he would not have found out about it until way too late.

As it is, three separate rounds of chemo major surgery etc etc - he is great!  So he actually is thankful for that fateful trip!

Here he is with the latest addition to the family my great nephew, his great grandson, Cameron.


Mmmmmmm. I loves babies!!!!!

2013-03-04 10:10 AM
in reply to: #4644831

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
Muskrat37 - 2013-03-03 9:20 PM


your edited video: 

Your catch and pull are looking much, much better.  Your elbow is much higher, and your pull begins much earlier in the stroke.  You also are not using that wrist to pull, you are now using the forearm and the rest of your arm.  These are huge improvements and I can see the effort you have put in.  GOOD JOB!  

It appears that as you finished more laps, that elbow started to drop more, but that is very common because as we get more tired, the form breaks down a bit.  

I am hesitant to say this next part, for fear that you will over correct my next recommendation, and do more harm than good.  Also, not 100% sure because there is no above water angle to analyze…anyways, here goes: (Yanti, please chime in here)


I think you are over rotating.  The rotation should be mostly natural as a result of the reach with your hands / arms.  However, if you are reaching way to far, you may be over rotating your body.  Again, take this with a grain of salt, because I can’t see an above water view.  If you can get me a video from above the water, (someone walking beside you taking the video) I can analyze this are much better.  

The biggest area I see for improvement is balance.  The hips are still sinking a bit, which is causing you to have to work much harder. 

I recommend you work on your balance, and continue to work on the catch and pull, focusing on keeping that elbow nice and high and getting a good strong pull through the water. Make sure you are pulling "hard" and not letting the arm get lazy during the pull.  The harder you pull and the more water you push, the more propulsion you get... I will try to get a video of me doing that silly thing on the edge of the pool deck (pulling myself into the pool - remember that description?)  

In a couple frames of the video, I can see your triceps really working, and your muscles flexing - THAT IS AWESOME!!! 

Balance drill video:

Catch up drill video:

Work with a pull buoy on “Drill” day.  Do a 50 with a buoy, then do one without.  Really focus on how the hips feel, and how it affects your stroke when the hips rise to the surface of the water.  When you work with the pull buoy – think of a good hard pull…Your arms will probably get a bit sore (triceps) but that is a good sign. .

Let me know how it’s going and if you have any questions.  In about a month, let’s get another video… I am excited to see your progression!  Keep up the Great Work!

As always, thanks for the knowledge and guidance. I read this post before swim this morning so I focused on keeping my shoulders down. I noticed this morning (maybe in part because of the shoulders down) that the "new" pull is getting easier and doesn't wear me out as quickly anymore. My speeds were about the same as last time I did this particular set so I think it's time to try to up the pace.

Edited by rrrunner 2013-03-04 10:14 AM
2013-03-04 10:11 AM
in reply to: #4602563

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Gig Harbor
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED

A couple pics from my run a couple weeks ago.  

2013-03-04 10:20 AM
in reply to: #4645372

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
Muskrat37 - 2013-03-04 9:11 AM

A couple pics from my run a couple weeks ago.  

Stunning! While I would love to live near the ocean or a bay I do enjoy our 310 days of sunshine each year.

2013-03-04 10:25 AM
in reply to: #4645341

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
rrrunner - 2013-03-04 7:59 AM
JJ- - 2013-03-04 6:02 AM
Muskrat37 - 2013-03-03 10:32 PM

Hey Podmates... 

Went for an awesome run in the rain the other day, I really wanted to capture how great I feel when I run in the rain, so I took a few videos, pieced them all together, added some text and music and here is the result:

(sorry for the bouncy video, recorded it on my phone and it doesn't have any image stabilization)

I also made this:


Awesome! Man I love running in the rain!

Me too! The dog, not so much Undecided

Rain? What is this rain you speak of?
2013-03-04 10:25 AM
in reply to: #4645241

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
melbo55 - 2013-03-04 7:20 AM
bcraht - 2013-03-03 4:54 PM

melbo55 - 2013-03-03 1:28 PM Someone please help me get my butt out the door for my long run.  It's cold and windy and my husband just brought home Chinese take-out and I have 6-7 miles to run.

1. Run for those of us who can't right now

2. Think how good the food will be once you have burned off the calories...

We podmates must have a mental connection.  During my run I was fully appreciating the fact that I am able to run, appreciating my health, appreciating nature (even the strong, cold, wicked wind), appreciating so many little things I never want to take for granted while Kirsten and TX Jon were requesting such things!  Thanks, guys, and since I got out the door, Chad, I'm still in the pod!

I ran 7 miles without walking.  I've never run more than 5.2 straight without walking, so I'm beyond excited and stoked and still in a slight bit of disbelief.  My only stop was to take a pic of some spring flowers, snowdrops, which my great aunt always called the harbinger of spring, so my relatives who passed on before me were with me on  my run as well.

Way to go, Mel!  That is awesome. 

2013-03-04 10:31 AM
in reply to: #4645395

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
4agoodlife - 2013-03-04 8:25 AM
rrrunner - 2013-03-04 7:59 AM
JJ- - 2013-03-04 6:02 AM
Muskrat37 - 2013-03-03 10:32 PM

Hey Podmates... 

Went for an awesome run in the rain the other day, I really wanted to capture how great I feel when I run in the rain, so I took a few videos, pieced them all together, added some text and music and here is the result:

(sorry for the bouncy video, recorded it on my phone and it doesn't have any image stabilization)

I also made this:


Awesome! Man I love running in the rain!

Me too! The dog, not so much Undecided

Rain? What is this rain you speak of?

The city I work in got 150mm (that's about 6 inches to you 'Mericans) in less than 48 hours the other day... 

2013-03-04 10:35 AM
in reply to: #4645395

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
4agoodlife - 2013-03-04 9:25 AM
rrrunner - 2013-03-04 7:59 AM
JJ- - 2013-03-04 6:02 AM
Muskrat37 - 2013-03-03 10:32 PM

Hey Podmates... 

Went for an awesome run in the rain the other day, I really wanted to capture how great I feel when I run in the rain, so I took a few videos, pieced them all together, added some text and music and here is the result:

(sorry for the bouncy video, recorded it on my phone and it doesn't have any image stabilization)

I also made this:


Awesome! Man I love running in the rain!

Me too! The dog, not so much Undecided

Rain? What is this rain you speak of?

Yeah, we don't see it much either, but I enjoy it when we do.

2013-03-04 10:44 AM
in reply to: #4645368

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Gig Harbor
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
rrrunner - 2013-03-04 8:10 AM
Muskrat37 - 2013-03-03 9:20 PM


your edited video: 

Your catch and pull are looking much, much better.  Your elbow is much higher, and your pull begins much earlier in the stroke.  You also are not using that wrist to pull, you are now using the forearm and the rest of your arm.  These are huge improvements and I can see the effort you have put in.  GOOD JOB!  

It appears that as you finished more laps, that elbow started to drop more, but that is very common because as we get more tired, the form breaks down a bit.  

I am hesitant to say this next part, for fear that you will over correct my next recommendation, and do more harm than good.  Also, not 100% sure because there is no above water angle to analyze…anyways, here goes: (Yanti, please chime in here)


I think you are over rotating.  The rotation should be mostly natural as a result of the reach with your hands / arms.  However, if you are reaching way to far, you may be over rotating your body.  Again, take this with a grain of salt, because I can’t see an above water view.  If you can get me a video from above the water, (someone walking beside you taking the video) I can analyze this are much better.  

The biggest area I see for improvement is balance.  The hips are still sinking a bit, which is causing you to have to work much harder. 

I recommend you work on your balance, and continue to work on the catch and pull, focusing on keeping that elbow nice and high and getting a good strong pull through the water. Make sure you are pulling "hard" and not letting the arm get lazy during the pull.  The harder you pull and the more water you push, the more propulsion you get... I will try to get a video of me doing that silly thing on the edge of the pool deck (pulling myself into the pool - remember that description?)  

In a couple frames of the video, I can see your triceps really working, and your muscles flexing - THAT IS AWESOME!!! 

Balance drill video:

Catch up drill video:

Work with a pull buoy on “Drill” day.  Do a 50 with a buoy, then do one without.  Really focus on how the hips feel, and how it affects your stroke when the hips rise to the surface of the water.  When you work with the pull buoy – think of a good hard pull…Your arms will probably get a bit sore (triceps) but that is a good sign. .

Let me know how it’s going and if you have any questions.  In about a month, let’s get another video… I am excited to see your progression!  Keep up the Great Work!

As always, thanks for the knowledge and guidance. I read this post before swim this morning so I focused on keeping my shoulders down. I noticed this morning (maybe in part because of the shoulders down) that the "new" pull is getting easier and doesn't wear me out as quickly anymore. My speeds were about the same as last time I did this particular set so I think it's time to try to up the pace.

When you say your shoulders down, do you mean pushing your chest down?  I think so, but I want to clarify.  

Awesome that the pull is not wearing you out as quickly.  I'm guessing this is a result of the muscles getting stronger.  You may even start to notice a "v" where your triceps are.  

 <insert> Shameless brag about my triceps


Edited by Muskrat37 2013-03-04 10:45 AM
2013-03-04 10:47 AM
in reply to: #4645397

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Gig Harbor
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
bcraht - 2013-03-04 8:25 AM
melbo55 - 2013-03-04 7:20 AM
bcraht - 2013-03-03 4:54 PM

melbo55 - 2013-03-03 1:28 PM Someone please help me get my butt out the door for my long run.  It's cold and windy and my husband just brought home Chinese take-out and I have 6-7 miles to run.

1. Run for those of us who can't right now

2. Think how good the food will be once you have burned off the calories...

We podmates must have a mental connection.  During my run I was fully appreciating the fact that I am able to run, appreciating my health, appreciating nature (even the strong, cold, wicked wind), appreciating so many little things I never want to take for granted while Kirsten and TX Jon were requesting such things!  Thanks, guys, and since I got out the door, Chad, I'm still in the pod!

I ran 7 miles without walking.  I've never run more than 5.2 straight without walking, so I'm beyond excited and stoked and still in a slight bit of disbelief.  My only stop was to take a pic of some spring flowers, snowdrops, which my great aunt always called the harbinger of spring, so my relatives who passed on before me were with me on  my run as well.

Way to go, Mel!  That is awesome. 

Awesome job.  Way to Go Manatee!  I guess we'll have to keep you around a little bit longer..  

2013-03-04 10:50 AM
in reply to: #4645382

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Gig Harbor
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
rrrunner - 2013-03-04 8:20 AM
Muskrat37 - 2013-03-04 9:11 AM

A couple pics from my run a couple weeks ago.  

Stunning! While I would love to live near the ocean or a bay I do enjoy our 310 days of sunshine each year.

Notice the clouds in all my pictures did you?  LOL  

Yeah - it is cloudly / drizzle like rainy here a lot...but that is what gives us all the Trees, Green and Water... All of which I love.  I must admit though, I'm sure glad I took a likin' to runnin' in the rain.  I also took up Scuba Diving as an activity I can do in the winter, since it doesn't matter if it's raining or not when you are under the water.  Not to mention, Giant Pacific Octopus and Wolf Eels are 2 of the most awesome creatures to see - and they are all over the Puget Sound.  

Our summers are beautiful though (shhhh, don't tell anyone) and when the sun is shining, I don't think there is a more beautiful place on earth.

Where do you live?  edit - just looked at your avatar and saw where you live...

Edited by Muskrat37 2013-03-04 10:51 AM
2013-03-04 10:57 AM
in reply to: #4645456

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
Muskrat37 - 2013-03-04 9:44 AM
rrrunner - 2013-03-04 8:10 AM
Muskrat37 - 2013-03-03 9:20 PM


your edited video: 

Your catch and pull are looking much, much better.  Your elbow is much higher, and your pull begins much earlier in the stroke.  You also are not using that wrist to pull, you are now using the forearm and the rest of your arm.  These are huge improvements and I can see the effort you have put in.  GOOD JOB!  

It appears that as you finished more laps, that elbow started to drop more, but that is very common because as we get more tired, the form breaks down a bit.  

I am hesitant to say this next part, for fear that you will over correct my next recommendation, and do more harm than good.  Also, not 100% sure because there is no above water angle to analyze…anyways, here goes: (Yanti, please chime in here)


I think you are over rotating.  The rotation should be mostly natural as a result of the reach with your hands / arms.  However, if you are reaching way to far, you may be over rotating your body.  Again, take this with a grain of salt, because I can’t see an above water view.  If you can get me a video from above the water, (someone walking beside you taking the video) I can analyze this are much better.  

The biggest area I see for improvement is balance.  The hips are still sinking a bit, which is causing you to have to work much harder. 

I recommend you work on your balance, and continue to work on the catch and pull, focusing on keeping that elbow nice and high and getting a good strong pull through the water. Make sure you are pulling "hard" and not letting the arm get lazy during the pull.  The harder you pull and the more water you push, the more propulsion you get... I will try to get a video of me doing that silly thing on the edge of the pool deck (pulling myself into the pool - remember that description?)  

In a couple frames of the video, I can see your triceps really working, and your muscles flexing - THAT IS AWESOME!!! 

Balance drill video:

Catch up drill video:

Work with a pull buoy on “Drill” day.  Do a 50 with a buoy, then do one without.  Really focus on how the hips feel, and how it affects your stroke when the hips rise to the surface of the water.  When you work with the pull buoy – think of a good hard pull…Your arms will probably get a bit sore (triceps) but that is a good sign. .

Let me know how it’s going and if you have any questions.  In about a month, let’s get another video… I am excited to see your progression!  Keep up the Great Work!

As always, thanks for the knowledge and guidance. I read this post before swim this morning so I focused on keeping my shoulders down. I noticed this morning (maybe in part because of the shoulders down) that the "new" pull is getting easier and doesn't wear me out as quickly anymore. My speeds were about the same as last time I did this particular set so I think it's time to try to up the pace.

When you say your shoulders down, do you mean pushing your chest down?  I think so, but I want to clarify.  

Awesome that the pull is not wearing you out as quickly.  I'm guessing this is a result of the muscles getting stronger.  You may even start to notice a "v" where your triceps are.  

  Shameless brag about my triceps


Yes, that's what I meant.

Nice triceps! Laughing

2013-03-04 10:59 AM
in reply to: #4645474

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
Muskrat37 - 2013-03-04 9:50 AM
rrrunner - 2013-03-04 8:20 AM
Muskrat37 - 2013-03-04 9:11 AM

A couple pics from my run a couple weeks ago.  

Stunning! While I would love to live near the ocean or a bay I do enjoy our 310 days of sunshine each year.

Notice the clouds in all my pictures did you?  LOL  

Yeah - it is cloudly / drizzle like rainy here a lot...but that is what gives us all the Trees, Green and Water... All of which I love.  I must admit though, I'm sure glad I took a likin' to runnin' in the rain.  I also took up Scuba Diving as an activity I can do in the winter, since it doesn't matter if it's raining or not when you are under the water.  Not to mention, Giant Pacific Octopus and Wolf Eels are 2 of the most awesome creatures to see - and they are all over the Puget Sound.  

Our summers are beautiful though (shhhh, don't tell anyone) and when the sun is shining, I don't think there is a more beautiful place on earth.

Where do you live?  edit - just looked at your avatar and saw where you live...

Cool! not sure I'd want to swim with them tho...

2013-03-04 11:05 AM
in reply to: #4602563

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
Just arranged to get a Travel Trac fluid trainer off of Craigslist.  It pays to wait for things!  Now I won't have to worry about it raining (speaking of rain) when I want to take a ride.
2013-03-04 11:06 AM
in reply to: #4645497

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
rrrunner - 2013-03-04 11:59 AM
Muskrat37 - 2013-03-04 9:50 AM
rrrunner - 2013-03-04 8:20 AM
Muskrat37 - 2013-03-04 9:11 AM

A couple pics from my run a couple weeks ago.  

Stunning! While I would love to live near the ocean or a bay I do enjoy our 310 days of sunshine each year.

Notice the clouds in all my pictures did you?  LOL  

Yeah - it is cloudly / drizzle like rainy here a lot...but that is what gives us all the Trees, Green and Water... All of which I love.  I must admit though, I'm sure glad I took a likin' to runnin' in the rain.  I also took up Scuba Diving as an activity I can do in the winter, since it doesn't matter if it's raining or not when you are under the water.  Not to mention, Giant Pacific Octopus and Wolf Eels are 2 of the most awesome creatures to see - and they are all over the Puget Sound.  

Our summers are beautiful though (shhhh, don't tell anyone) and when the sun is shining, I don't think there is a more beautiful place on earth.

Where do you live?  edit - just looked at your avatar and saw where you live...

Cool! not sure I'd want to swim with them tho...

You sure?  With all those extra arms, octopuses are fun to hug.

2013-03-04 11:06 AM
in reply to: #4645338

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Western WI
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
rrrunner - 2013-03-04 9:57 AM
Asalzwed - 2013-03-01 4:15 PM

 92 of a running streak. Not that I have any intention of holding that streak as I will be  tapering in a month. 

Is anyone else streaking at this point? 

I have trained for 112 days straight now. Cool


2013-03-04 11:13 AM
in reply to: #4645342

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East Texas
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
rrrunner - 2013-03-04 10:02 AM
JJ- - 2013-03-04 7:19 AM

Run didn't go well Tightened up at 2 miles.

I've gained 12 pounds since my injury and I felt every one of them this morning. That's just plain stupid. I am making a change now and dropping that weight. There is no reason I should let me emotions get to me like that.


Manatee Group: From my heart: Honestly guys I've been so frustrated that I haven't posted much since my injury. I apologize for that. This group is awesome and I get so much encouragement from y'all that I should be here every day. I am making a vow to check in every day from here on and remain positive. There is no reason for me to get so emotionally involved over a stupid injury.

I've missed so much that I don't know if I can get all caught up so for those of you that have race a big congratulations to you. I WILL be going back and at least reading race reports.



OK just talked to my coach. Since rest has obviously not worked and I still have a good base her suggestion is to do daily short runs of 1-2 miles. The thinking is that hopefully this will actually help loosen up my IT Band. She said hopefully this will help loosen up my IT Band and I can get my volume in this way. I know several of you do daily runs so what do you think?

I completely understand your emotional upheaval! I am at about the same time out from 70.3 that you are. I would be devastated if something threatened that race now. You continue to be in my prayers.

Thank you

2013-03-04 11:15 AM
in reply to: #4644865

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
jobaxas - 2013-03-04 12:07 AM

A news article for our Yanti - apparently a little s*x could cure that migraine....

Got a headache? Try a little passion instead of a painkiller: One in five migraine sufferers had no symptoms after sex


  • More than half of migraine sufferers who had sex during an attack experienced an improvement in symptoms
  • One in five were left without any pain at all, researchers found

My husband uses that all the time.  It works for me at the time, but it's always worse after.

2013-03-04 11:15 AM
in reply to: #4644841

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Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
TriRx - 2013-03-03 10:35 PM

Asalzwed - 2013-03-01 11:51 AM I am doing a race simulation tomorrow AM. Our coach wants me to do a warm-up then 11 miles at marathon pace + 1 minute then run to the track where I will be doing 2 x 2 miles @ marathon pace drinking exactly what is on course only every mile. It should be good. Then I have a HM next weekend so, some serious simulation before I leave for Texas. 

That's killer Salt, you're a stud!

Hey, did you watch the indoor track champs today? Mary cain?! speedie little thing!  And I love the finish of the 60m, I've never seen that before!  Oh, and Will Leed? (I think that's his name) He looks like Pre and the announcer said "I think Pre would have been proud of that effort!" after he won the 1 mile.  I bet that guys stoked! I had to record the sprints/hurdles, watching tomorrow.  But thought of you!!

Ahhh yaaaaay someone else watched it! Yeah, Mary Cain. Whew! I don't know what those ladies were thinking running so slow. It's very clear that Mary is a STRONG finisher. They set themselves up for that one. 

And it's Will Leer. You know, he seems like a really nice dude but c'mon. That whole Pre thing seems like he is trying a little too hard. Then again, it's working. He won the 3K AND the mile in one weekend so ...

I'm a big Centro fan. He had a tough, tough weekend. Ran the 800 and the mile with what? 45 minutes in between? Yowza. 

2013-03-04 11:16 AM
in reply to: #4645510

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Gig Harbor
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
ponderingfox - 2013-03-04 9:06 AM
rrrunner - 2013-03-04 11:59 AM
Muskrat37 - 2013-03-04 9:50 AM
rrrunner - 2013-03-04 8:20 AM
Muskrat37 - 2013-03-04 9:11 AM

A couple pics from my run a couple weeks ago.  

Stunning! While I would love to live near the ocean or a bay I do enjoy our 310 days of sunshine each year.

Notice the clouds in all my pictures did you?  LOL  

Yeah - it is cloudly / drizzle like rainy here a lot...but that is what gives us all the Trees, Green and Water... All of which I love.  I must admit though, I'm sure glad I took a likin' to runnin' in the rain.  I also took up Scuba Diving as an activity I can do in the winter, since it doesn't matter if it's raining or not when you are under the water.  Not to mention, Giant Pacific Octopus and Wolf Eels are 2 of the most awesome creatures to see - and they are all over the Puget Sound.  

Our summers are beautiful though (shhhh, don't tell anyone) and when the sun is shining, I don't think there is a more beautiful place on earth.

Where do you live?  edit - just looked at your avatar and saw where you live...

Cool! not sure I'd want to swim with them tho...

You sure?  With all those extra arms, octopuses are fun to hug.

Is it Octopuses, Octopi, or Octopodes... 

Find the answer here... (this gave me a chuckle)

2013-03-04 11:18 AM
in reply to: #4645541

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
Muskrat37 - 2013-03-04 12:16 PM
ponderingfox - 2013-03-04 9:06 AM
rrrunner - 2013-03-04 11:59 AM
Muskrat37 - 2013-03-04 9:50 AM
rrrunner - 2013-03-04 8:20 AM
Muskrat37 - 2013-03-04 9:11 AM

A couple pics from my run a couple weeks ago.  

Stunning! While I would love to live near the ocean or a bay I do enjoy our 310 days of sunshine each year.

Notice the clouds in all my pictures did you?  LOL  

Yeah - it is cloudly / drizzle like rainy here a lot...but that is what gives us all the Trees, Green and Water... All of which I love.  I must admit though, I'm sure glad I took a likin' to runnin' in the rain.  I also took up Scuba Diving as an activity I can do in the winter, since it doesn't matter if it's raining or not when you are under the water.  Not to mention, Giant Pacific Octopus and Wolf Eels are 2 of the most awesome creatures to see - and they are all over the Puget Sound.  

Our summers are beautiful though (shhhh, don't tell anyone) and when the sun is shining, I don't think there is a more beautiful place on earth.

Where do you live?  edit - just looked at your avatar and saw where you live...

Cool! not sure I'd want to swim with them tho...

You sure?  With all those extra arms, octopuses are fun to hug.

Is it Octopuses, Octopi, or Octopodes... 

Find the answer here... (this gave me a chuckle)

I prefer Octopodes because it sounds funny. 

2013-03-04 11:18 AM
in reply to: #4645531

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Gig Harbor
Subject: RE: Mad Manatee Mentors, Part 2! CLOSED
JJ- - 2013-03-04 9:13 AM
rrrunner - 2013-03-04 10:02 AM
JJ- - 2013-03-04 7:19 AM

Run didn't go well Tightened up at 2 miles.

I've gained 12 pounds since my injury and I felt every one of them this morning. That's just plain stupid. I am making a change now and dropping that weight. There is no reason I should let me emotions get to me like that.


Manatee Group: From my heart: Honestly guys I've been so frustrated that I haven't posted much since my injury. I apologize for that. This group is awesome and I get so much encouragement from y'all that I should be here every day. I am making a vow to check in every day from here on and remain positive. There is no reason for me to get so emotionally involved over a stupid injury.

I've missed so much that I don't know if I can get all caught up so for those of you that have race a big congratulations to you. I WILL be going back and at least reading race reports.



OK just talked to my coach. Since rest has obviously not worked and I still have a good base her suggestion is to do daily short runs of 1-2 miles. The thinking is that hopefully this will actually help loosen up my IT Band. She said hopefully this will help loosen up my IT Band and I can get my volume in this way. I know several of you do daily runs so what do you think?

I completely understand your emotional upheaval! I am at about the same time out from 70.3 that you are. I would be devastated if something threatened that race now. You continue to be in my prayers.

Thank you

Jonathan - no worries about not checking in....totally understand.  Hope all is better.  

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