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2013-03-16 12:05 PM
in reply to: #4662287

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED

cobratodd - 2013-03-16 9:42 AM Those of you in the NE area, there's a 100km ride tomorrow out of Westfield MA - from the New Horizons Bike Shop.  The Saint Pats Day 100k Brevet - I'm going for it, even with the High 20's forecasted at the start - I hope the sun will be out at least - it beats the 3.5 hour trainer ride alternative.  I'm bringing my running shoes to hit a 30 minute T run right after it.

You are brave!  The Westfield are in wicked hilly and 20 is cold.  I just spent 4 hours on the trainer.  I'll take that over freezing.

2013-03-16 12:09 PM
in reply to: #4662413

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
kaburns1214 - 2013-03-16 1:04 PM
DDVMM - 2013-03-16 10:06 AM
jarvy01 - 2013-03-16 9:54 AM

ccmpsyd - 2013-03-16 9:10 AM I am glad Jen.
So I swam with fins. So that is what it is like to swim relatively quickly.

Kick sets with the fins?  Also, what type of fins did you get?

I have scuba fins. Will they work?

Kelly would say that for working on body position zoomers are the best. 

For working on leg strength you can use longer fins but you need to be careful not be become dependent on the fins.  Fins are like pull buoys, they can be excellent tools, you just need to watch and make sure they don't become a wubbie. 

Can you link the ones I should get? I see a couple different sizes. Will I need them later this week?
2013-03-16 1:03 PM
in reply to: #4662414

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Extreme Veteran
Higganum, Connecticut
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
kaburns1214 - 2013-03-16 1:05 PM

cobratodd - 2013-03-16 9:42 AM Those of you in the NE area, there's a 100km ride tomorrow out of Westfield MA - from the New Horizons Bike Shop.  The Saint Pats Day 100k Brevet - I'm going for it, even with the High 20's forecasted at the start - I hope the sun will be out at least - it beats the 3.5 hour trainer ride alternative.  I'm bringing my running shoes to hit a 30 minute T run right after it.

You are brave!  The Westfield are in wicked hilly and 20 is cold.  I just spent 4 hours on the trainer.  I'll take that over freezing.

i did this a few years back when it was 22F at the start, the hills keep you warm.

2013-03-16 1:24 PM
in reply to: #4662264

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
Kuma - 2013-03-16 8:03 AM

Thanks for writing your article, Scott. I think it is a really good job on a question that is relevant to a lot of triathletes. I have never done Crossfit myself, but have several friends that do and I have wondered about this exact question.

I did have one thought if you're still accepting feedback. At the beginning, you say something like you don't think Crossfit is awesome for excelling in triathlon. When I read this, the impression I had was that you're saying Crossfit is 100% incompatible with triathlon. At the end of the article, though, you include your paragraph about the areas where Crossfit can actually help triathletes, like improving muscle imbalances and body composition.

I wondered if you might want to soften the statement at the beginning to signal that there are in fact some benefits. Maybe something like, "While Crossfit can benefit triathletes in some areas, overall the disadvantages to triathletes of doing Crossfit outweigh the advantages."

In any event, something to think about. Are you publishing the article on this website, or in some other place? I bet you get lots of good feedback.


Thanks for the feedback.  It's on the Sonic Endurance website.  Crossfit has ancillary benefits to triathletes.  It isn't directly going to make you faster with the three disciplines if all things were equal.  I can help your body hold onto muscle mass, not necessarily the kind that is functional in an endurance sports setting but muscle nonetheless.  It can put you in a great hormonal environment for losing weight.  Strength training brings on a testosterone release that just don't get from endurance sports. 


The problem ends up being is that the recovery aspect of the two sports don't mesh.  Not to mention that most people would get more benefit from the 3-5 hours a week they typically Crossfit if they were to put it towards s/b/r.

2013-03-16 1:25 PM
in reply to: #4542521

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
Spent today on the IMTX course.  FUN time.  Got most of the course in, minus the parts winding through the city parts of The Woodlands.
2013-03-16 5:26 PM
in reply to: #4542521

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED

Did 2 hours on the bike today. Longest ride to date.

Question - is it somewhat normal to experience mild numbness (not complete) in the nether regions? I find that after an hour or so, I will have to stand and pedal for a few seconds every fifteen minutes or so to seemingly get the blood flow back. When I hop off the bike, I am fine and legs feel fine and no problems relieving myself. Take the aforementioned with this in mind: I have really only been riding for greater periods of time in a seated position on the road bike (vs mtb) since late Jan - so I am thinking I am just getting used to it.

2013-03-16 5:36 PM
in reply to: #4662612

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Extreme Veteran
Higganum, Connecticut
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
ccmpsyd - 2013-03-16 6:26 PM

Did 2 hours on the bike today. Longest ride to date.

Question - is it somewhat normal to experience mild numbness (not complete) in the nether regions? I find that after an hour or so, I will have to stand and pedal for a few seconds every fifteen minutes or so to seemingly get the blood flow back. When I hop off the bike, I am fine and legs feel fine and no problems relieving myself. Take the aforementioned with this in mind: I have really only been riding for greater periods of time in a seated position on the road bike (vs mtb) since late Jan - so I am thinking I am just getting used to it.

I have to stand every 40 minutes or so, helps flush out the legs too.
2013-03-17 10:02 AM
in reply to: #4662622

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
cobratodd - 2013-03-16 6:36 PM
ccmpsyd - 2013-03-16 6:26 PM

Did 2 hours on the bike today. Longest ride to date.

Question - is it somewhat normal to experience mild numbness (not complete) in the nether regions? I find that after an hour or so, I will have to stand and pedal for a few seconds every fifteen minutes or so to seemingly get the blood flow back. When I hop off the bike, I am fine and legs feel fine and no problems relieving myself. Take the aforementioned with this in mind: I have really only been riding for greater periods of time in a seated position on the road bike (vs mtb) since late Jan - so I am thinking I am just getting used to it.

I have to stand every 40 minutes or so, helps flush out the legs too.


If it's your sit bones that are going numb, then I think that's a normal part of getting used to riding longer distances, and what you're doing - shifting your position on the bike and/or standing occasionally, is the way to resolve it.  Don't know if you were riding inside or outside, but I always find that this is more of a problem for me on the trainer than outside, because when you're outside the varied terrain encourages you to move around on the saddle anyway.  (Note, the same recommendation for occasional position-shifting applies to your hands, also.)  

If it's your taint and your boys that go numb, and it happens consistently, then that could mean there's a saddle fit issue.  I struggled with this issue for a long time until I found a saddle that fit me well.  You want your weight on the saddle to be supported by your sit bones, not the soft tissue in between.  Even on a saddle that fits, this numbness can occur if you slide too far forward on the saddle, so your sit bones aren't being supported by the back part of the saddle (i.e., the wide part).  Ironically, I find avoiding this problem is easier with a firmer saddle than with a soft one, since you don't sink into the firm saddle like a sofa.  

Even the second issue can often be resolved with just frequently shifting position, but I would keep an eye on it for awhile, at least until you start riding outside regularly.  If it continues or starts to get worse, then consider adjusting the position of your saddle on the bike (i.e., is it tilted too far forward or back?) and/or changing saddles. 

2013-03-17 10:06 AM
in reply to: #4542521

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
One disclaimer - this is the road cyclist's perspective.  Since triathletes are encouraged to remain in the aero position for so long, moving around a lot may not be such a good option, so triathletes may have come up with other solutions...
2013-03-17 10:28 AM
in reply to: #4542521

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED

Thanks Matt. I think I slide forward a bit on the rides but will give it time. It's not awful. I would hate to have to get a new saddle, as I just got this one.

How's your running/shoe issue going?

2013-03-17 11:24 AM
in reply to: #4542521

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED

If the saddle is new then give it some time.  If it continues to be an issue you may want to look at something like an Adamo or the new Gen2 Cobb.

2013-03-17 1:01 PM
in reply to: #4542521

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED

Thanks Scott. Am thinking it will simply take time to get use to it.

Question for the group: What goggles do you use? I have yet to find a pair that does not leak or fog. Mine do not leak if I keep them on from the outset. But they fog and if I have to lift them up to look for something (equipment) they leak...not sure why but I don't care. Haven't tried anything other than speedos.

2013-03-17 1:02 PM
in reply to: #4542521

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Extreme Veteran
Higganum, Connecticut
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
Nutrition question time!!!!Just did a mildly quick 100k ride with some hills. In the 3:30 minutes it took, the Mapmyride log shows I toasted 5,100+ calories. I know that's off by a huge margin, say 20% too high, but since I only drank one 20oz bottle of Perform with 2.5 tiny scoops in it, what did I burn for those calories? I doubt it's all energy stores, some fat stores, when does muscle become a victim? I don't want to consume muscle that I'm trying to train to work for me.
2013-03-17 1:10 PM
in reply to: #4542521

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Extreme Veteran
Higganum, Connecticut
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
Goggles that fit me best are the Speedo Airseal (not the Airseal Tri version). I suspect everyone is different, but I've tried a few and have used these for my last 3 or 4 sets.
2013-03-17 8:51 PM
in reply to: #4663070

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
ccmpsyd - 2013-03-17 11:28 AM

Thanks Matt. I think I slide forward a bit on the rides but will give it time. It's not awful. I would hate to have to get a new saddle, as I just got this one.

How's your running/shoe issue going?

I went to a physical therapist Friday, and he said what the group had said - that is was likely a result of not being used to the regular pounding of running.  He said he thought it was a muscle issue rather than something in the joints, and in particular that it was because my legs aren't used to the lateral stabilization necessary for running.  He gave me some exercises to address the issue - one where I stretch an elastic band attached to my ankle in different directions and another where I get on all fours and lift each leg out to the side in turn (this last one is called "fire hydrants" - yuk yuk).

This past week was a lower volume week so it hasn't been as much of an issue, but I'm back at normal schedule this upcoming week, so we'll see how things go.   Keep your fingers crossed!  

2013-03-18 6:36 AM
in reply to: #4663185

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED

cobratodd - 2013-03-17 2:02 PM Nutrition question time!!!!Just did a mildly quick 100k ride with some hills. In the 3:30 minutes it took, the Mapmyride log shows I toasted 5,100+ calories. I know that's off by a huge margin, say 20% too high, but since I only drank one 20oz bottle of Perform with 2.5 tiny scoops in it, what did I burn for those calories? I doubt it's all energy stores, some fat stores, when does muscle become a victim? I don't want to consume muscle that I'm trying to train to work for me.

Even I would consume more than that during a 3:30 ride, and I consume very, very little during training.  You are doing LP; right?  Are you practicing nutrition at all yet?  I go with the generic 4 miles = 90-100 calories, and it seems to be pretty accurate.  Garmin and mapmyride overestimate, IMO.  You still probably burned a ton of calories.  Did you drink water in addition to the Perform?  No solids?  What kind of recovery meal did you have after?  

2013-03-18 6:38 AM
in reply to: #4542521

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
I've worn Zoggs Predator Flex goggles for the last 3 years.  I recently got a pair of TYR nest pros, and they seem to fit similarly to the Zoggs and they are cheaper, so I may stick with these for the time being.

Edited by jarvy01 2013-03-18 6:38 AM
2013-03-18 6:44 AM
in reply to: #4542521

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED

I had a rough swim this morning.  The heater was broken at the pool again, and it was FREEZING.  I'm going to call LA Fitness headquarters and talk to someone.  Not that it will help.  I just want to register a complaint.  I could deal if it were 90 degrees outside, but it's 20 and snowing here.  If I had other pool options, I'd switch immediately.  

My main set today was 3 x (3 x 100 paddles all out, 200 pull with paddles easy) + 5 x 200 paddles all out (10" rest).  1000 wu and 200 cd.  Brutal workout.  I began to feel as if I were going to vomit during the 200s. I had to lay my head down on the side of the pool and breathe deeply.  I've never been so happy to get out of the pool.  I had a large breakfast, but I still feel nauseous.   

2013-03-18 6:56 AM
in reply to: #4663917

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Extreme Veteran
Higganum, Connecticut
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
jarvy01 - 2013-03-18 7:36 AM

cobratodd - 2013-03-17 2:02 PM Nutrition question time!!!!Just did a mildly quick 100k ride with some hills. In the 3:30 minutes it took, the Mapmyride log shows I toasted 5,100+ calories. I know that's off by a huge margin, say 20% too high, but since I only drank one 20oz bottle of Perform with 2.5 tiny scoops in it, what did I burn for those calories? I doubt it's all energy stores, some fat stores, when does muscle become a victim? I don't want to consume muscle that I'm trying to train to work for me.

Even I would consume more than that during a 3:30 ride, and I consume very, very little during training.  You are doing LP; right?  Are you practicing nutrition at all yet?  I go with the generic 4 miles = 90-100 calories, and it seems to be pretty accurate.  Garmin and mapmyride overestimate, IMO.  You still probably burned a ton of calories.  Did you drink water in addition to the Perform?  No solids?  What kind of recovery meal did you have after?  

Interesting, I really "ran out of gas" at mile 55 and fell about a minute or so behind the first rider, when I kept up the first 55 miles - I didn't think that I ran out of calories, but it's very clear now that I did.  My frozen water bottle didn't help.

Yes, I am doing LP, so that is why I switched to the Perform.  I used to use Perpetuem in the past where I would mix the number of scoops of powder based on the duration of the activity, then carry hydration separately.  Yesterday, I only had that one non-frozen bottle - valuable lesson there.

So about 100 calories per hour - I will have to try to be more aware of this.


To make things worse, I did have two honey stingers with me, that I managed only one bite one, and the rest ended up as squirrel food on the side of the road somewhere - lesson #2 of the day.

Recovery meal was a bottle of Recoverite on the way home, then a blackened Salmon Salad and some chicken wings (Saint Pats thing at the Wooden Tap).

I feel okay today, but I could NOT have gone for another 8 hours of activity with that "fuel" plan.



2013-03-18 8:17 AM
in reply to: #4542521

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED

It's super humid here this morning.  Made my 2:05 run more of a trudge than anything. 


Think most of my training rides are going to happen on the course from here on out.  We can get out of town by the time the sun comes up and most folks are moving so the only real traffic is rednecks.  Always fun to be one of the two guys in a group not expected to go sub 10 at Texas.

2013-03-18 9:48 AM
in reply to: #4664051

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
uhcoog - 2013-03-18 9:17 AM

Always fun to be one of the two guys in a group not expected to go sub 10 at Texas.

I know you know this but you're only competing against yourself. There's so many good athletes out there who can just smoke me so I'm at peace with it.

Do you have a personal goal?

2013-03-18 10:46 AM
in reply to: #4662612

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
People can challenge me, but it think at this point is is normal if riding longer than 30-45 minutes to get numbness. I mean you are basically sitting on your parts, something has to give. However it should go away immediately when shifting your position or standing. If you ride totally flat courses and are not changing gears that will worsen the effect. If you have course you can ride like on a CT, or force yourself to use various ger on the ride that will help.
2013-03-18 11:12 AM
in reply to: #4542521

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
I don't get numb riding outside in the pants until at least 90 minutes in. What does go numb on me quicker is my left hand when I'm riding nearly exclusively in the aero position. I'm 99% sure this is because I wear my Garmin on my right hand and from checking my heart rate I tend to lean on that elbow. To even it out I refill my water that's between the areo-bars with my left hand so I can shake it out a bit. Inside I get no numbness in my left hand since I leave the garmin on the bars and don't ride long intervals in aero. I do however go numb in the pants much quicker. I'll do a few raises to help it out.
2013-03-18 12:21 PM
in reply to: #4542521

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
Rode for 5 hours on Saturday.  No numbness.  Haven't gone numb in quite a while.
2013-03-18 2:59 PM
in reply to: #4542521

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
Curious Scott, who in your group would actually voice that expectation? That does not sound supportive. I know you know this, but as a coach and as a proud dad, what would you say to a mentee or your child in that situation?
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