BT Development Mentor Program Archives » kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2013-03-18 3:09 PM
in reply to: #4664867

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED

ccmpsyd - 2013-03-18 2:59 PM Curious Scott, who in your group would actually voice that expectation? That does not sound supportive. I know you know this, but as a coach and as a proud dad, what would you say to a mentee or your child in that situation?


The sub 10 hour expectation? 


BTW in response to the other Scott's question I want to go sub 12.  If I race my race I should be able to make that happen.  We'll see. I just don't want to make a fool out of myself out there which to me = walking the whole marathon. 


I too am cool with the fact there are a ton of people out there that can smoke me.  It just had been a while since I was in a group with so many that readily could.  Drives me to be better really.

2013-03-18 3:37 PM
in reply to: #4664051

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
uhcoog - 2013-03-18 8:17 AM

It's super humid here this morning.  Made my 2:05 run more of a trudge than anything. 


Think most of my training rides are going to happen on the course from here on out.  We can get out of town by the time the sun comes up and most folks are moving so the only real traffic is rednecks.  Always fun to be one of the two guys in a group not expected to go sub 10 at Texas.

Yeah..whose expectation? Did somone in the group actually voice this or is this your own expectation?

If this is your own expectation, I would say this to you: Expectations are often born from shoulds and shoulds are the harbinger of frustration and disappointment. Although we could split hairs on this next one - there are really no shoulds - shoulds come from our own internal processes. (yes I know there are shoulds such as we should be nice to people, etc., but that's not what I am talking about). I don't mean to sound all shrinky but the point kind and not hard on yourself, it just may make the trip a little more enjoyable.

2013-03-18 4:06 PM
in reply to: #4663185

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED

cobratodd - 2013-03-17 2:02 PM Nutrition question time!!!!Just did a mildly quick 100k ride with some hills. In the 3:30 minutes it took, the Mapmyride log shows I toasted 5,100+ calories. I know that's off by a huge margin, say 20% too high, but since I only drank one 20oz bottle of Perform with 2.5 tiny scoops in it, what did I burn for those calories? I doubt it's all energy stores, some fat stores, when does muscle become a victim? I don't want to consume muscle that I'm trying to train to work for me.

It depends (great answer I know).  You likely used all the glycogen in your muscles and then tapped into your fat stores.  If you are a really efficient fat metabolizer you could fuel a decent amount of that ride with fat.  If you're not as efficient of a fat metabolizer, you started to break down other tissues.

Question -- did you smell like ammonia after the ride?


2013-03-18 4:09 PM
in reply to: #4664946

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
ccmpsyd - 2013-03-18 3:37 PM
uhcoog - 2013-03-18 8:17 AM

It's super humid here this morning.  Made my 2:05 run more of a trudge than anything. 


Think most of my training rides are going to happen on the course from here on out.  We can get out of town by the time the sun comes up and most folks are moving so the only real traffic is rednecks.  Always fun to be one of the two guys in a group not expected to go sub 10 at Texas.

Yeah..whose expectation? Did somone in the group actually voice this or is this your own expectation?

If this is your own expectation, I would say this to you: Expectations are often born from shoulds and shoulds are the harbinger of frustration and disappointment. Although we could split hairs on this next one - there are really no shoulds - shoulds come from our own internal processes. (yes I know there are shoulds such as we should be nice to people, etc., but that's not what I am talking about). I don't mean to sound all shrinky but the point kind and not hard on yourself, it just may make the trip a little more enjoyable.


Haha.  Gotcha.  Look I'm realistic about my current capabilities.  Sub 10 ain't in the cards for me. 


Being hard on myself honestly is what drives me.  I know what I should be able to do.  I expect myself to perform to that level.  There are times I will fail, and Kelly and I will pinpoint where those failures were and we will work to fix it.  Is it the end of the world if I fail to meet my goals?  No, but I don't wake up at 4 AM 6 days a week to go out there and shrug my shoulders should I fail to deliver.  It's the way I was introduced to sports at age 7 and it's the way I approach them now. 


This is also a trait I have to reel in as a coach.  I know that not everyone approaches sports and life like that.

2013-03-18 4:11 PM
in reply to: #4664891

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
uhcoog - 2013-03-18 4:09 PM

ccmpsyd - 2013-03-18 2:59 PM Curious Scott, who in your group would actually voice that expectation? That does not sound supportive. I know you know this, but as a coach and as a proud dad, what would you say to a mentee or your child in that situation?


The sub 10 hour expectation? 


BTW in response to the other Scott's question I want to go sub 12.  If I race my race I should be able to make that happen.  We'll see. I just don't want to make a fool out of myself out there which to me = walking the whole marathon. 


I too am cool with the fact there are a ton of people out there that can smoke me.  It just had been a while since I was in a group with so many that readily could.  Drives me to be better really.

Knowing Scott's training and fitness, he is definately capable of a sub 12.  But, as Scott well knows, there is a difference between what you're capable of doing and executing properly on race day.   An IM is a long day and there are lots of things that can go wrong.  You need to control the controllables --  heart rate, nutrition and attitude -- and accpet that there are some things you can't control.  If Scott controls the controlables (and its not 120 degrees out) I think he'll be comfortabley (for an IM) going 11:XX.

ETA -- 11:XX is damn fast for an IM debut.

Edited by kaburns1214 2013-03-18 4:13 PM
2013-03-18 4:30 PM
in reply to: #4542521

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
11:xx is awesome.  Excited for you is going to be a great year.

2013-03-18 4:36 PM
in reply to: #4542521

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED

So in my world I been working on eating, a lot.  My main goal has been to eat more (and all of my eating is being directed and monitored by a RD).  By upping my calories by about 1,000 calories / day I have finaly stopped gaining fat and have (I think) started to loose a little.  I know there was some interest in what/how I'm eating so I though I'd post a few days:

Thursday 3/14

5 a.m. -- 2 slices whole wheat bread & peanutbutter

5:30 a.m. -- 1:20 Bike & 1:00 Run -- 2 Bottles of Skratch (3 scoop bottles)

8 a.m. -- 12 oz. Coconut water, 1 cup cherries & 1 scoop whey protein

10 a.m. -- Baby carrots, hummus, apple & 1.5 oz. nuts

12:30 p.m. -- Salad w/ spinach, broccoli, mushroons, cucumber, 1 c. quinoa & 4 oz chicken

4 p.m. -- 1 c. Greek yogurt & 1 c. Berries

7 p.m. -- 2 c. whole wheat pasta, 3 turkey meatballs, tomatoes & broccoli

Saturday 3/16

6 a.m. -- 1 cup quinoa & 1 cup peaches

8 a.m. -- 4 hour bike & 30 min run -- 4 bottles of Skratch, 2.5 Honey Stinger Waffles, 2 Fig Newtons, 3 scoops of Endurox & Coconut Water

2 p.m. -- 2 cups whole wheat pasta, 3 turkey meatballs, tomatoes, spinach and mushrooms

6 p.m. -- Greek salad with chicken, pita and hummus

I definately did not eat enough on this day.  I ended up with a headache at night but didn't put 2 and 2 together until the next morning.


2013-03-18 5:39 PM
in reply to: #4665008

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
kaburns1214 - 2013-03-18 5:06 PM

cobratodd - 2013-03-17 2:02 PM Nutrition question time!!!!Just did a mildly quick 100k ride with some hills. In the 3:30 minutes it took, the Mapmyride log shows I toasted 5,100+ calories. I know that's off by a huge margin, say 20% too high, but since I only drank one 20oz bottle of Perform with 2.5 tiny scoops in it, what did I burn for those calories? I doubt it's all energy stores, some fat stores, when does muscle become a victim? I don't want to consume muscle that I'm trying to train to work for me.

It depends (great answer I know).  You likely used all the glycogen in your muscles and then tapped into your fat stores.  If you are a really efficient fat metabolizer you could fuel a decent amount of that ride with fat.  If you're not as efficient of a fat metabolizer, you started to break down other tissues.

Question -- did you smell like ammonia after the ride?


So this ammonia smell. I smell it sometimes, mainly after my swims? And the final question...what does this mean?
2013-03-18 5:47 PM
in reply to: #4542521

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
I believe it means you've depleted your glycogen levels and you're now breaking down BCAAs.
2013-03-18 5:52 PM
in reply to: #4665154

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
uhcoog - 2013-03-18 6:47 PMI believe it means you've depleted your glycogen levels and you're now breaking down BCAAs.
Ok I noticed on my long rides but not as much lately either. So is that good or bad?
2013-03-18 6:00 PM
in reply to: #4665160

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED

kidtri33 - 2013-03-18 5:52 PM
uhcoog - 2013-03-18 6:47 PMI believe it means you've depleted your glycogen levels and you're now breaking down BCAAs.
Ok I noticed on my long rides but not as much lately either. So is that good or bad?

Too much protein, not enough carbs in your diet.  Might also want to look at upping the amount of carbs you're taking in during long workouts.

2013-03-18 6:04 PM
in reply to: #4665174

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
uhcoog - 2013-03-18 7:00 PM

kidtri33 - 2013-03-18 5:52 PM
uhcoog - 2013-03-18 6:47 PMI believe it means you've depleted your glycogen levels and you're now breaking down BCAAs.
Ok I noticed on my long rides but not as much lately either. So is that good or bad?

Too much protein, not enough carbs in your diet.  Might also want to look at upping the amount of carbs you're taking in during long workouts.

Thanks Scott! I will keep an eye or nose on it and adjust if it pops up again.
2013-03-18 6:25 PM
in reply to: #4542521

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Extreme Veteran
Higganum, Connecticut
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
Very interesting information here, but no, I haven't smelled like Mr. Clean - I think I may have a lot of "reserves" stored up, yet to burn off. But I will be more aware of this from now on, especially with the longer workouts coming up.On a different note, this being the first time in my life that I've actually followed a training program, and been progressing toward such a serious endurance event for an over-weight guy in his mid-life crisis, I am so surprised at how the human body adapts to these training stresses. After yesterday's 100k ride, I thought it was going to be impossible to run after, because I did try hard to crank along on the ride. The run was surprising, sure it wasn't fast, but totally doable and I could have gone twice as far - I was shocked by it. Slow, methodical increases over a loooooong time frame actually works, oh and you cannot forget the recovery weeks!!! The system works, I think I may actually survive this summer!
2013-03-18 7:23 PM
in reply to: #4664510

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
That is amazing Scott. To the other Scott, I really don't have many issues once I get outside.
2013-03-18 7:32 PM
in reply to: #4542521

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Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
Question: went swimming today and the water was super cloudy such that incur my workout short cuz it was getting hard to breath and starting to hurt my throat. I mentioned to cub manager ... Is that likely too much chlorine?
2013-03-19 10:25 AM
in reply to: #4664891

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
uhcoog - 2013-03-18 4:09 PM

The sub 10 hour expectation? 

 BTW in response to the other Scott's question I want to go sub 12.  If I race my race I should be able to make that happen.  We'll see. I just don't want to make a fool out of myself out there which to me = walking the whole marathon. 

 I too am cool with the fact there are a ton of people out there that can smoke me.  It just had been a while since I was in a group with so many that readily could.  Drives me to be better really.

Agreed on all counts. Just pace the bike right and you'll be fine on the marathon. That's why I opted not to do a full until next year though. I want to feel like I finished strong and think I can do sub 12 when the time comes. Going with a second season of HIMs was the right call for me. I feel like I'm pushing myself harder than last year and yet hitting all my volume numbers at the same time. Had I gone IM I think it would have been too quick and I would have had burnout.

2013-03-19 10:38 AM
in reply to: #4665147

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
kidtri33 - 2013-03-18 6:39 PM
kaburns1214 - 2013-03-18 5:06 PM

cobratodd - 2013-03-17 2:02 PM Nutrition question time!!!!Just did a mildly quick 100k ride with some hills. In the 3:30 minutes it took, the Mapmyride log shows I toasted 5,100+ calories. I know that's off by a huge margin, say 20% too high, but since I only drank one 20oz bottle of Perform with 2.5 tiny scoops in it, what did I burn for those calories? I doubt it's all energy stores, some fat stores, when does muscle become a victim? I don't want to consume muscle that I'm trying to train to work for me.

It depends (great answer I know).  You likely used all the glycogen in your muscles and then tapped into your fat stores.  If you are a really efficient fat metabolizer you could fuel a decent amount of that ride with fat.  If you're not as efficient of a fat metabolizer, you started to break down other tissues.

Question -- did you smell like ammonia after the ride?


So this ammonia smell. I smell it sometimes, mainly after my swims? And the final question...what does this mean?

Smelling it after swims can have something to do with the chemicals in the water.

Smelling it after runs and bikes means that your body is breaking down protein (tissue) instead of using carbs / fat.  Generally means you need to up your carb intake before and during training (and make sure to use a recovery drink to repair the damage / replenish glycogen). 

2013-03-19 10:39 AM
in reply to: #4665066

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
kaburns1214 - 2013-03-18 5:36 PM

So in my world I been working on eating, a lot.  My main goal has been to eat more (and all of my eating is being directed and monitored by a RD).  By upping my calories by about 1,000 calories / day I have finaly stopped gaining fat and have (I think) started to loose a little.  I know there was some interest in what/how I'm eating so I though I'd post a few days:

Thursday 3/14

5 a.m. -- 2 slices whole wheat bread & peanutbutter

5:30 a.m. -- 1:20 Bike & 1:00 Run -- 2 Bottles of Skratch (3 scoop bottles)

8 a.m. -- 12 oz. Coconut water, 1 cup cherries & 1 scoop whey protein

10 a.m. -- Baby carrots, hummus, apple & 1.5 oz. nuts

12:30 p.m. -- Salad w/ spinach, broccoli, mushroons, cucumber, 1 c. quinoa & 4 oz chicken

4 p.m. -- 1 c. Greek yogurt & 1 c. Berries

7 p.m. -- 2 c. whole wheat pasta, 3 turkey meatballs, tomatoes & broccoli

Saturday 3/16

6 a.m. -- 1 cup quinoa & 1 cup peaches

8 a.m. -- 4 hour bike & 30 min run -- 4 bottles of Skratch, 2.5 Honey Stinger Waffles, 2 Fig Newtons, 3 scoops of Endurox & Coconut Water

2 p.m. -- 2 cups whole wheat pasta, 3 turkey meatballs, tomatoes, spinach and mushrooms

6 p.m. -- Greek salad with chicken, pita and hummus

I definately did not eat enough on this day.  I ended up with a headache at night but didn't put 2 and 2 together until the next morning.

It's shocking to me that those are adding a 1000 calories given your volume. Yesterday was a typical day for me.

5AM banana (on trainer)

6AM banana (off trainer)

8AM Almond milk, OJ and protein power (after drive to gym and swim + run)

9AM cucumber and pepper

10am greek yogurt

11am carrots, broccoli and hummus

12pm tuna with relish

1PM cucumber and pepper

2PM pear

3PM apple

4PM greek yogurt bar

5PM kind bar

6PM Pasta with asparagus, chicken in a light broth

This put me at about 2800-3000 calories and I was still hungry. I like eating every hour to keep myself from getting into the "feeding frenzy" and to keep my blood sugar normal. I know how hard this is for you and I really salute your efforts. For me I can diet perfectly until about 5PM every day and that's when I want to binge eat. I've never had weight issues for a normal person but being able to diet down to optimal race weight is tough. I'd like to get down to the mid 170's but it's hard to say disciplined when you're working out so hard.

2013-03-19 10:40 AM
in reply to: #4665207

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED

cobratodd - 2013-03-18 7:25 PM Very interesting information here, but no, I haven't smelled like Mr. Clean - I think I may have a lot of "reserves" stored up, yet to burn off. But I will be more aware of this from now on, especially with the longer workouts coming up.On a different note, this being the first time in my life that I've actually followed a training program, and been progressing toward such a serious endurance event for an over-weight guy in his mid-life crisis, I am so surprised at how the human body adapts to these training stresses. After yesterday's 100k ride, I thought it was going to be impossible to run after, because I did try hard to crank along on the ride. The run was surprising, sure it wasn't fast, but totally doable and I could have gone twice as far - I was shocked by it. Slow, methodical increases over a loooooong time frame actually works, oh and you cannot forget the recovery weeks!!! The system works, I think I may actually survive this summer!

Its amazing what your body can do if you plan well, execute on a daily basis and pay attention to reocvery (and nutrition).

2013-03-19 10:43 AM
in reply to: #4665940

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED

It's shocking to me that those are adding a 1000 calories given your volume. Yesterday was a typical day for me.

5AM banana (on trainer)

6AM banana (off trainer)

8AM Almond milk, OJ and protein power (after drive to gym and swim + run)

9AM cucumber and pepper

10am greek yogurt

11am carrots, broccoli and hummus

12pm tuna with relish

1PM cucumber and pepper

2PM pear

3PM apple

4PM greek yogurt bar

5PM kind bar

6PM Pasta with asparagus, chicken in a light broth

This put me at about 2800-3000 calories and I was still hungry. I like eating every hour to keep myself from getting into the "feeding frenzy" and to keep my blood sugar normal. I know how hard this is for you and I really salute your efforts. For me I can diet perfectly until about 5PM every day and that's when I want to binge eat. I've never had weight issues for a normal person but being able to diet down to optimal race weight is tough. I'd like to get down to the mid 170's but it's hard to say disciplined when you're working out so hard.

Looking at your progression and knowing you get hungry at night, you might want to think about moving some of the carbs to early in the day (and closer to your trianing time).  Your body will process them more effectively and it will likely help with night time hunger.

2013-03-19 10:56 AM
in reply to: #4542521

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
So I am wondering what people have given up in terms of other athletic/sports related things to train. Hurling (not curling) is about to start soon and this is something I have been involved in for several years. I have played lacrosse since the 3rd grade, played in college, and up until  a few years ago. I thought that hurling would be a good transition and it was. But, I think that I have to skip it this year. Since playing I have had 3 broken ribs, blew out my ACL, and have had various gashes to my fingers and shins. It's kind of a rough sport. But I am a member of the traveling squad and we have won the Shield division in our division at the national championships the last two years in a row (last year I was injured). I don't want to get injured since I have been working my arse off for the HIM in Sept. I also don't really have the time to put into it and my body would likely be spent if I did. In spite of knowing this, I feel kind of blue and guilty about it and was simply wondering if others have faced similar choices?

2013-03-19 10:58 AM
in reply to: #4665954

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
kaburns1214 - 2013-03-19 11:43 AM

It's shocking to me that those are adding a 1000 calories given your volume. Yesterday was a typical day for me.

5AM banana (on trainer)

6AM banana (off trainer)

8AM Almond milk, OJ and protein power (after drive to gym and swim + run)

9AM cucumber and pepper

10am greek yogurt

11am carrots, broccoli and hummus

12pm tuna with relish

1PM cucumber and pepper

2PM pear

3PM apple

4PM greek yogurt bar

5PM kind bar

6PM Pasta with asparagus, chicken in a light broth

This put me at about 2800-3000 calories and I was still hungry. I like eating every hour to keep myself from getting into the "feeding frenzy" and to keep my blood sugar normal. I know how hard this is for you and I really salute your efforts. For me I can diet perfectly until about 5PM every day and that's when I want to binge eat. I've never had weight issues for a normal person but being able to diet down to optimal race weight is tough. I'd like to get down to the mid 170's but it's hard to say disciplined when you're working out so hard.

Looking at your progression and knowing you get hungry at night, you might want to think about moving some of the carbs to early in the day (and closer to your trianing time).  Your body will process them more effectively and it will likely help with night time hunger.

I'll give that a shot. Usually more of my fruit is in the morning. I think part of it is wanting that full feeling going into the night.

Another thing that's important is water. I drink a gallon a day and all of that before 5PM. I'll also have a 32 oz iced espresso and 2 20 oz green teas. The liquids help keep me from being hungry during the day but I need to cut them off or I'll be visiting the bathroom all night long.

2013-03-19 10:58 AM
in reply to: #4665066

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
kaburns1214 - 2013-03-18 5:36 PM

So in my world I been working on eating, a lot.  My main goal has been to eat more (and all of my eating is being directed and monitored by a RD).  By upping my calories by about 1,000 calories / day I have finaly stopped gaining fat and have (I think) started to loose a little.  I know there was some interest in what/how I'm eating so I though I'd post a few days:

Thursday 3/14

5 a.m. -- 2 slices whole wheat bread & peanutbutter

5:30 a.m. -- 1:20 Bike & 1:00 Run -- 2 Bottles of Skratch (3 scoop bottles)

8 a.m. -- 12 oz. Coconut water, 1 cup cherries & 1 scoop whey protein

10 a.m. -- Baby carrots, hummus, apple & 1.5 oz. nuts

12:30 p.m. -- Salad w/ spinach, broccoli, mushroons, cucumber, 1 c. quinoa & 4 oz chicken

4 p.m. -- 1 c. Greek yogurt & 1 c. Berries

7 p.m. -- 2 c. whole wheat pasta, 3 turkey meatballs, tomatoes & broccoli

Saturday 3/16

6 a.m. -- 1 cup quinoa & 1 cup peaches

8 a.m. -- 4 hour bike & 30 min run -- 4 bottles of Skratch, 2.5 Honey Stinger Waffles, 2 Fig Newtons, 3 scoops of Endurox & Coconut Water

2 p.m. -- 2 cups whole wheat pasta, 3 turkey meatballs, tomatoes, spinach and mushrooms

6 p.m. -- Greek salad with chicken, pita and hummus

I definately did not eat enough on this day.  I ended up with a headache at night but didn't put 2 and 2 together until the next morning.


So how many calories total is this?  Do you try to up intake on high volume days?  

**edited to add I am surprised this adds 1000 to your total (like Scott said).  I know it's hard for you, but keep it up!

Edited by jarvy01 2013-03-19 11:04 AM
2013-03-19 11:03 AM
in reply to: #4542521

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
I've been trying to incorporate more carbs into my diet.  Seems to be giving me waaaaay more energy, and I am losing weight again (whereas I was gaining on Paleo).  Oatmeal for breakfast, gluten free goodies, toast, etc.  The weird thing is that before I would be ravenous at dinnertime and eat 2-3 helpings of things.  Now I feel pretty satisfied after one serving.  I'm trying to be more intuitive with my eating.......I eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full.  No more snacking when I'm bored or depressed.  I eat purposefully.  If I'm starving, I'm going to eat (and eat a lot )!
2013-03-19 11:03 AM
in reply to: #4666002

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED

So how many calories total is this?  Do you try to up intake on high volume days?  It doesn't seem like that much food at all.

This is about 2400-2600 calories / day (up from about 1200-1400).  We haven't worked out my super high volume days yet (baby steps) but I'm going back to the RD tomorrow and we'll plan out what a Saturday / Sunday should look like.

I'm also trying to recognize when I'm hungry.  My default is not to eat and its taking time to recognize that when I have a pounding headache its probably my body asking for food. 

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