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2013-03-19 11:07 AM
in reply to: #4666018

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
kaburns1214 - 2013-03-19 12:03 PM

So how many calories total is this?  Do you try to up intake on high volume days?  It doesn't seem like that much food at all.

This is about 2400-2600 calories / day (up from about 1200-1400).  We haven't worked out my super high volume days yet (baby steps) but I'm going back to the RD tomorrow and we'll plan out what a Saturday / Sunday should look like.

I'm also trying to recognize when I'm hungry.  My default is not to eat and its taking time to recognize that when I have a pounding headache its probably my body asking for food. 

I edited my post because it sounded insensitive (and you know I'm sensitive to this subject).  You must have been eating so little before.  I don't know how you were able to do the volume that you were doing on that calorie total.  

It sounds like you're working on what I am working on - eating intuitively.  

2013-03-19 11:11 AM
in reply to: #4665996

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED

ccmpsyd - 2013-03-19 11:56 AM So I am wondering what people have given up in terms of other athletic/sports related things to train. Hurling (not curling) is about to start soon and this is something I have been involved in for several years. I have played lacrosse since the 3rd grade, played in college, and up until  a few years ago. I thought that hurling would be a good transition and it was. But, I think that I have to skip it this year. Since playing I have had 3 broken ribs, blew out my ACL, and have had various gashes to my fingers and shins. It's kind of a rough sport. But I am a member of the traveling squad and we have won the Shield division in our division at the national championships the last two years in a row (last year I was injured). I don't want to get injured since I have been working my arse off for the HIM in Sept. I also don't really have the time to put into it and my body would likely be spent if I did. In spite of knowing this, I feel kind of blue and guilty about it and was simply wondering if others have faced similar choices?

I've given up weight training and lacrosse. Prior to that because of the kids I gave up snowboarding and skydiving due to cost and time spent away from home. Had I still been doing them I would have had to drop them as well. I did so much snow boarding and skydiving that I really don't miss either knowing I took them as far as I could. I do miss weight training because it was so built into the fabric of every day for so long. I really miss lacrosse because I didn't start playing until I was an adult.

2013-03-19 11:17 AM
in reply to: #4542521

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED

Well today I've had:

120 banana 6AM (off 30 minutes recovery trainer ride)
470 almond milk, OJ, protein 8AM (after 2000 yard swim and 2 mile recovery run)
590 pear 9AM
710 apple 10AM
950 roast beef sandwish on single piece of oat bread with relish 11AM

1080 greek yogurt 12PM

So 1080 calories on a recovery day and I'm starving.

2013-03-19 11:19 AM
in reply to: #4665996

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED

ccmpsyd - 2013-03-19 11:56 AM So I am wondering what people have given up in terms of other athletic/sports related things to train. Hurling (not curling) is about to start soon and this is something I have been involved in for several years. I have played lacrosse since the 3rd grade, played in college, and up until  a few years ago. I thought that hurling would be a good transition and it was. But, I think that I have to skip it this year. Since playing I have had 3 broken ribs, blew out my ACL, and have had various gashes to my fingers and shins. It's kind of a rough sport. But I am a member of the traveling squad and we have won the Shield division in our division at the national championships the last two years in a row (last year I was injured). I don't want to get injured since I have been working my arse off for the HIM in Sept. I also don't really have the time to put into it and my body would likely be spent if I did. In spite of knowing this, I feel kind of blue and guilty about it and was simply wondering if others have faced similar choices?

I would be swimming if I weren't triathlon training (swim only).  I've swum recreationally my entire adult life.  I took some time off here and there, but I always came back to it.  One of my fondest memories is swimming while I was pregnant with Gordon.  He was a July baby, and I was HUGE and swollen (55+ lbs. with that one ).  The only relief from the back pain and swelling was lap swimming outside at the local pool.  I swam up until I delivered him.  One day, I felt him moving inside my stomach WHILE I was swimming back stroke.  That sensation + the warm sun beating down on my skin.....magical memories.

I sacrifice my writing time to do this.  My goal before my children was to write horror fiction and/or screenplays.  I shelved all of that to have my babies (wrote some poetry and creative nonfiction but nothing great).  I'm just too tired right now from parenting and training to put forth any effort.  It takes too much energy to do both well.  I'll have more time for it once Fred is in school.  For now I'm working on triathlon.    

2013-03-19 12:03 PM
in reply to: #4665996

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED

ccmpsyd - 2013-03-19 10:56 AM So I am wondering what people have given up in terms of other athletic/sports related things to train. Hurling (not curling) is about to start soon and this is something I have been involved in for several years. I have played lacrosse since the 3rd grade, played in college, and up until  a few years ago. I thought that hurling would be a good transition and it was. But, I think that I have to skip it this year. Since playing I have had 3 broken ribs, blew out my ACL, and have had various gashes to my fingers and shins. It's kind of a rough sport. But I am a member of the traveling squad and we have won the Shield division in our division at the national championships the last two years in a row (last year I was injured). I don't want to get injured since I have been working my arse off for the HIM in Sept. I also don't really have the time to put into it and my body would likely be spent if I did. In spite of knowing this, I feel kind of blue and guilty about it and was simply wondering if others have faced similar choices?


Powerlifting.  Would make the trade 1 million times over.  If you ever think your body takes a pounding during triathlon try strongman type stuff.  I was a mediocre to below average at pl'ing/strongman, and have watched some ex-training partners advance towards competing.  Back issues, knee issues, shoulder issues, blech.  No thanks.  My knees may ache from time to time, but all in all my health is 10x better at 165 than it was as a 230+ Pl'er.

2013-03-19 1:28 PM
in reply to: #4542521

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Extreme Veteran
Higganum, Connecticut
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
speaking of energy from food, I have been using the juicer a bunch and recently started a beet, carrot, and apple combo that tastes good - but wow, the energy I get from that is crazy.  Not a caffeine or sugar high, but really good powerful energy that I honestly noticed in my training.  The drawback is having too much of it, after say - 2:00pm, because I end up wired at bedtime and can't sleep.  That juice, by far has been the single most noticeable nutrition improvement to my diet.  (second would be the EPA DHA fish oil caps to help with my joints).  Those two things have improved the quality of my training and my life.

2013-03-19 2:02 PM
in reply to: #4542521

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
Todd - my husband makes me beet, carrot, and apple juice 2 x a week (tries to hit swim days but lately it's been long runs). The amount of energy I get from that juice is sick! I highly recommend this combo.
2013-03-19 3:22 PM
in reply to: #4665996

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
ccmpsyd - 2013-03-19 11:56 AMSo I am wondering what people have given up in terms of other athletic/sports related things to train. Hurling (not curling) is about to start soon and this is something I have been involved in for several years. I have played lacrosse since the 3rd grade, played in college, and up until  a few years ago. I thought that hurling would be a good transition and it was. But, I think that I have to skip it this year. Since playing I have had 3 broken ribs, blew out my ACL, and have had various gashes to my fingers and shins. It's kind of a rough sport. But I am a member of the traveling squad and we have won the Shield division in our division at the national championships the last two years in a row (last year I was injured). I don't want to get injured since I have been working my arse off for the HIM in Sept. I also don't really have the time to put into it and my body would likely be spent if I did. In spite of knowing this, I feel kind of blue and guilty about it and was simply wondering if others have faced similar choices?
I played Men's softball and soccer. We used to go to Worlds every year for softball but my weekends were shot because we had two or three tournaments a month plus our normal league schedule. It was a lot of wear and tear on the arm and legs. Plus it was a lot of male drama! I have never seen men whine and complain so much and turn into drama queens. Glad to have left that behind. Now I get my soccer fix from coaching my kids and helping the local league.

Edited by kidtri33 2013-03-19 3:23 PM
2013-03-19 3:24 PM
in reply to: #4665066

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
kaburns1214 - 2013-03-18 5:36 PM

So in my world I been working on eating, a lot.  My main goal has been to eat more (and all of my eating is being directed and monitored by a RD).  By upping my calories by about 1,000 calories / day I have finaly stopped gaining fat and have (I think) started to loose a little.  I know there was some interest in what/how I'm eating so I though I'd post a few days:

Thursday 3/14

5 a.m. -- 2 slices whole wheat bread & peanutbutter

5:30 a.m. -- 1:20 Bike & 1:00 Run -- 2 Bottles of Skratch (3 scoop bottles)

8 a.m. -- 12 oz. Coconut water, 1 cup cherries & 1 scoop whey protein

10 a.m. -- Baby carrots, hummus, apple & 1.5 oz. nuts

12:30 p.m. -- Salad w/ spinach, broccoli, mushroons, cucumber, 1 c. quinoa & 4 oz chicken

4 p.m. -- 1 c. Greek yogurt & 1 c. Berries

7 p.m. -- 2 c. whole wheat pasta, 3 turkey meatballs, tomatoes & broccoli

Saturday 3/16

6 a.m. -- 1 cup quinoa & 1 cup peaches

8 a.m. -- 4 hour bike & 30 min run -- 4 bottles of Skratch, 2.5 Honey Stinger Waffles, 2 Fig Newtons, 3 scoops of Endurox & Coconut Water

2 p.m. -- 2 cups whole wheat pasta, 3 turkey meatballs, tomatoes, spinach and mushrooms

6 p.m. -- Greek salad with chicken, pita and hummus

I definately did not eat enough on this day.  I ended up with a headache at night but didn't put 2 and 2 together until the next morning.


When you say a 3 scoop bottle of skratch, how much water are you adding the 3 scoops to? I am putting one scoop in about 20 oz of water.

You are eating nice and healthy, you always have. I need to add more carbs I think.

2013-03-19 3:33 PM
in reply to: #4666387

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
jarvy01 - 2013-03-19 3:02 PMTodd - my husband makes me beet, carrot, and apple juice 2 x a week (tries to hit swim days but lately it's been long runs). The amount of energy I get from that juice is sick! I highly recommend this combo.
So I have a VITA-Mix mixer to make shakes and other concoctions. Would I be able to get the same affect but just adding these three ingredients into the mixer. Maybe using Apple juice as the liquid to liquify the other ingredients?
2013-03-19 3:35 PM
in reply to: #4542521

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Extreme Veteran
Higganum, Connecticut
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
Not sure. Beets are pretty tough uncooked. You may have to cook them first.

2013-03-19 3:36 PM
in reply to: #4666560

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED

When you say a 3 scoop bottle of skratch, how much water are you adding the 3 scoops to? I am putting one scoop in about 20 oz of water.

You are eating nice and healthy, you always have. I need to add more carbs I think.

You should be adding 3 scoops to a 24 oz. bottle.  That's 240 calories / 720 mg sodium / 60 g Carbs, which is fairly comperable to Perform or Gatorade Endurance (although there are more electrolytes in Skratch, which helps with water retention and swelling).

2013-03-19 3:37 PM
in reply to: #4666587

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED

cobratodd - 2013-03-19 4:35 PM Not sure. Beets are pretty tough uncooked. You may have to cook them first.

Cook the beets before putting them in a blender (or you can buy beet juice).

2013-03-19 3:54 PM
in reply to: #4666594

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
kaburns1214 - 2013-03-19 4:37 PM

cobratodd - 2013-03-19 4:35 PM Not sure. Beets are pretty tough uncooked. You may have to cook them first.

Cook the beets before putting them in a blender (or you can buy beet juice).

OK thanks for the info!
2013-03-20 6:47 AM
in reply to: #4542521

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
Long run this morning and I suffered from some serious GI distress.  I don't know if it was from the dinner I ate last night (veggie soup) or a stomach bug of some sort.  It wasn't pretty.  Feeling pretty dehydrated at the moment.  I am going to focus on water and rest today.  Less time on my feet and more time spent playing with my boys.  
2013-03-20 8:38 AM
in reply to: #4666551

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED

I played Men's softball and soccer. We used to go to Worlds every year for softball but my weekends were shot because we had two or three tournaments a month plus our normal league schedule. It was a lot of wear and tear on the arm and legs. Plus it was a lot of male drama! I have never seen men whine and complain so much and turn into drama queens. Glad to have left that behind. Now I get my soccer fix from coaching my kids and helping the local league.[/QUOTE]

If your kids are like mine, this provides your drama fix also!

2013-03-20 8:43 AM
in reply to: #4665996

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED

ccmpsyd - 2013-03-19 11:56 AM So I am wondering what people have given up in terms of other athletic/sports related things to train. Hurling (not curling) is about to start soon and this is something I have been involved in for several years. I have played lacrosse since the 3rd grade, played in college, and up until  a few years ago. I thought that hurling would be a good transition and it was. But, I think that I have to skip it this year. Since playing I have had 3 broken ribs, blew out my ACL, and have had various gashes to my fingers and shins. It's kind of a rough sport. But I am a member of the traveling squad and we have won the Shield division in our division at the national championships the last two years in a row (last year I was injured). I don't want to get injured since I have been working my arse off for the HIM in Sept. I also don't really have the time to put into it and my body would likely be spent if I did. In spite of knowing this, I feel kind of blue and guilty about it and was simply wondering if others have faced similar choices?

This is an issue for me right now also.  Like Jen, if I weren't doing tri, I'd be cycling full-time, only riding longer distances on very hilly courses.  I'm struggling right now with how much of that I can still do this year without hurting my tri performance.  I guess I'll strike a balance eventually, but I think I'm going to miss some of the long rides on country roads this summer.  In addition to the exercise benefits, that has always been the time I use to think and process the other stuff going on in my life. 

2013-03-20 9:06 AM
in reply to: #4542521

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED

15 minute warm-up followed by 75 minutes of intervals on the bike. I felt awesome. Followed that up with a 4.5 mile Z1 run which considering how hard I pushed on the intervals I felt surprising light on my feet.

2013-03-20 9:27 AM
in reply to: #4542521

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
4k in the pool and I took Mom to the airport.  Last night was a crappy baby sleeping night.  Amazing how much it will effect your splits.
2013-03-20 10:23 AM
in reply to: #4542521

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED

Interesting on the eating intuitively threads.... i think I need to eat more frequently too....I get into that feeding frenzy way too much from getting too hungry.  

Pretty good brick today of hour bike, hour run.  

2013-03-21 7:27 AM
in reply to: #4542521

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
The heater was fixed at the pool this morning!  Yippee!  It's a good thing too because it's in the single digits here with wind chill.  Lake effect snow warning with up to a foot of snow expected today.  Where are you, spring????

2013-03-21 7:46 AM
in reply to: #4542521

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
Decided to try and catch some extra Zzzzzs  this morning so 1:30 on the bike is getting moved to this afternoon.
2013-03-21 8:22 AM
in reply to: #4668543

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED

Did my new running stability exercises for the third time today, and I'm starting to get a little better at them (i.e., better at balancing).  Also, first long-for-me run back after a low-volume week.  Felt pretty good for a 30 minute run; we'll see how sore I am later today...

No lake effect snow here, but 30s, cloudy and flurries, just like the last 6 weeks.  I'm ready for spring too! 

2013-03-21 9:02 AM
in reply to: #4668578

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
Kuma - 2013-03-21 9:22 AM

Did my new running stability exercises for the third time today, and I'm starting to get a little better at them (i.e., better at balancing). 

Sticking to doing these and other core exercises has made a HUGE difference for me this year. Stick with it. It is a great ROI on time.

2013-03-21 9:03 AM
in reply to: #4542521

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Subject: RE: kaburns1214 Mentor Group 2013 (Year 3!) - CLOSED
30 minute recovery ride on the trainer, 2000 yards in the pool, 2 mile recovery run and 15 minutes of core exercises in the books.
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