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2013-04-15 10:07 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
I am deeply horrified about today's events, not much one can say now. I hope the responsible person(s) are apprehended soon.

2013-04-16 2:10 PM
in reply to: #4701938

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Maple Grove, MN
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
Hello Friends. I'm back in Minneapolis now, having taken my scheduled flight at 7PM from Boston last night. Thanks for everyone's concern.

I'll give a race report on my actual race later, but I'll use this post to tell you about the non-racing aspects, good and bad, of yesterday.

Got up at 5AM, hotel had grab and go breakfast, dressed, checked out of hotel but left bags and got cab at about 6AM with 2 other runners to Boston Commons where there was a huge school bus operation to transport 27,000 people to the start line. Got to starting area around 7:30AM. This is what my friend calls the "interment camp." You wait there for a few hours, eating bagels, sitting on the ground and talking to friends. I got a pre-race 10 minute massage.

At about 9:30AM, the first wave runners were called to walk the 1/2 mile to the start line. My wave (2) was called about 9:50. On the way out of the interment camp, I stripped down to my running outfit, put my warm clothes, cell phone, wallet ..., into bag and checked it. My wave started at 10:20 and I probably crossed the starting line a few minutes later. So with a 3:50 time, I finished about 2:15PM.

The race itself was a lot of fun. Great atmosphere, lots of happy people. I high-fived a million little kids along the way. Didn't kiss any Wellesley girls. The BC kids were deafening.

After crossing finish line, was freezing. They corralled us down Boyleston Street (the street the race finishes on) to get our Mylar blankets, our medals, and our food. Just a huge mass of people inching along the street freezing. At end of block, I had to go straight down same street where school buses with our checked bag. I got mine and put on long sweat pants, a dry shirt and a jacket. Packed everything up and was about to call friends when first bomb went off about two blocks up the street. Turned and saw the huge cloud, then heard the second bomb.

I was almost sure at that point it was terrorism. The blast was too close to the starting line and too big to be part of some kind of celebratory cannon fire. But I didn't hear any sirens, so I started to doubt this. But I was too far away to help, so I figured it was probably best just to get away, so I started walking away. About 4 minutes later, I started to hear all the sirens, so then I called my wife to tell her I was ok and to turn on the news.

By that time, they had shut down all public transportation, and when that happens, it is impossible to catch a cab. So I walked (slowly) the 2 or 3 miles to my hotel in Cambridge. There, I took a shower and grabbed a cab to the airport figuring security would take forever (it didn't). Got home late last night.

Thanks for all the concern. Praying for all those hurt. Angry too of course.
2013-04-16 2:52 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
Chris-Thanks for the report. First and foremost I am happy you are safe and well, and am praying for the victims and their families. Secondarily, I am glad you had a good race. I am disgusted by what happened, and sorry that what was a great experience for you, has been tainted because of ignorance and hatred. I realize that isn't nearly as important as the other things that occured, but should be acknowledged.
2013-04-16 4:40 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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New user
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

Sad day for Boston, for runners, and for the world. Very frustrating to think that some human being does this on purpose, what a crazy, coward mind... Glad to hear you are ok Chris, hope you get recovered soon (emotionally).

Gabriel, thanks for letting me know, Spain will be waiting!

2013-04-17 12:55 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
I thought I would be able to get out for a ride today, but the bike gods were against me, so it was back to the trainer Frown. Now they are calling for 4 days of ark weather followed by unseasonable cold. It least we arn't supposed to have an ice storm this week.
2013-04-18 6:07 AM
in reply to: #4543349

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

OK question for everyone. Last night after wrestling with the kids I went to get up off the floor and my knee felt sore like there was a rug/floor burn on it. I looked at it and one knee is the size of a grapefruit. I don't remember twisting it or any injury. I have been ramping up my run mileage but nothing extreem from week to week but I have done 16 and 18 mile runs the last 2 weekends. It didn't hurt to walk last night but this morning is a little sore when walking. The area was warm to the touch last night (which my wife said that means there is an infection) and I iced it.

As most of you have been doing multi sports longed than I have been I was just wondering what the armchair doctors (or real doctors if we have any) in the group thought it might be and what course of action I should take. I have a full marathon coming up on May 19th and hand long runs of 15, 20 and 12 planned for the next 3 weekends along with my regular weekly work.

2013-04-18 6:20 AM
in reply to: #4705072

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Maple Grove, MN
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
rgarcia1501 - 2013-04-18 6:07 AM

OK question for everyone. Last night after wrestling with the kids I went to get up off the floor and my knee felt sore like there was a rug/floor burn on it. I looked at it and one knee is the size of a grapefruit. I don't remember twisting it or any injury. I have been ramping up my run mileage but nothing extreem from week to week but I have done 16 and 18 mile runs the last 2 weekends. It didn't hurt to walk last night but this morning is a little sore when walking. The area was warm to the touch last night (which my wife said that means there is an infection) and I iced it.

As most of you have been doing multi sports longed than I have been I was just wondering what the armchair doctors (or real doctors if we have any) in the group thought it might be and what course of action I should take. I have a full marathon coming up on May 19th and hand long runs of 15, 20 and 12 planned for the next 3 weekends along with my regular weekly work.

Find a doctor who runs and go to him (or her). If you go to just any doctor, they will simply tell you not to run. If you go to a Dr. who runs, he or she will tell you whether to run or not based on your condition.
2013-04-18 11:13 AM
in reply to: #4701594

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

Chris - Glad to hear you are ok and had a great run.

Jordan, Taylor - congrats of the first race - each one hereafter will be just as exciting!

I have had a couple of good training days after a long work week off. looking forward to my first race of this season on 4/27.

Question: how do bike aid stations work - do oyu stop/ride through? do oyu toss your own bottle and use theirs? keep yours and fill up with theirs? WHat about the food they offer? Clearly need to be careful with littering on course.

thanks, Mark

2013-04-18 2:36 PM
in reply to: #4700354

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
trisuppo - 2013-04-15 9:22 AM

Martian Half Marathon Race Report - April 13, 2013

Time: 1:46:10
Overall: 310/1953
Gender: 244/907
AG: 35/139

Race time was 8:45am and was about 30 minutes away in Dearborn, MI.  Race course was planned to be on a road that is notorious for being flooded, although the race has never been impacted in the past.  This year it rained all week so of course the course was flooded and instead of an out and back it was an alternate course through neighborhoods that was meandering and a bit hilly.

I was up by 5:45 and had a bagel with humus at about 6:00 with some coffee that I took in the car.  The Marathon went off at about 7:15 and I arrived about that time.  Used the facilities, got my race packet and went back to my car to change and rest in the heat of the car before the race.  It was mid 30's and breezy with some gusts.  Light rainy/snow.  Raced in shorts, compression socks, under armour tee with a race tech long sleeve shirt and cotton gloves. I had a stinger waffle at about 7:45 and a GU Roctane at 8:30.  Hydrated as well.  Used the facilities one last time and got in the corrall right before the planned start time.  Didn't realize they pushed the start back 10 minutes due to the alternate course.

The race starts with a short steep hill and then meaders through Dearborn, heads out of town and then wandered all over neighborhoods for about 7 or 8 miles before the course straightening out for the home stretch.

SplitDistancePaceAvg HR Avg Cadence
<form action="/page/activity/splits.faces" method="post">
18:04170 92
21.017:48179 91
317:42182 90
40.977:46184 90
517:32184 90
60.987:48183 89
70.978:26180 86
80.977:59179 90
918:00181 89
100.938:23179 87
1118:15180 89
121.0210:09167 80
131.067:55176 89
140.157:07184 93

My plan was to run mile 1 at 8:20, mile 2 at 8:00, miles 3 and 4 at 7:50 and then see if I could hold 7:40s for the rest of the race.  My legs had been very tired and sore as of late and my HR has seemed to be elevated as well.  I was surprised how strong I felt at the start and ended up ignoring my plan [DUMB?].  I felt strong for the first half and then the wheels started to come off.  HR seemed too high and also experienced some abdominal cramping around 7 where I walked for a short period to get HR down.  Tried to slow it down and keep a decent pace but in the last few miles I just got tired.  Had additional abdominal cramping around mile 9/10 and bit dizzy at one point.  I knew I wasn't going to beat my time from last year and accepted defeat during mile 12.  Still mad at myself for mailing it in at that point.  I had no desire at that point to deal with the hurt and walked quite a bit of that mile.  I picked up the pace for the last mile and finished strong.

Nutrition wise I had 16 oz of GU Electrolyte Brew in bottles on my fuel belt and consumed 2 GU Roctanes during the race at miles 4 and 8.  I trained with the GU Eletcrolyte Brew and GU gels.  Wonder if the Stinger waffle was just a bit too many calories prior to the race.  Have never had nutrition at the 1 hour point before a race before and this is the only race where I have had abdominal cramping.  This is also the first race where I consumed energy in liquid form throughout the race - wonder if difference in calorie cosnsumption when running at easy pace versus race pace.  Calorie summary as follows:

6:00am - 420 calories
7:45am - 160 calories
8:30am - 100 calories
During Race - Energy Drink 100 Calories, 2 gels at 100 calories each -> Total 300 calories

So, unsure if I impacted myself with the extra nutrition.  Certainly went out faster than I should have, especially given the windier conditions.  I felt strong and thought I'd go for it.  Guess that didn't work out so well.

Time to get back at it and train for the next race.  Thanks for listening Team.


Sorry for the long repost - wanted to ensure that it didn't get lost in the Boston Marathon attack - just looking for any thoughts on the nutrition related questions.  Thanks!

2013-04-18 7:01 PM
in reply to: #4706043

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
trisuppo - 2013-04-18 2:36 PM
trisuppo - 2013-04-15 9:22 AM


Nutrition wise I had 16 oz of GU Electrolyte Brew in bottles on my fuel belt and consumed 2 GU Roctanes during the race at miles 4 and 8.  I trained with the GU Eletcrolyte Brew and GU gels.  Wonder if the Stinger waffle was just a bit too many calories prior to the race.  Have never had nutrition at the 1 hour point before a race before and this is the only race where I have had abdominal cramping.  This is also the first race where I consumed energy in liquid form throughout the race - wonder if difference in calorie cosnsumption when running at easy pace versus race pace.  Calorie summary as follows:

6:00am - 420 calories
7:45am - 160 calories
8:30am - 100 calories
During Race - Energy Drink 100 Calories, 2 gels at 100 calories each -> Total 300 calories

So, unsure if I impacted myself with the extra nutrition.  Certainly went out faster than I should have, especially given the windier conditions.  I felt strong and thought I'd go for it.  Guess that didn't work out so well.

Time to get back at it and train for the next race.  Thanks for listening Team.


I think we are about the same size but you are about 10 lbs lighter. You ate a lot more than I have before a race. I will have a bagel with light cream about 2 and a half hours prior and then a gel 15 minutes prior. 45 minute into the race and then one every 45 minutes after. As you are running you are pulling blood away from your stomach and sending it to your legs. The result is stomach problems, if you ate too much. You carry enough glycogen in your muscles for about an hour of anaerobic activity. Also, I didn't see where you drank water.  

Sorry for the long repost - wanted to ensure that it didn't get lost in the Boston Marathon attack - just looking for any thoughts on the nutrition related questions.  Thanks!

2013-04-18 7:08 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed


FWIW, I could not have tolerated your caloric intake for your HM and would have likely had big time GI issues - but that's me. Hummus to me is a red flag.  Legumes are high in fiber and are notorious for causing issues.  I tend to avoid fibrous food for a couple of days in advance.  As for on the course calories, I'd think gels 10 mins before start and after 45-50 mins should be adequate to get you home.  In terms of carb loading, I find that there is little benefit for races less than 2 hours in duration as your normal glycogen levels should carry for you for about 2000 calories.

Again, this is what works for me and I have ulcerative colitis so I am way too in touch with my GI system.

Edited by JoePetto 2013-04-18 7:12 PM

2013-04-18 7:17 PM
in reply to: #4706446

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Maple Grove, MN
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
JoePetto - 2013-04-18 7:08 PM


FWIW, I could not have tolerated your caloric intake for your HM and would have likely had big time GI issues - but that's me. Hummus to me is a red flag.  Legumes are high in fiber and are notorious for causing issues.  I tend to avoid fibrous food for a couple of days in advance.  As for on the course calories, I'd think gels 10 mins before start and after 45-50 mins should be adequate to get you home.  In terms of carb loading, I find that there is little benefit for races less than 2 hours in duration as your normal glycogen levels should carry for you for about 2000 calories.

Again, this is what works for me and I have ulcerative colitis so I am way too in touch with my GI system.

I agree with Joe here. You don't need much nutrition at all for a HM. Generally, I favor eating at the latest 3 hours before a race, one gel 15 minutes before, and then one gel every 45 minutes. Also sips of gatorade at every other water stop. That sounds like a lot fewer calories than you were getting in.

Edited by chris2533 2013-04-18 7:18 PM
2013-04-18 8:03 PM
in reply to: #4705539

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Alexandria, MN
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
markhodges1973 - 2013-04-18 11:13 AM

Question: how do bike aid stations work - do oyu stop/ride through? do oyu toss your own bottle and use theirs? keep yours and fill up with theirs? WHat about the food they offer? Clearly need to be careful with littering on course.

thanks, Mark

What better way to check in with the group than an answer to a question:  Any races I've done with bike aid stations were a "ride through" deal.  You slowed down a bit, grabbed what they were offering then had a short distance in which it was legal to ditch anything they gave you or you wanted to get rid of.  For instance you may want to ditch an empty bottle of yours to make room for what they hand you.  Or, in my case I have an aero bottle with a speedfil type top, so I quickly squeeze the bottle they hand me into mine, then toss the empty off to the side.  Special needs bags are different, at IM AZ I stopped along the side of the road at my number range, they handed me my bag and I took out what I needed.  Took probably about 30-60 seconds total.

I've had a tough winter, after Arizona in November then Disney Goofy in January I was simply broken.  In addition I tore something in my shoulder somehow, probably shoveling, and haven't been able to swim in 4 months.  I'm at least running though, planning on Grandma's Marathon in June, a HIM in August then probably my first 50k in September.  I came back by the group to check on Chris, my wife was there as well and about .5 miles from the finish when it all happened.  I'm glad Chris and others here are OK, my wife and all of our other friends out there are safe as well.  I stayed home with the kids, otherwise I would have had them right at that spot waiting for my wife to finish.    Take care all, I'll try and get more active on here again as I get into the groove with some training.  Hard now, we're in the middle of another 5-8 inches of damned snow.  I can't wait for spring to start!

2013-04-18 8:08 PM
in reply to: #4706483

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Maple Grove, MN
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
Nice to hear from you Andy!
2013-04-18 8:31 PM
in reply to: #4706451

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
chris2533 - 2013-04-18 8:17 PM
JoePetto - 2013-04-18 7:08 PM


FWIW, I could not have tolerated your caloric intake for your HM and would have likely had big time GI issues - but that's me. Hummus to me is a red flag.  Legumes are high in fiber and are notorious for causing issues.  I tend to avoid fibrous food for a couple of days in advance.  As for on the course calories, I'd think gels 10 mins before start and after 45-50 mins should be adequate to get you home.  In terms of carb loading, I find that there is little benefit for races less than 2 hours in duration as your normal glycogen levels should carry for you for about 2000 calories.

Again, this is what works for me and I have ulcerative colitis so I am way too in touch with my GI system.

I agree with Joe here. You don't need much nutrition at all for a HM. Generally, I favor eating at the latest 3 hours before a race, one gel 15 minutes before, and then one gel every 45 minutes. Also sips of gatorade at every other water stop. That sounds like a lot fewer calories than you were getting in.

Thanks for all the feedback. Didn't think the hummus through well, missed the whole fiber angle. Obviously wasn't thinking too clearly on the nutrition. I was certainly hydrated well as I was waiting in porta potty line with 5 minutes to race start cause I had to go.


So, can do another HM on 1st weekend of June. But if I want to do the fall HIM my plan would start Monday (20 week plan). Am I stupid to try do both? I would have 6 weeks of overlap in training plans and would have to dial back running plan while adding some running to the HIM plan.

Edited by trisuppo 2013-04-19 8:11 AM
2013-04-19 11:55 AM
in reply to: #4706507

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

Thanks for all the feedback. Didn't think the hummus through well, missed the whole fiber angle. Obviously wasn't thinking too clearly on the nutrition. I was certainly hydrated well as I was waiting in porta potty line with 5 minutes to race start cause I had to go.


So, can do another HM on 1st weekend of June. But if I want to do the fall HIM my plan would start Monday (20 week plan). Am I stupid to try do both? I would have 6 weeks of overlap in training plans and would have to dial back running plan while adding some running to the HIM plan.

I think with your base of running so far you should be able to do both just fine. Yes you might have to dial back running some but adding a touch to the HIM plan. My suggestion would be to just follow the HIM plan more or less at this point but add some speed work in on one of the running days.  I think you will find that your running isn't going to be affected all that much with the extra biking and swimming. If you can work it out so that the week of your HM, you have a recovery week of some sorts that would be best and obviously that weekend after the race don't do your next day workouts. Take that day off or if anything just do a recovery swim or recovery bike.  

I like the recovery swims after a long bike and run session because it gives my legs a chance to move but not really be used that much.  

2013-04-19 2:12 PM
in reply to: #4707141

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
spie34 - 2013-04-19 12:55 PM

Thanks for all the feedback. Didn't think the hummus through well, missed the whole fiber angle. Obviously wasn't thinking too clearly on the nutrition. I was certainly hydrated well as I was waiting in porta potty line with 5 minutes to race start cause I had to go.


So, can do another HM on 1st weekend of June. But if I want to do the fall HIM my plan would start Monday (20 week plan). Am I stupid to try do both? I would have 6 weeks of overlap in training plans and would have to dial back running plan while adding some running to the HIM plan.

I think with your base of running so far you should be able to do both just fine. Yes you might have to dial back running some but adding a touch to the HIM plan. My suggestion would be to just follow the HIM plan more or less at this point but add some speed work in on one of the running days.  I think you will find that your running isn't going to be affected all that much with the extra biking and swimming. If you can work it out so that the week of your HM, you have a recovery week of some sorts that would be best and obviously that weekend after the race don't do your next day workouts. Take that day off or if anything just do a recovery swim or recovery bike.  

I like the recovery swims after a long bike and run session because it gives my legs a chance to move but not really be used that much.  

Thanks!  The plan has runs on 4 days (one of them being a brick run).  Was going to lengthen the brick run and the sunday run.  It has some fartlek sessions that have short speed - maybe lengthen the intervals some.  Also could turn the last 1/4 of the long runs into pace run.

2013-04-20 5:04 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
Hello, I'm in Antwerp about 9 hours from race start. A little jet lagged and today a long day with way too much walking, but ready to race. Will let you know how it goes!
2013-04-20 5:05 PM
in reply to: #4708453

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

sirgab - 2013-04-20 6:04 PM Hello, I'm in Antwerp about 9 hours from race start. A little jet lagged and today a long day with way too much walking, but ready to race. Will let you know how it goes!

Enjoy the race and Antwerp.  Best of Luck Gabe.

2013-04-20 5:06 PM
in reply to: #4708453

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Maple Grove, MN
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
sirgab - 2013-04-20 5:04 PM

Hello, I'm in Antwerp about 9 hours from race start. A little jet lagged and today a long day with way too much walking, but ready to race. Will let you know how it goes!

Good luck Gabe!
2013-04-20 9:13 PM
in reply to: #4708456

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
chris2533 - 2013-04-20 6:06 PM
sirgab - 2013-04-20 5:04 PMHello, I'm in Antwerp about 9 hours from race start. A little jet lagged and today a long day with way too much walking, but ready to race. Will let you know how it goes!
Good luck Gabe!
Have a great race!

2013-04-20 9:16 PM
in reply to: #4708453

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Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

sirgab - 2013-04-20 5:04 PM Hello, I'm in Antwerp about 9 hours from race start. A little jet lagged and today a long day with way too much walking, but ready to race. Will let you know how it goes!

Good Luck Gabe. I saw the photos of FB, what a Cool place to race. The finish line looks epic.

2013-04-20 9:25 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed
Have a great race, Gabe and enjoy!
2013-04-20 10:46 PM
in reply to: #4543349

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed


Sorry to be so long on responding to your post on your HM.  I have a couple of thoughts and they may be worth exactly what you are paying for them.

First, you wore me out just watching you work out 2 and 3 times a day during your training.  I realize that you are a lot younger than me, but jeez ;-)  Part of me was thinking you were overtraining.

Second, you didn't stick to the plan.  But you already realized that.

On nutrition:

I went back and looked at my nutrition for my HM.  2 1/2 hrs prior to race I had a cinnamon raisin bagel with cream cheese and jelly and one cup of half-caff coffee, my normal breakfast before a run.  I sipped water with Hammer gel mixed in for the entire race and did not stop at ANY aid stations.  At mile 7.5, I had one Clif shot blok and a honey stinger gel.  I had plenty of energy during the race and was never hungry.  Afterwards, my legs cramped up to where I couldn't stand up without holding on.  My toes were curling.  Still don't know what happened.

My nutrition for the Mary was different.   3 hrs prior to race I had 2 fried eggs, 1 blueberry bagel with pbj and half-caff coffee, my normal breakfast now before a long run.  I had Perpeteum/Heed mix about 1 1/2 hrs prior to race.  At mile 4.5 a Clif shot gel, mile 10 a honey stinger gel, mile 18 a tri-berry GU and dates and tootsie rolls in between.  Somewhere towards the end I had 1/4 orange and 1/6 banana.

No cramping, not hungry, not thirsty and no cramping.

You did seem to take in a lot more for your HM than I did for mine, but I had issues too.

Conclusion, for some events we may never really figure out what went wrong.


2013-04-21 4:41 AM
in reply to: #4708453

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Ernesto's group (5th season) - Closed

sirgab - 2013-04-20 5:04 PM Hello, I'm in Antwerp about 9 hours from race start. A little jet lagged and today a long day with way too much walking, but ready to race. Will let you know how it goes!

Have a great race Gabe! Smoke them! (Well, not literally and not before anyway...) Ik wens jou veel geluk en succes met marathon!

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