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2011-05-07 8:08 PM
in reply to: #3486535

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NOVA - Ironic for an Endurance Athlete
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
JoshKaptur - 2011-05-07 8:11 AM

And gentleman... the very first thing you should do during taper is take your SO out to a fancy dinner and thank her for all she's sacrificed for you to pursue this goal.  Not just like "thanks" but a really meaningful expression of how much she means to you and how much you love her (all the time, but you feel it extra tangibly for her loving support of this IM dream).  You can give her the jewelry there, or before the swim start of the IM when you give her that last kiss before you get in the water... your choice.

The above will erase A LOT of yellow cards.


This idea is beyond reproach.  I have become a self-absorbed grouch.  Even more than usual.

2011-05-07 8:13 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Became a recent owner of a CompuTrainer.  Did the full CdA course today via Real Course Video. Messed up some of the shifting on the hills, but overall did decently and had a great run of it.  Am not nearly as worried on the hills as before. Not that aren't some steep climbs that will have you in your granny gear and out of your saddle--but really, they don't last THAT long, especially in comparison to some I've done here.  So, I shall be riding that course several more times over the next few weeks! And yes, I can do a trainer forever.  Allows me to start early, avoid major sunburns, and not have to worry about the gazillion of stop lights and stop signs EVERYWHERE when I'm on a tight schedule.  I usually can't take I got a solid 45 minutes (which is A LOT for me!).  So YAY, I'm excited--I just can't wait to get to June though as my classes will be over....they're a pain in the butt, haha!
2011-05-07 9:14 PM
in reply to: #3486522

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Augusta, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Wow! Nothing quite like going on a bike ride that can be seen from 1,000 miles up in space.

Edited by Cantucan 2011-05-07 9:28 PM


BikeRoute.jpg (48KB - 5 downloads)
2011-05-07 11:18 PM
in reply to: #3006331

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Good week of training for the first week of the 'big month'.

Swim: 2hr 20min - 6400m
Bike: 14hr 09min - 276mi
Run: 7hr 16min - 52mi

Missed my long swim work out b/c of work but will get cracking on the swim this week I hope. Weekend was especially solid

Friday - 35mi bike / 8mi run - run was 1/2 @ IM pace and 1/2 at half IM pace, bike had 3 threshold intervals
Saturday - 115mi bike with 5 X 40' at sustained effort just below threshold
Sunday - 18.5mi run at solid pace.

All feeling good heading in to last few weeks. My biggest concern is the lack of hills here in the UAE. All rides are completely FLAT! Also was approaching 40 C towards mid day on Saturday. Have been leaving for long rides at 4:00am to avoid the heat but getting harder to avoid now. Have been pretty lucky with the weather here but starting to catch up with us now. I will have 10 days in Canada to get acclimatized before heading down to Cd'A

Keep plugging away everyone!
2011-05-08 7:44 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Had a good week. This was really the first week that I have felt a bit like the walking dead at times, tired but I guess that had to come at some point right? Had lactate testing done last weekend, and my HR ranges for the bike are now a bit lower, so that will take some time to get used to, feel like I am going SO slow...

Swim- 2h40m 8,000 yards

Bike 5h30 90.2 miles 

Run-3h30m 17.5 miles

2011-05-08 8:11 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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NOVA - Ironic for an Endurance Athlete
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
7764.65 Yd / 2h 22m 07s
180.40 Mi / 11h 25m 40s
29.68 Mi / 4h 44m 49s
Not bad for a couch potato.  Get it?

2011-05-08 8:39 AM
in reply to: #3487566

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Some monster weeks! Nice.

I had an epic fail yesterday. Double flatted in the low 90 miles of a 115/6 brick ruining the rest of my ride and my run. This comes right after I spoke positively of butyl tubes. Had things gone well, I would have considered latex, but now I am reconsidering the slime tubes. I know it was probably just a coincidence to get two flats back to back but y'all know how it goes.

EDIT to add: Love that map view from the garmin and Britt's killer computrainer ride. Check her logs!

Edited by phatknot 2011-05-08 8:41 AM
2011-05-08 10:26 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Extreme Veteran
Strong Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Pretty happy with my week.  No training today so we can spoil my wife, or else I'd have a few more miles tacked on to the run and bike numbers.  I'm alternating long run weeks, so this weeks runs were all in the 5,6, and 7 mile area, but I ran 6 out of 7 days.  Had a really nice 30/6.2 brick yesterday at what I hope would be my oly race pace...and that felt awesome.  


Swim:  2000yds

Bike:  130 miles

Run:  34.2 miles

2011-05-08 12:08 PM
in reply to: #3006331


Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
When I have two flats on the same ride with the same wheel, figure I must have done something wrong. I have messed up changing a tire in a lot of different ways.Did I check the inside of the tire for glass or whatever caused the flat.Did I pinch the tube with the tire leversDid I leave a fold in the tube (my last two trainer flats)Did I make sure there was not a cut in the tire where the tube slowly bulges out until it gets cut.Did I make sure the tube was not under the bead of the tire before inflating.Did I open the valve before trying to inflate the CO2
2011-05-08 12:28 PM
in reply to: #3487708

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Extreme Veteran
Strong Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
jackson61802 - 2011-05-08 10:26 AM

Pretty happy with my week.  No training today so we can spoil my wife, or else I'd have a few more miles tacked on to the run and bike numbers.  I'm alternating long run weeks, so this weeks runs were all in the 5,6, and 7 mile area, but I ran 6 out of 7 days.  Had a really nice 30/6.2 brick yesterday at what I hope would be my oly race pace...and that felt awesome.  


Swim:  2000yds

Bike:  130 miles

Run:  38.2 miles


edited to add an extra 4 miles onto the run.   The kids went to church with grandma and we took the baby for a run.  Her idea. 

2011-05-08 2:05 PM
in reply to: #3487794

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Great point Adidas. I dont really fault the tubes as much as user error but you know how  you always want to look for a scapegoat. I am going to try the butyl tubes again but consider the latex, keeping with the Corso Evo tires.

Week totals for me if I don't sneak in a swim tonight are:

7000 yards on 3 swims (if no Mom's day this would have been 11,500)

196 mi bike (should have been 220 without the flatting)

56.5 mi run

2011-05-08 3:07 PM
in reply to: #3006331


Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I have had a lot of unsuccessful flat changes and that is what I think of when I hear stories of bad luck and multiple flats during a race.On the subject of flats, I will be running tubulars with no experience changing tires or using Pit Stop. Probably not a good idea I know.I am very impressed with the dedication and amount of time training people are getting in.
2011-05-08 5:35 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

I know there are a lot of haters out there but I dug this as the 10 commandments of sorts:

2011-05-08 6:14 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Regarding tire pressure... you'll see that Michelin lines up pretty close to zipp... bottom line is the most people should not be inflating their tires to max pressure.  If your tire is over-inflated, instead of the tire compressing and then returning to shape at the cotact patch, it actually bounces up and down.  Imperceptible to you, but those fractions of a millimeter add up over 112 miles.  In effect, you increase the rolling resistance of a tire/tube combo by over-inflating.  The impact of this increases with rough surfaces.

Edited by JoshKaptur 2011-05-08 6:16 PM
2011-05-08 6:56 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Salt Lake City, UT
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

I'm learning so much here.  Thanks for the tire pressure info.  I've always though higher pressure was better, so as a relatively lighter rider I've always been riding over inflated tires.  I probably won't deal with changing my tires or tubes out because the money and mental stress is not worth it to me at this point, but changing how much air I put in my tires is something I can handle.  

I've had a really strong week of training.  I don't feel completely wiped, and no one has accused me of looking sick, but if I'm leaving a 1/2 gallon in the tank rather than riding on fumes, I'm ok with that.  I know all the type 'A' people ironman attracts have a hard time hearing this, but sometimes more is not better.  Overtraining can lead to endocrine and adrenal system stress that may take months or years to recover from.  Rest, physical and mental, is a training cornerstone. Don't underrate it. 

Also, all you women out there (since you were not addressed earlier ), the first thing you should do when you hit your taper is take your SO out for a fantastic night and find every opportunity to express gratitude for the support he/she has given you.  You know the volunteer that makes you cry on the course of because of the simple assistance they give, thank them, but remember your SO has given the same more times than you've noticed through your training induced coma.  I'm very blessed to be riding this roller coaster for a 5th time.  My husband and daughter are wonderful support.  It helps that they are both athletes that understand soreness, exhaustion, and hunger induced moments of insanity

...stepping off my soap box

Week Totals
5550.00 Yd
2h 00m
175.60 Mi
10h 18m (I road my first century (103) ride of the year.  It included a category 2 climb.  I hope I never meet a cat1 or HC!)
28.00 Mi
5h 17m

Walk: 1mi 20min

Rest: I got two nights of 10 hours sleep! (I need it because my allergies have been kicking my butt more than my training!)

2011-05-08 7:22 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Dallas, Texas Weather Today: 91 degrees, 45% Humidity, 22mph winds

WTF?  This is May......and what is with the wind this year in Texas?   

I did 104/5 and consumed about 300 oz of water/gatorade in 6 hours.  I also ate what seemed like 1,500 calories.  My 5 miler after seemed fine.  No issues. 

I ride the ZIPP Tangente tires and normally run them at 120 psi.  Today, I lowered them to 115 psi and the ride felt better.  


My coach/advisor told me to keep pushing distance, but to slow down 15-20 seconds on my long runs and cut back on the distance of my tempo runs.  No time to heal if you get injured at this stage. 

Party on!


2011-05-08 9:51 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread


Swim - xterra full sleeve vortex 2, baracuda ultimate goggles, will have a neoprene hat and see if I need it, may also place a gel under a wrist for the second loop. Depending on air temp may swim with bike shorts and tri top.

Bike - bike shorts and tri top, specialized transition pro, compact 50/30 with 12/27 cassette. speedplay pedals, old cannondale shoes, specialized tri tip saddle, zipp 404's, gp4000S tires, laser tardiz helment, front profile design aero drink, and rear mount x wing.  (carry 2 co2, allen wrenches, 2 tire levers, 1 80mm tube).  nutrition, will live off course - training and using all power bar stuff now.  will have 2 bottles of powerbar perform with me and a whole power bar and a gel  to start.  My drinking and eating totaly is like 3 aims said last post - dependant on temp. 

run - tri shorts, tri top, cep socks, saucony guide 3 shoes.  again live off course.  I had great luck drinking sports drink on the run this weekend at a half IM each mile and a gel every 2-3 miles depending on feel.  I have also been adding coke on long runs.  Will add some broth as i get into the 20's to see how it goes.  so far in training I can eat bars running.  however, will probably stick with gels and perform first 13 miles and then add salty snacks, broth and coke at the end.  I have found when I keep my hr in zone 2-3 I can tell when I need to eat. Hopefully this will hold true at a IM distance.  I know I need to get fuel at least every 3 miles and fluid every mile if feel goes out the window.

bike special need, suncreen, tube, co2, tire, weather indicated clothing if needed, body glide, chapstick, - open for suggestions

run special needs - long sleeve shirt, socks, mole skin, sunscreen, chapstick, body glide, advil, open to suggestions.

Again I hope this is not a waste of time.  We have spent much time on the various options.  I thought it might be interesting to see what our plans are.

Post race- all about the family in glacier.  Undecided about the tat. however, have the design - standard mdot m but the dot is a stop sign encircled  and line crossed through for never stop.  may put a sword as the line stabbing the stop sign.  we will see - no way I am putting my eggs in that basket before they are hatched!!!!

2011-05-08 10:13 PM
in reply to: #3488462

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Augusta, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
kstater39 - 2011-05-08 10:51 PM


I think this is a great idea, will add my info when I have a little more time.....but would also like to see everyone's previous IM experience, time goals, locations, and most importantly.....age; I have to keep reminding myself not to compare my training load and paces to those of you 30 years younger than me.
2011-05-08 10:25 PM
in reply to: #3488462

, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Me, for the curious:

Same tri jersey + tri shorts throughout the day.  Sunscreen and foul weather gear in bike AND run bags.

Swim - full sleeve wetsuit + neoprene cap.  I didn't wear the cap last year but my body temp was definitely affected by the end of the swim.

Bike - P4, standard + 12/27 cassette, Cobb V-Flow Plus, Hed 3 front + PT disc cover rear (my brother's stealing my other wheels), bontrager R4 aero tires, Giro Advantage 2 helmet, front profile design aero drink, no rear cages.  I cut up my P4 water bottle to turn it into a flat/tool kit.  Clif bar and a small gel flask in my jersey for backup, otherwise living off the course.

run - asics gel kayano shoes, socks, white hat, sunglasses.  More gel / different flavor in my run bag.  Doesn't hurt to wrap your shoes and socks in another plastic bag inside your run bag to make sure they stay dry.

I had sunscreen in my run special needs bag last year but the truth is, if you need it by then, you screwed up and should've had it in your transition bag.  Doesn't hurt to have extra but don't leave it out of your regular bike/run transition bags.

I'll probably have tubes / co2 in bike special needs.  But overall I find most of the other stuff I would want in special needs bags, I could use in the regular transition bags.

I have a ballpark time I'm shooting for but I won't be disappointed if I miss it.  My most important thing is to finish strong like I did last year and feel good enough to hang out till midnight and cheer for everyone.

2011-05-08 10:53 PM
in reply to: #3488497

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Madison, AL
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Tri Jersey  and Tri shorts throughout day. Perl Izumi shorts and an IMFL tri jersey. 

Swim - full sleeve wetsuit.  Thinking about the neoprene cap but will have to wait till expo to buy.  

Bike - Felt B2R, Compact crank+ 11/26 cassette, Cobb V-Flow Max, 808/1080 clinchers, helmet is LG Superleggera, have a torpedo style bottle holder plus a bottle holder on my seat tube. Toolkit with 2 co2 bottles, 2 tubes, tire levers, & patch kit mounted to seat rails.  I have a gel flask holder on my top tube just aft of my stem.  I'll put something like a clif bar and uncrustable in jersey pocket.  Otherwise will get most of nutrition from the course.  will make a gameday decision for arm warmers/gloves. 

run - brooks adrenaline, socks, visor, sunglasses.  4 roctane gels in jersey pockets.

Not planning on putting much in special needs.  tubes + co2 in bike but won't stop if I haven't flatted.  run special needs will put something like bag of M&M's and windbreaker in case my day has been a disaster and I'm finishing late.

2011-05-08 11:46 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Had an solid week of training; especially since I am 1 week Post-Marathon. Feels like I ran the race at the proper intensity and left a lot out on the course and saved a bit for training this week:

Swim:  10,100.00 M, 2h 54m 52s
Bike:  200.00 Mi, 10h 15m 22s
Run:  74.00 Mi, 9h 23m 44s
Spin Class: 1h

Total:  23h 33m 58s

All but one workout was in the ocean and about half of that was without a wetsuit. (Cold Water Training) Most of the bike was commute miles but I had a great week of running. Today's LR felt really solid.

Next week is more of the same

Train Well Cool Kids 

2011-05-08 11:58 PM
in reply to: #3488132

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Extreme Veteran
Olympia, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
JoshKaptur - 2011-05-08 4:14 PM

Regarding tire pressure... you'll see that Michelin lines up pretty close to zipp... bottom line is the most people should not be inflating their tires to max pressure.  If your tire is over-inflated, instead of the tire compressing and then returning to shape at the cotact patch, it actually bounces up and down.  Imperceptible to you, but those fractions of a millimeter add up over 112 miles.  In effect, you increase the rolling resistance of a tire/tube combo by over-inflating.  The impact of this increases with rough surfaces.

This makes perfect sense.  I can't believe I never realized it before.  Before today's ride (62 miles), I reduced the tire pressure to 110 psi.  Wow, what a difference! The whole ride felt more smooth, especially on chip-sealed roads, I certainly didn't lose any speed, and I felt much fresher at the end than I did on a ride of the same length last weekend.  I strongly encourage any other max pressure folks to give it a try letting a little air out of the tires.

2011-05-09 6:35 AM
in reply to: #3488551

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Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
citaltfort - 2011-05-09 12:58 AM
JoshKaptur - 2011-05-08 4:14 PM

Regarding tire pressure... you'll see that Michelin lines up pretty close to zipp... bottom line is the most people should not be inflating their tires to max pressure.  If your tire is over-inflated, instead of the tire compressing and then returning to shape at the cotact patch, it actually bounces up and down.  Imperceptible to you, but those fractions of a millimeter add up over 112 miles.  In effect, you increase the rolling resistance of a tire/tube combo by over-inflating.  The impact of this increases with rough surfaces.

This makes perfect sense.  I can't believe I never realized it before.  Before today's ride (62 miles), I reduced the tire pressure to 110 psi.  Wow, what a difference! The whole ride felt more smooth, especially on chip-sealed roads, I certainly didn't lose any speed, and I felt much fresher at the end than I did on a ride of the same length last weekend.  I strongly encourage any other max pressure folks to give it a try letting a little air out of the tires.

There's a place for max pressure... but only if you've got the mass to justify it.  Track (velodrome) riders also use insanely high pressure, since they are riding on a near perfectly smooth surface.  But for the rest of us riding on pavement and weighing less than 170ish... I'd recommend reducing per the chart.

Not only will the comfort change dramatically (comfort on the bike greatly reduces the fatigue of riding all day)... it is the FASTER option.  Hard to compare on a route with stop signs, traffic, water breaks, etc... but the charts are not about getting comfortable... they are about max performance of the tire.  For once in life, it's not a compromise... you'll be faster and more comfortable at the correct pressure.

Edited by JoshKaptur 2011-05-09 6:36 AM
2011-05-09 9:51 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Good to know on the tire pressure! That was new for me too!! Thanks, all!  This thread of people rock.

I just wanted to point out that IMTX is scared of our post count and someone posted over that that IMCdA has 119 pages (they're at like 95 w/less than 2 weeks to race day) and they don't want to get page whipped...I don't think they stand a chance against us.   I will be heading there to watch their race, and likely revel in the fact that as they are fighting 100% humidity and having to carry a machete with them to cut through said humidity, we are likely to have a gorgeous day...and even if it's not a gorgeous day, I can pretty much put money on the fact that it will not be both AS HOT and AS HUMID as IMTX is likely to be (I'm a native of that area). 

Anyhow, happy training to all. We're "on deck" in the US IM world, so to speak, after IMTX we take to the batter's box!

2011-05-09 10:36 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Going to throw something out here for opinions.....  I have on two of my longer workouts eaten two McDonalds Cheeseburgers right before hand and had great workouts, I am thinking of freezing them and putting them in my special needs bags.  I would never have thought about this as a nutrition supplement on race day but they seem to agree with me....  is this crazy, anyone else have odd things with nutrition they are looking at using...?
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