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Casey Cares 5K - Run

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Baltimore, Maryland
United States
78F / 26C
Total Time = 24m 13s
Overall Rank = 176/1204
Age Group = 40-49
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

This race has been over two years in the making.

In June 2011 I finished a run with a swollen left knee and after cortisone shots, surgery, Supartz injections, PT, you name it...still knee issues. I started running again a little last fall and am up to 10mi/week, with a couple injury aggravations here and there.

This race was a return to toeing the line, and I wanted it to be a strong training race to give me a baseline of where I am running-wise.

Woke up at 5 a.m., had coffee and a light breakfast.
Event warmup:

1 hour before: rode 10 minutes on the trainer, getting up to maybe RPE 6. Stretched a bunch and a little foam roller to loosen everything up. Dropped my wife off at BY and then drove to race site. Parked and ran about 1 mile with some strides and lots of stretching. Most of the time I don't warm up near enough for a 5K but this was perfect.

78 degrees, overcast, light drizzle. Can't beat that for early August in Baltimore.

All injured parts felt great. :)
  • 24m 13s
  • 5 kms
  • 04m 53s  min/km

This was planned as a "training" race, so no all out effort and I wanted to negative split. The beginning 1/2 mile is downhill and crowded, so I was able to ease into the race like I wanted to. The crowding was actually a little frustrating but it kept me in check. :)

After things started to thin out a bit I upped the pace to about 7:45 and held it there until about 1.5 where the one long hill is. I slowed down a little through the water stop and took it real easy on the one steep hill at 1.75. The next 1/2 mile was downhill a bit so I upped the pace to about 7:40 or so and held steady, trying to hold back redlining my HR.

At mile 2.5 there is a bridge so a 200 yard or so steep hill where my HR spiked. I recovered a bit on the downhill and then started my kick (around 7:00ish). Got to the last little downhill and pushed to pace to 6:30 and held it to the finish, no sprint.

I ran this race exactly as I wanted to, I'm very happy with the results, and it felt AWESOME to run hard again.
What would you do differently?:

I dunno...not have my body fall apart in 2011-2012??

In spring 2012 both my ortho and spine docs told me I'd probably never run again, or at least anything meaningful. Just getting to starting line feeling like racing was the victory for me.
Post race
Warm down:

Got my picture taken with home plate and the field in the background...will post it when it's up. Grabbed a water and some chips and jogged around for 5 min, stretched a bunch then headed out.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Lack. of. run. training. Only 250 miles since June 2011. Also didn't go "all out, finish throwing up at the finish line" like a 5K should be done. :)

Event comments:

This is a really cool race with over 1200 participants in the 5K. Lots of volunteers and you get to finish on the ball field at Camden Yards! Good grub afterwards, too. Will definitely do this again.

Only issue is that my timing chip didn't seem to work, at least on the immediate results. In the past I'd be aggravated about this, but heck I just decided to do this race last week and it ain't like I'm on the podium.

Last updated: 2013-08-02 12:00 AM
00:24:13 | 05 kms | 04m 53s  min/km
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 176/1204
Performance: Good
Mile 1 8:03 Mile 2 8:00 Mile 3 7:34 0.1 6:34 pace
Course: Starts in front of the B&O Warehouse, down Conway St., a loop on Key Highway, up around Federal Hill, down Montgomery St., over the Hanover St. bridge, up Ravens Walk and into Camden Yards with a finish on the warming track. Cool race course.
Keeping cool Average Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2013-08-03 10:08 AM

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: Casey Cares 5K

2013-08-03 11:02 AM
in reply to: #4820247

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Livonia, MI
Subject: RE: Casey Cares 5K

First race in two years, yahoo!  You did it, congrats!  And in very respectable time too I may add, especially considering you purposefully and wisely held back a little.

I hope your body feels okay today and the next few days.  Way to kick your injury's a$$ Laughing

2013-08-03 6:23 PM
in reply to: noelle1230

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Subject: RE: Casey Cares 5K

Hellz yes!

That is a happy RR. 

I didn't know the back story with your injuries, but it's awesome that you're getting back into the running game. 

How'd that core feel, huh? huh? 

Yeah, buddy! 

You know it felt great :)

2013-08-04 2:31 PM
in reply to: #4820247

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Casey Cares 5K
Nice job getting back into it!
2013-08-07 12:23 PM
in reply to: #4820247

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Subject: RE: Casey Cares 5K
Wow, great race and congrats on a healthy return to running!  Must've been so cool to finish the race at home plate.
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