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2024-06-14 5:17 PM
in reply to: #5288958

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Yay for another Chiefs fan in here! Legit question: do we three-peat this season?

Sorry about the genetics.

I have been tinkering with my bedtime routine to see if there is anything that helps me stay asleep a bit longer. I appear to be ok on 7 hours for now, I'm just not sure if that's ideal or sustainable.

Great job on your training today!! It's full on summer here, so heat and humidity are standard. It will be 70*F and humid for my long run tomorrow morning, which will feel cool. It's currently 86*F outside.

2024-06-15 5:12 AM
in reply to: robertChiefsFan

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

We had a cooking hot day here, too.  Sunny and low 90s with plenty of humidity.  This weekend is supposed to be nice so long ride today and long run tomorrow.  I continued the run streak to 4 with a 3-mile treadmill run with 10 minutes at tempo.  I need to throw in a swim sometime this weekend as well.

Great topic on sleep.  While I'm not Gretchen level we go to bed around 8:30 every night anticipating getting up at 5:30.  I don't always get to sleep quickly or once in a while I wake up at 3 AM for a couple of hours.  I've messed around with different sleep aids including the pain medication that Gretchen is speaking of (I think), Benadryl, melatonin...they all work to a degree but I don't want to be dependent on them so I use them sporadically.  I also seem to go through these cycles where I'll sleep great for a week or so, then not so much.  Must be the moon or something. 

2024-06-15 6:07 AM
in reply to: #5288959

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Sleep is such a weird thing. I got almost 8 hours last night and did nothing different, except it being a rest day and a very low stress day at work.

Busy day today, starting with a 7 mile Z2 long run in 75* weather. Disc golf with a friend for Father's Day (a day early, but it works), friends over this evening for dinner and board games, driving lessons for our daughter, and building some more on a Gundam model kit with our son.

Have a wonderful day everyone!
2024-06-15 8:43 AM
in reply to: robertChiefsFan

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
I also try to get at least 8 hours sleep every night. Bed at 10, sleep around 11 and up at between 7 and 8 (whenever I wake up, I’ve stopped using a alarm clock a couple of years ago).
Quality of sleep is not great though, quite common for women my age.

Today, I am doing sometimes I don’t normally do: a rest day on a Saturday. Normally, Saturdays are a big training day, it’s usually long ride or long run day but I am a little run down today, migraine or something so just a walk with the dog and a dip in the lake to try and cure my headache.

Long run tomorrow, I should be back on track then.

Oh and day 6 of strength training challenge of course.
2024-06-15 9:15 AM
in reply to: #5288962

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Nat—hope that head feels better soon!! Good call on the Saturday rest day.

I’m at the halftime break for my Saturday training. Up at 5 for a 90’. Critical velocity interval bike and 64’ cruise interval run brick. Both were tough at the end of a three week training block and a pretty big week. But, they are done! Second half of the day starts at 10, with a double swim session, which will be separated by lunch with the swim team. I don’t normally do double of a single sport in one day, but my schedule is all screwed up this week because of travel. The second swim was supposed to be tomorrow, but tomorrow Father’s Day (happy Father’s Day to our dads here, if I don’t make it on tomorrow!!), so no swimming for me. I’m going to go visit my dad.

One more note on sleep. I’ve found if I eat a high protein snack right before I sleep, I sleep much better. Depending on what my other macros look like, this could be anything from a protein shake to a couple of string cheese sticks or…on really good days when I totaly wiffed on my calorie goals, a snickers with peanut butter smeared all over it. It helps me not wake up hungry in the middle of the night, which is a big problem for me.
2024-06-16 3:42 AM
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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Happy father’s day to all the dads out there!

Hope the 2nd half of your day went well Gretchen.

Headache is defeated, energy levels are up, looking forward to a nice 10-12k leisurely run this afternoon.

One more week work then I go on annual leave (part one, part two in August). Not doing anything special other than a couple of day/overnight trips so plenty of time to get some proper training in.

Have a great Sunday!

Oh, and day 7 of the 5 minutes strength challenge is in the books!

Edited by Rollergirl 2024-06-16 4:01 AM

2024-06-16 6:13 AM
in reply to: #5283710

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Happy Father’s Day to the dads in our group!!

Rest day here, which I need. And this coming week is a rest week, which I really need! My left knee has a little niggle that I think showed up when I got my new power meter and cleats. I already adjusted everything, so hopefully it goes away with a bit of rest.

Yesterday’s swim went well. I was able to get the total yardage I needed done with my masters group, so I didn’t have to go back. That was nice. Even if it meant swimming down the middle of the pool while the rest of the team changed the lane lines from long course to short course.
2024-06-16 6:21 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Great job on the weekend training everyone! Happy Father's Day to all the fathers and father figures in here.

My 7 mile run turned into an 8 mile run yesterday when everything was feeling great. Stayed in zone 2 perfectly and felt amazing.

Rest day today.

Have a great day everyone!
2024-06-16 5:17 PM
in reply to: robertChiefsFan

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Wow, busy weekend here in BDAS world.

Sleep: I find I need 7-8 hours a night, If I get down around 6 hours the next day or 2 is definitely a struggle. We aim for in bed by 9, but this does not always happen. I also find that If I do an evening workout, especially with some hard intervals, getting to sleep post workout is a challenge. Mr Garmin has upgraded itself recently and I now have a 'sleep coach' feature. It usually says 7hr 50 min required, for what it's worth.

Bodyweight Exercises: Thanks for the suggestions guys. I had forgotten about bulgarian split squats, they were one of my key physio exercises getting over the IT band issues, will definitely re introduce. I do not think I am capable of a pistol squat though... maybe one day. Follow-up question, when doing these short, 5-10 minute habit forming workouts do you think it's worth doing 'focus' days? i.e. leg day, followed by core day etc. dto give the muscle groups a rest? Or am I over complicating things?

Fathers day Well hope Mike and Robert had a good one. In this part of the world we don't get fathers day till September. So in this case that must mean I'm living in the past instead of the future.
2024-06-16 6:10 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
@Robert. Its a happy day when you're having such a nice run, you add miles. Nice to see.

@Nat, How long are you going to be on leave for? Hope that your 10-12k run was as nice as Roberts.

@Nicole, how did the body hold up after the pickle ball?

@Gretchen, As usual, wow, just wow. 90 min bike, 60min brick run. Followed by 2 swim workouts? You have definitely earned that rest week.

@Mike, Great work on the run streak. Keep it up!

@Me, Taper week done and dusted, but got my first red box in training peaks for this training block. Instead of running Sunday I did a 5k walk with Mrs Bullfrog. (she's entered a 5km series over winter as a bit of a goal, and to help with her progress post surgery) So that was nice to be able to give something back and help her achieve something rather than always being the one receiving the help and support like normal.

The bodyweight challenge continues. Day 8 done this morning (squats, plank, pushups)

For the week:

S/B: 0
Run: x6, 5hr, 36km.
Strength and Mobility, x7, 32minutes.

Into race week now, so rest and recovery is going to be the big focus, and of course time so start watching the weather forecast.
2024-06-17 2:53 AM
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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by bulfrog

Bodyweight Exercises: Thanks for the suggestions guys. I had forgotten about bulgarian split squats, they were one of my key physio exercises getting over the IT band issues, will definitely re introduce. I do not think I am capable of a pistol squat though... maybe one day. Follow-up question, when doing these short, 5-10 minute habit forming workouts do you think it's worth doing 'focus' days? i.e. leg day, followed by core day etc. dto give the muscle groups a rest? Or am I over complicating things?

For now, I am just happy to do 5 minutes a day, I don't think any muscle groups need rest from doing for ex 10 situps or 20 squatts

But yes, once it's as natural as brushing our teeth everyday, maybe we should do 5 minutes focus, it would be more efficient I think.

Edited by Rollergirl 2024-06-17 8:39 AM

2024-06-17 3:05 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by bulfrog

@Nat, How long are you going to be on leave for? Hope that your 10-12k run was as nice as Roberts.

2 weeks for now (another 3 in August). The run was nice but oh so flucking slow. (comparing with these easy nice runs last year, not comparing with a 3k)

Originally posted by bulfrog
@Me, Taper week done and dusted, but got my first red box in training peaks for this training block. Instead of running Sunday I did a 5k walk with Mrs Bullfrog. (she's entered a 5km series over winter as a bit of a goal, and to help with her progress post surgery) So that was nice to be able to give something back and help her achieve something rather than always being the one receiving the help and support like normal.

The bodyweight challenge continues. Day 8 done this morning (squats, plank, pushups)

For the week:

S/B: 0
Run: x6, 5hr, 36km.
Strength and Mobility, x7, 32minutes.

Into race week now, so rest and recovery is going to be the big focus, and of course time so start watching the weather forecast.

Nice to do something with Mrs B. Hope the post surgery progress is going according to plan. She may be wanting to try a tri soon .

Day 8 in the books for me too.

S = 0
B = 1h56-32k
R = 3h16 - 29k
S= 35:44 - oh yeah!

not a very active week let's call it a rest week
2024-06-17 7:31 AM
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Happy new week, everyone! Hope we're all off to a great start!

12 mile bike (57:29), consistent zone 2 effort, still riding my mtn bike (Specialized Hardrock) as I do not currently own a road bike. (I prefer dirt to roads anyway). My goal is to just build up consistency on my bike this summer, as that has always been my weakest leg.

EDIT - will be lifting weights at the gym on my lunch break.

For any who might be curious, my target race in September 21, and my training cycles will hopefully unfold like this:
- two weeks training (this week and next week)
- rest week + family vacation (Colorado for a week, so maybe sneak in some altitude runs)
- train for three weeks in July
- rest week first week of August + family vacation (trip to my in-laws)
- 5 weeks of training leading up to taper/race week

Edited by robertChiefsFan 2024-06-17 7:35 AM
2024-06-17 8:03 AM
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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Good morning, everyone.  Father's Day was great around here, perfect weather, got in a 5-mile easy run with my daughter and picked crabs for a couple of hours.  Good stuff.  Oh, and Orioles won, we had Fleet Week in town so tons of airshow stuff in my backyard (the airport where all those things operate from is two miles from my house), the U.S. Open golf, AND U.S. Olympic Swimming Trials (watching those aliens do their thing in the water).

Solid week overall, 15 miles on the run which tied my highest this year, though I seem to have forgotten where the pool is with only about a mile in the water. 

@Andrew:  love that you're getting out walking with Mrs. BF; I do the same thing with Mrs. jmhpsu93 - happy wife happy life!

@Robert:  your training plan is solid - get a roadie!!!  I can't imagine racing on a mountain bike (though my first tri was on a "roaded-up" hybrid, including clip-on aerobars LOL); I also have to incorporate vacations into my training plan so I just make them more run-focused; by the way, how's the thumb?

@Nathalie:  glad headache day was short-lived and don't sweat the slightly slower running - it'll come back

@Gretchen:  I think you are fine with a day off LOL; hope you had a good time with your dad

@Nicole:  I still need to get to Masters; definitely inspired by watching the aliens in the pool over the weekend.

RE:  grouping body parts for strength training, I've always done it, even more so when ST was my primary way of staying in shape twenty years ago (I'd have a chest/arms day, and a back/shoulders day, a legs day, and another core/power day).  With only 5-7 minutes a day, though, just get in what you can and don't worry about it as you're not breaking down your muscles enough to worry about it.

More of the same this week - keep up strength, 15 miles-ish on the run, two good rides and another couple of short ones, find the pool.  My neighborhood pool opens for good starting today so I can jump over there (literally across the street from me) for a quick 600-800 when they first open at noon before anyone else gets there.  It's not a lap-pool but is 22 yards long so it's worth the two-minute walk. 

Weather is supposed to be oppressively hot and humid this week, so mostly indoor training but we'll see how early I can get myself out there on the weekend.  Have a great week, everyone!

Edited by jmhpsu93 2024-06-17 9:09 AM
2024-06-17 9:50 AM
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Yeah, I'd like to get a road bike at some point, but it's currently not in the budget. LOL! My thumb is doing well enough. The nail is somehow still attached, and it's only a little bit tender when I bump it. Hoping to get back in the pool tomorrow.

Edited by robertChiefsFan 2024-06-17 9:51 AM
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