Subject: RE: SHE SAID YES!!!! Thanks everyone! I appreciate all the positive feedback. Now the fun has begun..WEDDING PLANNING! lol Gamesbolt- I cried too knowing that I can no longer go out and meet single ladies JCNipper- thanks Josh! Skip- I was not nervous at all until like 2 minutes before it happened and then I got nervous. It went pretty smoothly and the rest of the night was a lot of fun because we called all of our family and then went out and met some friends for drinks Brianrunsphilly & Claaaw- She was pleased with her chunk of carbon, I did a good job and its very shiny. ALL- Looks like she bought me a chunk of carbon (Trek Speed Concept Carbon 7.0 that is) in exchange for mine!!! I dont have it yet but will be getting it over the holiday. she has no idea that I know she bought it for me but when I was in the store looking at it the other day, I noticed a hold tag on it and it had her name attached!! 2 days later I went into the store and it was gone and she just happened to "be visiting a friend for dinner" that night in the same area the bike store is located. Super excited about getting my first tri bike. I will keep everyone posted when I get it. |