Other Resources Challenge Me! » November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!! Rss Feed  
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2007-11-26 3:46 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
And I was doing so well...

Sorry, gang. My bosses (and Mother Nature) conspired against me and I was sent out of town to the fires in Malibu this weekend. I haven't been able to work out in five days and it's going to be nearly impossible for me to meet my goals. I don't want to screw over the team, so I'll be messaging Dee to see if I can simply withdraw.

This sucks! Although talking to people who have lost their homes in the fires really puts things in perspective.

2007-11-26 4:07 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Well I'm far from my challenge goals, and with only a few days of the month left I can't possibly meet them.  Sorry team.
2007-11-26 10:19 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

I updated the spread sheet. Things are looking Grim.

Hope everyone had a great Holiday and weekend.

2007-11-26 11:56 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Hi everyone! Hope you all had a great thanksgiving! Didn't over eat too much but I did get a package from the UK loaded with chocolate. I won't say anything further except BURP!  I got a good bike ride in on Friday...I froze to death but it wasn't raining at least. Then I swam for 1 hour 20 minutes. My shoulder is now killing me but I made my swim goal anyway.


Slept through my Turkey Trot on Thursday and I need some consoling on that. I feel really quite bummed. I probably won't complete my goal but I am going to try and do as much as I can this week.

2007-11-26 1:04 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Jax, Florida
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Hope everybody had a nice Thansgiving. Updated the speadsheet for last week. I'm getting close, just need to get in a couple of rides this week.
2007-11-26 6:40 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Hey guys!!

I finally got my log updated from the weekend. I was good with my workouts not too great with the eating but not really awful either. I am over 100% on my bike and run and will get the swim done with some long sessions this week,,,starting tomorrow. No prob with the Cross-fit stuff either. I have to get this done or I'll break my streak of not failing in a Challenge in over a year when I started doing these crazy things. I hope everyone had a great Weekend and is recovering nicely. Have a good night everyone.


2007-11-26 7:37 PM
in reply to: #1065027

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

November Challenge - Week 3 Results

We're into the FINAL WEEK of the challenge now! November is now 83.3% completed. Are you meeting your goals?

Even though we're organized into teams, your goals for the November Challenge are really INDIVIDUAL ones. Therefore, I'm listing the results by INDIVIDUALS this week. That way, everyone will know exactly where they stand.

There's a good chance that I missed someone, so if you're supposed to be on a list but aren't -- well, it wasn't intentional. (My eyes started to cross after awhile.) If your name is missing, please DO brag about your progress with your teammates, so you can get the congratulations that you deserve.

Also, December is SWIM CHALLENGE month! Go here to read about it:

People who have a goal at 100%:
Moscateers: saling4
Vigilantes: chrisrunzs26, Virtus,
Turkey Terrors: nhmorgan, lisazapato
5ForFighting: antti_asu, Pulch, charge4brendan, rzzqb8, riorio, bhoover1000, van_paulus, Max, Karl_Hungus
Twisnibbins: Yoganerd, kns57, wemoon, spokes
Wild Hippos: Baowolf
Hard Corps Tri Corps: zipp1, runnerg1rl7, szbilicki, MrsUSMC, ACGRAY22
Overall team leading this category: 5forFighting (9 members!)

People who have ALL goals at 75% or higher:
Moscateers: saling4,
Turkey Terrors: Artemis, Miche033, nhmorgan, lisazapato,
5ForFighting: antti_asu, van_paulus, Max, Karl_Hungus
Twisnibbins: spokes,
Wild Hippos: Baowolf, AmbulanceDriver, joemac3
Hard Corps Tri Corps: zipp1, runnerg1rl7, ACGRAY22
Overall teams leading this category: Turkey Terrors and 5forFighting (4 members each)

People in serious need of encouragement. (All goals at less than 25%):
Moscateers: No one!
Turkey Terrors: No one!
5ForFighting: No one!
Twisnibbins: No one!
Wild Hippos: No one!
Hard Corps Tri Corps: No one!
Overall team losing this category: No one!

People not reporting for Week #3:
Moscateers: MaryMosc13, Mosc11, Mosc57, Hazmaster, 1for1, Ell-in-or, Gidgetintraining, Mosc26
Vigilantes: Jessicacrouchrt, DeannaS, Fielding, Medusa_Ann, ScotinSeattle,
Turkey Terrors: nccgrap, elektra, Atlantia, gygyhawk, D.Z., DMW, TriChica,
5ForFighting: rkreuser,
Twisnibbins: lastcall2003, HCS5QA, barqhead, legrand, tnickerson, sparco, brynn, givemashot, donto
Wild Hippos: jasonbohn9, SoapQueen2, Trifor40, Bajapat, Nate_21, JohnDeere, Vida_Nova
Hard Corps Tri Corps: DeputyDawg, mbmoran2, BunnyB, crabsrule, KLynne, TriAya,
Overall team winning this category: 5forFighting

Team leaders - please contact your team members who have not reported yet. It may be that they are having trouble using the Google Spreadsheet. If so, please help them record their info, or enter it for them.


2007-11-26 8:14 PM
in reply to: #1069119

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Happy, um, Monday? Just four more days until the weekend! (Why are you throwing things at me?)

Been wondering what all the teams have been discussing? Here's an update!

Saling4 has been drawing up plans to build a pool for Dee, and a swim-up-bar for Kristen. Thanks Saling - you're the greatest! Kristen's dryer has been doubling as a UFO. (Or perhaps a UFO has been doubling as her dryer?) Comet_The_Dog has a feeling that his wife wouldn't appreciate a new dryer for Christmas.

Rmaldon240 stayed home to watch the Thanksgiving Day parade on TV while eating pie, ice cream and cookies. Irongirl39 walked enough to burn off some broccoli calories. Fielding is in Malibu interviewing people affected by the fires. ScotinSeattle won't reveal the contents of a package sent to her, but we know it contained lots of chocolate! (Good thing is wasn't hot outside.)

Turkey Terrors:
TriChica is looking for advice on fixing an unhappy rotator cuff. Gygyhawk went to the beach, while Artemis stayed home to cook and watch TV. Nhmorgan met all his November goals, and decided this merited some Thanksgiving gluttony.

Rzzqb8 tried to run, but discovered she'd brought two right-footed shoes! (Maybe she should have read the Turkey Terrors recent thread about barefoot running!) In an ironic twist, Rzzqb8 announced last week that the only way she could meet her weightloss goal was to come down with a stomach virus. Take a guess what happened to her this week. Rkreuser had an unfortunate run-in with some gym equipment.

During the last 26 days, this team (and its visitors) have written more than 8263 posts. Yes, you read that correctly. The only way to keep up with this team is to read a separate thread, "The Chronicles of Twisnibbins, aka Nibbins Notes" in which Team Captain Beth writes thread summaries. Hector did his first Tri, and was rewarded with pics. Kendra has learned how to make her phone vibrate. And Max showed off his nail polish collection.

Wild Hippos:
Cat went to the dentist, and wasn't happy about it. To make it worse, she had to cancel her physio and massage appointments, so she didn't get to see many hot guys. However, Reno8 offered to send her a picture for her new photo frame. Baowolf went to see Beowulf, and wasn't impressed. Owl_Girl will be getting married in January, but still plans on participating in the December Swim Challenge. AmbulanceDriver had a vacation in North Carolina, and just signed up for her first Tri.

Hard Core Tri Corps:
Team Captain BunnyB is taking a cruise vacation! SoFreshSoClean swam over 5500km in one day. He now needs to decide if he wants to do well in the December Swim Challenge or on his exams. MrsUSMC has purchased a few adult-only items. (No, not what you think. Or if it is, she didn't tell us!) Zipp1 commented on the team's post count for the day, and wondered if Turkey-coma had ended.

2007-11-26 8:53 PM
in reply to: #1065027

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Dealing with an injury or illness?

Several people have requested dropping out of the Challenge due to unexpected circumstances, such as injuries or illness.

Here is an alternative for you to consider:

1) Take the number of days that you DID participate. Divide that number by 30. (There are 30 days in November.)
2) Revise your goal to that percentage.

For example:
"Jane" originally set a goal of 100 miles of biking. She was injured after 20 days, and had to stop biking.

1) (20 days) divided by 30 = 0.67
2) (100 min) times 0.67 = 67 minutes

Jane revises her goal to 67 min. Her progress for the month will be compared to this revised number.

If you need to revise your goals due to illness or injury, you may do this. If you want help calculating/revising your numbers, you can PM me or your Team Captain.

- Dee
2007-11-28 6:54 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
VIGILANTES!  It seems I've ran out of eggs. I was an idiot and I over estimated what I thought I could do. It's hard to do strength training at my gym just now and has been for the past week and a half because they are remodeling and have shifted most of the machines out for the time being, or shuffled them around etc. So that was out of my hands. Having missed my Turkey Trot I lost out my run time.  I think I made a mistake with my bike too. I originally did want 3 hours as I knew I wouldn't be able to get outside or to the 6.30pm spin class.  Probably sounds like I am making excuses but I'm not, it's a genuine mistake that I've only just noticed.  Not to worry, I really love doing the challenges and I've made yet again loads of new friends through it.  Hopefully I see some of you in the December swim challenge
2007-11-29 12:44 PM
in reply to: #1072904

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

The November Challenge is almost over!

This month's Challenge is almost over. How times flies when we're having fun!

Please update your Google Spreadsheets with your final totals by "bedtime" on Saturday. This will give everyone a chance to get their last workouts in on Friday November 30th, and enter their totals the following day.

You do NOT need to calculate percentages. I will do that. (Yes, you can do it if you want to....)

On Sunday morning, I will download the spreadsheets and start summing up the data.


Team Captains - Please check your team threads on Saturday. If anyone has trouble using the Google Spreadsheets, please help them to enter their data.

Run! Swim! Bike! Get those last minute workouts in! There's still time!!!

Saturday is December 1st. It's also the first day of the SWIM CHALLENGE! If you haven't already done so, don't forget to sign up for the fun!


2007-11-30 9:14 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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Smyrna, GA
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Here's how I came out -

Run - 63.55 miles (pledged 60) = 100%
Swim - 26,900 yards (pledged 28,00) = 96%
Bike - 70.11 miles (pledged 120) = 58%
Pilates - 6 sessions (pledged 8) = 75%
Strength - 2 sessions (pledged 8) = 25%
Stretching - 24 days (pledged 30) = 80% 

The only 2 things I really screwed up were the biking and the strength training.  Just didn't get around to either.  I think I might have pledged goals that were a little aggressive for the off season here. Otherwise, I'm happy with the results.  Sorry the running was the only thing I totally nailed.  

2007-11-30 9:48 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Hi everyone.......I was feeling really lame about this challenge--I still am a little sad that I didn't get to know you guys better nor provide more inspiration--but then I added things up and realized I did all right after all.   Computer problems and travel confounded my inspirational abilities, sorry about that, I usually have many nice things to say!!   Anyway, enough excuses.  Congrats to everyone who reached their goals, or even who attempted them--that's more than the general population can probably say for themselves.  I have a 40-min swim scheduled this morning, then I will be done for the month.  I don't think I am going to do a December challenge, as we are usually so busy that I think I'd feel a lot of guilt about it.  I did start doing the 20-week run-focused Oly program this week, hoping to be in great shape by April.  Adhering to that ought to be plenty for now.

November's totals:
Bike:3h 48m (228 of 360)
Run:4h 37m 34s  - 30.35 Mi (goal was 24)
Swim:3h 29m 12s  - about 7 miles after today's swim happens (goal was 4)
Walking:23h 40m (while not part of my official challenge, I am amazed at this number, due to my walking around DC vacation!)

2007-11-30 9:54 AM
in reply to: #1076066

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
I've nailed my swim and run. With my bike getting stolen, my biking did not get finished - 64%. Ah well. I've been lame this month as far as inspires and such. Sorry all, I'm usually more engaged. Been a weird month for me.
2007-11-30 5:27 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Well team it is the end of the month: I didn't quite make my swim or cross-fit goals but I did get the Run and Bike plus some. I'm sorry that I just couldn't pull it off this month. But I'll just have to kick butt in next months Swim Challenge. I have even volunteered to be a Elf (team capt.) I'd love to have any of you great people on my team if you want or not already commited. Have a great rest of the week.

November's totals:
Bike:22h 21m 19s  - 336.77 Mi
Run:13h 39m 58s  - 67.19 Mi
Swim:4h 32m 13s  - 11600 Yd
Crossfit:6h 53m
Kickboxing:1h 00m

It was great to get to know you all,



2007-11-30 5:39 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Hi, Team!

I'm going to assume that Dee let me adjust my goals after I was suddenly and unexpectedly sent out of town for work for several days. If that's the case, I managed to get 100 percent on everything. If not, well, I came to 80 percent on everything (except yoga, since I'd only scheduled two sessions, and it's hard to get 80 percent out of two, heh), which isn't too bad.

I'm already signed up for the swim challenge. Hope to see a lot of you guys next month.

2007-11-30 5:51 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Elm Grove
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Yay, just got back from the gym and hitting my goals for the month. 40.15 miles ran, 12050 yards in the pool, and 8 core workouts.
2007-11-30 5:53 PM
in reply to: #1077153

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Fielding - 2007-11-30 6:39 PM

Hi, Team!

I'm going to assume that Dee let me adjust my goals after I was suddenly and unexpectedly sent out of town for work for several days. If that's the case, I managed to get 100 percent on everything. If not, well, I came to 80 percent on everything (except yoga, since I'd only scheduled two sessions, and it's hard to get 80 percent out of two, heh), which isn't too bad.

I'm already signed up for the swim challenge. Hope to see a lot of you guys next month.

Hi Erin,

Since it's Yoga you're missing.... Why can't you just take 15 min and, um.... stand on your head.... Or do some yoga-kind-of-thing. LOL

(Yes. Adjust them as needed.)

2007-11-30 6:12 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

This how I came out!! I tried me best.  I always do.  I am done with my swim. Friday night swim for an hour. Won't be able to mark that up till Monday however.


Bike:4h 20m  - 44.31 Mi
Run:4h 59m 15s  - 23.6 Mi
Swim:7h 40m  - 20350 M 8h 40m as of 11/29
Walking:1h 00m


2007-12-01 9:19 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Had to revise my final swim numbers, but still met the challenge goal.  Can't believe that our electricity went out again last night and kept me home snuggling my cold kids instead of swimming laps!!  OH well, life is life.  Here's the final tally.

Bike:3h 48m (228 of 360)
Run:4h 37m 34s  - 30.35 Mi (goal was 24)
Swim:3h 29m 12s  - 6 miles
Walking:23h 40m (not part of challenge but I am impressed with it!)

2007-12-02 6:04 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

I tried to update the spreadsheet for those that didnt post....there were a few that I just didnt have the time to go count to see how many sessions total were for the month.....so if anyone did reach there goals and didnt post please go to the spreadsheet and change it.

Although we didnt win.....we did our best considering all the obstacles that got thrown our way.


2007-12-02 6:44 PM
in reply to: #1065027

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Final Results from the November "Your Choice" Challenge!

Even though we're organized into teams, your goals for the November Challenge were really INDIVIDUAL ones. So results are listed by INDIVIDUALS. The signatures described will be displayed for the month of December. After that, it's your choice whether to leave it, or remove it.

This was also a TEAM challenge. So, in the second part of this post, you will find the rankings by TEAM.

Overachievers: The following people are not only winners, but overachievers! These people hit at least 100% of ALL their goals. These overachievers will add a signature line that says: “I am a WINNER. I won the November Challenge!”
Moscateers: Mosc11, saling4
Vigilantes: Virtus, sgoehner
Turkey Terrors: miche033, nhmorgan, lisazapato, D.Z., DMW
5forFighting: riorio, van_paulus, max, karl_hungus
Twisnibbins: HCS5QA, wemoon, tnickerson, sparco, spokes, givemashot, donto
Wild Hippos: Baowolf, AmbulanceDriver, Reno8, joemac3,
HCTC: DeputyDawg, mbmoran2, zipp1, runnerg1rl7, ACGRAY22, Betsy858

Winners: The following people are winners. Anyone who achieved more than 90% of their goals is a WINNER. Winners will add a signature line that says: “I am a WINNER. I won the November Challenge!”
Moscateers: Enders_Shadow, 1stTimeTri, ell-in-or
Vigilantes: DeannaS, Chrisrunzs26, Medusa_Ann
Turkey Terrors: Artemis, TriChica
5forFighting: naners, antti_asu, Pulch, charge4brendan, rzzqb8, bhoover1, dgillen
Twisnibbins: Yoganerd, legrand, geauxtri, D001, kns57
Wild Hippos: light_sabe_r, lyssa_gator, DTraub, owl_girl
HCTC: szbilicki

Attempters: The following people are attempters. Anyone who achieved between 80 – 90% of their goals is an Attempter. Attempters will add a signature line that says: “I did a great job on the November Challenge!”
Vigilantes: Irongirl39
Turkey Terrors: elektra, AddysDaddy, gygyhawk
5forFighting: madcat
Twisnibbins: barqhead, brynn
Wild Hippos: jasonbohn9
HCTC: TriAya

Nonwinners: The following people are nonwinners. Anyone who achieved less than 80% of their goals is a Nonwinner. Nonwinners will add a signature line that says: “I will train harder next month!”
Moscateers: MaryMosc13, Mosc57, comet_the_dog, hazmaster, 1for1, gidgetintraining, mosc26
Vigilantes: jessicacrouchrt, lawyerchick, fielding, cathyd, ScotinSeattle, Rmaldon240, somanygoals
Turkey Terrors: nccgrap, pipscweek, Atlantia
5forFighting: dcon, rkreuser, triOK
Twisnibbins: LastCall2003
Wild Hippos: kaqphin, RaytownPete, SoapQueen2, TRIFOR40, Bajapat, Nate21, JohnDeere, vida_nova
HCTC: Twins_momma, BunnyB, MrsUSMC, crabsrule, KLynne, gillyfev, SoFreshSoClean


The Teams were ranked by their number of Winners and Overachievers.
Percentage of the team that achieved at least 90% of their goals:

1. Twisnibbins: 12/15 = 80.0%
2. 5forFighting: 11/15 = 73.3%
3. Turkey Terrors: 7/13 = 53.8%
4. Wild Hippos: 8/17 = 47.1%
5. HCTC: 7/15 = 46.7%
6. Moscateers: 5/12 = 41.7%
7. Vigilantes: 5/13 = 38.5%

Therefore, the TEAM WINNER of the November Challenge for Goal Achievement (and post count) is:

Congratulations to everyone who worked hard this past month, especially those who acheived their goals. And congratulations to Twisnibbins, for taking the Team Victory.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the November Challenge! Hopefully, you found the experience both enjoyable and motivational.
- Dee

Edited by D001 2007-12-02 6:46 PM
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