Subject: RE: Bike helmet questions I'mm 99.9% sure that all helmets are rated the same way and either they pass or fail. There aren't multiple grades of helmets. Maybe someone else could chime in here. My helmet was pretty darn cheap (blew my cash on the bike, shoes, clothes, rack, bottles, tools, yada yada yada). It doesn't cover the bump in the back of my head. I'm pretty sure the inside of the bump is my brain. The more expensive helmets look like they go down further and cover up the bump.Mine covers the top of the bump but not the bottom. You want something thats plastic coated as it slides as opposed to styrafoam that will catch on the ground and split appart. The helmets with more vents are more expensive. Mine has 11 on top and 4 in the back and was about $45. On group rides everyone else has expensive helmets and I admire them. One day. Hope this helps. |