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2008-08-18 11:28 AM

Subject: Swim, help

Ok, I got 6 weeks to go to my first Tri...  Everything is going well except the swim...Got up to 20 laps in the pool.  500 yards.  But did my first ocean swim yesterday and it was terrible. I got tired quickly. Drank some water.  I could not tell where I was swimming.  Thought the sharks were going to get me.  Between now and the tri I probally can get only one more ocean swim in (I do not live by the coast).  But I can get to the pool.  Swim distance 1/3 mile....


This is my frist sprint...  I just concerned about the dam open water swim...Suggestions.  I dont want to give up. I want to do this for myself... HELP...

2008-08-18 11:32 AM
in reply to: #1610590

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Swim, help
Stop panicking, for starters.  You'll be fine.  Just relax and concentrate on your workout.
2008-08-18 11:36 AM
in reply to: #1610590

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Subject: RE: Swim, help

You are asking at the right time instead of 3 days before.  Keep up your training.  Try in the pool during practice to not touch the bottm at all, sure hold the side.  THis will get you use to not having that bailout of standing.  Keep working in the ocean you'll get there.  Pick better days (calmer) to start with then move into choppier water. 

It wasn't terrible it was a learning opportunity.

2008-08-18 11:39 AM
in reply to: #1610590

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Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Swim, help
Just remember, the shark goes after big guys like me first, we are a little slower and are a bigger meal for less work, i live on the coast and yes saltwater in the mouth sucks, practice sighting for the swim, but most important stay calm and relaxed, it helps me tons and i don't get to the hyperventilation stage, breath slowly and evenly just like the pool. Slow is fast, dont panic, salt water has more bouyency than pool water. Good luck with the swim!!!  You can do it!!!
2008-08-18 11:53 AM
in reply to: #1610590

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: Swim, help
It's amazing what happens when you HAVE TO do do it! You'll be fine in the race. If you can swim 500y, you'll be fine for the 1/3m distance. Just get to the pool on a consistent basis till your race. Everyone has some type of stories to tell on their first Open water swim, so it's good you got that out of the way. Next time, not so bad, and the race, even better.

2008-08-18 12:06 PM
in reply to: #1610590

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Harrisburg, PA
Subject: RE: Swim, help
Swim in the ocean as much as possible. Any other other open water you can get to? If nothing else, get as much pool time as possible. Go to, type in clif bar commercial, and find friends who can do this with you. I saw your post about the swim course. Yes, it is confusing. Maybe they're planning on flying you to the starting point in a coast guard helicopter then have you jump out Send an email to the race director for further specifics. As for drinking water, I drink in so much that I end up with these wicked underwater burps, of which I can always taste remenants of my breakfast.

2008-08-18 12:20 PM
in reply to: #1610590

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Lafayette, CO
Subject: RE: Swim, help

By laps do you mean lengths or full down and back laps? If it's down and back and you're in a standard 25 meter pool you are doing more than 500yds with 20 laps. 

As far as dealing with the OWS even if you can't get to the ocean can you get in any lakes to do a bit more OWS?  

2008-08-18 1:12 PM
in reply to: #1610590

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New York
Subject: RE: Swim, help
I was shocked (shocked, I tell you!) when I did my first OWS in the ocean--despite reading how everyone panics the first time in an OWS, I really thought just being aware of it would make it not happen to me. Bzzzz. Wrong. Major panic and claustrophobia and swallowing of water, etc.

Things that helped (besides from doing more OWSs):

1. Before the race, do a short jog to get some of the jitters out. I did this on my last tri and it totally kept my heart from going bonkers before the OWS and made the experience much better. Just got rid of some of the excess adrenaline.

2. There's no shame in changing strokes for the first couple minutes of the OWS--breaststroke, backstroke, whatever it is that will keep you breathing and moving forward and calm you down a little. If you panic, do backstroke and look at the sky. Once you feel you're ready, flip over and start crawling.

3. Breathe every other stroke, even if you're comfortable doing bilateral breathing. Sometimes it helps just to see above water. I find seeing open sky is very calming, especially if the water is choppy and it's hard to see underwater.

4. Sighting is also helpful--especially if the water is murky and it's hard to tell if you're moving forward (you are!). Besides from the obvious, that it keeps you on course, if you can pick something, a buoy or a landmark and see it get larger, you'll feel calmer in knowing you're getting closer to the finish point.

5. I also talk to myself. Whether I'm counting strokes, or just cheering myself on in my head, or saying "breathe"--it helps get through the panicky stages.

So far I haven't met a single triathlete who didn't go through this at least once in their tri career...It's normal and you will get over it.

Keep it up and good luck on your race. You'll do great!
2008-08-18 2:06 PM
in reply to: #1610590

Subject: RE: Swim, help
I hope I dont need it but if I do.  Do the boats stay close to the swimmers?  Also if I need help or a break how do I signal.  My life before my pride!!!!
2008-08-18 2:18 PM
in reply to: #1610590

SF Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: Swim, help

Another thing, when swimming in rough water, it is OK to turn your head farther, or even lift it up a bit in order to get a good breath.  Especially when you are just getting used to OWS.

Also, practice sighting in the pool.  Try looking straight ahead every 5 strokes or so.

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