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2008-08-19 5:43 PM

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Fort Wayne, IN
Subject: First Tri Done. A few things I learned

I did my first tri last Saturday (Oly) and figured the best I could possibly do was 2:32 and the worst I thought I might do was 3:03.  I ended up at 2:37, which I was happy with.  This was 4th in my age group (50-54).  Things that I learned:

 I thought the best I would do in the 1500m swim was 28 minutes.  I usually breath every 3rd stroke but I found that I could only do this for a few minutes and I had to resort to breathing every other stroke.  I did keep my focus on keeping a good stroke going, but couldn't make myself slow down.  I ended up swimming 25:11, which was great, but I paid for it in the bike.  Lesson:  don't worry about what other swimmers are doing, focus on your own pace.

The bike route was pretty tough, with 40 hills, two longer than half a mile, and this was a challenge for me.  I've only been riding my bike since May and the hills were tough, especially as I had a gear problem.  I got the the first hill and went to shift ot low gear and found that my front derailler would not shift.  Lesson:  make sure your bike is well lubricated before your race.  (After the first couple of hills I was able to get the bike to shift by creative double shifting).

By the time I got to the run, by legs pretty much felt shot, and I told myself I would NOT push in the  run until after 3 miles.  This was a very good decision.  My legs started to feel better by three miles and I was able to pick up my pace.  Lesson:  save something for the last half of the run.

2008-08-19 8:40 PM
in reply to: #1614672

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: First Tri Done. A few things I learned
Congrats on finishing your first tri! 
2008-08-19 8:44 PM
in reply to: #1614672

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Subject: RE: First Tri Done. A few things I learned
Rock On!!! Congrats
2008-08-19 9:30 PM
in reply to: #1614672

Extreme Veteran
Lakeland, FL
Subject: RE: First Tri Done. A few things I learned
Right on!  Congrats on your finish!
2008-08-19 10:11 PM
in reply to: #1614672

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Extreme Veteran
Austin, TX
Subject: RE: First Tri Done. A few things I learned
During my first tri, the most important thing I learned was that having fun > placing well. At least that's what I told myself.

Immediately following my first tri, I learned how good a triple bacon cheeseburger tastes after an hour an fifteen minutes of racing. I do believe that was the best meal I've ever had in my entire life.

2008-08-20 9:40 AM
in reply to: #1615246

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: First Tri Done. A few things I learned
Congrats and great job! Thanks for posting some post-race is always good to remind yourself where you can improve and how.


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