Subject: RE: Gulf Coast Triathlon: Official ThreadI'm in and staying at the Boardwalk.
Did my next to the last big brick before the taper. It was 4:45 hr. with 45 min. swim, 3:15 bike, and 45 min. run. The winds were blowing 25-30 mph. The waves from the open water swim were awful. The first loop took in lots of water. The waves were coming head on so breathing on 1 side did not help. I also got motion sickness from the rise and fall of the waves. Started to call it a day at the end of the first loop, but decided that we have a very good chance of having the same or worse conditions in the gulf so went on a 2nd loop. Felt much calmer; although it was still tough.
This is my 2nd HIM. My first was Playtri HIM in Irving, Tx. last year. The winds there were brutal.
I'm doing this one mainly for the gulf swim. If I survive it then I plan to sign up for IMFLA 10.
I think someone asked the difference in 70.3 and half ironman. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the 70.3 is sponsored by Ironman and just a half ironman is not. 70.3 is usually more expensive than the HIM. The distances of a HIM can be slightly different- my HIM last yr. the bike was 54 mi. rather than 56. The distances of this race supposedly is the same as a 70.3 ( which is the total miles added together ). Although, reading last yrs. race reports a lot of people put the swim was 2639 yds. when it should be 2112 yds. Not sure where that came from.
Anyway, good luck everyone. |