General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Cincinnati Flying Pig Half Marathon : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2009-03-18 4:03 PM

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: Cincinnati Flying Pig Half Marathon : Official Thread

I'm not sure where this thread will go but I clicked the link so here goes:

 Hey all - who is doing the Flying Pig half or full mary?

2009-03-18 4:13 PM
in reply to: #2026197

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Alpharetta (until we find a home)
Subject: RE: Cincinnati Flying Pig Half Marathon : Official Thread
I am not doing it but my wife will be running in the 1/2. It is her first race over 5 miles so I have been running with her on the weekends for her lsd jogs. I dont get to go since I will be at home parenting.
2009-03-18 4:21 PM
in reply to: #2026228

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Woodridge, IL
Subject: RE: Cincinnati Flying Pig Half Marathon : Official Thread
Cool for her!  I am running it with my sis.  She lives in Cincy and I'm coming from Chicago.  It's my first halfer too!
2010-01-05 2:25 PM
in reply to: #2026197

Subject: RE: Cincinnati Flying Pig Half Marathon : Official Thread
I am running the half. Second one, as I did the Evansville half in October. Should be a good event.
2010-01-05 5:30 PM
in reply to: #2026197


Subject: RE: Cincinnati Flying Pig Half Marathon : Official Thread
I have never been in a marathon before but am considering walking the Half marathon for the Flying Pig.  Anyone want to tell me about it.  I will be going to the first meeting with next week and will decide IF I am indeed going to go out of my comfort zone when I learn more about it.  Anyone want to tell me their stories about their first times......etc.?  Please
2010-01-06 5:39 PM
in reply to: #2026197

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Loveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Cincinnati Flying Pig Half Marathon : Official Thread
I'm considering it. The only reason I may NOT is because for some reason I want my first half mary to be in my half iron. It's just a silly goal I've set for myself.

I may do the 10K, though. Here is the link to the Web site.  They have a ton of information on there that might be useful.

2010-02-24 10:17 PM
in reply to: #2026197

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Independence, KY
Subject: RE: Cincinnati Flying Pig Half Marathon : Official Thread
Doing the 1/2 with several friends and a few others I know doing the Full.  This will be my first actual race of any kind so I am way pumped!
2010-02-25 1:40 PM
in reply to: #2026197

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Cincinnati Flying Pig Half Marathon : Official Thread

I'm doing it.  If you see an old guy gasping and red-faced desperately trying to keep up with a thin young woman running a 3:45, that may be me and my training partner. 

2010-03-20 9:10 PM
in reply to: #2026197

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Subject: RE: Cincinnati Flying Pig Half Marathon : Official Thread
My wife is running it. She ran the full last year at 13 weeks pregnant. She's ridiculously awesome.

Up until today I've not ran more than 5 miles, most of the time hanging around the 3.5-4.5 mile range. Today I ran 7.

The question is...if I can do 7 today, and I probably could have gone further, can I be ready to do it?
2010-03-29 3:39 PM
in reply to: #2026197

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Granvile, Ohio
Silver member
Subject: RE: Cincinnati Flying Pig Half Marathon : Official Thread
I just registered. This will be my third half pig!
2010-04-01 8:10 PM
in reply to: #2026197

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Subject: RE: Cincinnati Flying Pig Half Marathon : Official Thread
Okay... so the training plan calls for me to run for 1:20 on the same day as the Flying Pig. I haven't ran 13.1 since the HIM last year but I should just suck it up and do it shouldn't I?

2010-04-02 3:24 AM
in reply to: #2026197

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Granvile, Ohio
Silver member
Subject: RE: Cincinnati Flying Pig Half Marathon : Official Thread
Can you do it safely and not jeopardize the rest of  your season?

2010-04-03 12:02 AM
in reply to: #2026197

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Subject: RE: Cincinnati Flying Pig Half Marathon : Official Thread
due to the fact i've had 3 sinus infections in 2010 alone, I'm dialing it back and doing the half. was going to try the full, but I don't think i'll be able to get my mileage up high enough to not risk an injury.
2010-04-04 9:47 AM
in reply to: #2026197

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: Cincinnati Flying Pig Half Marathon : Official Thread
I'm running.  This'll be my first 1/2.  Previous season, I did just sprint tri's.

I hear there are hills...
2010-04-04 10:55 AM
in reply to: #2026197

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Cincinnati Flying Pig Half Marathon : Official Thread

I'm in again!

2010-04-07 1:43 PM
in reply to: #2026197

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Cincinnati Flying Pig Half Marathon : Official Thread

I started a Marathon thread:

I'm proposing a BT gathering on Saturday evening. 

Anybody interested in a BT gathering Saturday evening?  I checked with the BlackFinn American Saloon (7th & Vine) and the menu looks promising for those racing as well as those supporting their favorite runner.

If we've got less than 20, they'll put us in the main dining room.  More than 20, they have a private room and we'd have a limited menu (7 items off the main menu).  Maybe 6:30 PM? 

Interested?  If so, how many would you be bringing (and how many are kids) and what items would you want to choose for the limited menu?  I'd need to get back to BlackFinn about April 24th if we want to do this. 

I'll work on contact information via PM as we get closer to the race.

2010-04-10 7:48 AM
in reply to: #2026197

New user
Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: Cincinnati Flying Pig Half Marathon : Official Thread
I am in for the half and it will be my first.  My longest distance has been 10.5 treadmill and 7.5 outside running so I am hoping that the 13 will not be such a killer.  I am concerned about jeopardizing my first tri (cinci one world in July) though if I am totally wipred out.

But - at least I can say that I did it.  My goal... upright and in control of all my bodily functions if you know what I mean!!!Wink
2010-04-10 3:16 PM
in reply to: #2774564

Cincinnati, OH
Subject: RE: Cincinnati Flying Pig Half Marathon : Official Thread
I might be interested.  My 4/6 year olds are in the kid's fun run and kids' marathon earlier Saturday.  Not sure on timing.  Are we talking early evening? 
2010-04-11 4:08 PM
in reply to: #2026197

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Subject: RE: Cincinnati Flying Pig Half Marathon : Official Thread

Probably early evening (6 or 7 PM to start) depending on the needs of those attending.  One of the BT'ers is doing the Pump-n-Run. 

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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Cincinnati Flying Pig Half Marathon : Official Thread Rss Feed