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2009-03-25 1:26 PM

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NOVA - Ironic for an Endurance Athlete
Subject: 'Creaking' achilles

Um, if my achilles is 'creaking' should I see the doctor?

(Note: I cannot actually hear it, it just feel like that)

2009-03-25 1:52 PM
in reply to: #2039533

Subject: RE: 'Creaking' achilles
pga_mike - 2009-03-25 2:26 PM

Um, if my achilles is 'creaking' should I see the doctor?

(Note: I cannot actually hear it, it just feel like that)

Do you stretch it regularly?

To be honest, with all the aches and pains you've posted about recently, I think a dr's visit might be in order, to make sure you aren't doing any permanent damage. Might sound anal retentive to go to the dr every time you have an ache, but if it's anything beyond normal training "soreness" and it doesn't seem to go away, I feel it's worth looking into.

2009-03-25 1:55 PM
in reply to: #2039533

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Subject: RE: 'Creaking' achilles
Not that I would ever discourage someone from seeing a doctor, but it sounds most likely crepitus, which is air/gas within the soft tissue of your achilles. I get this for a day or so after long runs, 15 mi +, and had it for just under a week after my IM. I never saw a doc formally, but the wife is a Physician Assistant, good to have during training , and indicated that it was pretty classic symptoms. She could hear it, with out a stethoscope, and feel it. She told me to take it easy after the IM, because it can make you more prone to a tear during this time.

If it does not resolve itself, then I would def. head on to a MD.

Hope it helps.
2009-03-26 7:22 PM
in reply to: #2039533

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, Utah
Subject: RE: 'Creaking' achilles
I had the "creaking" in my achilles at the start of an extremely severe case of achilles tendonitis right after my senior year track season in college.  Mine seemed to come on over night., although I'm sure it was coming on for some time. One day my achilles felt fine, then the next on a 10 mile run but calf felt tight but achilles felt fine during the run.  Literally as soon as I ended my run I felt the creaking and my achilles was very sore, tight and swollen.  I ended up needing surgery to fix my achilles issues so I would recommend being conservative and having a doctor check things out.  Especially if you have any tightness, soreness, and swelling as well.
2009-04-07 4:42 PM
in reply to: #2039533

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Subject: RE: 'Creaking' achilles
Good advice.  Mine has also been creaky, I just assumed it was an age all the other snaps, crackles and pops   Glad I ran across this post!
2009-04-07 5:18 PM
in reply to: #2069174

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Sin City
Subject: RE: 'Creaking' achilles
That happens to me on occasion...  I never really worried about it since it goes away within a few hours/day.  It sort of feels like there is some "friction" in there when I flex the foot.

To be honest, hasn't happened in a long while for me...

2009-04-07 5:51 PM
in reply to: #2039533

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2010-03-30 10:11 AM
in reply to: #2069318

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Subject: RE: 'Creaking' achilles
I'm having a similar problem. During the run, I feel like the tendon is not sliding nicely as it should. For the next 2 days following the run, it feels like there is some grinding sensation on the tendon, and I have some pain when walking down the stairs steps. It feels like I have to put some oil in the tendon and it will go away. Have been doing PT for 2 weeks now, but situation is still the same...
2010-03-30 1:04 PM
in reply to: #2039533

Extreme Veteran
Langley, BC, 'Wet Coast' Canada
Subject: RE: 'Creaking' achilles
pga_mike - 2009-03-25 11:26 AM

Um, if my achilles is 'creaking' should I see the doctor?

(Note: I cannot actually hear it, it just feel like that)


I have had this on occasion, too.  Be careful with 'who' you see to get a diagnosis - I suggest a medical person who has experience with athletes. Otherwise you may likely get the generic 'stay off it for X time, take two of these and call in 2 weeks...'

I had 2 explanations given to me   One was that it was the friction/binding in the tendon/sheath, and was told to use a sort of friction massage to 'break it up'.....No pain ok to keep training, carefully... 
The other was that it was the start of tendonitis..... The sports-oriented Dr told me that presence of pain was a differenting factor....
It is kinda freaky to have that creaking going on! So, yes, I would go have it looked at by someone with a sports medicine background.

2010-04-11 6:57 PM
in reply to: #2039533

Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: 'Creaking' achilles
Chalk me up as another with Achilles Tendonitis  (Now Achilles Tendonosis)   It sounds to me like this is what you have.   Micro-tears in Achilles  then adhesions form.

  This has kept me from running (with some exceptions) over the last 4+ months.   I am now seeing a therapist that specializes in "Graston Technique"   Which uses tools that the Therapist uses to "scrape" the adhesions that have formed on the tendon.  While Graston can me painful, it really is helping me tremendously.   I do not "hear" the creaky, crackling sound  BUT I FEEL it  or used to.  Its much better.    Regular therapy is designed more for correcting the cause of the issue, not the issue ITSELF.  I had to complain big time about this as time as been wasted with regular therapy.     Therapy is all about how can you avoid the same thing happening after its healed.

What causes this?    Poor gait,  going past an "injury threshold"  not enough stretching, too much too soon,  running too hard. (this was my case - I really began running hard nearly every day -this pushed the tendon beyond its ability to heal itself

You really do need to see a DR. about this.  And then be pro-active with your Doc and therapist.    Interestingly you can bike while you have this.   Lucky thing.  Obviously swimming is fine too, just do not push off wall hard.

2010-04-11 9:31 PM
in reply to: #2039533

Subject: RE: 'Creaking' achilles
It doesn't seem like I have to tell you again, but the creaking is not good. I had a severe case that was "creaking" and I trudged on through it. Ended up in a boot (which I think made things worse) and then on crutches for a month. Turns out it had turned into tendonosis-scar tissue build up. Lots of ART and it's OK now. Two years later, I can still feel it sometimes and still get ART every 6 weeks.

2021-04-29 12:03 PM
in reply to: Aikidoman


Subject: RE: 'Creaking' achilles
Originally posted by Kido

That happens to me on occasion...  I never really worried about it since it goes away within a few hours/day.  It sort of feels like there is some "friction" in there when I flex the foot.

To be honest, hasn't happened in a long while for me...

I would agree on this. I am also experiencing this but I'm thinking that it is because I'm getting already,lol. I think just do regular exercise and healthy diet.
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