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2009-04-08 7:17 AM

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Greer, SC
Subject: Tight calves anyone?

I have super tight calves that are really hurting my running.  Anyone got any advice other than stretching?  I am doing about three different stretches for my calves and one for my achilles and using the roller on them as well.

I am going to my sports doc tomorrow for an exam.  I am also expanding my visits to my massage therapist to bi monthly visits.  Any other suggestions?  I have really scaled back my running to keep from getting hurt.  Unfortunately I think the tight calves are causing my achilles issues, but we'll see what the doc says.

2009-04-08 7:19 AM
in reply to: #2070273

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Muncie, IN
Subject: RE: Tight calves anyone?
I wear night splints.  (Helps with Plantar Fascitous)
2009-04-08 8:48 AM
in reply to: #2070273

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Tight calves anyone?

Go walk on some trails.  The uneven terrain will help stretch your calves, just take it very easy so you don't hurt something in the process. 

2009-04-08 8:49 AM
in reply to: #2070273

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Subject: RE: Tight calves anyone?
I don't have any other ideas, but I am in the same boat. I thought it was shin splints at first but I now think it's major knots. I have an appointment today as well to have a sports Doc take a look.
I will let you know what he says.....
2009-04-08 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2070273

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Subject: RE: Tight calves anyone?
For me it's been: Ice, Aleve, stretching, run (stick to flats and not hills) more, recover, run a lot more, recover, repeat as needed.
2009-04-08 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2070273

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: Tight calves anyone?

Welcome to the club.  I have got them too!  When I run, that seems to be my biggest limiter...trying to keep my calves in the game.  I tried running shorter and more often and I think it has helped mine a little.

2009-04-08 9:27 AM
in reply to: #2070273

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Extreme Veteran
McHenry, IL
Subject: RE: Tight calves anyone?

I've suffered from very tight, sore calf muscles, plus Achilles pain, for the past several years.  I think I've finally hit upon something that works.  I stumbled upon a website a few months back, .  Julie is a massage therapist with years of experience treating all sorts of repetitive strain injuries, including treating triathletes.  She's written a few books on the subject of how to self-treat these sorts of pains an injuries, and I must makes sense, and it's working for me.

The core of her treatment protocol is in finding and releasing muscle spasms that are the root of many of the types of pains we suffer from repetitive stress activities such as running and cycling.  It's really been enlightening for me, and I now feel like I understand my various muscle and tendon pains, and know how to treat them.  She has taught me how muscle spasms I didn't even know I had until I went looking for them, in my hips, and quads, as well as my calves, were a big part of my problem.  Just stretching won't work.  It's like taking a rope with knots in it, and trying to make it longer by pulling on it.  That just makes the knots tighter, and causes excessive strain at the insertion points.  What you need to focus on first is how to release the knots.

She also has a forum where you can post questions about your specific problems, and every couple of days or so, she finds time to get on the forum to provide very specific answers and advice.  Here is the post I put on her forum back in December , which you may find useful.

You'll need one of her books to really be able to properly do the required treatments, but for me, this has been one of the best investments I have ever made in this sport.  Although she has books specifically targeted to triathletes and runners, I personally recommed you get her most recent book, Treat Yourself to Pain Free Living.  I actually have the e-book version of this book, and the print version of her Triathlete book, and the Pain Free Living book has all the same treatments as the Triathlete book, yet they are more complete and up to date.  The triathlete book includes some stuff on tri training and such, which frankly is probably nothing new to you.

I have no financial interest in any of this.  I just wanted to share since Julie and her books have been very helpful to me.

Good Luck!

Edited by Steve in IL 2009-04-08 9:30 AM
2009-04-08 10:12 AM
in reply to: #2070273

Subject: RE: Tight calves anyone?
Foam Roll! You can foam roll almost every part of your body. This is a nice little massage that you can do for yourself in front of the T.V. Remember to hold yourself on the sore spots for about 30 sec. or until it releases. I foam roll everyday, even my day off.
2009-04-08 10:45 AM
in reply to: #2070273

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Subject: RE: Tight calves anyone?
I was having a similar problem, I think from ramping up my intensity running too quickly.  Calves are tricky, if you don't really resolve the prolem, it will linger, and while you might get away running though it for a week or a month or even longer, if you don't address it, it's a latent issue that could (and is likely to) become acute over time. 

For me, even if I was stretched and without tightness or pain prior to running, I would feel it as soon as I started.  As much as I hated to do it, I took off a few weeks and cross trained, stretched, foam roller (totally agree with the last post that the roller is a great thing), and started back up slowly.  So far so good.   Was quickly back up to (and am now beyond) the milage/pace that I was at before taking a break. 
2009-04-08 10:54 AM
in reply to: #2070273

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Tight calves anyone?
A good massage therapist should be able to loosen them.  I have a devil of a time stretching my soleus, but massage gets it every time.  I can sort of do it myself, but the massage therapist is much better at it (big surprise).  Wish I could afford to go more often....
2009-04-08 12:02 PM
in reply to: #2070273

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Subject: RE: Tight calves anyone?
I had this same problem for the past several years and it would always seem to escalate into very painful shin splints.  For me, getting fitted for new running shoes made all the difference.  I had been fitted for shoes before at a local running store (I need stablility shoes) and after trying several brands and styles, I've found two pairs of shoes and now running is no longer painful.   My calves are not tight when I run, and I haven't had shin splints since then, despite increasing my mileage. 

2009-04-08 12:07 PM
in reply to: #2070273

Subject: RE: Tight calves anyone?
The Stick works pretty well - I can feel the knots in my calves sometimes. I have short/tight Achilles tendons, so I have to be uber-vigilant about stretching them out. Also gonna invest in some compression socks, I think and see how much that helps.
2009-04-08 1:04 PM
in reply to: #2070670

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Rochester, NY
Subject: RE: Tight calves anyone?
Steve in IL - 2009-04-08 10:27 AM

The core of her treatment protocol is in finding and releasing muscle spasms that are the root of many of the types of pains we suffer from repetitive stress activities such as running and cycling.  It's really been enlightening for me, and I now feel like I understand my various muscle and tendon pains, and know how to treat them.  She has taught me how muscle spasms I didn't even know I had until I went looking for them, in my hips, and quads, as well as my calves, were a big part of my problem.  Just stretching won't work.  It's like taking a rope with knots in it, and trying to make it longer by pulling on it.  That just makes the knots tighter, and causes excessive strain at the insertion points.  What you need to focus on first is how to release the knots.

What Steve is describing is Myofascial Trigger Points ("TPs".  And if your typical stretching and rolling strategies aren't working, then TPs are a likely cause of trouble. 

Here is a link to the wikipedia page on the subject.

Clair Davies has written several books on the treatment of TPs, including how to do it yourself.

Here is a link to NAMTPT, an association of trigger point therapists.  They are similar to massage therapists, accupuncturists, or chiropractors, who've been trained in identifying and treating TPs.  There is a link to a therapist directory.  Perhaps there's one close to you.  My personal experience with a therapist on this list has been outstandingly good.  She figured out problems that a number of doctors, chiros, PTs, etc. could not. 

That may be more info than you're looking for.  But if other avenues aren't working out well and the problem still exists, give it a look.

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