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2009-08-01 4:43 PM
in reply to: #2321351

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2009-08-01 5:35 PM
in reply to: #2321351

Subject: RE: Rude spectator?

fattyfatfat - 2009-08-01 1:24 PM
trishie - 2009-08-01 12:05 PM
Super T - 2009-08-01 12:19 PM Y'all haven't seen jack until you've been to a kid's tri with some of their parents being absolutely atrocious. Barking orders at them while in transition, telling them they're not going fast enough, and watching as their kid is crying while doing the race...we're talking a kid on his bike and tears streaming down his face.

THAT is despicable.

I volunteered at the race SuperT is talking about.  Despicable is being nice.  I worked transition helping the kids get their gear on, bikes off the rack, etc..  Most parents were awesome.  But some were UNREAL.  Its one thing to yell at me but one guy, for example, was yelling at his son, "if thats how slow you are then you'll never win a damn thing".  The most heartbreaking scene was after the race this parent was berating this little girl in front of everyone for not doing better.  Then he told her to carry all her crap back to the car herself.  She would drop her helmet and go to pick it up then she would drop her bike.  Sobbing almost uncontrollably the entire time.  At the awards ceremony a parent was so mad that his child got third instead of second he got up in ther RD's face and was yelling F you your race F'ing sucks.  This happened in front of everyone.    The RD was visibly upset.  She quit the next day.  An incredible loss for the kids triathlon program down here without a doubt.    As a parent I can never even imagine acting like this.

edit.  It was another BT'er, Freeswimmingfish, that "excused" the guy yelling at the RD from the awards ceremony.  high fives for Joe!

I can totally see this not flying well with Joe, who is pretty much the Ideal Tri Dad.    Yay Joe.

2009-08-01 7:29 PM
in reply to: #2321079

Providence, R.I.
Subject: RE: Rude spectator?

Edited by trinigen 2009-08-01 7:59 PM
2009-08-01 7:34 PM
in reply to: #2321283

Subject: RE: Rude spectator?
Super T - 2009-08-01 12:19 PM Y'all haven't seen jack until you've been to a kid's tri with some of their parents being absolutely atrocious. Barking orders at them while in transition, telling them they're not going fast enough, and watching as their kid is crying while doing the race...we're talking a kid on his bike and tears streaming down his face.

Sadly I have seen that all to many times at kids tris. Parents timing folks figuring who was in front and behind their kid, screaming I paid for all those swim lessons no walking (swim was in shallow ocean area), and pushing them any way they can to go faster not caring if their child has fun or not and man most of those yelling are sad!
2009-08-01 7:35 PM
in reply to: #2321753

Subject: RE: Rude spectator?
trinigen - 2009-08-01 8:29 PM

This, again, is a ridiculous comment much like the "Canadian" one in another thread.  The location of the race has nothing to do with the incident.  It's all about the individual who crossed the street.  Not where they are from.  This run for this race runs right down Blackstone Blvd a block from my house and I can tell you the people around here are very supportive of the race.  I plan on doing it next year.

C'mon man, I'm sure it was a joke or atleast along the lines of a joke.  I live in the south and love a good redneck joke.
2009-08-01 8:50 PM
in reply to: #2319891

Subject: RE: Rude spectator?

In RI 70.3, I was about 2 miles away from the end of the run and a bunch of people were on the side of the road - one guy yelled out "Why you doin this? You get any $ for it?" So, being BOP, I yell out "Me? No way" and he yells back "Obviously, look at ya." His friends started yelling at him and shouting encouragement to me at the same time.

2009-08-01 10:29 PM
in reply to: #2321351

Central Indiana
Subject: RE: Rude spectator?
fattyfatfat - 2009-08-01 1:24 PM
trishie - 2009-08-01 12:05 PM
Super T - 2009-08-01 12:19 PM Y'all haven't seen jack until you've been to a kid's tri with some of their parents being absolutely atrocious. Barking orders at them while in transition, telling them they're not going fast enough, and watching as their kid is crying while doing the race...we're talking a kid on his bike and tears streaming down his face.

THAT is despicable.

  At the awards ceremony a parent was so mad that his child got third instead of second he got up in ther RD's face and was yelling F you your race F'ing sucks.  This happened in front of everyone. 

The latter incident is precisely why some communities have laws against using profane language at sporting events with children.  Back when I umpired baseball, more than once I had to call the police to deal with parents.  Things calmed down a lot after local law was passed and resulting fines were well publicized.

Edited by Oldteen 2009-08-01 10:30 PM
2009-08-01 10:37 PM
in reply to: #2321918

Subject: RE: Rude spectator?
Oldteen - 2009-08-01 11:29 PM
fattyfatfat - 2009-08-01 1:24 PM
trishie - 2009-08-01 12:05 PM
Super T - 2009-08-01 12:19 PM Y'all haven't seen jack until you've been to a kid's tri with some of their parents being absolutely atrocious. Barking orders at them while in transition, telling them they're not going fast enough, and watching as their kid is crying while doing the race...we're talking a kid on his bike and tears streaming down his face.

THAT is despicable.

  At the awards ceremony a parent was so mad that his child got third instead of second he got up in ther RD's face and was yelling F you your race F'ing sucks.  This happened in front of everyone. 

The latter incident is precisely why some communities have laws against using profane language at sporting events with children.  Back when I umpired baseball, more than once I had to call the police to deal with parents.  Things calmed down a lot after local law was passed and resulting fines were well publicized.

You have to wonder what the parent really hopes to accomplish via these tactics, huh?  I think if I were the RD, I would announce the guy's name and ask the crowd to give him a hand for all the drama.  Perhaps shame him into settling down or just leaving.
2009-08-01 10:59 PM
in reply to: #2319891

Highlands Ranch
Subject: RE: Rude spectator?

Don't break stride, get your elbows up

2009-08-01 11:11 PM
in reply to: #2321757

Subject: RE: Rude spectator?
trinigen - 2009-08-01 8:29 PM

This, again, is a ridiculous comment much like the "Canadian" one in another thread.  The location of the race has nothing to do with the incident.  It's all about the individual who crossed the street.  Not where they are from.  This run for this race runs right down Blackstone Blvd a block from my house and I can tell you the people around here are very supportive of the race.  I plan on doing it next year.

Don't take it personally, I just lived in NE and found that overall the people were quite a bit more rude than other parts of the country in which I have lived.  My wife lived in R.I. until she and I moved to TX when she was 22. When I gave her the choice between moving to R.I. or PA to live closer to family, she wanted nothing to do with R.I.  The folks you know in the area are probably very nice to you. My generalization was based off of years of living in CT and R.I. compared to CA, TX, and PA.  It's not a personal attack on you though.  I've had enough rudeness when I lived there so I get to take my shots now.  Laughing

2009-08-02 12:05 AM
in reply to: #2319891

Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: Rude spectator?
trishie - 2009-08-01 4:56 AM

Has anyone (else) every encountered a rude spectator during a race?

At the end of Rhode Island 70.3 -- literally, the end ... I was about a quarter of a mile from the finish line -- a girl crossed the street right in front of me.  I yelled at her to watch where she was going, and she told me to watch my attitude ! ... well, after 6+ hours of racing maybe I did have a bit of an attitude, but she was in the wrong, IMO.

If it wasn't going to hurt you or your bike, you should have ridden into her

2009-08-02 12:57 AM
in reply to: #2321410

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Rude spectator?
fattyfatfat - 2009-08-01 1:33 PM
dbrawders - 2009-08-01 1:12 PM
ATLsbr - 2009-08-01 12:37 PM
fattyfatfat - 2009-08-01 1:24 PM

I volunteered at the race SuperT is talking about.  Despicable is being nice.  I worked transition helping the kids get their gear on, bikes off the rack, etc..  Most parents were awesome.  But some were UNREAL.  Its one thing to yell at me but one guy, for example, was yelling at his son, "if thats how slow you are then you'll never win a damn thing".  The most heartbreaking scene was after the race this parent was berating this little girl in front of everyone for not doing better.  Then he told her to carry all her crap back to the car herself.  She would drop her helmet and go to pick it up then she would drop her bike.  Sobbing almost uncontrollably the entire time.  At the awards ceremony a parent was so mad that his child got third instead of second he got up in ther RD's face and was yelling F you your race F'ing sucks.  This happened in front of everyone.    The RD was visibly upset.  She quit the next day.  An incredible loss for the kids triathlon program down here without a doubt.    As a parent I can never even imagine acting like this.

Holy crap I would just come unglued (I'm tensing up just thinking about it right now) if I saw that. 

x10... no way would I stand there and let that parent speak to ANY child like that.. regardles.. worthless piece of #$%@$%%.....

yeah.  this was my first kids tri to volunteer at and heard some of the stories. so i went in thinking along the same line's as that comment.  but once in that position all i could think about was this child and if i got in dad's face then what else is this child going to think.  the guy yelling f this, of course you get him out of there.  but the others, it's tough because you don't want anything else on these kids shoulder.

True, maybe some positive encouragement from you or others would be a better route.. I just have a hard time swallowing that a parent could treat their son/daughter that way.. makes me think they must've been huge failures in some fashion earlier in life to take it out on the kids that way..
need a video/pic of that to put on the FAIL site.. PARENT FAIL....
2009-08-02 7:05 AM
in reply to: #2319891

Subject: RE: Rude spectator?
My husband was volunteering at a tri last weekend. His "job" was to stand at one opening of the transition area and direct racers to leave with their gear at another opening. It was a big race so the transition area was very large and  for security purposes they wanted all to exit at one point.

One woman was screaming at him for not letting her leave through his opening and actually said "you are not a triathlete...look at you" My husband is a big guy. He let it slide...ands even tried to explain it was for the security of HER equipment!!!! I told him if it ever happens again to get her number and let the RD know. People like this need to be DQ'd
2009-08-02 7:11 AM
in reply to: #2322052

Subject: RE: Rude spectator?
mav - 2009-08-02 8:05 AM My husband was volunteering at a tri last weekend. His "job" was to stand at one opening of the transition area and direct racers to leave with their gear at another opening. It was a big race so the transition area was very large and  for security purposes they wanted all to exit at one point.

One woman was screaming at him for not letting her leave through his opening and actually said "you are not a triathlete...look at you" My husband is a big guy. He let it slide...ands even tried to explain it was for the security of HER equipment!!!! I told him if it ever happens again to get her number and let the RD know. People like this need to be DQ'd

that is so ! how about "thank you for volunteering?"

along the same lines... at RI70.3, you could only leave through one entrance with your bike.  I saw one woman - a triathlete - screaming and yelling at the volunteers to let her leave through a different entrance. unbelieveable.
2009-08-03 7:14 AM
in reply to: #2321079

Extreme Veteran
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Rude spectator?
Pector55 - 2009-08-01 8:02 AM It was in New England, what else would you expect? 

Funny you say that.   My biggest run-in was with what I termed a "mainline mom" who crossed in front of my at the Philly half a couple of years ago at the top of a hill in Fairmount park.  Needless to say, I may have left an expletive or two fly in front of her, her toddler, and her mega-strolller that brought me to a dead stop.

2009-08-03 7:32 AM
in reply to: #2319891

Subject: RE: Rude spectator?
Nothing compares to what the riders in the Tour de France have to put up with!

2009-08-03 7:38 AM
in reply to: #2323420

Subject: RE: Rude spectator?
vonschnapps - 2009-08-03 8:32 AM Nothing compares to what the riders in the Tour de France have to put up with!

No kidding, I was amazed that people were running out and running up the street with the bikes while on the climbs.  I'm shocked that there are not more accidents because of that.
2009-08-03 7:40 AM
in reply to: #2323390

Subject: RE: Rude spectator?
kziemer - 2009-08-03 8:14 AM
Pector55 - 2009-08-01 8:02 AM It was in New England, what else would you expect? 

Funny you say that.   My biggest run-in was with what I termed a "mainline mom" who crossed in front of my at the Philly half a couple of years ago at the top of a hill in Fairmount park.  Needless to say, I may have left an expletive or two fly in front of her, her toddler, and her mega-strolller that brought me to a dead stop.

We are trying to give Philly to NJ but they are afraid that Ed Rendell will come with the land.  Another area on my "least favorite" list. 
2009-08-03 9:29 AM
in reply to: #2321283

Culpeper, VA
Subject: RE: Rude spectator?
Super T - 2009-08-01 12:19 PM Y'all haven't seen jack until you've been to a kid's tri with some of their parents being absolutely atrocious. Barking orders at them while in transition, telling them they're not going fast enough, and watching as their kid is crying while doing the race...we're talking a kid on his bike and tears streaming down his face.

Witnessed a few parents who fit this sort of description at a kids triathlon event as well.  I felt bad for the kids, I certainly do not act that way at my kids athletic events.  They perform how they perform, I cheer for them and support them afterward.  I'm not sure what these screaming parents think they are accomplishing by publically belittling their children.  They are in every sport I've ever been associated with though... sad and pathetic.    

My wife is a newbie in this sport just like I am and is learning her way around the transition areas, where to look for me on the swim, bike, run, etc.  She noted one lady with a stroller going up the transition path for the bike at my event yesterday and said some guy was hollering at her to get out of the way.  She wasn't crossing... she was walking down it, like it was some sort of private lane for stroller pushing.  I was very proud to hear my wife say how she is trying to be very respectful of the course and the athletes... some people just get it and some obviously do not.

2009-08-03 10:40 AM
in reply to: #2319891

Subject: RE: Rude spectator?
I have three incidents that come to mind.

The first was in high school, we were having a cross country meet at a local park.  The course was a trail that winds through the woods and at many points is only five feet wide or so.  One woman decided to walk her dog on the trail and got mad and yelled "go have your track race somewhere else!" as we ran by.  On the one hand I understand how she might have accidentally wandered onto the course because there are other connecting trails in the area, on the other, some people just get so upset by minor inconveniences.  I don't get all aggrivated when I'm riding at the park on a morning where there is a bike race.  I just marvel at all the people who are so much faster than me and stay out of their way (one walker did jokingly yell to me once that I was in last place and to hurry it up or I'd get lapped).

Second incident was at the NYC marathon last year where I was a spectator.  While the course came through Ft Greene, two hipsters thought it would be fun to dash across the street, one with her camera in tow to get pictures.  This was a point when the street was just packed with runners and there was no conceivable way they could cross without being a major disruption.  Someone ran into the girl and almost knocked her over and two other runners yelled at them to get off the course.

Finally, during the NYC Tri this year, some guy was rollerblading on the run course in Central Park.  It's like he didn't see all the cones set up, or wonder why ONLY runners with race numbers on were moving in that direction.

With these kinds of incidents I think it comes down to carelessness or people who don't view racing as anything other than a way to clog up their streets for a day.  Afterall, if it ain't important to them, it ain't important to nobody.
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