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2009-08-20 9:59 AM


Subject: refueling?
This is the part I'm horrible at. I've worked my way up to running two and a half miles (hypothetically, it's been awhile) and I'm running the bike path near my house or the track at my college and I'm feeling great, I don't wanna stop. My breathing is under control and I know I'll struggle breaking that pattern. But my body is screaming for fuel. How do you guys keep yourselves fueled when doing cardio?

I'm slowly revamping my diet to include fewer sugars, and eventually fewer fats. Those power bars and crap? They don't work for me. The sweetness makes me wanna puke. Maybe after the workout I could do a cliff bar or something, but during...I can't touch the stuff.

Same with gatorade. I know that some of the sugar is necessary to maintain a stable blood sugar but artificial sweeteners and things with added sugars taste like a candy bar and are not fulfilling at all. I normally just try to eat an apple after my workout.

But when I'm done working out, I'm ravenous and I'll eat everything in sight.

So what do you guys do to refuel? When do you refuel? And are there any more natural alternatives than sucking down gatorade and powerbars that taste like they might as well be a snickers?

2009-08-20 12:06 PM
in reply to: #2360022

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Not a Coach
Media, PA
Subject: RE: refueling?
After running 2-3 miles, drink some water.  An apple sounds like a good idea if you feel you need a snack.  You shouldn't need to "refuel" as you've burned perhaps 200-300 calories or so.  You certainly don't need to go for a powerbar or gatorade or anything like that. 
2009-08-20 12:31 PM
in reply to: #2360022

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: refueling?
Agree... unless you meant 2-3 hours, you really shouldn't have the need to re-fuel.

But... to answer your question. For long rides I have made my own granola bars. They are not sugary sweet like the store bought ones. I control what is in them (whole grain oats, flax seed, nuts, dried fruit, etc.) and they fill me up well. I also do Clif Shot Bloks and gels, but they are pretty "sweet" tasting.

As for hydration, try out a drink that has a less strong flavor like GU20 or Nuun.

2009-08-20 5:18 PM
in reply to: #2360022

Subject: RE: refueling?
I recently removed sugar pretty completely - I'll still eat it during my runs over 2.5 hours, in the form of CLIF shotbloks (and I drink gatorade on a few long runs because that's what they'll have at the race, unfortunately). 

Anyway, I have found that it's not necessary to use any of the things you mentioned above in almost all cases.  A banana, cheerios, raisins, figs (make sure there is no added sugar), or a piece of toast with fruit spread all work.  And they're way cheaper than the other options!  I eat my snack about 90 minutes before heading out, and it's generally the most carb-intense meal of my day (I try to make it pretty protein-y also, but I find myself to be carb sensitive).  Generally, I don't really bother with the "recovery" part afterward - I just eat dinner.  This is because I'm only running once a day, and my body gets lots of recovery time between workouts.  It just depends on how intense my run was and how far away the next one is.

Edited by DMW 2009-08-20 5:19 PM
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