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2009-08-26 4:00 PM

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Lost Wages Nevada
Subject: Break or Drive on?

First off a little history to help with the question.

I am new to the sport of triathlons coming from a very sedentary background of Olympic Couch Sitting (ranked 3rd in my AG). While I spent some of my youth as an athlete it has been awhile. I made a commitment to my wife at the beginning of this year that I would get in shape (apparently round doesn’t count) and I have done a great job of dropping over 60lbs to date (Now at a very healthy, might I even say sexy weight). I have been training for the last 4 months for an OLY and feel great! My training includes 3x each sport per week and peaks at about 12 1/2hrs. I have done one sprint and have one more to do before the OLY, which will occur in about 4 weeks.

I have truly fallen in love (lust is probably a more accurate word) with the sport and in my new found love I have taken the exciting plunge of signing up for an IM. Before you write and tell me to “wait awhile”, or “what’s the hurry” know that I’m not seeking that advice, but instead this….

My IM is 31 weeks after my OLY and my game plan is to take a week off and then follow Fink’s book IronFit, where he lays out a very doable 30 week plan. The concern is that the plan starts from ground zero with very little hrs in the first couple of weeks and builds from there. Since I have been at this for only 5 months (at time of starting 30 week program) should I find a plan that continues to build from where I already am, or is it more beneficial to stop and re-start?

Thanks in advance for any and all advice….

2009-08-26 4:08 PM
in reply to: #2372549

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Evergreen, Colorado
Subject: RE: Break or Drive on?
In order to avoid burnout, I would go ahead and just follow the plan.

A lot of people take an "end of season" break (2-6 weeks) where they don't do any SCHEDULED training..just whatever they feel like.  To me, your "week off" isn't really enough.  But then again, if you just do the easy first part of the plan, that's a lot like a nice block of "unscheduled" training.

So if you really only want to take one week off, just stick to the plan and look at it as recovery time.
2009-08-26 4:29 PM
in reply to: #2372549

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: Break or Drive on?
I say follow the plan, 30 weeks is a long time and if you're putting in tons of hours you may be sick of training when the real meat of the program starts. I'm getting ready for my first IM. The first several weeks felt like low volume but my coaches keep telling me that this is to avoid burnout when the high volume stuff starts. I'm trying not to get caught up in what other people are doing and trust my plan.
2009-08-26 6:33 PM
in reply to: #2372549

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Extreme Veteran
South Jordan UT
Subject: RE: Break or Drive on?
Take a break! 30 weeks is a really long time to focus on IM training. Believe me, I've tried it. I might suggest taking a week or two off and then doing some base training for 8-10 weeks. Then find a plan that takes only 18-20 weeks and starts from closer to your current fitness base. It will be mentally easier to swallow and you will be way less likely to burn out and slack off on training during those critical 18-20 weeks of IM focus.
2009-08-27 9:36 PM
in reply to: #2372549

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Middletown, CT
Subject: RE: Break or Drive on?
In the base phase he only has you swimming twice a week, so if you have extra time and energy and want to do more, add another swim (or two if swimming is a weakness) to your week.
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