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2009-09-28 12:52 AM

New user

Subject: I am willing to bet ...

I am willing to bet that I am the most tragically out-of-shape person here. 

Completely deconditioned at age 46 and by my calculations about 66 pounds overweight, with no running background at all and only minor recreational swimming and bike riding a long time ago, I have decided that the most sensible thing for this unfortunate couch-rider to do is to commit to entering and completing an olympic-length triathlon next summer.   

What this probably means in reality is that I will likely exercise tepidly for about 2 weeks, and then reach for the TV guide.   However, on the off chance that I am successful by next summer in dropping a bunch of weight and getting into a good enough level of fitness to complete a triathlon (with or without paramedic assistance), I will drop a further note here.  

2009-09-28 5:31 AM
in reply to: #2429092

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Subject: RE: I am willing to bet ...
Oh hang around.  The group is supportive, understanding, and many are doing the same thing as you.  Give it a good two months.  You'll be seeing huge changes and you'll be hooked.

2009-09-28 9:44 AM
in reply to: #2429092

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: I am willing to bet ...
You can look in the mirror at a different person in 12 weeks... your goal is realistic. Leave the TV guide on the table and read some tri books! There are plenty to choose from.

Also, if you're looking to work on your diet, the livestrong site helped me to drop 12 lbs so far.

See you on the race course!
2009-09-28 10:30 AM
in reply to: #2429092

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Subject: RE: I am willing to bet ...
You can do it, remember go slow in the beginning. Consistency is more important that running really hard one day, the important thing is to do something every day. I have lost 28 pounds in the last six months and only have 9 more to reach my goal weight. I was right of the couch just like you. It is about the journey not the race next summer, you will see that in a couple months. Just remember exercise every day(maybe one day off a week), and keep it easy the first month or so. Good luck
2009-09-28 6:42 PM
in reply to: #2429605

New user

Subject: RE: I am willing to bet ...
Wow, this IS a supportive place....

Okay, I'm in.  I'll stick with it for two months, going slowly with the intention of working out six days a week (unless there is something really really good on TV).  

Edited by tbeanerman 2009-09-28 6:44 PM
2009-09-28 8:32 PM
in reply to: #2429092

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washington state
Subject: RE: I am willing to bet ...
Have you checked out the workout plans here yet?  There are several that start from the couch and lead you to 5K and beyond.  Welcome to the fun!

2009-09-28 9:07 PM
in reply to: #2429092

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Subject: RE: I am willing to bet ...
I was right where you are 2 months ago.  I started the Lindora program at 260 lbs (5' 10").  I was unhappy with myself and forgot what it was to be competitive.  Well that was 2 months ago, now I am feeling great and very active.  I lost 35 lbs. and I am training for triathlons.  I have my first triathlon 12/13/09, a little sprint tri.  Lindora helped me a lot, but I really attribute the weight loss and new conditioning to will power and discipline.  I have been very strict on my diet and started exercising very slow and a few times a week.  Now I swim at least 4 times a week, bike 3 times a week, and run every other day I don't ride the bike.  This is all leading to my goal of 199 lbs and completing the 2011 Ironman Coeur d'alene.

Keep on on it tbeanerman, you will feel so much better as you go along and friends and family will support you.

2009-09-29 10:58 AM
in reply to: #2429092

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St. Paul, MN
Subject: RE: I am willing to bet ...
I'm with all these commenters here!!... Enjoy BT and you'll get things turned around! GOOD LUCK!!
2009-09-29 4:26 PM
in reply to: #2429092


Subject: RE: I am willing to bet ...
Give yourself credit for being way ahead of most who never take that step.  I started all this 40 pounds heavier, could only swim across a pool once and stopped running after a mile my first time out.  You will find great people with great advice, just ask and you shall receive.  Given your weight loss goal I would say get the eating habits addressed first (notice I didn't way diet) that is the best way to see results!  best of lucK!
2009-09-29 4:42 PM
in reply to: #2429092

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: I am willing to bet ...

Welcome to BT.  Stick around and get to know a few of us and you'll find out you're nowhere near the most tragically out-of-shape person here.  I know several people who have lost 100 pounds (not all tri-related) and there are some pretty amazing life-journeys here and there. 

As for the changes, this is the advice I give other newly active people:  "Your goal is to finish today's workout fresh enough you're willing to work out again tomorrow."  You may not think 10 minutes of walking makes a difference, but do it for 6 weeks.  If you haven't bumped up from 10 minutes to 20 minutes walking, make that your 6-week goal.   Pretty soon, those 10 or 20 minute workouts aren't so bad (and you miss them on days when you...well...miss them).  Now you've carved out 20 minutes a day (time that you were otherwise reading the TVGuide).  Celebrate by putting on your running shoes and jog for a couple of those 20 minutes.  Then more, and pretty soon, you're jogging 20 minutes a day. 

Get involved in a challenge or two, make some on-line friends, inspire a couple of people. 

2009-09-29 7:14 PM
in reply to: #2429092

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Extreme Veteran
Middleville, MI
Subject: RE: I am willing to bet ...
I would highly recommend you get into a mentoring group, I think they start new ones right around the first of the year.  Then start logging your workouts and your group will be there to give you motivation and help keep you going.  Good luck on your journey. 

2009-09-29 7:41 PM
in reply to: #2429092

New user

Subject: RE: I am willing to bet ...

Thanks a lot - you folks all ROCK!! 

And having poked around a bit more at this site, I do see that there are those who have climbed bigger hills than the one facing me.  Surprised me - in my neck of the woods, you mention triathlon participant (even aspiring triathlon participant) and tubby is not what comes to mind.   So I am very glad to learn that I am not completely nuts.

I am keeping a log of exercise, weight and a ruthlessly honest account of stuff I eat.   In order to keep motivated and on track, I hereby undertake to post here again in two months to either let you know how comfy my couch ultimately turned out to be in my abject failure, or better yet, to let you all know you were right in your advice.

2009-10-04 2:24 PM
in reply to: #2429092


Subject: RE: I am willing to bet ...
tbeanerman -

Good luck to you.  You'll find that if you stick with a training program, you'll find it as enjoyable as your prior activities.  I've been training for about 3 months and I'm very happy.

Good luck and if you think you can't do it, come back here and we'll all encourage you to keep going.

2009-10-04 7:05 PM
in reply to: #2429092

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Simsbury, CT
Subject: RE: I am willing to bet ...
Hey tbeaner... Join the club I was 100lbs over where I wanted to be... found this site and never looked back(Labor Dayish). THis site is awesome the training plans are gerat, and the members are even better!!!

Too keep me from falling back into my old routine I sat done and laid out a plan for the next 5 years ending in an IM, however that has been changed and everything has been pushed up as I am now training for a HIM next year.

Hit me up whenever if you need some support! This place is the greatest to keep you going! Plus the Kool Aid tastes great, once you drink it tris will take you over!
2009-10-05 12:38 PM
in reply to: #2429092

Lancaster County, PA
Subject: RE: I am willing to bet ...
tbeanerman -
i was quite sure as i was looking around the site a few days ago for the first time that this may not be the place for me with my extra chubbiness and out-of-shape-ness so i know exactly how you feel... i hope that you don't give up after 2 weeks! I hope i don't give up after 2 weeks!! we can do it!
2009-10-05 6:13 PM
in reply to: #2429092

Subject: RE: I am willing to bet ...
you can do it. i've lost about 25-30 lbs over the last 18 months and yesterday i did my first tri. i can remember like yesterday trying to run to the end of the block and back and feeling like my chest was about to explode.  my mouth tasted like acid and all i wanted to do was stop.  little by little, the end of the block got easier, so i stretched it a little further and before long i started looking forward to running.  same thing with the bike.  as for the swim, i've gotten to the point where i'm "comfortable" with it. there's still a long way to go for me, but that's the great thing about this sport - you can do it at your pace, and there's always little milestones for you to set and personal goals to achieve that keep you motivated.

next summer you'll do that tri, and you'll find yourself back on this message board giving encouragement to a newbie that doesnt think they'll be able to!

2009-10-06 9:48 AM
in reply to: #2444092

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Manalapan, NJ
Subject: RE: I am willing to bet ...
Good luck!  I hadn't done ANY exercise in almost 25 years!  I finished 3 sprint tri's this year and am totally hooked.  I also discovered that I love biking and plan to do a lot more of that. 

I used to run in high school and my early 20's and I remember I was always getting hurt (i.e. shin splints, etc.), now 99.9% of my running is done indoors on a treadmill and I have had very little problems.
2009-10-06 10:19 AM
in reply to: #2429092

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Champaign Area, IL
Subject: RE: I am willing to bet ...
Welcome to BT!!!!!  this is a great site so visit often....ask questions....and never give up
2009-10-08 9:26 AM
in reply to: #2429092

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Subject: RE: I am willing to bet ...
One year of tris and 50 pounds later glad I stayed tuned to BT.
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