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2010-04-01 4:45 PM

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Subject: Road Bike Converted to Tri Bike
So I'm new to this whole addiction called triathlons.

Unfortunately my wallet does not agree with the price of some of the "nicer" things in this sport.

I have a 2009 Specialized Allez that I will be racing this season.

I have purchased a Profile Design Fast Forward Carbon Seatpost that will put my seat closer to the position that a tri seat is at.

I purchased a set of aero bars to mount on my current handle bars.

I spoke to a man at the LBS today and he said that I could/should flip my stem on my bike so it is point downward instead of upward. I have been looking around online and have not read that anywhere else.

Has anyone heard of this? Is this something I need to be careful doing? Will my brakes and shifters need adjusted after moving my stem to a different location?

Has anyone done this with positive outcome?

I appreciate any and all advice/info. Thank you 

This picture is pretty much what it looks like now.

ETA: Should my saddle be higher or lower that the current seat level when in a tri setup? Or should I just maintain the distance between the crank and the saddle?

Edited by danfleck1 2010-04-01 4:48 PM


allez.jpg (96KB - 20 downloads)

2010-04-01 4:49 PM
in reply to: #2763945

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Road Bike Converted to Tri Bike
No.  That's not an automatic (flipping the stem).  The fast forward seat post and earobars are typical things done to mimic a tri bike with a road bike.  After that, it's a matter of fit.  You should be fit for a triathlon/earo position, and that will determine if you need to flip the stem or not (OR remove spacers), etc.

Did your legs grow with the new seat post?  If not, then I would say the seat does not have to be moved up or down...  My road and TT bike have basically the same saddle height (within 1/4" of each other).

Again, a fitting will determine all of this.

Edited by Kido 2010-04-01 4:51 PM
2010-04-01 6:16 PM
in reply to: #2763945

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Subject: RE: Road Bike Converted to Tri Bike
I have ridden a converted bike for a while and you should wait on the stem height. Get a fast forward seatpost and some aerobars and then adjust from there for comfort. On a roadbike geo. you can only get so low before you close up the hip angle. Your thighs will hit your chest/abs. That is to low. Also the bike will not be as stable at speed with your weight forward , nothing too bad but just be aware of it.
Aerobars can be put on without moving any cables just some griptape.
Have fun, John.
2010-04-02 7:12 AM
in reply to: #2763945

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: Road Bike Converted to Tri Bike
it might be worth questioning whether you are going to be faster or slower changing your position up. Many people produce more watts on a road setup than a tri setup, and, likely you are not going to be getting much of the aero gains (not like you would on a true tri bike) to offset this.

I'm from the camp that thinks a road bike should be ridden like a road bike though... with possibly some clip on's for making longer distance stuff a bit more comfortable.

How tight is your position on the drops?

I'd say anyone that can podium on a P3c can podium on an Allez, especially at the more local events.
2010-04-02 8:06 AM
in reply to: #2763945

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Subject: RE: Road Bike Converted to Tri Bike
Thank you all for your information. As soon as my seatpost comes then I will get everything set up and I will go from there.

I am curious though....if I did flip the stem/move the stem. Would the cables need adjusted? 
2010-04-02 6:45 PM
in reply to: #2763945

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Subject: RE: Road Bike Converted to Tri Bike
The cables will be fine but you would have a big loop of housing at the handlebars.

2010-04-02 8:48 PM
in reply to: #2763945

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Subject: RE: Road Bike Converted to Tri Bike
I also have a Specialized Allez Elite and I put on Profile Design Airstryke aerobars. I haven't bought the fast forward seat post but I'm probably going to order that this week. When I put it on will it change the way I ride up on the hoods? My aero position seems ok but I'm guessing that getting my seat up a bit will help with geometry. Once I get all of that done then I'll go in and get my fitting done. My stem right now is up but I'm thinking that I might need a more flat one than the one that came with the bike. I'll let my fitter make that decision.
2010-04-03 1:15 PM
in reply to: #2763945

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Subject: RE: Road Bike Converted to Tri Bike
I've decided to get a professional fit done this week after everything has been installed on my bike. 

Thanks everyone for your advice/input! 
2010-04-05 10:16 AM
in reply to: #2766485

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New user
Subject: RE: Road Bike Converted to Tri Bike
that's the best option, nothing better that having a trained eye working for you.  we can only "see" what you write....
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