Subject: RE: Training in the tropics . . . You have my sympathies! There's a nasty flu going around here, too. In December, almost my entire class got sick with horrid, phlegmy sinus infections/chest coughs that lasted for weeks, and I was almost afraid to breathe around them (just before my half-marathon ). Now it seems to be another flu-type virus that causes high fever, body aches, and dry cough, and affects mostly the adults. Praying I don't get sick just before a kayak trip to Laos next week and a race in Singapore the following. I have asthma and usually the only time I get full-blown attacks is when I'm sick, so just dread it! I guess dengue is possible if you're having body aches and fever, but it doesn't have a respiratory or digestive component, does it? More likely just a matter of not taking it easy enough or trying to get back to training too soon. Cold and flu, and a lot of medicines, dehydrate you from the get-go, added to climate and exercise, so it's maybe just virus plus dehydration. Better to go in a little undertrained than unable to start at all. |