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2011-08-02 9:58 AM

Subject: Riding in a small group

When riding in a small group of friends (eg 3-6 people), do you think everyone should make an effort to ride together?

I know a guy who tries to arrange a small group ride every weekend, but there are only normally 4 or 5 of us that show up each week. The strange thing is that he seems to spend a lot of the time riding off the front on his own. He will always stop and wait for us, but then he'll ride with us for a minute or two and then take off again. It just seems a strange thing to do when he is the one that has tried to organise a 'group ride'. A lot of the time I could ride off the front with him, as I am almost as strong, but I don't like to abandon the other couple of people, as I assume they have showed up to ride as a group.

I am new to group cycling to I don't really know whether this is strange or not.....

2011-08-02 10:09 AM
in reply to: #3625293

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Extreme Veteran
Chicago, USA
Subject: RE: Riding in a small group
lengthcroft - 2011-08-02 9:58 AM

When riding in a small group of friends (eg 3-6 people), do you think everyone should make an effort to ride together?

I would think that, yes, that's generally the point of a group ride. But if the riders have hugely different abilities, then maybe slightly different groups might be in order.

2011-08-02 10:22 AM
in reply to: #3625293

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Spring, TX
Subject: RE: Riding in a small group

Every group is different and unless those ground rules are set before hand, then there's no reason to believe there's anything wrong with the way he's doing it.

If he's a much stronger rider than the rest of the group, it is probably very difficult to stay together.  If he's pulling the entire way, then good for him.  If he's just riding away from the group, he probably needs to invite some faster riders. 

2011-08-02 10:30 AM
in reply to: #3625347

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Subject: RE: Riding in a small group

AndrewMT - 2011-08-02 11:22 AM

Every group is different and unless those ground rules are set before hand, then there's no reason to believe there's anything wrong with the way he's doing it.

This.  Group rides are a great lesson in communication skills.  If expectations are communicated beforehand - or even after, if you're left scratching your head over something - then there's little expectation that the group would stay together as a "group" particularly if you do have folks of different abilities there.

2011-08-02 10:39 AM
in reply to: #3625293

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Subject: RE: Riding in a small group

The group I ride with (it's been awhile) is small--usually 6-7 is max--and there's a guy who is very strong, very experience and VERY fast who attacks and takes off every time after the first, oh say, 20 min.  There are one or two who can go with him, at least for awhile, but I can't.  There have been a couple of times he's waited for the others, but most often he doesn't.  In other words, it's not a "no drop" group.  A part of me feels really crummy being dropped--fast--every time.  Another rider told me not to judge myself compared to that guy, but to ride as best I can.  On the other hand I think it does make me work harder and ride faster.

I live in a small, rather isolated city/town, so there aren't any other groups like no-drop groups I can ride with.  Like I said, a part of me knows it's good for me.

2011-08-02 10:47 AM
in reply to: #3625372

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Riding in a small group
He might like to coordinate the group rides so he has an excuse to go out.

He might also do this to coordinate a group of people to impress with his cycling prowess.

Generally I would consider a "no drop" ride to be one where the group waits at turns or every so often to regroup, but I wouldn't expect everyone to stay together always.   This would be something organized by the local cycling club, for instance.

Now, If I gather some friends to enjoy a ride together - yes, I would think it odd if one rider took off and rode alone most of the time.    Then I would also question their reason for creating or joining the group.    The only exception would be if we planned it in advance.  For instance, I might go with a faster/slower person and ask them to challenge me/I challenge them with speed, but to wait up occasionally and check in.  

2011-08-03 11:27 AM
in reply to: #3625293

Subject: RE: Riding in a small group

From my experience, if you're riding with a group of roadies on a no-drop ride, the pack stays close together and drafting becomes important.  But if you're riding with triathletes, the gap opens up and becomes more of an individual ride with unspecified stops (usually at turns/lights) to regroup for the next stretch of road - we also have a SAG rider in the back to help guide the really slow folks.  I prefer the latter since it allows me to ride at my own pace, without having to worry about getting lost.

Edited by Rooney 2011-08-03 11:29 AM
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