Subject: RE: Tri bike vs. Road bike speed gain The actual totals for the road bike are for 3.5 years 132 of 7000 miles over 20 mph. For 4 months on the tri bike 251 of 714 miles over 20 mph. There are certainly other variables than the bike, but there is no question the bike makes a significant difference. My point is you're riding 50% more than you have previously. That alone would account for you increased speed. Plus you're comparing rides when you first started to hose after four years of cycling. Even as anecdotal accounts go this does not have much validity. How about this: 8/30/11 tri bike solo. 17.3 miles 21.6 mph. Average heart rate 150 bpm. Last mile average HR 151. 10/5/11 road bike solo. 17.12 miles 20.27 mph. Average heart rate 153 bpm. Last mile average HR 156. 10/6/11 road bike group. 17.17 miles 21.9 mph. Average heart rate 152 bpm. Last mile average HR 158. This was a ride with another rider and we traded leading. This was a max effort ride where we we shooting for a 22 average. We typically for 2 mile stretches. By the end of this ride we were switching at a about 0.3 mile intervals. All of these rides were on the same course with similar weather/wind conditions. The difference in ride length is due to where I started my Garmin leaving my work parking lot. The last ride was the hardest of the 3. There is no question the extra riding I've done the last few months has mad a difference. Last month I stopped using my tri bike for lunchtime rides with a group. The lunch riders term for my tri bike is my cheater bike. |