There's no substitute for hills, but there are things
I have heard reccommended for hill
work for flatlanders
Overpasses in too high a gear
parking garages
(after hours of course
I have sort of the opposite problem where I am
No flats, just hills
What I read from the bike sites and
training literature is that "just riding", while
being better than nothing, is not the most efficient way
to improve your cycling
You need hard days that tax your system,
and easy days that allow you to recover or build base.
I have heard it said that many cyclists
go too hard
on easy days and
not hard enough on hard days.
So, to vastly oversimplify, and cheese off coaches
gurus, pundits, experts, and innocent bystanders
I would say on easy days go embarassingly slow for
an uncomfortably long time
(do a lot of these
on hard days you should feel like your eyes are going to
pop out of your head
(do some of these on a regular basis, but not back-to back