Subject: RE: Dealing with 12 year old daughter....Oy.....12-14 is the rough age for girls (add one year for boys). I spend about 6 years dealing with this, since when the older one passed through that age, the younger one was moving into it. It has a lot to do with brain development as they enter adolescence, with more intense emotional centers and relatively weak prefrontal control. Pick your battles, maintain your cool, and trust that you have expressed your values to them. Too often, parents pick battles that are ultimately winnable (or at least, lead to Pyrrhic victories in the war - sure you got your kid to do what you said. But when the time comes, will they still want a relationship with you?). My older daughter had a room upstairs so I never had to see it. The younger one had a small part of her room that was visible from the hallway - that was the only part that had to be kept clean. They were expected to maintain their grades and stay out of trouble with the law and school. Beyond that, our parenting was pretty relaxed, and they did well. They even voluntarily communicate with me and mrs gearboy for things other than cash! Don't rise to the bait of the emotional tone you get. Stick by rules unless they can offer a reasonable alternative for the change (something more than "you are a mean unreasonable tyrant"). But until their brains mature a little more, print this out and keep it on hand: 