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Horribly Hilly Hundreds 100K - CycleTour

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Blue Mounds, Wisconsin
United States
Horribly Hilly Hundreds
80F / 27C
Total Time = 4h 54m 11s
Overall Rank = /2000
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 0/
Pre-race routine:

Woke up 5am, stretched, ate a muffin, bananna and powerbar. Had some Ironman Perform and water to drink.
Event warmup:

Ride from parking lot to starting line appx 1 mile.
  • 4h 54m 11s
  • 68.37 miles
  • 13.94 mile/hr

I went into this event knowing it is one very difficult and hilly cycling event in our state (thus the name Horribly Hilly Hundreds).  I also knew it would be an ideal training ride to help me in my preparation for Ironman in September.  Although this ride has more than double the amount of elevation than the Ironman course, I am quite certain that the Ironman course will feel about as difficult after having swam 2.5 miles before the ride.  So it would seem like a very good preparatory training ride for me.  My goal was to ride the course easy without pushing any of the flats or downhills knowing quite well that I would have plenty of work to do on the full assortment of climbs.  I also had a secret goal of not having to walk any of the hills even though I knew many people do indeed have to walk some of the hills on this ride.

Colleen and I took the day off on Friday so that we could have an extended weekend.  In addition I wanted the extra time to pick up my packet Friday afternoon and to drive the big hill into Blue Mound park just to see exactly where it fell on the Nasty-o-Meter.  The packet pickup went well and I have to admit that the 10 year anniversary shirt of HHH and the cycling jersey are definitely two of the coolest looking pieces of clothing I have ever gotten from a race.  Great job to HHH for the cool stuff!  However, the drive of the big hill into the park was not as cool.  It looked even more nasty than I thought and that was scary because these types of things rarely looks as bad from inside the comforts of an automobile.  After the short reconnaissance mission, I was cautiously optimistic that I would be able to climb that thing…..twice.
Race morning rolled around and we got to the park at 6:45.  After parking the car and be wished good luck from Colleen, I rode my bike the 1+ mile to get to the starting line.  I was supposed to meet my friend John at 7am at the start line, but we got our communication mixed up and we never found each other.  Unfortunately I had to go the full distance alone, but I knew I would still have plenty of company with 2,000 other friendly riders who share a love in the awesome sport of cycling.
I started pretty much on time at 7:20 and those first handful of miles were relatively flat and easy until you turn on Bluemound Road and start climbing the never-ending beast up to the park.  I figured that hill was about 3 miles in length and I am not sure I averaged more than 6 mph the whole way up.  In fact, after having a chance to review my average speeds per mile, I found it interesting to see an enormous variation in pace.  I believe my slowest average mile was 6 mph and my fastest was 31 mph.  I never see that much variation in any of my rides, so that was truly amazing.  Anyway, I was happy to discover that I got through the first major climb without too much difficultly, but I knew it was going to be much harder having to finish the race with that same hill plus an additional steep segment back up to the parking lot.
The ride was relentless with hills of every size, shape and distance.  The entire ride measured just over 68 miles and I now understand how people can say this is tougher than most century rides.  You finish one hill and before you know it there is another one staring you in the face.  The amount of flat sections on the course is very limited so you are usually always ascending or descending and being tested in some way or another.  I do not remember the names of some of the other major climbs, but there were plenty to keep you engaged throughout the ride.
I made quick stops at all the water and aid stations for bottle refills and/or food.  However, I never really stopped more than a few minutes before continuing the ride.  My nutrition went well and I did not have any stomach issues.  I am starting to believe the wise words of one of my friends who swears by “real food” on the bike.  This strategy seems to be working well for me.  Jelly beans, protein bar, pretzels, & a banana at the rest stop all seemed to do the trick.  Hydration was less of a concern due to overcast skies and reasonably comfortable temperatures (70’s). 
Over the course of the first 60+ miles, the ride definitely gives you a very tough, technical test on your cycling acumen, but the final ascent into the park is the real cap on a tough day.  If this isn’t the toughest climb on the course, it is definitely close.  By adding the additional climb up to the parking lot it seemed like the steepest and most difficult part of the entire ride to get to the finish line.  It really throws salt into an open wound.  The thought of clipping out and walking crossed my mind a couple of times in that final 3+ miles.  I saw a lot of people walking and it seemed VERY desirable, but I really wanted to finish it out now that I had gotten that far.  How could I possibly walk after enduring 65+ miles of pain and suffering?  Right about the time I was in the most pain, people were lining the finisher chute to help cheer riders through the last hundred yards.  I have to admit that seeing the people and then seeing Colleen taking my picture as I struggled up the hill might have been the key to helping me get an extra dose of adrenaline to power through the pain and finish strong.
I basically crossed the finish line dripping in sweat at about 2 mph.  I clipped out of the bike and immediately found a picnic table to sit down and rest.  I was spent and gave everything I had to finish strong.  It was a brutally challenging course and a ride that I will not soon forget.  Great job to Horribly Hilly Hundreds for putting on this EPIC event…..Awesome!
What would you do differently?:

Post race
Warm down:

Eat & drink...great post ride event. Tons to eat and drink including chocolate milk.

Event comments:

Awesome event that I would definitely do again in the future.

Profile Album

Last updated: 2012-03-07 12:00 AM
04:54:11 | 68.37 miles | 13.94 mile/hr
Age Group: 0/
Overall: 0/2000
Performance: Average
Wind: Some with gusts
Course: Extremely hilly & fairly technical.
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence: 62
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Good Hills: Good
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2012-06-18 7:19 PM

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Menomonee Falls, WI
Subject: Horribly Hilly Hundreds 100K

2012-06-18 8:32 PM
in reply to: #4268119

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Cheesehead, WI
Subject: RE: Horribly Hilly Hundreds 100K
Nice job! I work with a guy who did this event and he's an avid cyclist. So I expected he'd breeze through it...nope. He said it was brutal and that that last hill was torture. I might have to try it sometime Nice way to stick it out and finish strong!
2012-06-18 9:17 PM
in reply to: #4268119

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Delafield, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Horribly Hilly Hundreds 100K
Great job Scott! That really sounds 'fun.' I know that will serve you well in September.
2012-06-18 10:02 PM
in reply to: #4268119

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Horribly Hilly Hundreds 100K
Nice job! That is definitely a tough ride. I thought it was much harder then the IMWI course even though I'm much stronger now than last year when I rode IMWI for a training ride. None of the other hills anywhere on the course can match Blue Mounds. A few are pretty darn steep, maybe as much or a little more, but they aren't as long.
2012-06-19 6:09 AM
in reply to: #4268119

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Germantown, 'Sconsin
Subject: RE: Horribly Hilly Hundreds 100K

Nice job!  Sounds brutal though. 

"All roads lead to Ironman."  - Sbsmann

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