General Discussion Triathlon Talk » IM Texas or Quebec for 2013 ?? Rss Feed  
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2012-08-28 9:21 PM


Subject: IM Texas or Quebec for 2013 ??

Hi,  My girlfriend and I completed our first IM in NY a few weeks back (super stoked with times and loved every minute of it!!) and we're thinking of entering another next year.  Does anyone have any thoughts between IM Texas in May or Quebec Aug (I believe these are still open for general entry) as I'd love to hear what you have to say?..... have you done both - what did you prefer?

FYI - we live in NY so we could drive to Quebec to make our lives easier but I think I'd prefer May!  Oh decisions decisions....


2012-08-29 9:45 AM
in reply to: #4385361

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: IM Texas or Quebec for 2013 ??

I just did Tremblant. It was fantastic.  I would say your tolerance for heat might sway your decision. We had a calm, cool day but IMTX tents to be hot. And it can be hard to acclimate to the heat if you live and train in the NE.  And would you be okay with fewer OWS to prep for a May IM?

Training for MT was a bit of challenge as peak training was happening through the hottest part of the summer but it also meant we were prepared for a hot day if it happened but it didn't.

Plus, i am biased. MT is so beautiful.

2012-08-29 11:07 AM
in reply to: #4385925

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Orangeville, ON
Subject: RE: IM Texas or Quebec for 2013 ??
x2. Haven't done TX but did MT (half and 140). It's spectacular. 
2012-08-29 12:40 PM
in reply to: #4385361

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Subject: RE: IM Texas or Quebec for 2013 ??
If you're doing the race for the scenery then TX really isn't for you.  Would probably be better if they held it when the bluebonnets were in bloom.  Any way if you do decide to go TX get in your basement and crank up the heater for mid to long trainer sessions. 
2012-08-30 4:26 PM
in reply to: #4385361


Subject: RE: IM Texas or Quebec for 2013 ??
Thanks Guys - this helped me make a decision....fingers crossed MT is still open for general entry....
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » IM Texas or Quebec for 2013 ?? Rss Feed