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Cedar Lake Fun Run - Run

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Edmore, Michigan
United States
70F / 21C
Total Time = 21m 36s
Overall Rank = 6/284
Age Group = M 30-39
Age Group Rank = 1/13
Pre-race routine:

This is one of my races that I was most looking forward to this year. It's a small-ish 5K, and the first race/5K that I ever did (circa 2008?). A lot of my friends were there doing the races (5K/10K) as well, and we had a handful of Team Revolution members out as well.

I walked over to the event about 45 minutes until the start. If I'm not early to an event, I'm not comfortable. It was a bit of a cool morning, and I walked around in my hoodie trying to keep warm.

I was eyeing the crowd, trying to see how many serious runners there would be (kind of like eyeing bikes at a tri), and I didn't see too many fast people, so I started hoping that I could make a top 10, and maybe place in my age group. A PR was a possibility as well.

I warmed up a little, mostly just keeping moving in the chilly air. A friend of mine who had placed 2nd female the year before came over, and we decided to run together.

The 10K started first, and then about five minutes later, the 5K race lined up at the start line, and got ready to go. As this was a fun run, there were a number of kids there, and at this race I always try to set myself up at the very front so I don't have to weave through a bunch of <10s for the first 100m or so.
  • 21m 36s
  • 3.1 miles
  • 06m 58s  min/mile

As my friend and I were standing at the starting line, it was hard to tell when the start actually was. Someone was saying something behind the crowd, and then people started yelling, "Go, go!" So I hit start on the watch and we took off. I love the start of the race when it feels easy to go fast before the reality of race pace takes over.

As we were at the start, it was easy to count the number of runners that were ahead. I counted something like nine. I was expecting people to catch up from behind and pass, but no one really did, and I hoped it would stay that way. As we headed toward the first bend, we passed a girl <10, I told my friend she was now the 1st placed female (it turns out that the girl was 8 y/o and placed 2nd female with a 25:xx! Crazy!).

Anyhow, because I was able to be chatty I realized I could pick up my pace, and as I did that, my friend said I could go on ahead. I ran by myself for pretty much the rest of the race.

The course is over a number of rolling hills, so this is a difficult place to set a PR. The first few hills weren't bad, and I didn't have to slow that much. I ticked off the first mile in 7:07, and the second in 6:57. The third is mostly uphill, with a short, steep hill followed by a longer shallower incline. It's the shallow incline that really kills you. I'm running up the incline, looking at my watch, and seeing numbers like: 7:30 and 7:50, and thinking, "Aaaaaagh! Too slow! I want that sub-21!" The third mile ended up being 7:18. A flat course would have seen me take 30-ish seconds off.

I passed a couple runners in the 3rd mile, and so I knew I was in the top 10, but not entirely sure of my place. As I was heading toward the home stretch, the runner in front of me stopped, and started walking. He looked back at me, and saw that he probably had his place locked up, anyway. I yelled at him to keep running. :p I got to the home stretch and sprinted it out, and almost lost it as I rounded the corner to the timing mats.
Post race
Warm down:

I was tired, but not totally smashed after the finish (which means I could have finished harder). I hung out at the line, and my friend I had started with came across as the 1st place female this year in a 23:09. We were all shocked when the little girl crossed the line to be the 2nd place female. "Whoa, did you see that? I think she got 2nd!"

I hung out at the line and cheered everyone in. As the times were posted, I saw that I ran a 21:36, which is a PR (technically)! I waited around for the awards ceremony to see if I had placed in my age group. I knew that I had placed 6th overall, but I wasn't sure who was in what age group. As they called out the 3rd place, and it wasn't me, I thought for sure I was out of it. They didn't call me for 2nd place either, and my hopes pretty much died. I was so surprised when they called me for 1st in the 30-39 AG! I felt like I had won the thing! It was so cool!

I hung out until everything was all done. Then I hooked up with some friends and we went out for an hour group ride. Hey, have to honor the training schedule even if there's a race, right?

Last updated: 2014-06-05 12:00 AM
00:21:36 | 03.1 miles | 06m 58s  min/mile
Age Group: 6/13
Overall: 1/284
Course: A square with an extension to hit the mileage.
Keeping cool Good Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race? Yes
Course challenge
Events on-time?
Lots of volunteers?
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5]

2014-06-19 10:10 AM

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Subject: Cedar Lake Fun Run

2014-06-19 1:35 PM
in reply to: #5014701

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Subject: RE: Cedar Lake Fun Run

Fast Fox!  I like 'legacy' runs, or races that we choose to do year after year, especially those that have special meaning, like being your first.    Congrats on an incredible finish, 6th OA (wow!) and 1st AG.  Both are just awesome!!  Keep up the good work, I see a great running/tri season ahead of you!

2014-06-19 2:30 PM
in reply to: #5014701

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Cedar Lake Fun Run

So awesome for  you and your friend (and the little girl)!!!!!!!!! Congrats!

2014-06-19 3:07 PM
in reply to: #5014701

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Cedar Lake Fun Run


Way to go, you totally rocked that course!   

2014-06-19 5:52 PM
in reply to: blueyedbikergirl

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Denver, CO
Subject: RE: Cedar Lake Fun Run

What a great race you had!!  Way to go!  So cool to read how much fun you're having too.  That's really what it's all about, isn't it?

2014-06-20 8:32 AM
in reply to: laffinrock

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Cedar Lake Fun Run

6th OA?  1st AG?  You crushed it!

Congrats on the PR, a fun run and spending time with friends - just doesn't get much better than that!


2014-07-15 4:36 AM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Caerphilly, Wales, uk.
Subject: RE: Cedar Lake Fun Run
Well done Tom, a well executed race by the sounds of it.
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General Discussion Race Reports! » Cedar Lake Fun Run Rss Feed  

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