Other Resources Challenge Me! » 21/31 + 10% January challenge Rss Feed  
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2016-01-21 8:52 PM
in reply to: #5162227

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Subject: RE: 21/31 + 10% January challenge
18/31 and dragging tonite...but, thanks to this challenge I've gotten back into the pool! Without it, it would not have happened

2016-01-23 9:39 AM
in reply to: NJBIll

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 21/31 + 10% January challenge

This week has been un-good. My 'bug" became a full fledged sinus infection with pretty high temps. That and losing power for hours on end and being snowed in. If I get every day in for the rest of the month, I'll be even. Fingers crossed!

2016-01-25 3:49 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 21/31 + 10% January challenge
Originally posted by NJBIll

18/31 and dragging tonite...but, thanks to this challenge I've gotten back into the pool! Without it, it would not have happened
So glad I could help. (Yeah, right, like I really had anything to do with it. YOU had it in you all along.)

Edited by leatherneckpa 2016-01-25 3:49 PM
2016-01-25 3:50 PM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 21/31 + 10% January challenge
OMGoodness! Those little "jack-in-the-boxes" got me GOOD this year!

Over the last nine years as a substitute I have often heard that the kids will make even the healthiest teacher sick over time. Never believed it, until this year. Yep, it's true. Even if the weather had been close to halfway decent I wouldn't have been able to do anything. Feeling almost alive today. Hopefully get to the Y tomorrow.

It's been a rough two weeks, but the gym bag is packed for tomorrow already.
2016-01-27 2:58 PM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: 21/31 + 10% January challenge

Dang it.. I was going to take today off, but I just remembered that I won't make my 21 if I do. I am going for a short run on the TM or bike on the trainer this evening.


2016-01-30 9:17 AM
in reply to: #5158497

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Subject: RE: 21/31 + 10% January challenge
Way to go! I know the feeling. I've done workouts on days I would not have just because of this challenge. It really helped me focus.

2016-02-01 5:12 PM
in reply to: NJBIll

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: 21/31 + 10% January challenge
I'm glad folks are finding these challenges helpful. I just posted the February one.

As for me, January sucked big time. started out pretty good, then got sick and lost the entire second half of the month. Better luck this month.
2016-02-03 10:54 AM
in reply to: leatherneckpa

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: 21/31 + 10% January challenge
Originally posted by leatherneckpa

I'm glad folks are finding these challenges helpful. I just posted the February one.

As for me, January sucked big time. started out pretty good, then got sick and lost the entire second half of the month. Better luck this month.

Same here haha only 13 days... But I had a lot going on at work and with my personal stuff. That's past. Let's move on to the new month
2016-02-07 8:26 AM
in reply to: #5164364

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Subject: RE: 21/31 + 10% January challenge
Jan was good month. This challenge was big motivator for me. 23/31. Swim 4100 yds, 2 hrs 8 min, Indoor bike 7 hrs 11 min, Run 28.27 miles, 8 hrs, 5 mins. Strength workouts 2 - 47 mins. I'm putting all activities on this site's training log. Now I have history for 10% calculation. Thanks for setting up challenge!
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Other Resources Challenge Me! » 21/31 + 10% January challenge Rss Feed  
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2006-09-06 12:13 PM madstop
date : March 29, 2013
author : jtriathlete
comments : 0
I'm curious about the 'don't increase your run by more than 10% per week' rule. Is there a minimum mileage under which this doesn't apply?
date : October 9, 2007
author : dr_forbush
comments : 9
The boat was being tossed around. Someone noted that there were whitecaps on the waves. Another guy said, “This is going to be challenging.” I began to wonder what he meant by 'challenging'.
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author : Ontherun
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Having three seasons under my belt I thought I knew what I was doing. That all changed with a few new challenges and a bunch of new friends.
date : January 7, 2007
author : Ontherun
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We were all there once, a beginner. Time to take the challenge and help a beginner triathlete!
date : October 24, 2006
author : KevinKonczak
comments : 1
Discussions on keeping heart-rate down on hills, the fat burning zone, lactate threshold (LT) testing, max trainer hours, high HR on the run/walk, the 10% rule and different running workouts.
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author : mikericci
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How should I go about training for the marathon while also building base in the other two events? Doing this seems like it's causing me to break the 10% rule in running.
date : January 29, 2006
author : lv2teach
comments : 1
It’s a challenge to push yourself a little harder and a little further. Be proud of every workout that is accomplished and every step-even the baby ones-that you take on this course to the finishline.
date : October 2, 2005
author : DominiqueL
comments : 0
Yes, the Dual is a little heavier than Cervèlo’s high end counterparts. But…the price is within reach of the masses and it still incorporates all of the design features that make a Cervèlo special.