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Last Blast Lincoln Triathlon - Olympic Course - Triathlon

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Raymond, Nebraska
United States
YMCA of Lincoln
70F / 21C
Total Time = 2h 24m 41s
Overall Rank = 2/54
Age Group = M30-34
Age Group Rank = 1/3
Pre-race routine:

I woke up at 4:20. This race was an hour away. It's normally my last or 2nd to last race (this year it's my 2nd to last). I reeeeaallly did not want to go. Even the day before I had it in my mind I wouldn't go. I set my alarm and went to bed though. Alarm went off and I just sat in bed trying to come up with excuses not to go but the fact that I knew my super fast training buddy wasn't racing would mean I had a shot at getting 1st in AG which means going to nationals again and hopefully redeeming myself. I packed everything but even as I was driving, I wanted to turn back. I was just tired.
Event warmup:

I setup my gear and ate an oat bar of some sort. I should have went in for a swim warmup but they only allowed it 30+ minutes out from race by then I would just be cold again.
  • 27m 37s
  • 1500 meters
  • 01m 50s / 100 meters

Was a 2 loop course. There was only 3 buoys though so it was a little hard to see at least the one at the shore was since it wasn't as big as the other ones. Was also very hard to see where to get out at. I slowed down a bit so I could follow some guys to the exist. Finally saw a kayak and flags on the beach. I didn't really lose but a few seconds so it wasn't too bad.

This is actually one of my better swims. I just suck at OWS. I don't know why. I'm still hoping for a ~25min oly one of these days.
What would you do differently?:

Swim faster. I freaked out a bit the first 200m but after that I got into my zone and away from people and kept a pretty good pace (for me).
Transition 1
  • 01m 51s

Not the best T1. Wetsuit was stuck a little but I was just oxygen deprived and making slow decisions on what to do.

What would you do differently?:

Move faster. Need to work on getting new wetsuit off. Was a lot easier this race than the first time with it. Think it just needs a little breaking in.
  • 1h 12m 45s
  • 26.5 miles
  • 21.86 mile/hr

So this is where I wanted to make up time. My goal was 240-250 power...wanting to be closer to 250. At least I flew out of the park but I kept it sane. I just wanted to get around some people before the first big hill. Me and another guy were playing leap frog for a few miles. He would power it up the hills and then I'd ride right past him at the top. I couldn't believe this was this strategy. No power meter for him. I asked him about this after the race and he said his run sucks and he wanted to put it all out on the bike. Makes sense but a PM would have really helped him have a better overall time by not lighting matches. Anyway...

2 loop course which is about 26.5 miles, so ~1.5miles over a 40K. I'm passing people and doing a pretty good job. It's 60-65 or so out right now but I am literally dripping sweat every 2-3 seconds the entire time, even with the wind. I really wanted this to be 250 watts or so. Last year I did it in 230, which I know is pretty low for an oly effort for me. I was at lower 240's and then started to fade a little at the end but I toned it down while riding into the park. I thought I was first and was pretty happy with myself but then I saw a running about 1-2 minutes ahead of me.'s on!
What would you do differently?:

Bike harder :)
Transition 2
  • 00m 7s

7 seconds. read that right....7 seconds. I saw that guy running and I flew through T2 like a bat out of hell. I have no freaken idea how I was this fast. I was the 3rd rack in but we had to wear numbers on the bike so I only need to put on my speed laced shoes (awesome btw) and my hat, which I put on while running.
What would you do differently?:

Get a time machine and aim for 6 seconds?
  • 42m 21s
  • 10 kms
  • 04m 14s  min/km

So I start my run. I shimmed through the thread we had on here recently about why we stop trying when it gets hard and it really hit me this week. I told myself I want to feel myself suffer on this run. I was to PR on this even though I'm still a little slower than last year, I didn't care. I wanted to push myself. I started out at a 6:20 pace. "I can do this!" Well giant hill number 1 hit me and my pace went to 6:40. It's ok I told myself, I'm really aiming for 6:30 to see if I can get a 40:00 10K (42:00 is my fastest 10K ever, so I was aiming high). I get done with giant hill number 1 and turn to the gravel road section.

I don't like this section. It's hard to step on since they just recently regrated the road with giant rocks. It's very hilly too. There's an aim station at the bottom but I see my guy I'm after. He's still ~1:30 ahead of me. I yell at him "Good job, keep it up!". Silence....the normal case with fast runners, which is annoying. This guy is suffering though. His face looks horrible. I told myself I can make up the time! I stop at the aim station for 5 seconds to drink some water and off I go.

Up the hill on gravel and it's hard. Really hard. I get to see the people behind me. Errr...they are a little closer than I want them to be. I want to walk. I want to walk very badly. I look at my watch the the stupid thing isn't on auto lap mode and I can't hit to the lap button since I'm in tri mode. No way to switch it back either. At least I didn't know I'm going off overall pace speed here.

Jump ahead to the 4 miles turn around and I see my guy and he's still 1+ minute ahead and I know I just can't reach him. I look for the guys behind me and I looked at the mile marker before the loop...ok I'm about .5 a mile ahead of the guy behind me with about 1.5 miles to go now. I feel really releived. I didn't give up but I knew I wouldn't get first but I knew unless I walked, there's no way the guy was going to make up 3-4 minutes in 1.5 miles. I still kept my ass in gear though since anything is possible.

The last 1.5 miles are pretty uneventful. It FINALLY evens out a little on the last mile and I run it in. I missed first place by 74 seconds. That's it... I was super happy with getting 2nd OA but know it's very unlikely to have a race like this where the super insanely fast guys don't show up and do 2:10-2:15's
What would you do differently?:

Not much. I pushed hard on this. I could have maybe pushed a little hard and got 10-15 secs lower but that's about it.
Post race
Warm down:

Stood around and shook the peoples' hands who finished for a while. Then had some water and a donut hole.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Swim and run fitness could be better. Swim was one of my better ones and with my run injury at the beginning of the year, I'm just happy to have 95% of my speed back so I really can't complain about that.

Event comments:

Good race but with only 54 people this year the RD said it will probably be the last. Pretty sad. I don't understand why tri numbers are so down this year. This is a really good local race that reasonably priced and comes with a tshirt. Guess I'll have to travel even more for races now.

Last updated: 2016-09-20 12:00 AM
00:27:37 | 1500 meters | 01m 50s / 100meters
Age Group: 2/3
Overall: 12/54
Performance: Good
Suit: Full wetsuit
Start type: Deep Water Plus: Shot
Water temp: 70F / 21C Current: Low
200M Perf. Average Remainder: Good
Breathing: Good Drafting: Below average
Waves: Good Navigation: Good
Rounding: Good
Time: 01:51
Performance: Average
Cap removal: Good Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Yes Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: No
Getting up to speed: Average
01:12:45 | 26.5 miles | 21.86 mile/hr
Age Group: 1/3
Overall: 2/54
Performance: Good
HR: 161
Wind: Some
Course: About 75% of it was a nothing but pretty good hills. The rest was a slight incline. I knew it would be hilly so I knew what to expect.
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence: 96
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Average Hills: Good
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Just right
Time: 00:07
Overall: Good
Riding w/ feet on shoes Bad
Jumping off bike Bad
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Good
00:42:21 | 10 kms | 04m 14s  min/km
Age Group: 1/3
Overall: 3/54
Performance: Good
HR: 169 avg
Course: This was a hilly course with ~2 miles on large gravel. Not the best course to PR a 10K on.
Keeping cool Average Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 4
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Average
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2016-09-20 9:45 PM

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Subject: Last Blast Lincoln Triathlon - Olympic Course
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I looked at the swim buoys and start thinking, "Man! How am I ever going to swim that? That looks like a very long distance from the bridge. I have never done it in one go." There's no turning back.
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