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Ironman 70.3 California Oceanside - Triathlon

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Oceanside, California
United States
World Triathlon Corporation
70F / 21C
Total Time = 6h 01m 35s
Overall Rank = 987/3430
Age Group = 35-39 M
Age Group Rank = 182/433
Pre-race routine:

If you look back at my Turkey Tri race report from 2016 you'll find that I made a comment the I was losing interest/love/passion for Triathlon. Nothing has changed on that. I have started finding other ways to keep myself motivated to train and build fitness for the sake of building fitness. So coming into this race I chose not to give myself a goal for anything. Not even finishing. I wanted to have a good time. I wanted to enjoy the day and try to find that spark that reminds me of why I enjoy the training and competing in triathlons. My typical 70.3 goes: Steady swim in the 36-40 min range, try to "hammer" the bike (even though I still sucked at the bike), and walk half the run. I was determined to change this and I did...but it may have cost me in the end.

We cruised down to Oceanside around 10 or 11 and checked into our hotel which was 1/2 mile from the finish line/expo area. I registered and got everything dialed in as my wife registered the kids for the Ironkids race. We walked around the expo, got some food and took my bike to transition to drop it off. There were athletes and spectators everywhere on Friday which gave the place a TON of energy which everyone was feeding off of. The kids ran the Ironkids run and we headed back to the hotel after hanging out at the beach for a few more hours.
Event warmup:

I ended up getting a great night worth of sleep so when I woke up I was really taking a long time to "wake up". I took a shower and threw my tri shorts and wet suit half on, got my bottles dialed in and walked down to transition to start. I gave my bike a once over and got suited up and got in line to start the swim. Air temp at the start was about 48 degrees and I knew the minute I got into the water it would feel great...until I got in the water..
  • 43m 53s
  • 2112 yards
  • 02m 05s / 100 yards

Coming into the race I have swam a total of 5 times in the last 2 months. That being said I swam to my swim fitness.
What would you do differently?:

Actually train would be a great idea. This is where I could have made up that 1:30 to get me under 6 hrs.
Transition 1
  • 07m 36s

Annnnnd maybe another minute here as well. Transition was SUPER LONG and you had to run from one end all the way around to the other end.
What would you do differently?:

Just go quicker.
  • 2h 56m 9s
  • 56 miles
  • 19.07 mile/hr

I got out onto the bike and felt great. I knew my swim was slow but I didn't care because I felt great. The bike takes you onto Camp Pendleton and I've ridden this part a few times so I knew what to expect. Some quick hills and spots you can really get your speed up. As we left the base and headed through the San Ononfre Campground I was feeling pretty good. We cruised past SONGS and headed up Christianitos towards the base again. I was still feeling pretty good when we hit the first aid station...then came the first indicator of how the rest of my day was going to be: the little punchy climb at mile 30. Surprisingly I spun up it pretty quick and easy and I knew right then I was going to do ok. There was a fast down hill and then another little climb and I kept passing people on the ups. I worked my way towards the airfield and when I made the turn to head down the canyon and off the base towards transition is when I felt the headwind. I got aero and tried to keep my HR in check but it would keep creeping into the 150's. Just as I'm about to exit the base I was passed by a group of 10-15 guys all drafting off each other that passed me all fresh and smiling. That kinda pissed me off...and I can't tell if I was mad they were drafting or mad because I didn't have someone to draft off of. Either way I know I raced properly as we headed into transition and onto the run.
What would you do differently?:

A little more training would have been great but what else is new?
Transition 2
  • 08m 8s

I'm not sure what happened here but theres another 2 minutes I could have saved.
What would you do differently?:

Maybe some practice would help..
  • 2h 05m 38s
  • 13.1 miles
  • 09m 35s  min/mile

Got my visor on, glasses and stopped at the Sunscreen station before heading out on the run. I told myself right off the rip to "Get me to the turn around" and you can have a breather. Problem with that plan was I was feeling GREAT! I had to keep myself from running too fast. HR was under control and I felt strong (for a change). I skipped the first aid station and got into a good rhythm heading towards the pier. I hit the ramp up and the 2nd ramp up and cruised right on through them. At each aid station from that point I would "power walk" and grab a quick swig of Gatorade and water. As I got closer to the turn around I thought, "Crap man...lets keep going! Get me to mile 6 and you can have a break!". I was still feeling good and I knew in the back of my mind that when it started to hurt I would have to really start to focus. And I was going to keep that hurt hidden until I couldn't anymore and then deal with it. I headed up the strand past the finish chute and got excited to see the crowd and how much energy they had and that fired me up. I looked at my watch and saw my pace was around 9:05 min/mile and my hr was right around 145-150 and said to myself, "Screw mile 6..lets get to the turn around at Transition!". I honestly was waiting for the wheels to fall off and it wasn't happening. So I kept up the gatorade and water at the aid stations making sure not to drink very much. 1/4 to 1/2 cup of gatorade, a quick sip of water and the rest over my head. I got back to transition and made the turn around and at this point the 1 mile deals went away. "You're at 7.25 miles, you feel good, pace is good...lets make it to the turn around!" and off I went. Over the inlet, down the Strand to the Pier, up the Pier, down the street to mile 10...and that was the first sign of trouble. I had to pee something fierce so I ran over to the port o john and went. I should never have stopped. It took everything I had to get running again and now my groove was shot but I was determined not to let this break my race. I struggled between a shuffle and a run for the next 1.5 miles until I got to the next aid station and the minute I heard "Coke" I knew that was my golden ticket. I grabbed a cup of Coke and a cup of water and immediately felt enough come back to finish up strong. I was right back to where I was and came down the strand into the Finish area. My quads and calfs were pulling at me about to cramp but it was too late! I crossed the line running exactly the run I NEEDED to run for me on a mental/emotional level. I know it's not fast but it is the best my body could do for that day and I am really proud of myself for not letting me beat me.
What would you do differently?:

Not a damn thing.
Post race
Warm down:

Grabbed my medal, hat and 2 cold waters. I wanted to sit down and relax for a minute to collect my thoughts.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

I'm not worried about this question. And Honestly I need to take a break from this type of thinking. I performed to my fitness levels and I took what my mind would give me. I just finished this 70.2 with a 22 minute PR and the 2nd fastest "Officially Timed" half marathon I've done. I needed this to remind me that this is why I do this. It's not to keep up with that guy, or have a nicer bike, or these running shoes, or have this ridiculous tattoo...its about being out there and being willing to make deals with myself and to suffer and find a way to work through the suffering and to learn what I can do. I needed this race with this effort both mentally and physically to keep that want. The desire for fitness and the idea that all of our bodies can do incredible things..

Event comments:

Great Race Venue and as always the volunteers were incredible.

Last updated: 2017-04-03 12:00 AM
00:43:53 | 2112 yards | 02m 05s / 100yards
Age Group: 232/433
Overall: 1674/3430
Performance: Bad
Suit: FULL
Course: Through the harbor out and back
Start type: Wade Plus: Time Trial
Water temp: 60F / 16C Current: Low
200M Perf. Below average Remainder: Below average
Breathing: Average Drafting: Average
Waves: Bad Navigation: Good
Rounding: Good
Time: 07:36
Cap removal: Average Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? No Run with bike: Yes
Jump on bike: Yes
Getting up to speed: Good
02:56:09 | 56 miles | 19.07 mile/hr
Age Group: 173/433
Overall: 924/3430
Performance: Good
Avg hr 144 bpm.
Wind: Little
Course: Loop on and around Camp Pendelton
Road: Smooth Dry Cadence:
Turns: Good Cornering: Good
Gear changes: Good Hills: Average
Race pace: Hard Drinks: Just right
Time: 08:08
Overall: Bad
Riding w/ feet on shoes Below average
Jumping off bike Good
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal Bad
02:05:38 | 13.1 miles | 09m 35s  min/mile
Age Group: 182/433
Overall: 987/3430
Performance: Good
Avg HR: 153 BPM
Course: Out and back along the Strand and though the neighborhood right off the beach.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2017-04-03 2:02 PM

Subject: Ironman 70.3 California Oceanside

2017-04-03 4:44 PM
in reply to: #5217522

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Palm Springs, California
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California Oceanside
Loooooove Coke.

Great job. You had my run, but I wish I had your bike
2017-04-05 5:25 PM
in reply to: #5217522

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California Oceanside

Nice race, I am sort of int eh same place as you, and ended up racing this one without any HR, power, or watch.  It was actually kind of nice.  

2017-04-14 11:13 AM
in reply to: ChrisM

Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 California Oceanside
It absolutely was. I put a lot of pressure on myself to perform well in the past and my results have never shown up. When I ditched that and enjoyed the process and the training not only did I enjoy myself - I ended up having the best race I've ever had. I wich I would have adopted this mindset years ago. I'd be a happier dude.
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