General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 5.31.17 What's Up Wednesday! Rss Feed  
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2017-05-31 7:28 AM

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Subject: 5.31.17 What's Up Wednesday!

Good morning BT!

4:30am:  :45 minutes on the training with X2:00 intervals

5:15am:  :45 minutes 5X5 strong lift

Later:  hiking with the dog squad

Karen...that humidity sounds awful--I hate the squishy shoe thing! Blechhh!  I'm in the midst of all sorts of school activities as well--last night it was the school play that was actually about 2 hours long! 

Have a great training day!

2017-05-31 7:35 AM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Extreme Veteran
Greenwood, South Carolina
Subject: RE: 5.31.17 What's Up Wednesday!

Good morning

4:00 AM Six miles that included interval speed training. The humidity was kicking my butt this morning. My butt was dragging the last mile and a half.

5:00 AM Weight and core training.

Have a great day everyone.
2017-05-31 7:49 AM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 5.31.17 What's Up Wednesday!
6 AM: Did the 3400m swim workout I had planned to do Tuesday PM but got stormed out of. That was interesting squeezing it into a 75-minute time slot. Got it done in 1:12, including rest intervals. (Luckily, mostly distance stuff.)

5 PM-ish: 1:20 trainer ride with some FTP intervals.

Very ready for bed, and for this school year to end. Kind of a high-maintenance bunch of kids this year. Smart and creative, but many with "artistic temperaments" to match--lots of getting on each others' nerves and very creative ways of getting into trouble, especially with the specials teachers. I think we all need to hang out with other people for a while, and that they are ready to move on to the bigger social world of middle school!
2017-05-31 1:08 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Aledo, Texas
Subject: RE: 5.31.17 What's Up Wednesday!

Well, hello! It's definitely starting to feel like summer here . . . complete with terrible air conditions. Joy.

5:45 - 20' run at moderate pace

11:45 - 2,550 yards, with 12 x 100 at 4 different paces being the main set.

Have a great day!

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