Subject: RE: 5.22.18 Tuesday TrainingWell my plan for today was to get the lumber I needed for my fence, and get the posts set for the north side of it. After that I was going to do a short brick workout. Unfortunately I forgot that I had to go get said lumber and load and unload said lumber in my truck. I sure don't remember lumber being so heavy way back when when I was carpenter.
The next obstacle was that I had a few posts left from the deck I tore out last year. I was thinking of pulling them out and just driving the new posts into the existing holes. Keep in mind this deck was huge and built very poorly (previous home owner seems to have been a huge fan of home improvement shows... ) and had a lot of posts holding things up instead of using proper sized joists. None of these posts were more than a foot and a half in the ground, and none were set in concrete. Except three of these last four that was planning on reusing the holes. I spent way more time than I care to admit getting these old posts out, and ended up digging new holes for the new posts anyway. And I still have one more post to remove; it doesn't affect the new fence though, so I may wait til a nephew comes by and challenge him.
Anyhow, by about 3:30 I had half the posts set and the truck unloaded and was pretty beat. After I get the little girl to swimming, I may run a lap or two around the school if there aren't a million kids wandering around. Each lap is just shy of a mile, but lots of zigging and zagging.
Have a great day,
J White