Other Resources Challenge Me! » Week 1 - Strength Challenge CHECK IN Rss Feed  
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2006-09-17 3:41 PM

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Gold member
Subject: Week 1 - Strength Challenge CHECK IN

Here's my checkin data from last week...would seem to be a good format to use, and you can reuse it week-after-week.  Anybody can join-in anytime, this challenge will go through April 2007 to hit your 'goal weight'. 

Feel free to add your checkin to the list if you already started...Lets call this the 'strength challenge'...don't want 'mass' to scare anybody away (which I believe it has!)....it's the perfect time to start if your season is winding down.

 Exercise Goal Weight This Week % of goal
 Flat Bench Press 280 150 53
 Narrow Grip Bench 190 90 47
 Squats 280 120 43
 Bent-over Row 190 120 63
 Wide-Grip Pullups 75 Reps 25 Reps 33
 Straight Barbell Curl 140 70 50
 Military 190 90 47




2006-09-18 9:06 PM
in reply to: #543740

Subject: RE: Week 1 - Strength Challenge CHECK IN
Ron - 2006-09-17 4:41 PM

Here's my checkin data from last week...would seem to be a good format to use, and you can reuse it week-after-week. Anybody can join-in anytime, this challenge will go through April 2007 to hit your 'goal weight'.

Feel free to add your checkin to the list if you already started...Lets call this the 'strength challenge'...don't want 'mass' to scare anybody away (which I believe it has!)....it's the perfect time to start if your season is winding down.

Exercise Goal Weight This Week % of goal
Flat Bench Press 280 150 53
Narrow Grip Bench 190 90 47
Squats 280 120 43
Bent-over Row 190 120 63
Wide-Grip Pullups 75 Reps 25 Reps 33
Straight Barbell Curl 140 70 50
Military 190 90 47




ron you will easily be able to do this with no problem.  Will you be taking any supplements during this phase? 
2006-09-19 3:14 PM
in reply to: #545233

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Week 1 - Strength Challenge CHECK IN

Last time I was able to hit my 'goal weight', I supplemented with a lot of shakes.  We'll see how I feel, I hope to be able to just up my consumption of good foods and protein.  I'm more of a 'naturalist' when it comes to lifting.

Come-on!?  Anybody else want to join the challenge?  List some exercises with your 'goal weights' you would like to acheive by April 2007.  You can join-in whenever you want by just adding to any of the weekly 'check'ins'.

2006-09-19 9:11 PM
in reply to: #546018

Subject: RE: Week 1 - Strength Challenge CHECK IN
Ron I'd like to join but I am trying to try and compete for the Columbia Tri next May.  I know I know so much time till then but I gotta get my base going.  I think after that I might take a break from Tri'ing and get back into lifting again more then I do now.  I miss it.
2006-09-19 9:45 PM
in reply to: #543740

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Week 1 - Strength Challenge CHECK IN
I would like to join in too, but mine won't be about goal weight as much as commitment to do it.  My objective would be getting in the number of sessions and number of sets each week.  Start time for me would be Oct 9 and run through the end of January.
2006-09-19 9:45 PM
in reply to: #543740

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Week 1 - Strength Challenge CHECK IN
I would like to join in too, but mine won't be about goal weight as much as commitment to do it.  My objective would be getting in the number of sessions and number of sets each week.  Start time for me would be Oct 9 and run through the end of January.

2006-09-19 10:30 PM
in reply to: #543740

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Subject: RE: Week 1 - Strength Challenge CHECK IN
Ron - I'll be joining you as soon as I finish my half-marathon! I can't wait to get going on my strength training.
2006-09-20 12:09 PM
in reply to: #543740

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San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: Week 1 - Strength Challenge CHECK IN

I'm in.  My real goal is to be able to do Pull-ups...for some reason I just have never been able to do them.  Not sure if that is a mental or physical obstacle.

Exercise Goal Weight This Week 
 DB Flat Bench Press16012075%
DB Shoulder Press1208067%
Straight bar curls1206050%
Wide grip pullups1000%

2006-09-20 10:42 PM
in reply to: #543740

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Subject: RE: Week 1 - Strength Challenge CHECK IN
Pull-ups...that's a good one! I'll have to add that to my list.
2006-09-22 10:15 AM
in reply to: #546838

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Gold member
Subject: RE: Week 1 - Strength Challenge CHECK IN

Great job Rob.  Those 'bodyweight' exercises are the most difficult.  We'll get you to your goal come April. 

Looking forward to the rest of you joining when your season winds-down!  Next checkin is in a couple more days!

2006-09-28 8:24 AM
in reply to: #543740

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Subject: RE: Week 1 - Strength Challenge CHECK IN

The last time I challenged myself to get stronger I gained 40 pounds. Of bodyweight. So count me out, but I want to pass along this program which allowed me to take my bench press from 315 to 410 in about 5 months. I did the original 1995 version. You can use it with most weightlifting exercises, but I think it is best with heavy, multi-joint lifts like bench press and squats.


2006-10-03 7:18 PM
in reply to: #543740

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Ross, Ohio
Subject: RE: Week 1 - Strength Challenge CHECK IN
I love the weights, but have a few questions.  Is the goal weight a max, or a last set weight you are shooting for?  If a max is it a single rep max or multiple rep max?  Are you just picking what exercises you personally set ofr yourself?  Either way I am in, I just want to make sure that I set my goals correctly.  Thanks
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Other Resources Challenge Me! » Week 1 - Strength Challenge CHECK IN Rss Feed