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2018-08-26 7:24 PM

Subject: anyone doing augusta
starting to get real, 3 more weeks of training then taper

2018-08-27 4:55 PM
in reply to: bnsafe

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta

I've been training with some friends that are doing it...not me...I have other plans for that weekend.  Wish I could do it, it would be fun.  I don't really have the run mileage in to race it the way I'd like, but the swim/bike would be fun.

How's your swim training coming along?

2018-08-27 6:39 PM
in reply to: JoelO

Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta
depends on the day. yall know i pretty much bonked on my olympic tri a few weeks ago, so i re did my training sessions with more bricks. i thought things were going amazing but did a 30 mile ride saturday an crashed on the run, well walk, as i couldnt run. legs felt like concrete. i nailed a brick 3 days before that with plenty left over so no idea why im doing that.
my swim, i hate the water, but i did 50 minutes tonite without stopping, touching, holding onto anything, just straight swimming. so, if i dont have a event like what happened at the olympic tri i will be ok.
2018-08-27 8:08 PM
in reply to: bnsafe

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Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta
I'll be there. I'm not a strong swimmer so the fact that it is a rolling start this year has me intrigued. It's self seeded so if I'm near the back anyway I'm thinking about going with a wetsuit even it's only wetsuit optional. Doesn't seem like you will be penalized as bad as when it was a wave start and you had to wait until the last wave. Rolling starts are supposed to be quicker if I understand correctly.

I feel pretty good about my bike and run. My swim is really, really bad though. I did a current assisted sprint in June and didn't notice the current helping as much as I thought it would.
2018-08-27 10:17 PM
in reply to: #5248551

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta
You won’t notice the current unless it’s really strong but you will notice it when you look at your time. I’ve done the Chattanooga HIM a couple of times and I imagine I saved 4-5 minutes over a flat swim even though I felt no current. I’ve had no problems with a rolling start. It might be a little crowded when you first jump in but you’ll be able to find clear water after 100-200 yards. Get use to sighting while you swim. You’ll need to sight often in a crowded situation to avoid running up on someone’s feet and getting kicked. Steer away from the breaststrokers for that very reason.
2018-08-28 6:50 PM
in reply to: JoelO

Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta
im excited about the rolling start. i will put myself at the 1 hour group and give it my all. if im having a good day things will go awesome, if not i will gut thru it and finish anyway.

2018-08-30 12:24 PM
in reply to: JoelO

Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta
I'll be there my first 70.3. Yeah, getting real is right!
2018-08-30 4:50 PM
in reply to: bnsafe

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Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta
If you are going out with the 1:00 group you may want to consider using a wetsuit, even if it's wetsuit optional. From what I've gathered from the folks who have participated in a rolling start, wetsuit wearers go last if the race is wetsuit optional. That will only be a few minutes different for you and me as I plan to self-seed near the back as well. Back when they did a wave start choosing to wear a wetsuit, when the race was only wetsuit optional, could be a 30-45 minute penalty versus 3-5 minutes with a rolling start, depending on which wave you were going out in.

I figure if I'm going to start in the rear I might as well wear a wetsuit and conserve some energy. And who knows, the race may end up being wetsuit legal. A lot depends on how the Augusta engineers decide to let water out of the dam and if we get any rain. I live around 3 hours from Augusta and it has been a pretty wet summer here.

Also, if you are on Facebook, there is a Ironman Augusta group. Some nice folks have posted elevation charts of the new bike route and even taken some videos driving along the course.
2018-08-30 5:30 PM
in reply to: Parkland

Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta
i am on the facebook group, at least one of them. i cant decide if its wetsuit optional rather i will or wont. like you said i am starting at the end of the line also, so that doesnt matter, and it says you still have the 70 minute limit so no change there. but, you do not get the time added onto the bike and run. i know i can make the bike and run times unless i blow up so not real worried about that. my main problem is mental. if its optional then i kinda feel like im cheating, and i would rather not finish than cheat. i sincerely hope its legal and not a decision.
2018-08-30 6:14 PM
in reply to: bnsafe

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta

You 2 will be fine (wetsuit or not).  Just get in your "all day" rhythm from the get-go and make forward progress.  The current is your friend.  

2018-08-30 6:33 PM
in reply to: JoelO

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Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta
Originally posted by JoelO

You 2 will be fine (wetsuit or not).  Just get in your "all day" rhythm from the get-go and make forward progress.  The current is your friend.  

I haven't been swimming long enough to have an easy pace! I'm focussing on my swim right now, I just don't have access to anyone who knows anything about swimming. Nearest pool is over 50 miles away and only has swim times at weird hours. I'm currently trying to swim 1 mile 3-4 times a week at a friends pond. It's getting easier but I still feel that it takes more out of me than I would like.

Just checked an email from Augusta 70.3, looks like the rolling start is based off age group instead of self-seeding. Not sure that will change my decision to opt for a wetsuit even if its wetsuit optional. I'm 32 so it may push me getting in the water quite a bit later than others in my age bracket.

2018-08-30 10:21 PM
in reply to: JoelO

Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta
The wetsuit or no wetsuit choice is easy for me since I don't own one. LOL
2018-09-12 6:48 PM
in reply to: asianflava

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Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta
May not need a wetsuit if Hurricane Florence helps us out with the river current. The river has been wetsuit legal the past week or so. Any rain will improve odds of it staying wetsuit legal. Too much rain and they will likely cancel the swim. Hope that's all that gets cancelled! Praying that everyone stays safe and the hurricane dies down before it makes landfall mostly.
2018-09-12 7:41 PM
in reply to: Parkland

Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta
looks like the swim could be more of a slip and slide while avoiding debris with the hurricane.
how do they decide to cancel the swim or not, and if so its not truly a half iron man so i cant claim i did one, which was the whole point of all this training.
should be a interesting few day.s
2018-09-12 8:06 PM
in reply to: #5248638

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Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta
Swims get cancelled at Ironman events. It’s the hardest leg of the event to control. Ocean swims have rip currents and rough seas so they have to cancel from time to time.

I’m sure the folks will take a look at the current and cleanliness of the river to make a decision. They have to consider the worst swimmer to deem if it’s safe or unsafe.

My brother lives in Augusta and says they are estimating 3-6” of rain and 40 mph winds. Doesn’t look promising for the swim. That will make for a strong current and lots of junk in the water I’m sure.

I won’t be happy if I don’t get to do all three legs but that’s life. We can’t control
Nature. I’ve thought about going to one of the local indoor pools if they cancel the swim and knock it out first thing Sunday morning before hopping on the bike.
2018-09-12 8:37 PM
in reply to: Parkland

Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta
not a bad idea parkland, i heard 6 inches of rain, i HATE the swim, but i have trained so hard for it, would hate to not do all three legs and forever know i didnt truly complete the event

2018-09-13 10:14 AM
in reply to: 0

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta

The weather is going to hit this weekend.  There's a whole week for things to settle down.  We'll have a better idea of the status by Tuesday/Wednesday of next week.  I'd be more concerned about the availability of police/emergency services personnel for the event. 

Edited by JoelO 2018-09-13 10:15 AM
2018-09-15 7:31 PM
in reply to: #5248551

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta
I live in Augusta and thus far, we haven't had nearly as much rain as expected.

However, the lakes north of us drain into the Savannah River. The dam north of us controls most river flow. Right now it's running close to 15000. Normal raceday flow is closer to 3500-4000.

2018-09-15 8:39 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta
wow, sounds fast, any idea of temp
2018-09-15 8:51 PM
in reply to: #5249399

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Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta
It’s been wetsuit legal the past two weeks. Around 73-74. They released a ton of water in prep for the hurricane rains. Hopefully it will be fast come raceday but controlled enough that it’s not unsafe.
2018-09-21 5:05 PM
in reply to: Parkland

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta

Good luck Parkland and bnsafe!  Looks like you'll get to swim. 

I'll be following some Nashville friends on the tracker.  Let us know how it goes for you two...steady effort will get it done.

2018-09-21 8:45 PM
in reply to: JoelO

Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta
we are here, and checked in. little fustrated cause some of the info given in athlete check in was diff that the athlete guide. but having a great time anyway.
2018-09-23 8:48 PM
in reply to: #5249403

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta
Parkland and did it go?
2018-09-24 12:38 PM
in reply to: #5249662

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Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta
Hey Joel!

Had a great first 70.3. It wasn’t wetsuit legal but like you said, was a fast swim. New bike course was fair with a good mix of hills and rollers. Some people were complaining about higher incidents of flats and wrecks. The run was hot but not as bad as it could have been. Overall, a great event.

The volunteers were outstanding! Tons of crowd support on the run. I hate I’ve waited this long to do the event. I only live 3 hours away.

I was on pace for my “perfect race” until mile 8 and then I started having intermittent cramps and had to start walking some. It was a fun day though.
2018-09-24 1:41 PM
in reply to: Parkland

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: anyone doing augusta

That's great to hear!  Funny you mentioned mile 8.  I tell everyone I really enjoyed my 2 HIM's in Chattanooga until mile 8 of the run....sufferfest after that! 

I had 4 friends racing Augusta.  They said the heat on the run was pretty bad...they're a lot older than you so it probably affected them more.  2 were in the 55-59 group (4:54 & 5:34) and 2 in the 60-64 group (6:16 & DNF (heat related).

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