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2018-10-10 10:20 AM

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Subject: Hurricane Michael
Anyone in the path of Michael? Looks like this is going to be the latest 'storm of the century'. Watching the weather channel and the waves in the Gulf are making me ill.....brings back a very bad memory.

War story time. Many years ago I signed up for my fist HIM. It was in PCB. I trained for 6 months. It was a wetsuit swim in the Gulf. I bought a wetsuit but it was too hot to swim in the pool with the wetsuit. On race day I was trained up and ready to go. I had zero doubts about finishing the race before the cut-off. I hit the water and about 30 seconds into the swim I started to feel light headed. The wetsuit had me bobbing around like a cork and the waves moving me up and down.....oh no. I am very prone to motion sickness. The idea that swimming in the Gulf in a wetsuit never crossed my mind! I sucked it up and made it to the first buoy getting more and more nauseous. I rounded the second buoy and was heading back to shore.....and started hurling. I was sick as a dawg. I tried to shed the wetsuit but could not get it off. I tried to just float and not swim....nope, that was worse. I was hurling so bad that I was afraid I'd suck in water and drown. I flagged a Sea Doo and dragged myself onto his sled and he drug me back to the beach. I laid there on the beach for a long time unable to move without my head spinning. I don't like to fail and I felt like a failure.....I hung my head and went back to the hotel room and stayed sick for another hour or two. After I got over my self pity, I vowed revenge. A few months later IM announced IMKY. I signed up and got my 'revenge'. Well, I felt like I had redeemed myself.

I guess in hindsight, the failure was a good thing as it drove me to push myself even further. BTW, the 'challenge' of an ironman is not the 140.6 miles.....it is the year of training, staying focused and working hard on so many solo rides and runs. Race day is the payback where you reap the reward for a year's worth of training.

Edited by Rogillio 2018-10-10 10:21 AM

2018-10-10 1:32 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Hurricane Michael
Anyone know why the hurricane is forecast for a hard dogleg right after landfall? I was hoping we'd get some rain and storms here. I need an excuse to leave work early to buy beer and pizza....uh....I mean milk and bread.
2018-10-10 1:48 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Hurricane Michael

High pressure coming from the west knocked it to the right......the front went through the midwest last night.

2018-10-11 5:32 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Fort Wayne, IN
Subject: RE: Hurricane Michael
I got to work this morning and there was a TV on in the break room tuned to the news. Scrolling along the bottom of the screen was the statement that there was the first confirmed casualty of the hurricane due to some guy falling out of a tree. . .
2018-10-11 8:45 AM
in reply to: nickster

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Hurricane Michael

I have a serious question.  I know none of you "believe in" climate change.  How do you account for seemingly the strongest hurricane ever for (insert area of landfall) that happens every season now?  Would love a serious answer without deflection to sarcasm or being called a communist.



2018-10-11 8:51 AM
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Subject: RE: Hurricane Michael

This  was the strongest since 1992....so where is the "every season" stat coming from?  And Dave, for the record, for me it's not a matter of believing or not believing.  My problem is humans thinking they can control it......or, more correctly, profit from it.   As the human population continues to multiply the earth will suffer from it......right up until she's had enough.


Edited by Left Brain 2018-10-11 8:56 AM

2018-10-11 8:59 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Hurricane Michael

Originally posted by Left Brain

This  was the strongest since 1992....so where is the "every season" stat coming from?  And Dave, for the record, for me it's not a matter of believing or not believing.  My problem is humans thinking they can control it......or, more correctly, profit from it.   As the human population continues to multiply the earth will suffer from it......right up until she's had enough.


theres a reason that i'm a proponent of a 2 child policy

2018-10-11 9:09 AM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Subject: RE: Hurricane Michael

Originally posted by dmiller5

Originally posted by Left Brain

This  was the strongest since 1992....so where is the "every season" stat coming from?  And Dave, for the record, for me it's not a matter of believing or not believing.  My problem is humans thinking they can control it......or, more correctly, profit from it.   As the human population continues to multiply the earth will suffer from it......right up until she's had enough.


theres a reason that i'm a proponent of a 2 child policy

I get that.....but again, that's just mankind thinking they are in control, or again, more correctly, wanting to be in control.  I won't be here and neither will you, but the Earth will handle this. LOL 

2018-10-11 10:06 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Hurricane Michael

Here ya go, Dave......you gotta quit watching CNN.



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2018-10-11 10:07 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Hurricane Michael
I think we should all agree not to have any more children and then we can trash this place!

I think the world would be better served trying to reduce world population. China had a one child policy for a number of years but it had some very negative consequences. One of them was infant baby girls were abandoned so the parents could have a son. Years after they started the policy there is not a disproportionate number of males....with not enough women to go around. (sounds like Louisiana Tech, which is primarily an engineering school)

Here's a thought. What if we incentivized people to have fewer children? If you are married and have no children you get a "3 tax credits", if you have 1 child you get 2 credits, if you have 2 you get 1 credit. If you have more than 2 chitlins, you get zero tax credits.

Whether or not there is climate change and whether of not the climate change is man made and whether or not a trace gas (CO2)* is entirely responsible to doesn't mean anything to me. The idea that we can change the behavior of 7+ billion people enough to, 1 offset population growth and 2, make a significant reduction in CO2.

*Our atmosphere contains 78.09% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.04% carbon dioxide.

The idea that climate change is settled science is simply not true. This guy, Lindzen, who for 30 years was Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is credible to me:


2018-10-11 1:47 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Hurricane Michael

just stop reading breitbart, it'll improve your life.

2018-10-11 2:08 PM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Subject: RE: Hurricane Michael
Originally posted by dmiller5

just stop reading breitbart, it'll improve your life.

Has nothing to do with Breitbart. Read the paper that the article cites.

Lindzen-2018-GWPF-Lecture.pdf (345KB - 0 downloads)
2018-10-11 2:17 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Hurricane Michael

so why do you just pick the one article written by the guy that agrees with you, rather than looking at the whole body of evidence and opinion in the field?



2018-10-11 2:20 PM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Subject: RE: Hurricane Michael

Follow the money when it comes to science.  No money, no science. Lot's of money.......lot's of science to keep it flowing.


2018-10-11 2:25 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Hurricane Michael

yeah and i can follow the money that disputes climate change straight back to the coal and oil lobbys...  y'all have some real interesting blindness its like when the tobacco companies were funding all the disinformation about smoking being dangerous, all they had to do was confuse the issue enough for nothing to be done

2018-10-11 2:32 PM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Subject: RE: Hurricane Michael
Originally posted by dmiller5

so why do you just pick the one article written by the guy that agrees with you, rather than looking at the whole body of evidence and opinion in the field?



Because it happened to be in the new and I'd just read it. I'm an electrical engineer not climatologist and have neither the time nor inclination to study the data.....because I don't care! There are 7.4 billion people on the planet....each one has to eat and drink and have food, clothing, transportation, housing....the world population is growing at 1.2% a year. So if this rate stays constant:

7.2 2018
7.3 2019
7.4 2020
7.5 2021
7.6 2022
7.6 2023
7.7 2024
7.8 2025
7.9 2026
8.0 2027
8.1 2028
8.2 2029
8.3 2030
8.4 2031
8.5 2032
8.6 2033
8.7 2034
8.8 2035
8.9 2036
9.0 2037
9.1 2038
9.2 2039
9.4 2040
9.5 2041
9.6 2042
9.7 2043
9.8 2044
9.9 2045
10.1 2046
10.2 2047
10.3 2048
10.4 2049
10.5 2050
10.7 2051
10.8 2052
10.9 2053
11.1 2054
11.2 2055
11.3 2056
11.5 2057
11.6 2058
11.7 2059
11.9 2060
12.0 2061
12.2 2062
12.3 2063
12.5 2064
12.6 2065
12.8 2066
12.9 2067
13.1 2068
13.2 2069
13.4 2070
13.5 2071
13.7 2072
13.9 2073
14.0 2074
14.2 2075
14.4 2076
14.6 2077
14.7 2078
14.9 2079
15.1 2080
15.3 2081
15.4 2082
15.6 2083
15.8 2084
16.0 2085
16.2 2086
16.4 2087
16.6 2088
16.8 2089
17.0 2090
17.2 2091
17.4 2092
17.6 2093
17.8 2094
18.0 2095
18.3 2096
18.5 2097
18.7 2098
18.9 2099
19.1 2100
19.4 2101
19.6 2102
19.8 2103
20.1 2104
20.3 2105
20.6 2106
20.8 2107
21.1 2108
21.3 2109
21.6 2110
21.8 2111
22.1 2112
22.4 2113
22.6 2114
22.9 2115
23.2 2116
23.5 2117

A 100 years from now we will have 23.5 billion people on the planet. Now, I don't thin this will happen. For one, disease and famine, wars and such.

2018-10-11 2:34 PM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Hurricane Michael

Originally posted by dmiller5

so why do you just pick the one article written by the guy that agrees with you, rather than looking at the whole body of evidence and opinion in the field?



You asked, he answered.  What makes you think he picked the ONE article counter to your preferred direction?  Will you accept if he cites a second counter example or does he have to find a majority of citations before a counter argument will be accepted?  

2018-10-11 2:39 PM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Subject: RE: Hurricane Michael

Dude - I told you, I'm not blind.......I don't care.  Just like you don't care that we've been having hurricanes with the strength of Michael since they started recording them.  You make a statement, it's not true, you move on.....I get it. 

I don't trust your side.....not at all, and I never will.  EVERYTHING they do is predicated by the idea of moving the bar toward globalization and socialism.  Your side doesn't have the Earth's conservation at heart....that's a joke.  Your side doesn't want anything except it's way on EVERYTHING.  I'm never going to get behind that....and, in fact, will go against any and all liberal ideas every single time, no matter what it is.

Again.....the Earth will be fine.


2018-10-12 12:02 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Hurricane Michael
My oldest is set to graduate with one of her majors being Environmental Science. She feels the science is there to support some of the claims and she believes the science is also there to prove the science is wrong. Wrong enough, that she plans to attend law school and work for the evil corporations; defending them against the system run amok. She says her professors are so biased, that any discussion that promotes an opinion against the agenda is immediately struck down. Papers with an opinion contrary to the agenda are immediately dismissed and given a poor grade.

To quote her, "Eff these liberal MFERs that have been leaning in my face for the last 3 years, I intend to prove them wrong and get paid in the process."
2018-10-12 12:24 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Hurricane Michael
Originally posted by mdg2003

My oldest is set to graduate with one of her majors being Environmental Science. She feels the science is there to support some of the claims and she believes the science is also there to prove the science is wrong. Wrong enough, that she plans to attend law school and work for the evil corporations; defending them against the system run amok. She says her professors are so biased, that any discussion that promotes an opinion against the agenda is immediately struck down. Papers with an opinion contrary to the agenda are immediately dismissed and given a poor grade.

To quote her, "Eff these liberal MFERs that have been leaning in my face for the last 3 years, I intend to prove them wrong and get paid in the process."

Good for her! Her passion will take her far in this area.
2018-10-12 3:40 PM
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Subject: RE: Hurricane Michael
Originally posted by dmiller5

I have a serious question.  I know none of you "believe in" climate change.  How do you account for seemingly the strongest hurricane ever for (insert area of landfall) that happens every season now?  Would love a serious answer without deflection to sarcasm or being called a communist.



I have a serious question too. How come when anyone brings up that they're experiencing the coldest winter in 40 years, they're immediately dismissed as ignorant and told that 'that' is weather, not climate. But now, you're telling me that weather (hurricane) is climate. Icing on the cake, now that you've changed the narrative to suggest that weather is now in fact, climate change; I need to come up with an explanation to prove you wrong, when you're the one that just changed the 'science.'

So, weather patterns or events are not climate change, unless it's a weather pattern or event that is being used to defend climate change science?

Edit to add- You don't what I believe or don't believe in. It's insulting for you to suggest that you know what "none of you" believe or don't believe. Doing so is broad brushed generalization or stereotyping. And I don't think you're a communist.

Edited by mdg2003 2018-10-12 3:47 PM

2018-10-16 12:33 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Hurricane Michael
Originally posted by mdg2003

Originally posted by dmiller5

I have a serious question.  I know none of you "believe in" climate change.  How do you account for seemingly the strongest hurricane ever for (insert area of landfall) that happens every season now?  Would love a serious answer without deflection to sarcasm or being called a communist.



I have a serious question too. How come when anyone brings up that they're experiencing the coldest winter in 40 years, they're immediately dismissed as ignorant and told that 'that' is weather, not climate. But now, you're telling me that weather (hurricane) is climate. Icing on the cake, now that you've changed the narrative to suggest that weather is now in fact, climate change; I need to come up with an explanation to prove you wrong, when you're the one that just changed the 'science.'

So, weather patterns or events are not climate change, unless it's a weather pattern or event that is being used to defend climate change science?

Edit to add- You don't what I believe or don't believe in. It's insulting for you to suggest that you know what "none of you" believe or don't believe. Doing so is broad brushed generalization or stereotyping. And I don't think you're a communist.

2018-10-16 1:59 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Subject: RE: Hurricane Michael

Well, I think it was  pretty easy to prove that hurricanes are not any stronger today then they were since we began recording them, but there might actually be something to Global Warming after all......I mean, when, since we began recording them, has a President of our country called a woman "horseface"? 

Man, it's a great time to be alive. LOL

2018-10-16 2:07 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Hurricane Michael
Originally posted by Left Brain

Well, I think it was  pretty easy to prove that hurricanes are not any stronger today then they were since we began recording them, but there might actually be something to Global Warming after all......I mean, when, since we began recording them, has a President of our country called a woman "horseface"? 

Man, it's a great time to be alive. LOL

I think that was his pet name for her as he rode her like a pony....she made some reference to beastiology in her tweet.

In equally bizaro news.....

"A coven of witches will gather in an occult bookstore in Brooklyn, New York, on Saturday to place a hex on the supreme court justice Brett Kavanaugh. Tickets to the event, which cost $10, with half the proceeds going to women’s and LGBT charities, have already sold out."

How many cazy bats are in a coven? The also put a hex on Trump.....but it must not have took as he keep winning.
2018-10-16 2:16 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Hurricane Michael
Originally posted by Left Brain

I mean, when, since we began recording them, has a President of our country called a woman "horseface"? 

Man, it's a great time to be alive. LOL

She held a presser today as well...


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