General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 05.13.2019 Monday Monday Training! Rss Feed  
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2019-05-13 9:40 AM

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: 05.13.2019 Monday Monday Training!

Good morning BT!

5:45 AM:  50 minutes on the bike trainer as 10' WU, 5 x 4-5' @ FTP w/ 3' RI, 5' CD

Have a good one BT!

2019-05-13 7:03 PM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 05.13.2019 Monday Monday Training!
1750 yards of swimming at the gym pool. A bit rough--the heater was broken and water was well into the wetsuit legal range. I happened to have my sleeveless shortie with me as I'd repaired it recently and wanted to make sure the seal held. So decided to do the workout in it. That didn't help my arm, though. Just felt cold, crampy, and stiffer than usual, though I was swimming faster, probably due to the wetsuit (it gives a small boost, but not as much as a full suit) and bumping up freestyle from about 1/3 to 1/2 of the total.

40 minutes of running later (8 sets of 5 minutes run/1 minute walk). Quads still feel achy. Not sure whether this is just lack of run fitness or a very bike heavy "training block" the past 5-6 weeks. (In quotes as not really training for any bike/tri events this year; for several weeks the only fitness activity I could do was ride the trainer, so I did it 6X a week!) I think I will go down to 4X a week bike, 4 runs, 3 swims, and see if that helps--closer to the training schedule I've been following for the past several years. But all fairly short workouts by iron distance standards as arm discomfort and lack of fitness limit their duration--right now my max is 30-odd minutes of "swimming", 40 minutes of running and 90 minutes of biking.

2019-05-13 7:46 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: 05.13.2019 Monday Monday Training!

Good to see you running today.  My first though what that the sore legs was from the bike but then I remembered a bike focus I did a few years ago with four very intense bike rides a week and two short recover runs a week. Coming off of that and going back to real run work outs I could feel the lack of run fitness.  It took several weeks to get back to being able to run well. Either was (bike fatigue or run depreprevation) will will get your running legs back in a few weeks.

2019-05-13 8:26 PM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 05.13.2019 Monday Monday Training!
Sure hope so. Things are progressing. The first few runs, my quads felt like I'd done a full IM the day before. Now it feels more like a sprint tri, or maybe a really hard 10K.
2019-05-13 8:58 PM
in reply to: #5258693

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Subject: RE: 05.13.2019 Monday Monday Training!
Did an hour on the trainer. Still battling some allergies/sinus issues. Able to hit most of my numbers though.

Good luck getting back into the running. Those impact forces are no fun after you’ve been out of it awhile.
2019-05-14 4:31 AM
in reply to: Parkland

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, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: 05.13.2019 Monday Monday Training!
45 Minutes on the trainer yesterday morning, followed by my first "core workout" since going through all my crap. Core workouts are dumb! hahahaha

Cheers all,


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