General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Triathlete killed in collision with semi in 70.3 Ohio Rss Feed  
Moderators: k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
2019-07-29 9:58 PM

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Columbus, Ohio
Coaching member
Subject: Triathlete killed in collision with semi in 70.3 Ohio
I'm posting this not to be alarmist or frighten anyone, but to remind us all how important it is to attend the athlete meeting and read the athlete guide at our races. I'm sure this woman had no idea it was a state highway with semi traffic on it when she chose to move into the left lane, outside of the cones, at the beginning of the bike leg. Also it's unclear why the race needed to put the cycling portion on such a heavily traveled highway. I live near here and there are many other options.

This happened this past weekend at Ironman 70.3 Ohio.

2019-07-30 8:29 AM
in reply to: alicefoeller

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, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Triathlete killed in collision with semi in 70.3 Ohio
Be careful out there, your safety is ultimately your responsibility.
2019-07-30 9:01 AM
in reply to: alicefoeller

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Triathlete killed in collision with semi in 70.3 Ohio
Exactly what I was afraid of when I raced in Calgary. I believe this is also true at some other Canadian events--races are on provincial highways and rural roads with normal traffic in progress on those sections . In some stretches, that was quite a bit of traffic, including semis. There was some traffic control, but mainly at busy intersections and in residential areas. For much of the bike route, one was supposed to ride on a pretty narrow shoulder bordered by a rumble strip. Passing often did require going onto the strip or out into the traffic lane. There were no cones indicating this was not legal; just figured it was racers' responsibility to carefully check the traffic situation before attempting a pass. I was horrified the first time I did the event as I had no idea about the situation; the Canadian athletes I talked to afterward said it was "normal". The next time, at least I was mentally prepared for it.
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