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2019-10-06 4:08 PM

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Subject: Sunday Runday 10-6-19
5.25 mile run for me this afternoon. Finally getting a touch of fall weather, high of 88 today. Did some easy spinning on the bike around the neighborhood with the boys afterwards.

2019-10-06 8:52 PM
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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Sunday Runday 10-6-19
No run day here. Bike day. First real outdoor trainer ride since February of this year. (I've ridden my hybrid a few miles on errands over the summer, and done two tourist-type 6-10 mile jaunts, but not training on a road bike. First physically unable to, then busy with moving and new job, then a stretch of nasty preview of Oregon winter weather. Today was beautiful and we went to the Row River trail. Highs in low 60's, clear skies once morning fog burned off. Rode a total of 2:20, mostly steady with a one-minute pickup every five minutes from 15 minutes to 2:00. Heavenly!

Ride goes through farmland, up a hill to a dam, then through the forest around a reservoir that gets drained over the summer. Thus the "grassland" behind me. It begins and ends at one of our county's famous covered bridges. (It wasn't just Madison County; Lane County may well have more!)

Edited by Hot Runner 2019-10-06 8:58 PM



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2019-10-06 10:42 PM
in reply to: #5263127

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Sunday Runday 10-6-19
Nice to see you are settled in to your new location and we’re able to do a real run.

I did my first marathon in 10 years yesterday. It was a B race and I race it as a pacer for my sibling. My slowest brother wS trying to PR at a 3:25:00 so that wAs the group pace we chose. My fast brother and I were training for 3:00:00 to 3:05:00. At 13.1 miles we were at a 3:30:00 pace and my slow brother was really struggling. So we decided to split up. My faster brother and I peeled off and did a 10:00 negative split to finish just 3:20:00. We were still more conservative in the last have of the marathon that what I trained for so the race felt pretty good. I didn’t hit the wall, didn’t bonk, etc. it didn’t feel like a race but was really fun.
2019-10-07 6:27 AM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Sunday Runday 10-6-19

I took the day off and played water boy at a local 13.1. Couple of friends in the race.
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Sunday Runday 10-6-19 Rss Feed