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2021-01-22 5:52 AM

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Subject: Prediction Time
All partisanship aside....I watched part of the inauguration of Biden and the most disturbing part was watching Biden doing the ‘old man shuffle’ down the hall. He has been in the news a lot the last year and I honestly see a decline in his physical condition. 6 or 8 months ago he did a photo op of him riding a bicycle and seemed to look ok physically but lately he seems less sure footed. I’ve seen this often in old people including my mother before she died. There is a shuffle old people do, presumably to lessen the risk of falling. Another thing they do is always hold someone’s hand on stairs or steps. I’m seeing this too. Most of his public appearances have been with his wife. I suppose this paints a picture of a loving couple but I suspect it is to hold his hand should be stumble. Remember too he ‘injured’ his foot playing with his dog. I’ve had at least one (currently have 3) dogs in my life for 58 years and have never injured myself playing with them.

Couple this with the fact that he often seems dazed or confused and uncertain what he should do next or where to go. This too is disconcerting to say the least.

This is not hyperbole, just my observation. Mute the TV and just look at his movements and expressions.

To be clear, I am not hoping for his demise. Harris being the alternative, If I were a praying man, I’d pray for Biden’s physical health and mental acuity.

Having said that, I predict he will be gone in less than 12 months. Based on what you see and hear of Biden, make your prediction on how long it will be before Harris is sworn in.

2021-01-22 12:15 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Prediction Time
Originally posted by Rogillio

All partisanship aside....I watched part of the inauguration of Biden and the most disturbing part was watching Biden doing the ‘old man shuffle’ down the hall. He has been in the news a lot the last year and I honestly see a decline in his physical condition. 6 or 8 months ago he did a photo op of him riding a bicycle and seemed to look ok physically but lately he seems less sure footed. I’ve seen this often in old people including my mother before she died. There is a shuffle old people do, presumably to lessen the risk of falling. Another thing they do is always hold someone’s hand on stairs or steps. I’m seeing this too. Most of his public appearances have been with his wife. I suppose this paints a picture of a loving couple but I suspect it is to hold his hand should be stumble. Remember too he ‘injured’ his foot playing with his dog. I’ve had at least one (currently have 3) dogs in my life for 58 years and have never injured myself playing with them.

Couple this with the fact that he often seems dazed or confused and uncertain what he should do next or where to go. This too is disconcerting to say the least.

This is not hyperbole, just my observation. Mute the TV and just look at his movements and expressions.

To be clear, I am not hoping for his demise. Harris being the alternative, If I were a praying man, I’d pray for Biden’s physical health and mental acuity.

Having said that, I predict he will be gone in less than 12 months. Based on what you see and hear of Biden, make your prediction on how long it will be before Harris is sworn in.

I am not sure what your goal and intentions are with this post... I found it very disturbing. All partisanship aside.

I remember in 2016 comments on bernie Sanders being old and arguing he would not be a good candidate as he ...would not make it... through the term. Four years later and he is still up and running.

This is really weird post. Despite all previous discussions on this forum, I still thought a bit higher of you.....
2021-01-22 4:00 PM
in reply to: marysia83

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Prediction Time

Originally posted by marysia83
Originally posted by Rogillio All partisanship aside....I watched part of the inauguration of Biden and the most disturbing part was watching Biden doing the ‘old man shuffle’ down the hall. He has been in the news a lot the last year and I honestly see a decline in his physical condition. 6 or 8 months ago he did a photo op of him riding a bicycle and seemed to look ok physically but lately he seems less sure footed. I’ve seen this often in old people including my mother before she died. There is a shuffle old people do, presumably to lessen the risk of falling. Another thing they do is always hold someone’s hand on stairs or steps. I’m seeing this too. Most of his public appearances have been with his wife. I suppose this paints a picture of a loving couple but I suspect it is to hold his hand should be stumble. Remember too he ‘injured’ his foot playing with his dog. I’ve had at least one (currently have 3) dogs in my life for 58 years and have never injured myself playing with them. Couple this with the fact that he often seems dazed or confused and uncertain what he should do next or where to go. This too is disconcerting to say the least. This is not hyperbole, just my observation. Mute the TV and just look at his movements and expressions. To be clear, I am not hoping for his demise. Harris being the alternative, If I were a praying man, I’d pray for Biden’s physical health and mental acuity. Having said that, I predict he will be gone in less than 12 months. Based on what you see and hear of Biden, make your prediction on how long it will be before Harris is sworn in.
I am not sure what your goal and intentions are with this post... I found it very disturbing. All partisanship aside. I remember in 2016 comments on bernie Sanders being old and arguing he would not be a good candidate as he ...would not make it... through the term. Four years later and he is still up and running. This is really weird post. Despite all previous discussions on this forum, I still thought a bit higher of you.....

There are very few things that would get you banned over on the political / non-tri forum on Slowtwitch.  That post would be one of them.  

2021-01-22 6:34 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: Prediction Time
I stand by my prediction. I see nothing wrong with making observations of the President. Hundreds of people predicted Trump would not make it past his first year. I simply am extrapolating on what I have seen over the last year. At some point he will resign or be forced to resign due to health reasons. This can be said of ANYONE. I wish him well and hope he lives to be 90+. But being President is a physically and demanding job. I can look at and watch someone and give my opinion on whether I think they could complete a marathon...or I could predict they will drop out after 12 miles. It is my opinion. I’m not hoping they drop out at 12 miles, just opining based on observation. If that offends you, I apologize. And I suggest you pray for him is you are the praying kind. Biden himself said he probably won’t seek a second term. Why would he say that?

I may be wrong. I hope I am. I seriously hope I am! Harris would be a disaster! I hope Biden can last four years...I really do. But based on my observations (I am not a doctor) I am not optimistic.

I’ve never posted on ST but would be curious as to which specific rule would get me banned? Predicting a president will not serve his full term? That is a violation? Making an observation that he walks like a old man? Would that get me banned? Stating that he looks confused? Holds his wife’s hand to avoid falling? Please share exactly what I wrote that you think would get me banned from ST!? Probably a good reason why I never liked ST? From the few posts I read there the triathletes were elitists and condescending to beginners.
2021-01-22 7:58 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Prediction Time

If you had simply stated, "I think President Biden is really old, and this job takes a lot out of you.  I'm concerned that he won't be healthy enough to finish his term and I'm really worried about what Harris' agenda would bring" that would have been fine and worthy of a discussion. 

Citing specific reasons (with disclaimers like "I'm not a doctor, but...") is Conspiracy Theory 101 stuff.  And bets on whether a President can finish his term is just effing morbid and mean.

And I've tripped over my damn dogs dozens of times.  And my cats (those little &##!! are evil).  And damn near broke my arm trying to keep a goat from dying (long story). 

As for ST, your insinuation that the President of the United States suffers from early stages of dementia while being totally unqualified to render that opinion is what will get you banned.  You could hemm and haw and shake your fists at the clouds all day about policy, how he dresses, even what he says specifically.  There are just mean-sprited (no partisianship intended...right) things you don't do.

I respect your opinions on policy.  I agree with you more often than you might think on them.  Stick to the policy discussions.

2021-01-23 4:39 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: Prediction Time
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

If you had simply stated, "I think President Biden is really old, and this job takes a lot out of you.  I'm concerned that he won't be healthy enough to finish his term and I'm really worried about what Harris' agenda would bring" that would have been fine and worthy of a discussion. 

Citing specific reasons (with disclaimers like "I'm not a doctor, but...") is Conspiracy Theory 101 stuff.  And bets on whether a President can finish his term is just effing morbid and mean.

And I've tripped over my damn dogs dozens of times.  And my cats (those little &##!! are evil).  And damn near broke my arm trying to keep a goat from dying (long story). 

As for ST, your insinuation that the President of the United States suffers from early stages of dementia while being totally unqualified to render that opinion is what will get you banned.  You could hemm and haw and shake your fists at the clouds all day about policy, how he dresses, even what he says specifically.  There are just mean-sprited (no partisianship intended...right) things you don't do.

I respect your opinions on policy.  I agree with you more often than you might think on them.  Stick to the policy discussions.

I never mentioned dementia. It is a well known medical fact that one’s mental acuity decreases as one ages. I saw a slight decline in Trump’s mental fitness too as he became even more prone to rambling, incoherent answers. I’m quite certain he was not this way when he was younger. I’ve seen old interviews with him from years past and he was sharp and focused.

My post was not meant to be “mean” and as I said, if anyone was offended, I apologize. For over a year now the MSM has considered Biden’s health off limits...much as they did when Clinton was running. But you will find no shorted of arm-chair doctors who diagnosed Trump with mental problems! They ‘diagnosed’ him as so mentally unfit they even tried to remove him from office for it. So now, all of a sudden, it is mean spirited to suggest Biden is no longer as sharp as he once was?! That he doesn’t have a pep in his step? No pride in his stride? No dip in his hip?

Bottom line is, my posts mean nothing. Just one man’s opinion and observations. What happens will happen whether it is discussed or not discussed. We can all keep our heads in the sand and only talk about it in whispers to close friends and pretend all
Is well despite the emperor having no clothes on. But personally I’ve not found anyone, rep or dem, who thinks Biden will serve 4 full years. Maybe 3 years, maybe 2...or maybe 1. BTW, I also predict I will not be as mentally and physically capable four years from now. We all decline mentally and physically and the rate of decline increases exponentially in most people. 11 years ago I finished my second Ironman at 14:30, now I get winded walking back up the hill from our mailbox. It’s not mean, it’s called life.

2021-01-23 5:47 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Prediction Time
I was going to cite times when the MSM published articles on Trump’s mental state but got 7 million Google hits. Page after page from everyone from ISA Today to Psychology Today to WaPo to NYTs, CNN et al, have dozens of articles, many citing doctors, claiming Trump was delusional, a sociopath, mentally unstable and worse. This for 4 years dating back to 2017. He was so unstable he should not be handling the nuclear codes! Many predated he would be removed from office via the 25th (??) amendment because he was sooo mentally unfit!

How mean spirited!! To question the mental health of the president of the United States? How dare they!? And yet now. to suggest that Biden seems to be confused is now suddenly mean spirited and ugly and will get one banned from society for being mean. Spare me the double standard!

Of course we are already seeing the double standard in the MSM with their advocacy for Biden as they abandon any premise of journalism. But people see it clearly. I read recently fewer than 50% trust the media. Fortunately we have COJ Political forum to speak the truth. Biden is not mentally fit for the job. Period. It’s only a matter of time till his puppeteers can no longer cover for him and they will seat their real president, Harris.

Before you get self righteous and admonish me for my ‘mean spirited’ post, do a search on Trump’s mental capacity! See if you can fine one thing I have written that wasn’t said hundreds of times about Trump!

As far as his physical fitness, all I can cite is the old man shuffle. I remember when my mother started this. We kept telling her to “pick up her feet” but her natural instinct overruled. She felt safer shuffling and holding someone’s hand.

2021-01-23 8:43 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Prediction Time

I've said all along that Biden running for president was never about getting Biden into the presidency, it was about getting Harris into the presidency.

Let's look at Harris' history in the run-up. All over Yahoo, Facebook, etc., it was ALL about Harris for president. Then she got f-all for support in the votes and dropped out, way behind. Then suddenly *she* is the pick for veep? What about Warren? She had way more vote support. So there's a "how was that the right choice?" question.

And then there was the push in the house, under Pelosi's guidance, to form the 25th amendment council. That wasn't about getting Trump out of office. It's about how to get Biden out of office.

Yes, I've seen all the signs in Biden's mannerisms. I watched the same things happen with my father. It's not necessarily a fast thing, but by all appearances it's fairly well advanced already. And I agree with you - I'd be surprised if he makes it past 12 months.

2021-01-23 1:04 PM
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Subject: RE: Prediction Time
Really???4 years of the left harassing and 2nd guessing and questioning every single minute of Trumps presidency, and his fitness for the job, his family. And on and on..... but don't question anything about Biden, including his fitness for the job?? WOW!!! And if you do you will be threatened with censor? REALLY???

Edited by Left Brain 2021-01-23 1:07 PM
2021-01-25 11:40 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Prediction Time

I believe he had recently fractured his foot, that could be some of the explanation for the shuffling.

2021-01-25 2:09 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Subject: RE: Prediction Time
Originally posted by melbo55

I believe he had recently fractured his foot, that could be some of the explanation for the shuffling.

Good point.

2021-01-26 9:10 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Prediction Time
Originally posted by Rogillio

Originally posted by melbo55

I believe he had recently fractured his foot, that could be some of the explanation for the shuffling.

Good point.

I watched Biden’s presser yesterday and he seems to have trouble keeping his place reading the teleprompter and misread it several times confusing 100,000 and 1,000,000. Trump was not much better as he would often deviate from his script and ramble on. But the worst part was the Q/A when he rambled on incoherently and never answered the questions. To be fair, Trump did this often too.

I have know and worked for many people who could deliver a flawless oration and only occasionally glance at their notes. One would think after 45 years in politics Biden would be much better at extemporaneous speaking. To do so requires a command of the subject which Biden seems to lack.

My concern for Biden is the stress that comes with the presidency. Unlike the campaign, he cannot call it a day at 10 and disappear in the basement to ‘recover’ for a few days. I hope he listens to his doctors and not cave to his handlers.
2021-01-26 12:15 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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, Arizona
Subject: RE: Prediction Time
A president who lied with intent and purpose vs one who stutters during speeches, easy choice. You seem fixated on dementia and decline, but Biden has been open about his lifelong struggle with his speech impediment, this isn't a secret nor a surprise. Do you give people schit for being dyslexic their entire lives too? Surely they've had enough time to get over it?
2021-01-26 1:00 PM
in reply to: Synon

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Subject: RE: Prediction Time
Originally posted by Synon

A president who lied with intent and purpose vs one who stutters during speeches, easy choice. You seem fixated on dementia and decline, but Biden has been open about his lifelong struggle with his speech impediment, this isn't a secret nor a surprise. Do you give people schit for being dyslexic their entire lives too? Surely they've had enough time to get over it?

Comparing dementia to dyslexia is BS. I didn’t hear any stuttering. What I heard was him rambling on about stuff that had nothing to do with the question. What I heard him say is 100 thousand doses instead of 1 million doses. Kinda like when he claimed 300 million Americans died of Covid. Even when reading a script most people would have the presence of mind to think, that can’t be right, and correct themself.

Time will tell. I stand by my prediction of 6 months.

As far as “easy choice”.....some 74,000,000 Americans disagree with you. That probably confounds you. At least Trump did what he said he was gonna do. As for lying...Biden ran on the campaign promise that he had a covid plan. Turns out he lied! He’s got nothing! And just admitted ‘there is nothing we can do to change the trajectory of covid’! What? I thought you had a plan?! Nope. Lied thru his teeth because that is what his puppeteers told him to say.
2021-01-26 1:20 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Prediction Time
Biden is on TV again right now reading another speech. There are times for speeches and there are times to speak. If if he is just going to read the speech, just put the information out as a WH press release. I say this for Biden’s benefit because the optics of him reading is not a good one. He has a worried, strained look on his face. He clearly is not comfortable.

Clinton and Obama were good orators. Obama is the only person I have ever seen speak that never said “uh”. If he needed a moment he simply shut up. Sometimes very few people can do when speaking extemporaneously.

Unsurprisingly, he took no questions after reading the speech.

Edited by Rogillio 2021-01-26 1:29 PM
2021-01-27 4:37 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Prediction Time
I watched this live yesterday and heard this and remember thinking WTF did he just say? I wasn’t alone. Someone reporters caught it too and wrote about it. Here is what he said:

“ Joe Biden: I believe we are in a battle for the soul of this nation. And the simple truth is our soul be troubled as long as systemic racism is allowed to persist. We can’t eliminate ‘zimply’ overnight. We can’t ‘eliminateverthing.’ But it’s corrosive, it’s destructive and it’s costly. It costs every American. Not just who felt the sting of racial injustice. We’re not just less of a – We’re not just a nation of morally deprived because of systemic racism. We’re also less prosperous. We’re less successful. We’re less secure.”

This what happens when you read a speech and have no idea what you are saying.

2021-01-27 10:54 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Prediction Time

We are so screwed with this guy as President. LMAO

I'm Sorry Trump hurt your feelings.....but geez....this is going to be such a forking dumpster fire.

2021-02-17 10:33 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Prediction Time
“ When you and I talked last, we talked about – it’s one thing to have the vaccine, which we didn’t have when we came into office, but a vaccinator – how do you get the vaccine into someone’s arm?” Biden said.

Perhaps dementia Joe forgot that he actually received the Covid vaccine in December before he was sworn into office.”

Joe not sounding so good when he doesn’t have a script and teleprompter.

2021-02-20 5:44 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Prediction Time
“ Just over four weeks ago, America had no real plan to vaccinate most of the country. My predecessor, as my mother would say, ‘failed to order enough vaccines,’ failed to mobilize the effort to administer the shots… That changed the moment we took office,” Biden said.”

Another day another wtf.


I’ve been duped by the far right media!

“ My predecessor, as my mother would say, God love him, failed to order enough vaccines, failed to mobilize the effort to administer the shots, failed to set up vaccine centers. That changed the moment we took office,” Biden claimed.”

The Gateway article left out the “God love him” parenthetical.

And this is why I read left and right news sources.

His claim about there not being a plan is blatantly false as DHS has confirmed.

Edited by Rogillio 2021-02-20 6:02 AM
2021-02-20 7:43 AM
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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Prediction Time

Originally posted by Rogillio “ Just over four weeks ago, America had no real plan to vaccinate most of the country. My predecessor, as my mother would say, ‘failed to order enough vaccines,’ failed to mobilize the effort to administer the shots… That changed the moment we took office,” Biden said.” Another day another wtf. ETA I’ve been duped by the far right media! “ My predecessor, as my mother would say, God love him, failed to order enough vaccines, failed to mobilize the effort to administer the shots, failed to set up vaccine centers. That changed the moment we took office,” Biden claimed.” The Gateway article left out the “God love him” parenthetical. And this is why I read left and right news sources. His claim about there not being a plan is blatantly false as DHS has confirmed.

That much is clear. 

Meanwhile, the far right media is going after the presidential dog:


Source on your final sentence?  What I could find basically says there was kinda sorta a plan - let the states handle it.  This is an excerpt from Politifact:

"We asked Michael R. Fraser, CEO of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, if the Trump administration had a plan for vaccine distribution.

"It is all in what you mean by ‘plan," Fraser said. "If you mean a tactical guidebook on how to do vaccination from A to Z, no, there is no federal plan." 

Prakash Nagarkatti, vice president for research at the University of South Carolina, told USA Today that "there was total lack of planning at the state level for mass vaccination, and the federal government did not help the states overcome the hurdles."

In September, the Trump administration announced a general strategy to distribute the vaccine which included deliveries to states and, later, pharmacy chains. A partnership with CVS and Walgreens administered vaccines in some long-term care facilities

The closest thing to a federal plan was the playbook the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention gave states to help them create their own distribution plans."


Edited by jmhpsu93 2021-02-20 7:44 AM
2021-02-20 9:47 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: Prediction Time
“ In fact, a key component of Operation Warp Speed had been to prepare for distribution long before anyone knew which particular vaccine (if any) would be proven effective.

Biden’s false claims echoes repeated false statements by members of his administration that they were “starting from scratch” on the vaccination effort.

The truth is that Trump’s Operation Warp Speed not only developed vaccines in record times — despite the open scorn of Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris — but also developed plans to distribute the vaccine across the country.

The Department of Health and Human Services outlined the distribution plan in September 2020. When there were initial problems, thanks in part to confusion over a two-dose system, and in part due to differing state policies, the outgoing administration updated its plan to expand vaccination sites and the number of Americans who were eligible to receive it.”

In the Army we used to say, “no plan survives the first contact (with the enemy)”. At worst he lied. At best he was being disingenuous.

I’ve written engineering test plans for years and plans have to be flexible as things change and knowledge is gained.

2021-02-20 3:08 PM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Prediction Time

Originally posted by Rogillio “ In fact, a key component of Operation Warp Speed had been to prepare for distribution long before anyone knew which particular vaccine (if any) would be proven effective. Biden’s false claims echoes repeated false statements by members of his administration that they were “starting from scratch” on the vaccination effort. The truth is that Trump’s Operation Warp Speed not only developed vaccines in record times — despite the open scorn of Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris — but also developed plans to distribute the vaccine across the country. The Department of Health and Human Services outlined the distribution plan in September 2020. When there were initial problems, thanks in part to confusion over a two-dose system, and in part due to differing state policies, the outgoing administration updated its plan to expand vaccination sites and the number of Americans who were eligible to receive it.” In the Army we used to say, “no plan survives the first contact (with the enemy)”. At worst he lied. At best he was being disingenuous. I’ve written engineering test plans for years and plans have to be flexible as things change and knowledge is gained.


And there was no open scourn regarding OWS vis-a-vis vaccine development, approval, and the initial manufacture.  However, once Trump lost the election he totally checked out and we lost almost three months.  He could've been viewed as the greatest outgoing one-term in history by acting like a leader and focusing 100% of his efforts on vaccines, but instead...well, you're well aware of what he focused on.

2021-02-23 1:11 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: Prediction Time
Biden brain freeze....

“The only way to spare more pain and more loss, the only way— these millstones no longer mark our national mourning— these milestones, I should say, no longer, no longer moke— mark our national mourning.”

The video is hard to watch so I won’t share but it’s out there.
2021-02-24 7:22 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Prediction Time
“ Nearly three dozen House Democrats on Monday called on Biden to relinquish his sole authority to launch nuclear weapons, in the latest appeal to reform the command-and-control structure so that no single person can initiate a nuclear war.” - (left wing) Politico

Hmmm. Do they know something many suspect?

I actually agree with the idea in general regardless of who is in the WH. On the other hand, in a national emergency, the CiC may not have time to convene a committee. Nevertheless, I don’t trust Biden’s mental fitness to make sound decisions. Seems like he is just a puppet for his handlers.

I think Trump/Biden are the two extremes - Trump would fire any of his advisers or cabinet members who rebuked the president while Biden seems to lack the wherewithal and/backbone to push back on anyone. The administration seems more focused on undoing Trump than on sound governance.
2021-03-04 5:40 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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Subject: RE: Prediction Time
“ "I'd be happy to take questions if that's what I'm supposed to do, Nance," Biden told the speaker. "Whatever you want me to do."”

The WH immediately cut the video feed. Hmmm. I wonder why? Let’s be honest, we all know why!

What is more
Disconcerting is Biden’s comment. It suggest he is looking for guidance from his handlers. C’mon man you are the President of the United States and arguably the most powerful man on the planet and you need to ask what you are supposed to do? If you want to take questions, take them! If you don’t want to, don’t. But don’t ask the Speaker if that is what you are “supposed to do”!

I’m related news, Biden has broken a 100 year record by not holding a solo press conference. He has also yet to schedule an address to Congress. Latest excuse is he is waiting until after the covid bill is passed. Why? Use the bully pulpit to help get the legislation passed!

I’m beginning to think my OP prediction was far too generous. My guess is his handlers are trying to get as far away from the election as possible so they can claim his mental decline began after taking office, not before. Been two months and things continue to head south for Biden.
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2021-03-25 11:49 AM Rogillio