Other Resources The Political Joe » Who cares if there are isolated cases of fraud/irregularities? Rss Feed  
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2021-06-14 1:32 PM


Subject: Who cares if there are isolated cases of fraud/irregularities?
Who cares if there are isolated cases? The question to be asked is: "Is there proof of sufficient fraud to alter the outcome of the election".

And the answer to the question is a resounding NO. All elections have isolated irregularities of one kind or another, and they get resolved ,and new ones pop up in the next election. And on and on. I mean, when we are talking about 165,000,000 ballots cast, that there would be no abnormalities, that would be the exception rather than the rule, and it would be downright impossible. But, Trump, seeing this, always the opportunist con man carnival barker realized he could trump up these irregularities and blow them up way out of proportion --exploit to his great advantage what is really normal in general electioneering and get a nationwide movement going -- get his flock all riled up that 'dems stole the election' the idea which he planted in his followers minds long before the first ballot was cast and when they were finally cast ( see, the isolated cases, see, it's 'proof' eh? ) and maybe, just maybe, overthrow the election. He is still trying, but it's a sham, and I'm surprised republicans are so lacking in wisdom they can't see how Trump has bamboozled them.

Trump, I gotta hand it to ya, you are a master mind manipulator, the world's best.

2021-06-14 2:07 PM
in reply to: Dawson26

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Subject: RE: Who cares if there are isolated cases of fraud/irregularities?

I'll wait to see what comes out of the audits.....over the guy making his first post. 

2021-06-15 7:17 AM
in reply to: Dawson26

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Who cares if there are isolated cases of fraud/irregularities?

You seriously registered just to post this?

2021-06-15 4:23 PM
in reply to: briderdt

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Who cares if there are isolated cases of fraud/irregularities?
Originally posted by briderdt

You seriously registered just to post this?

I am not sure you noticed but for about a month now, a bunch of one time posters registered and revived old threads in the main forum. The posts are obviously not written by a bot.

Someone is trying to increase traffic on this site.
2021-06-15 5:25 PM
in reply to: marcag

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, Arizona
Subject: RE: Who cares if there are isolated cases of fraud/irregularities?
Originally posted by marcag

Originally posted by briderdt

You seriously registered just to post this?

I am not sure you noticed but for about a month now, a bunch of one time posters registered and revived old threads in the main forum. The posts are obviously not written by a bot.

Someone is trying to increase traffic on this site.

You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers!

Wonder if the owners are trying to sell the site?
2021-06-17 9:41 AM
in reply to: briderdt

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Subject: RE: Who cares if there are isolated cases of fraud/irregularities?
Originally posted by briderdt

You seriously registered just to post this?

My guess is it’s a troll who was lurking this forum but didn’t want to damage his BT rep by coming out as a closed minded liberal so he created a second account for trolling.

The election audits are critical to our democracy. Many sheeple would rather not know about fraud and choose to just “trust the gubment”. I trust gubment for only one thing, to f’ things up!

It all keeps coming back to this question, If there was no massive fraud, why are you so afraid of the audits?

I’ve yet to see hard proof that there was wide spread fraud but the audits are still on-going. Let’s see what they find. If they find nothing then we can all have more confidence in our elections. If they find fraud it will lead to more secure elections going forward.

2021-06-17 10:39 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Who cares if there are isolated cases of fraud/irregularities?
Originally posted by marcag

Originally posted by briderdt

You seriously registered just to post this?

I am not sure you noticed but for about a month now, a bunch of one time posters registered and revived old threads in the main forum. The posts are obviously not written by a bot.

Someone is trying to increase traffic on this site.

Interesting, I did not pay too much attention to that, but now that you mentioned - a one time poster responded to a thread from 2003... Weird :/
2021-06-17 3:44 PM
in reply to: marysia83

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Who cares if there are isolated cases of fraud/irregularities?
Originally posted by marysia83
Interesting, I did not pay too much attention to that, but now that you mentioned - a one time poster responded to a thread from 2003... Weird :/

There were 20 or 30 posts, revived from over 10 years ago, all by different people registered within 24 hours.

Since this is the thread for conspiracy theories, I read on Breibart that it actually may be Russian hackers trying to influence Rog an LB.

Good luck with that Vlad.

2021-06-18 12:51 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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, Arizona
Subject: RE: Who cares if there are isolated cases of fraud/irregularities?
Originally posted by Rogillio

Originally posted by briderdt

You seriously registered just to post this?

My guess is it’s a troll who was lurking this forum but didn’t want to damage his BT rep by coming out as a closed minded liberal so he created a second account for trolling.

The election audits are critical to our democracy. Many sheeple would rather not know about fraud and choose to just “trust the gubment”. I trust gubment for only one thing, to f’ things up!

It all keeps coming back to this question, If there was no massive fraud, why are you so afraid of the audits?

I’ve yet to see hard proof that there was wide spread fraud but the audits are still on-going. Let’s see what they find. If they find nothing then we can all have more confidence in our elections. If they find fraud it will lead to more secure elections going forward.

Election integrity is paramount, no one disputes that and I've seen no one say we should not audit results when actual EVIDENCE warrants such a case. However false accusations come with real world consequences. Maybe you will realize one day this was just a power play based on lies, maybe you won't. Real efforts were made to stop the transition of power, you don't think Trump did everything he possibly could to reverse the results in the absence of evidence? No amount of evidence or lack thereof will change Trumps story about the election and he will continue to spread lies, it blows my mind how easily republicans can just gloss over his extreme narcissism. More than half of republican still believe his voter fraud claims, the events at the capital building never would have happened if it weren't for these lies.

You mentioned you would welcome an investigation of you were accused of murder. I'm sure you would, but if someone convinced a group of people you were guilty and they got you fired from your job, lit your car on fire, and killed your dog I'm sure you wouldn't have such a carefree attitude about it.

"If they find nothing then we can all have more confidence in our elections."

If people were rational and the lies stopped that might be true, but they aren't rational and the lies will continue as they have proved to be an excellent method of control. You seem to have no problem recognizing it when democrats use these tactics, but when your party does the same you really must remember to take off your blinders.
2021-06-18 5:21 AM
in reply to: Synon

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Subject: RE: Who cares if there are isolated cases of fraud/irregularities?
Originally posted by Synon

Originally posted by Rogillio

Originally posted by briderdt

You seriously registered just to post this?

My guess is it’s a troll who was lurking this forum but didn’t want to damage his BT rep by coming out as a closed minded liberal so he created a second account for trolling.

The election audits are critical to our democracy. Many sheeple would rather not know about fraud and choose to just “trust the gubment”. I trust gubment for only one thing, to f’ things up!

It all keeps coming back to this question, If there was no massive fraud, why are you so afraid of the audits?

I’ve yet to see hard proof that there was wide spread fraud but the audits are still on-going. Let’s see what they find. If they find nothing then we can all have more confidence in our elections. If they find fraud it will lead to more secure elections going forward.

Election integrity is paramount, no one disputes that and I've seen no one say we should not audit results when actual EVIDENCE warrants such a case. However false accusations come with real world consequences. Maybe you will realize one day this was just a power play based on lies, maybe you won't. Real efforts were made to stop the transition of power, you don't think Trump did everything he possibly could to reverse the results in the absence of evidence? No amount of evidence or lack thereof will change Trumps story about the election and he will continue to spread lies, it blows my mind how easily republicans can just gloss over his extreme narcissism. More than half of republican still believe his voter fraud claims, the events at the capital building never would have happened if it weren't for these lies.

You mentioned you would welcome an investigation of you were accused of murder. I'm sure you would, but if someone convinced a group of people you were guilty and they got you fired from your job, lit your car on fire, and killed your dog I'm sure you wouldn't have such a carefree attitude about it.

"If they find nothing then we can all have more confidence in our elections."

If people were rational and the lies stopped that might be true, but they aren't rational and the lies will continue as they have proved to be an excellent method of control. You seem to have no problem recognizing it when democrats use these tactics, but when your party does the same you really must remember to take off your blinders.

There is really only one audit or investigation I’m curious to see the results of. A new technology allows a laser scan of paper ballots to see if the paper has ever been folded. IF, they find hundreds or thousands of mail in ballots that have never been folded that to me is a smoking gun and evidence of fraud.

If the number of paper ballots is less than the machine count, that doesn’t prove anything. One could argue some paper ballots were lost or accidentally destroyed.

If the number of votes cast exceeds the number of registered votes, this is suspicious and should be investigated but doesn’t necessarily prove fraud.

If the machines were hacked and someone changed the vote count it would need to be proven by independent computer scientists. The average Joe won’t understand it. But I think the average Joe would understand there cannot be mail in ballots that have never been folded.

We were told for 3 years with great confidence that Trump colluded with the Russians. People were so confident he had done so they impeached him! But after thousands of interviews and 30 million + dollars and millions of documents turned up nothing, Trump was exonerated.

You open an investigation based on reasonable suspicion and then you investigate to find evidence. Least that seems like how it should work. There are hundreds of witnesses who gave sworn affidavits saying they saw something suspicious. This is the basis for the various investigations and audits. But listen to the media and the audits are a result of a disgruntled Trump whining and ‘the big lie’. That’s what the left wants you to believe. But when you drill down past the headlines and talking points you will see there is more than sufficient reasons to question the election integrity.

I’ll say it again, pushing back on audits and investigations of the election shows consciousness of guilt. No other way to see it IMO.

2021-06-18 11:15 AM
in reply to: Rogillio

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, Arizona
Subject: RE: Who cares if there are isolated cases of fraud/irregularities?
Originally posted by Rogillio

There is really only one audit or investigation I’m curious to see the results of. A new technology allows a laser scan of paper ballots to see if the paper has ever been folded. IF, they find hundreds or thousands of mail in ballots that have never been folded that to me is a smoking gun and evidence of fraud.

If the number of paper ballots is less than the machine count, that doesn’t prove anything. One could argue some paper ballots were lost or accidentally destroyed.

If the number of votes cast exceeds the number of registered votes, this is suspicious and should be investigated but doesn’t necessarily prove fraud.

If the machines were hacked and someone changed the vote count it would need to be proven by independent computer scientists. The average Joe won’t understand it. But I think the average Joe would understand there cannot be mail in ballots that have never been folded.

We were told for 3 years with great confidence that Trump colluded with the Russians. People were so confident he had done so they impeached him! But after thousands of interviews and 30 million + dollars and millions of documents turned up nothing, Trump was exonerated.

You open an investigation based on reasonable suspicion and then you investigate to find evidence. Least that seems like how it should work. There are hundreds of witnesses who gave sworn affidavits saying they saw something suspicious. This is the basis for the various investigations and audits. But listen to the media and the audits are a result of a disgruntled Trump whining and ‘the big lie’. That’s what the left wants you to believe. But when you drill down past the headlines and talking points you will see there is more than sufficient reasons to question the election integrity.

I’ll say it again, pushing back on audits and investigations of the election shows consciousness of guilt. No other way to see it IMO.

Has there been an audit or investigation that is actually based on these sworn affidavits? You keep bringing up that people "saw something", but none of the legal challenges seem to be a result of these unarticulated hunches. Yes, you open an investigation to find evidence, you don't jump to the end and attempt to stop the election and tell the American public that the election was a sham before you've discovered any actual evidence. Order of operations is kind of important here.

Curious about your folded ballot investigation since you seen keen on it, has someone discovered mail in ballots that were not folded that would warrant such an investigation? Or is this yet another dart throwing exercise 8 months post-election?

As for what Mueller said, maybe this will clear things up?

Also, the impeachment was due to his political ploy in Ukraine, it had nothing to do with Russia.

2021-06-18 1:21 PM
in reply to: Synon

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Who cares if there are isolated cases of fraud/irregularities?

Why should we believe the results of an "investigation" by a partisan-based and funded organization that I previously showed was not qualified to do this, whose leader has ties to stop the steal nonsense, all conducted in secrecy (trade secrets!) using "lasers" to see if ballots had been folded in a location outside the state of Arizona with no oversight?

I "heard" they are replacing the real ones with fake ones that haven't been folded.  Prove me wrong.  See how ridiculous that sounds?

Rog, you originally dismissed my objection to the credentials (or lack thereof) of the auditing company, stating you could judge their conclusions.  So they say fraud occurred - what are your criteria by which you make your assessment?

2021-06-18 1:52 PM
in reply to: Synon

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Subject: RE: Who cares if there are isolated cases of fraud/irregularities?

Originally posted by Synon
Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by briderdt

You seriously registered just to post this?

My guess is it’s a troll who was lurking this forum but didn’t want to damage his BT rep by coming out as a closed minded liberal so he created a second account for trolling. The election audits are critical to our democracy. Many sheeple would rather not know about fraud and choose to just “trust the gubment”. I trust gubment for only one thing, to f’ things up! It all keeps coming back to this question, If there was no massive fraud, why are you so afraid of the audits? I’ve yet to see hard proof that there was wide spread fraud but the audits are still on-going. Let’s see what they find. If they find nothing then we can all have more confidence in our elections. If they find fraud it will lead to more secure elections going forward.
Election integrity is paramount, no one disputes that and I've seen no one say we should not audit results when actual EVIDENCE warrants such a case. However false accusations come with real world consequences. Maybe you will realize one day this was just a power play based on lies, maybe you won't. Real efforts were made to stop the transition of power, you don't think Trump did everything he possibly could to reverse the results in the absence of evidence? No amount of evidence or lack thereof will change Trumps story about the election and he will continue to spread lies, it blows my mind how easily republicans can just gloss over his extreme narcissism. More than half of republican still believe his voter fraud claims, the events at the capital building never would have happened if it weren't for these lies. You mentioned you would welcome an investigation of you were accused of murder. I'm sure you would, but if someone convinced a group of people you were guilty and they got you fired from your job, lit your car on fire, and killed your dog I'm sure you wouldn't have such a carefree attitude about it. "If they find nothing then we can all have more confidence in our elections." If people were rational and the lies stopped that might be true, but they aren't rational and the lies will continue as they have proved to be an excellent method of control. You seem to have no problem recognizing it when democrats use these tactics, but when your party does the same you really must remember to take off your blinders.

My work is audited all the time....who's isn't? 

Complete and thorough audits should happen in random cities after every election.  Unless you want to pretend voter fraud doesn't exist.  LMAO

2021-06-18 2:48 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Who cares if there are isolated cases of fraud/irregularities?

Originally posted by Left Brain

Originally posted by Synon
Originally posted by Rogillio
Originally posted by briderdt

You seriously registered just to post this?

My guess is it’s a troll who was lurking this forum but didn’t want to damage his BT rep by coming out as a closed minded liberal so he created a second account for trolling. The election audits are critical to our democracy. Many sheeple would rather not know about fraud and choose to just “trust the gubment”. I trust gubment for only one thing, to f’ things up! It all keeps coming back to this question, If there was no massive fraud, why are you so afraid of the audits? I’ve yet to see hard proof that there was wide spread fraud but the audits are still on-going. Let’s see what they find. If they find nothing then we can all have more confidence in our elections. If they find fraud it will lead to more secure elections going forward.
Election integrity is paramount, no one disputes that and I've seen no one say we should not audit results when actual EVIDENCE warrants such a case. However false accusations come with real world consequences. Maybe you will realize one day this was just a power play based on lies, maybe you won't. Real efforts were made to stop the transition of power, you don't think Trump did everything he possibly could to reverse the results in the absence of evidence? No amount of evidence or lack thereof will change Trumps story about the election and he will continue to spread lies, it blows my mind how easily republicans can just gloss over his extreme narcissism. More than half of republican still believe his voter fraud claims, the events at the capital building never would have happened if it weren't for these lies. You mentioned you would welcome an investigation of you were accused of murder. I'm sure you would, but if someone convinced a group of people you were guilty and they got you fired from your job, lit your car on fire, and killed your dog I'm sure you wouldn't have such a carefree attitude about it. "If they find nothing then we can all have more confidence in our elections." If people were rational and the lies stopped that might be true, but they aren't rational and the lies will continue as they have proved to be an excellent method of control. You seem to have no problem recognizing it when democrats use these tactics, but when your party does the same you really must remember to take off your blinders.

My work is audited all the time....who's isn't? 

Complete and thorough audits should happen in random cities after every election.  Unless you want to pretend voter fraud doesn't exist.  LMAO

Why just cities...so you're saying people in the country can't commit fraud? 

I'm quite sure voter fraud (and probably more so, human error) exists on a small scale, and would welcome an independent commission with established, well-accepted means of auditing (like real auditors do) with clear guidelines on thresholds, etc.  Oh WAIT, they already do that!


Excerpt (there's a table at the bottom of the web page with details on what every state does):

Traditional Post-Election Audits: Most audits look at a fixed percentage of voting districts or voting machines (see table below for details) and compare the paper record to the results produced by the voting system. Even in a landslide election, they will count the same number of ballots as they would in a nail-biter election. 

  • 34 states and DC require a traditional post-election audit: Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, California (counties have the option of conducting a risk-limiting audit), Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey (although the state currently does not have machines that produce a paper record and therefore cannot yet meet this requirement), New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio (risk-limiting audits are recommended but not required), Oklahoma, Oregon (counties have the option of conducting a risk-limiting audit), Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington (counties have the option of conducting a risk-limiting audit), West Virginia and Wisconsin.

Traditional post-election audits are usually conducted manually by hand counting a portion of the paper records and comparing them to the electronic results produced by an electronic voting machine. However, some states have a process by which some or all of the audit can be conducted electronically. This may be done with the assistance of a computer or a tabulation device other than the one that was initially used to tabulate results. And, some traditional post-election audits use a "tiered" system, which means a different number of ballots are reviewed, depending on the margin of victory.

2021-06-20 5:07 AM
in reply to: Dawson26

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Subject: RE: Who cares if there are isolated cases of fraud/irregularities?
“ The Arizona Audit continues today with paper evaluation, counting Braille ballots, signature verification, and quality control checks to ensure the final report will stand in court when the findings are released. The paper examination will be completed by June 26.”

So the audit results will be presented to a court and, like all criminal cases, the validity of the evidence will be judged to be valid or not. This is as it should be. The court will determine if the process was “partisan” or not. If they find 52 ballots came from a 1 BR house somebody would need to present a good reason why those votes should not be disqualified.

Maybe the audit report will be like the Mueller report, a big nothing burger? Like all things political, both sides will likely claim vindication. Of course the danger to the left is if the court rules there was fraud, this would embolden a dozen or so other states to conduct similar audits. I’ve read that at least 9 states have sent teams to AZ to review their process. Might not change 2020 but could be the spark to ignite a red wave in 2022?
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Other Resources The Political Joe » Who cares if there are isolated cases of fraud/irregularities? Rss Feed