BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Alice Foeller's Badass Beginners & Enders - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2022-02-28 9:40 PM
in reply to: burner2

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Columbus, Ohio
Coaching member
Subject: RE: Alice Foeller's Badass Beginners & Enders - OPEN
Wow, awesome results on getting faster! That's great improvement!

I don't like the cars, either, but I'm more scared of gravel. Good for you!

2022-03-17 10:03 PM
in reply to: macm


Subject: RE: Alice Foeller's Badass Beginners & Enders - OPEN
Hi, I am just wondering if your training group is still open for new people? If it is, I will post my history/story in a day or two.

Thunder - AJ
2022-03-17 10:05 PM
in reply to: ThunderJammie

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Columbus, Ohio
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Subject: RE: Alice Foeller's Badass Beginners & Enders - OPEN
Yes, welcome! And thanks for posting because I've been shirking my duties. I neglected the group.
Make sure you subscribe to alerts for this thread so you'll notice when someone else posts.

I'd love to hear your story!
2022-03-19 6:47 PM
in reply to: alicefoeller


Subject: RE: Alice Foeller's Badass Beginners & Enders - OPEN
So here is my story,


STORY: I used to be a competitive road cyclist for years then switched to triathlons in my early twenties. I did a few sprints and olympic distance. Trained for HIM but never competed in. Ended up in a horribly bad relationship took a few years to get out of. Then another bad relationship with a few miscarriages.

FAMILY STATUS: Currently in a great relationship with a wonderful guy who is extremely supportive of my endeavours. Has even offered/agreed to compete in the races I do and be my training partner. On the condition I train with him for his fire fighter qualifications.

CURRENT TRAINING: I have a variety of “training plans”. I have one for individual sport. Most of them are some variation from BT & Joel Friel’s Triathlete’s Training Bible.

THIS YEARS RACES: Guelph Lake 2022 (Labour Day) with boyfriend (will be his first sprint)... There will be more planned once training picks up more – probably before Labour Day.

WEIGHT LOSS: It is definitely a struggle keeping up with the body I want/used to have prior to my miscarriages. Need to lose about 50lbs (which will happen with time and training more).

Thunder - AJ
2022-03-19 8:05 PM
in reply to: ThunderJammie

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Columbus, Ohio
Coaching member
Subject: RE: Alice Foeller's Badass Beginners & Enders - OPEN
Sounds like you've been through a lot!
Welcome to our group.
Where are you located?

I'm trying to lose a little weight myself. I'm working with a nutritionist and trainer. I'm shocked that I can restrict my calories a ton and still train really long or short and hard with no problem. I really can't believe it. I've lost 5 pounds in 4 weeks. I follow the same meal plan every day, and then I get two treat meals a week.
2022-03-20 10:59 PM
in reply to: alicefoeller

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: RE: Alice Foeller's Badass Beginners & Enders - OPEN
I competed in the third and final race of my 5K series yesterday. I'm pretty pleased with my performance. But...last Tuesday, which was only a few days before the race, I had the big toenail on my left foot ripped off with a pair of pliers. I had gone into the doc to have it removed, finally, as a result of trauma during the 2018 triathlon season. I don't remember what happened to it; I was hoping it would heal or fall off on its own. Never happened and it finally had to go. I was totally unprepared for the way the nail was removed. I think everyone for three blocks heard my scream! And the doctor wondered why it took me so long to come in and have something done about it. Gee, I wonder?!

So...back to the race...not being able to wear shoes yet, I ran it in my Teva surf 'n' turf sandals. I must have looked pretty funny, and the first mile was pretty slow. I'd only planned to slow walk it so I could collect my finishers medal for the series. Interestingly, my toe stopped hurting after a bit, and I managed a pretty respectable 15:20 pace for my second mile. However, by the time I hit the third mile, my feet and legs were feeling the effects of running in improper footwear, and I slowed down a bit. I finished with a pretty respectable 16:20 pace or something like that. Good enough for fourth--but not last!--in my age group. Also, I realized as I crossed the finish line that I hadn't even thought about my knee. I don't know if it was because I was distracted by my toe, or if it was because it just didn't bother me. I didn't even need to ice it.

As for the weight loss others have mentioned...I, too, have become a bit "fluffy," in part because of my health issues and also pandemic-induced inactivity. Losing weight is a lot harder for me now than it was in 2014 when I lost 130 pounds. I seemed to have had more motivation then. Also, cooking healthy meals was easier when I had a kitchen. I'm mostly off the grid now, splitting my time between living in an RV and a tiny cabin. Swinging by the deli is so much easier than dealing with cooking over a single burner and washing dishes without running water. The deli is what got me in trouble in the first place!

2022-03-21 9:17 AM
in reply to: alicefoeller


Subject: RE: Alice Foeller's Badass Beginners & Enders - OPEN

I am from Toronto Ontario

Thunder - AJ
2022-03-26 4:28 PM
in reply to: burner2

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Columbus, Ohio
Coaching member
Subject: RE: Alice Foeller's Badass Beginners & Enders - OPEN
Congrats on completing the series! Sounds like you really were committed to completing and did it no matter what.
I am nauseated by your description of the toenail removal. That's really terrible.

Interesting hearing about your accommodations. I have an RV and have thought about full-timing it, or at least going out for longer stretches, once my kids go off to college. Your RV doesn't have a kitchen? I don't have hot water in mine, either, but I do have a real stovetop and I heat up water in the microwave. I sort of can't imagine sticking to my plan in those circumstances, but then again I'm doing a 2500-mile road trip in the car with my kids and I've prepackaged all of my nutrition and have everything all set up.
2022-04-03 11:14 AM
in reply to: macm

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Subject: RE: Alice Foeller's Badass Beginners & Enders - OPEN
Is this group still open?
2022-04-05 6:49 PM
in reply to: macm

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Subject: RE: Alice Foeller's Badass Beginners & Enders - OPEN
Apparently this is a dead forum so I will move on.
2022-04-05 8:00 PM
in reply to: scoty

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Columbus, Ohio
Coaching member
Subject: RE: Alice Foeller's Badass Beginners & Enders - OPEN
You're welcome in! Just please understand we don't always reply immediately. I was out of town on a long trip all last week and didn't see your post on Sunday as a result - it came to my email, but my Out of Office was on and I have been digging out of course over the last couple of days.

Please tell us about yourself!

2022-05-18 4:42 AM
in reply to: alicefoeller


Subject: RE: Alice Foeller's Badass Beginners & Enders - OPEN
Thanks for the post
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