Subject: RE: FireFox 2.0 AnnoyanceIf you really like "normal" new windows to open in a new tab while having the Inspires still come up in it's own window, it can be done. Mine is setup this way, but it's been a while since I set it up. This is what I think I did (going from memory here )
Keep the "New pages should be opened in" to "A New Tab", then:
if "Block pop-up windows" is checked,
In "address of website", type "" and click the "Allow" button
I think this will allow the Inspire to "pop-up" to be in it's own window regardless of the "Tabs" setting.
The window may now be huge, though. To get it back to the "normal" size:
Click the "Advanced" button next to the "Enable Javascript (which should be checked )"
check the Allow Javascript to "move or resize existing windows".
Now, other new windows will still come up as a new tab, but the inspire window will pop-up in it's own (and other site's popups are still blocked ).